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File: 45 KB, 750x429, EUlEkkcUUAERl5t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17697187 No.17697187[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books explain the sudden revival of Christianity among youngsters?

>> No.17697208

It's mostly ironic, being Christian is kinda considered counter-culture now? Also the rise of encouraging "clean living" and being able to take the moral high-ground against coomers, incels, etc.,

I doubt that any of them have actually read the bible in any capacity though

>> No.17697211

The Holy Bible.

>> No.17697216

contrarianism and its a niche 4chan thing, most normies are deinvested in religion

>> No.17697217

is there a revival of Christianity? I thought stonks were going down.

>> No.17697261

Leftists will roll their eyes, but conservative/"trad" aesthetics and beliefs are becoming the counterculture. The youth will flock to any counterculture, including this one.

>> No.17697287

based zoomer pooper can you post your twitter handle, my love?

>> No.17697306

>Tradcath zoomers
Does this mean the synthesis will finally be based trad communism?

>> No.17697314
File: 98 KB, 1024x552, leviticus 20-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahah im such a le based tracath
>also i want to fuck femboys
I fucking hate twitter zoomers

>> No.17697320

There's no such thing as trad communism. That's an oxymoron.

>> No.17697321

he is not one of us

>> No.17697324

Even a religious reactionary conservative like CS Lewis realized that heaven was essentially a communist state. Traditionalism and communism are not nearly as far apart as ((((they))))) want you to believe.

>> No.17697332

>old testament

>> No.17697334

someone should dm him leviticus 20:13

>> No.17697338

Yes there is, Marx himself was pretty trad and hated niggers and Jews, and wanted a society with meaning instead of soulless consumerism

>> No.17697348

didn't early Christians essentially live in something similar to a commune?

>> No.17697351

Romans 1:26-27

For this reason [viz. idolatry], God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error.

Get fucked faggot

>> No.17697352

Femboys are not really "male" though. Neither are trannies. God didn't predict them so it doesn't apply.

>> No.17697360

>nooooo le femboys and trannies are based!!!!!
You can't claim to be a christian and also a homosexual

>> No.17697361

While living the life of a rootless bohemian living off of inherited wealth.

>> No.17697365

People are just sick of living in a shitfucked world surrounded by literal shitfuckers. Doesn’t take a book to understand that.

>> No.17697371


>> No.17697372
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>> No.17697373
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kill yourself

>> No.17697381

Why would you worship the literal shitfuck that created both though, if anything you would go for Gnosticism instead

>> No.17697387

>be God
>create homosexuals
>eh don't do anything now or you will be punished!
Why is the Christian God so evil and twisted

>> No.17697390

living the neet dream

>> No.17697396

Satan created them, not God.

>> No.17697407

homophobia is a sin. your hate will put you in hell.
read that passage in the greek.

>> No.17697412

Fear is not a sin, but hate ultimately is. We must love. We must love. We must love.

>> No.17697415
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Kike detected

>> No.17697437
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>kikes openly spread homosexuality and degeneracy amongst young men and women
You're gonna die of aids lmao

>> No.17697447

>Satan has the power of creation
based heretic

>> No.17697458

Marx didn't believe in such a thing as meaning and being a product of your time doesn't make you a traditionalist. Communism is the antithesis of tradition, it's constant revolution. The whole point of communism is to end the spontaneous evolutionary process of society (tradition being the created body) and replace it with individual planning.

>> No.17697483

“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil;
Pride and arrogance and the evil way
And the perverted mouth, I hate."

"You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of joy above Your fellows."

>> No.17697486

>that propic
>based zoomer pooper
I fucking hate subversive irony "culture" or however you want to call it
this aggravating tendency of being le ironic buttboi commie/fascist/monarchist/marxist/globalist/maoist/christian/muslim tranny with anime avatars, cringy valley girl speech patterns that buy into philosophies and/or political movements as an excuse to LARP while also integrating said movements into sexual debauchery
why does everything be stripped of meaning and purpose? you have neolib literal robots on one hand and these travesties on the other, what happened to taking things seriously?

>> No.17697493
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proactively refuted by Plato

>> No.17697494

>why does everything be stripped of meaning and purpose?
Nothing had it in the first place. Humanity is slowly coming to the realize that our civilization is built on lies.

>> No.17697505
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false-flagging kike

>> No.17697508
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political discourse hasn't been in many measure serious since gamergate. the 2016 elections basically spelled its absolute death. you'd probably have to move all the way back to WWII or maybe even before that to get genuine sincerity as a dominant element

>> No.17697517

I can't find them on twitter

>> No.17697519

Hegelian dialectics aren't real

>> No.17697521
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Unfortunately, it's just a phase. Teenagers tend to seek attention with obnoxious contrarian stances through music and clothing, but also sociopolitical views which also include religion.
Most of these live in either atheist or protestant places in the US or EU, so they feel like they'll gain some attention from their '68 hippie loser parents.
They don't really go to church and attend the Holy mass, they don't have the attention span for it due to twitter, instagram and tiktok turning their brains to cotton candy - hence putting a random anime kike infront of the Vatican flag.
If they lived in an actually tradcath surrounding, they'd go for soemthing different like Hinduism or Islam.

On the other side (supposedly left or whatever), witchraft is also gaining some pace amongst young women, which was a male trend in the recent past through dungeons & dragons and similar magick bullshit.

I just continue to go to my cathedral every Sunday as I've been doing for all my life, reading the daily liturgy and praying the rosary, like pretty much everyone I know.
I'm glad that the trend is finally something positive, but in a few months it's just gonna be some other nazbol/ancap/anprim/ingsoc/cockballs crap, as it always goes.

>> No.17697523

It's almost like all of those are fucking ridiculous and you'd have to be literally mentally ill to take them seriously
Maybe God should have written a Bible that isn't cringe

>> No.17697527

enjoy your aids

>> No.17697532

>500 sexual partners
You realize how hard that is to do? There is no way that is an accurate stat

>> No.17697542


>> No.17697543


>> No.17697549


Sin is caused by mans rejection of god. Satan and his demons aid in drawing someone to sin.

>> No.17697550
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>> No.17697558

i cant either
he probs deleted his account when he realized he was a degenerate

>> No.17697571

How is jerking off to fictional traps a sin??

>> No.17697573
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he is not Catholic

>> No.17697577

ideologues will try to put Word of God into a neat corner of their spreadsheet, I'll ask God for forgiveness for wishing them eternal hell

>> No.17697581

Idk, God doesn't even say anything about anime in the bible. Christcucks are just coping

>> No.17697583

behold, the modern tradcath

>> No.17697593

virtue signal from annoying atheist turned to obnoxious nazis through the culture war.

>> No.17697611

it is an abomination and abuse of nature

>> No.17697614


>> No.17697615

> which was a male trend in the recent past through dungeons & dragons and similar magick bullshit.
Ridiculous assertion. Today's devout Christians are evidently as out of touch with social trends as they were 50 years ago.

>> No.17697631

>Today's devout Christians are evidently as out of touch with social trends as they were 50 years ago.
and that's a good thing

>> No.17697640
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About both why the culture seems to be disintegrating and why Christianity is the most likely next step.

>> No.17697643
File: 557 KB, 1500x1125, Fulton Sheen quote02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just continue to go to my cathedral every Sunday as I've been doing for all my life, reading the daily liturgy and praying the rosary, like pretty much everyone I know.
based precepts of the Church follower

>> No.17697645

zoomers don't care about anything other than instant gratification on the internet. everything they do is fickle and serves only to receive more dopamine from the digital anima

>> No.17697653

Literally autism. I can assure you every single "anime Tradcath zoomer" is 100% clinically diagnosed with autism. People ITT are thinking way too deep.

>> No.17697654

If only it were true.

>> No.17697664

I'm an aspie and I can assure you I'm not even half as retarded as the average "trad" twitter zoomer

>> No.17697668

I agree. They sooner they self-isolate and lose the last shreds of relevance in society, the better.

>> No.17697685

>t. ranny

>> No.17697691

In 2006 all these edgy tradcath fags would have been fedora atheists.

>> No.17697692
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>relevance in society
>mattering for a Catholic

>> No.17697695

Rent free.

>> No.17697701

I love to watch old Fulton vids, but due to this quote I try never to assert myself as some holier-than-tho uptight ass, cause I am very very far from being an example to anyone.

However, if scolding is due - I will scold, that's the duty of every Christian.

>> No.17697709
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>> No.17697710

What a new and revolutionary take!

>> No.17697717

I think you agree with the post you're replying to.

>> No.17697720

Simplest take because it's the truth.
Should I write an essay to describe something that only needs three words?
>Cringe larping child
Have fun.

>> No.17697723

Through birth rates they will become society.

>> No.17697765
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>> No.17697780

no because atheist tech cultists will either invent vat babies and produce people on an industrial scale to endlessly perpetuate economic growth
people wont have parents in the future the way we don't have our village communities today.

>> No.17697811

At this point economies will not exist, everything will be automated and normies won't even live in physical reality anymore. The demographic takeover will happen over the next 150 years. The groups we're talking about double in number every 20 years or so, meaning rapid exponential growth.

>> No.17697822
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when was the last time you went to church OP? there was nobody younger than 50 early this year that i saw. if anything christianity is as dead as ever

>> No.17697835

You assume religion is hereditary.

>> No.17697838
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Communism is incompatible with Christianity as it is an atheist ideology with belief in the material being, science and human nature being rational. A communist heaven would be a heaven without God.

>> No.17697846

Leviticus 18:22: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind. It is an abomination"
how do christfags cope with the fact they aren't in control of the social narrative anymore?

>> No.17697851

>female pastor
>pro lgbt
God I hate protestants

>> No.17697852

Awful take. It is so blatantly obvious that your opinions are shaped explicitly by posts on the internet.

>> No.17697860

>be chemist
>create heroin
>people take heroin, gradually lose sensitivity, OD, and die
>it is the chemist's fault for this

>> No.17697868

It is

>> No.17697870

Wrong, random twitter screenshot are irrefutable proof of random hot takes. Since OP doesn't have any friends and doesn't really go outside, reality is not relevant.

>> No.17697877

You don't know what you got till it's gone, as they say.

>> No.17697878

It is culturally heritable and becomes more so with growing numbers. We also know about genetic predeliction for ideologies. What's definitely happening is that 'genetic conservatism' is growing exponentially and almost the opposite is happening with its counterpart.

>> No.17697886
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Though a small segment of Catholics, most traditional Catholics are found to be on the younger side

>> No.17697888

So it's okay as long as you don't actually have physical sex

>> No.17697893

The anime tradcath zoomers should just take the anime tranny communists as their rightful tradwives in a grotesque parody of a normal loving heterosexual relationship. They have a lot in common like growing up without a father, autism, delusional worldview, they are both massive perverts so thats what they really want.

>> No.17697901

There is no gay gene, it's scientifically proven that people aren't born gay and aren't created gay.

>> No.17697903

How do the pol zoomers reconcile hating other races with Catholicism? They chose the wrong religion if they hate browns.

>> No.17697910

well, Christianity being counter-culture actually brings it in line with what it was originally, so i dont mind it at all.

>> No.17697915

It is

>> No.17697916

If it's that easy, why did catholicism shit the bed so hard in Europe, where large parts of the population were tradcath just a century ago?

>> No.17697921

>ho do Christians reconcile the you shalt not kill with all the murders they committed through history

>> No.17697923

>“The Church readily approves of, and follows with her maternal blessing, all regulations and practical efforts that, in the spirit of wisdom and moderation, lead to the evolution and increase of the potentialities and powers which spring from the hidden sources of life of each race. She does, however, lay down one provision, namely, that these regulations and efforts must not clash with the duties incumbent on all men in virtue of the common origin and destiny of all mankind” (Pope Pius XII, Summi pontificatus).

basically it's okay to be proud of your race or heritage. Just don't put it on the level of idolatry and above God.

>> No.17697928

mean just ask around 'trans' people how many of them got molested, how many of them have literal autism or are obsessed with furries and anime pornography, how they all parrot the same ideological sjw gibberish like they are robots or brainwashed cult members, and how genuinely freakish the supposedly passable ones look. liberated unique individuals these are miserable, sheepish mentally ill people being used by corporate social engineering agendas, having surrendered all freedom to think for themselves to consumerism woke capitalism and the liberal media the only freedom they have left is that to mutilate their own bodies through technology. Their concepts of 'gender identity' which they substitute for a personality are cliches shamelessly derived from anime and pornography. Which would be fine by me if they just wanted to be left alone but they seem to be driven by the sick desire to inflict their perversion on children. To censor and supress all those who dare to dissent from their putrid ideology if you see these "people" coming after your kids, trying to impose an ideology against the will of the vast majority of the population with big pharma money and corporate backing you are not going to shut up and take it, you are gonna call it for what it is:cultural marxism

>> No.17697933

People need to stop sleeping on Rand's epistemology.

>> No.17697936

Greeks aren't Eurooean anyways.
Romans observed celts and germanics as indulging in homosecual behavior.

>> No.17697937

There are no /pol/ Catholics, we moved on to paganism when we realized Christianity is kiked and pozzed.

>> No.17697941

I've never met another person on the internet who promulgated that view. In my case it's a result of going from communism to libertarianism to conservatism and all of that happened through books.

>> No.17697942

They cannot, unless they've had a Catholic education, they've likely never read or studied Christian theology and doctrine whatsoever.

>> No.17697969

I never really undersstood what the big deal about zoomer catholics was until I read some actual Christian doctrinal works
now its apparent that what they are doing is almost as holy as just being atheist. honestly the silent "heathen" is probably better for the "church" then a loud half-blasphemer

>> No.17697979

The tradcath zoomers will still go to heaven, cope. There's no excuse to not believe in God

>> No.17697993

This has to be copypasta, right? No one would go on an unprompted rant about trannies like that, replying to a "rent free" that was in response to (I guess the same person) interjecting trannies into a completely unrelated discussion. No one could be that obsessed with trannies. Right?

>> No.17697997

Cultural marxism is a worse religion than christianity. The old christian clergy at least were discreet with the child raping and kept it at a respectable level, the new woke clergy(lgbt) want to brainwash us into thinking it is something progressive and normal. I mean the queer wont grant me eternal life or even forgive me for the sins of my bigotted white ancestors so im just saying it would be pretty funny if we could get together two planks of wood and a bucketful of nails and actually crucify that fucker for real.

>> No.17698000


>> No.17698011

I'm not sure I understand this. Can you use that text as a justification to refuse asylum to another Catholic group of a distinct race and culture?

>> No.17698023

how long until you realize paganism literally means nothing by itself and that the greeks were faggots and Romans were literal dog fucking degenerates?
you are as rootless as the bug men you incessantly cry about

>> No.17698030

That's a very interesting question. Concerning genetics the underlying cause is likely that until recently it wasn't specifically selected for since everyone had kids. Other than that obviously cultures change, I think the mainstream view would be that the world wars had a catastrophic impact although traditionalists would put that a lot further back. I haven't formed an opinion on this yet - how did Catholics came to behave like atheists? I guess it took some time to form a reaction against the modern world. We all are creatures of society and if you do not consciously react against it you will be moved. They propably didn't even notice what was happening. Maybe their faith had just become habit. That's denounced quite a bit in the bible and usually addressed by a prophetic figure.

>> No.17698038

it's complicated. The catechism says you should welcome immigrants to the extent that you are able. But it also says that the immigrants should respect the cultures and laws of the countries. I gave you that text based on racial views not immigration.
>CCC: 2241)Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.

>> No.17698039

I prefer by far to live amongst devout brown catholics that around white lgbt ideologues or social marxists

>> No.17698050

sorry i meant to reply to >>17698011

>> No.17698074

>replies with cope
spoke just like a BASED zoomer tradcath

>> No.17698082

I mean i was initially sympathetic to these people sure they might be pervs but they seem harmless enough, but their own nonstop propaganda backed by corporations and liberal media eventually made me crack and realize how deranged they are and how its cultural marxism mass censorship and a defacement of humanity through technology, if anything im angry at the nwo for failing to properly indoctrinate me, i just want to make the horror stop

>> No.17698137

fuckin illiterate /pol/tards amirite xddd

>> No.17698147

wrong, it is through suffering that we become closer to Christ.

>> No.17698169

> i just want to make the horror stop
> what am i to do?
> i know, i will shit up this unrelated thread with my views on transsexuality

>> No.17698213

These people are hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to rape abuse and indoctrinate children on a deliberate and systematic basis

>> No.17698234

You have confused conservatives with transgenders yet again anon.

>> No.17698244

I didn't write anything on trans people, just religion.

>> No.17698268

Sorry, man, I meant

>> No.17698269

[the bible]

>> No.17698270

If you are reading old books being religious in private or having opinions unapproved by corporate media the woke lgbt crowd will sense that as a threat to their existance. Make no mistake tjese are radicals highly disturbed and ideological

>> No.17698610

did you think you were clever posting this

>> No.17698841

demons by dostoyevsky

>> No.17698895


>> No.17698919

Did you think you were clever replying this?
You were given a challenge greater than that given to other men. Instead of overcoming that challenge, you gave in to it and called your failure the fault of the game.

>> No.17698990

i didn’t read this lol

>> No.17699257

The first Christians in Jerusalem were communists. Monestaries and Amish townships are run as communes.

>> No.17699354

You reduce communism to its economic apologia (in this case of familial sharing) and extrapolate from the consensual microcosm to a societal gulag. The essence of communism is the rejection of hierarchy, that's the goal, everthing else just a means to arrive there. Nothing could be further from Christianity where every act and thought is weighed and judgement dispensed accordingly. There's no such thing as justice in communism. As a Christian you can interpret communism as a satanic parody of Christinanity, an inversal.

>> No.17699370

From the man himself:
>To that extent a Christian society would be what we now call Leftist. On the other hand, it is always insisting on obedience… If there were such a society in existence and you or I visited it, I think we should come away with a curious impression. We should feel that its economic life was very socialistic and, in that sense, “advanced,” but that its family life and its code of manners were rather old-fashioned—perhaps even ceremonious and aristocratic. Each of us would like some bits of it, but I am afraid very few of us would like the whole thing…

I agree, but what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?

>> No.17699390


>> No.17699395

rightists belong in camps

>> No.17699411

imagine looking at this and taking it at face value. you could take a look at half of those stats and even just more than a second of critical thinking would make you realize that those points don't have anything to do with being gay. For instance, the point about drug use is misleading. A lot (not all, obv) of people who were abused growing up turn to drugs. Then think about the amount of young gay people kicked out of their homes by their parents, shunned by their family/community/friends and then imagine the other abuse that those people may have faced and then you realise that their drug addiction is not a product of their homosexuality but of their environment, upbringing, etc. If you then think that they deserve it then whatever, but to act like it just comes to them naturally is disingenuous. Also, the point of alcoholism is brought up, but does that mean that any group that is more likely to abuse alcohol is a plague to society? Like lawyers, for instance, They have a high rate of alcoholism. So do surgeons and police officers. So unless you think that these groups are at least somewhat as bad as homosexuals, then you are willing to admit that drug abuse is more a product of environment and whatnot rather than an innate quality in someone.

tl;dr correlation does not equal causation or whatever.

>> No.17699413

Socially conservative communism is pretty much all communism outside of contemporary America. So it’s not exactly weird or surprising.

>> No.17699416

who cares?

>> No.17699431

average rightoid iq on display here

>> No.17699433

They're struggling to find a solid cultural identity in a world that has put all of it in a blender called the internet and turned it up to 11. Religion and other traditionalisms give the appearance of solidity. Thing is zoomers cannot escape their conditions. The "trad" ones of them can't help but have a twisted vision of it because there is nothing there but the ideas, there is no social representation of it in others. So tradition is ungrounded. The end up mixing internet-induced degeneracy with it, displaying homosexual urges for "traps" and keeping a dildo in their closet while their minds inevitably reduce everything to ironical memes.

>> No.17699439

What’s the matter with these internet tradcath zoomers who love trannies? Can somebody explain this phenomenon?

>> No.17699445

intelligent people

>> No.17699453

does anyone else think it's kind of hilarious how fucked up zoomies are? like holy shit that entire generation has schizophrenia, they were literally raised on fucking AI clickbait randomly generated youtube videos, jewish propaganda, and social media "influencers". it's like we've decided to speedrun this whole social decay thing and just hit the wall at the maximum possible speed and see what happens
we're going to see some great things come out of them when they get old enough to buy firearms, just you guys wait

>> No.17699485

I'm 26 and have been on the Internet non stop since I was like 8
The Internet isn't a problem it's a combination of social media and changes in the school system. I got out of school just as the new wave of politically correct shit was coming through, I saw it with my younger siblingsm

>> No.17699646
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>> No.17699667

>t. anti-stalinism gang

>> No.17699680

I dunno man, I'd guess the people who made a whole picture filled with citations and long-winded points might care just a little. But whatever, I guess it's pointless to argue about this on 4chan.

>> No.17699684

the reason zoomers do this is because they hate the modern world. they hate all the agenda pushing and political correctness along with the hedonistic lives popular media glorifies. they think by “giving up the material world” they are rebelling or rejecting what they hate. ultimately it is all a larp and will solve nothing, despite their claims to the contrary. it’s honestly kind of funny how they think that being trad makes the elites seethe or harm their plans, let alone notice it at all.

>> No.17699717

yeah, but at least for him you can tell his heart is in the right place

>> No.17699854

>43% of gay men have had over 500 sexual partners
Is that because of environment too?

>> No.17699869

Social isolation and neoliberalism

>> No.17699881

>christians were communists 1500 years before communism was invented


>> No.17699935

But it is

>> No.17699954

I highly doubt that statistic
We're they surveying male prostitutes? That'd also explain the drug abuse

>> No.17700226

Literally wait until they grow older. They will either grow a pair, grow disillusioned with politics, or become one of those old guys with extremist ideas that complains all the time but does absolutely nothing (there is always one of those at Marxist parties).

>> No.17700259

aesthetics and a lack of education/exposure to culture
they're not really deciding to be Christian, they're just looking for something available to identify with

>> No.17700646

Yeah the only way to regain sanity as a sooner is reading pomo

>> No.17700720

>when youre so retarded that you BTFO yourself without realizing

>> No.17700756

Yes, but they both are deeply utopian and globalist. One could go so far as to say that communism and capitalism are the final products of the Christian mind.

>> No.17700782

Is he wrong though?

>> No.17701291

>Leftist historians changed it to their narrative
>I-I'm sure Plato and Aristotle being copied by biased christfag priest h-hasn't distorted their views, rite guys???
Christoids should be banned for using any Platonism to support their claims after closing the academy desu. Holy fuck I'm so glad it's the last revolt of obscurantist contrarian zoomers.

>> No.17701307

There isn't any revival. Practically all young people I know even ones that grew up in the church don't give a fuck about actually studying and living by the bible.

>> No.17701331

so this is the power of tradcaths

>> No.17701355

What are laws?

>> No.17701360

Gay larp

>they don’t attend holy mass
No shit nobody wants to get molested anymore. All of the online LARPers are catholic. Cock sucking Hypocrite faggots like yourself don’t like “Protestantism” cuz there aren’t cool aesthetics to post along with it on the internet

>> No.17701367

Maybe you didn’t get the memo, but you’re fucking POPE is a leader of globohomo

>> No.17701420

when was communism invented?

>> No.17701431

im not a catholic, or orthodog, or oriental, or mormon, or any of that crap
im just a dude who believes in god and loves jesus