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/lit/ - Literature

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17692956 No.17692956 [Reply] [Original]

How did this book become so insanely popular and influential ? All the normies at my work are getting redpilled by it and talking about it

>> No.17692970

I havent read it but I like that its title has been so accurate. White people on here get all freaked out if you call them fragile.

>> No.17692973

Herd mentality.

>> No.17692981

>How did this book become so insanely popular and influential ?

only in the US

>> No.17692986

And among US leftoids.

>> No.17692991


>> No.17693002

Large companies pushed it hard. Amazon gave it away for free and plastered it on their front page after George Floyd overdosed.

>> No.17693003

White people, or /pol/tards?
stop pretending you actually interact with any people

>> No.17693024

It's a life anon, how can you be so cruel?

>> No.17693042

all life is worthless

>> No.17693063

Nice fragility

>> No.17693075

Kafkian trap designed by resentful people who use sophistry to lash out
No one with half a brain cell would take this seriously

>> No.17693095

Americans should read more Soviet literature

>> No.17693102


No wonder big companies would advertise it. The rhetoric that this shitheap pushes, namely white people's emotions and the need to change their behaviour to make a better society , completely obfuscates the root causes of turmoil like labour exploitation and the ever increasing inequality gap

It's mind boggling how cynical ad campaigns banking on wokeism like nike get a free pass because of wypipo thinking= bad rhetoric that books like these push

>> No.17693157

>All the normies at my work are getting redpilled by it and talking about it
Redpilled or wokepilled? Are they reading it and thinking "this is a load of shit, I can't believe academia is pushing this shit", or are they thinking "woah so profound, I should self flagellate and fellate Jamal for the crimes of our forefathers"

>> No.17693158

it was astroturfing 1000%

>> No.17693165

>white people react negatively to being called evil
woah say it ain't so. next time a black guy chimps out and beats the shit out a white guy for using the hard R, remind me to point out their "black fragility", dumbass.

>> No.17693167

Say anything vaguley positive about European history and watch as progressive black intellectuals become apoplectic. This fragility racket is hypocritical in the extreme.

>> No.17693178

>calls people racist
>people dont like that and stop talking to her
Wow much fragile

>> No.17693181

Normalfag topics.

>> No.17693187

Kafka trap.

To refute this kind of bullshit, see this review:


>> No.17693189 [DELETED] 

Anyone want to pre-order my book "Kike Fragility"?
I haven't written any of it yet but it goes along the lines of
"Hey maybe you should stop bombing the Palestinians with phosphorous and stop trying to subvert the sovereignty of every other nation in order to subjugate the goyim in preparation for your messianic prophecy?"

>> No.17693201

This thread exemplifies why it did so well. For better or worse, it gets people talking. White people see “white fragility” and it sends an almost alarm-like signal to their brain; “this book thinks I’M fragile!?” And so the discourse is created

>> No.17693208

>/pol/ culture of critique threads get deleted all the time
>/leftypol/ white fragility threads always stay up
Is there anything more dehumanizing than being a janny?

>> No.17693220

she defines white fragility as any kind of disagreement with her notion that whites can never be right about race and blacks can never be wrong (which only works as long as each race only holds one set of opinions but no matter). she gives silence or hostile body language and hostile body language as examples of ways that white fragility can manifest. she even goes so far as to say that white women must not be allowed to cry in font of blacks. the stats she uses to prove that whites have systemic advantages over blacks only work when jews are counted as white. she also claims that whites are more dangerous to blacks than the other way around. its a useless book full of her virtue signaling but at least it wasn't very long.

>> No.17693233

Lefties are very good at subverting, they're usually the ones that want to become jannies

>> No.17693237

>she even goes so far as to say that white women must not be allowed to cry in font of blacks.
This is right though. It's fucking pathetic. White women are pathetic. She is pathetic. They shouldn't cry in front of anyone, they deserve no sympathy. White women are the most privileged people alive right now and they deserve none of it. They certainly don't deserve to have their dumbass polemic books bought.

>> No.17693246

>hr departments
>twitch moderators
what do all of these things have in common? they are "positions" in which an individual dedicates his/her entire existence towards moderating discourse regarding a certain person/topic, abuse their feeble powers and basically having their whole lives revolving around policing naughty words on the internet
they are like the sheep in animal farm, their neolib corporate overlords have gotten quite capable of recruiting these pets

>> No.17693247

>after George Floyd overdosed
That's not what fucking happened retard

>> No.17693257

women are women. the will always be women.

>> No.17693263

You're defending a guy with a persistent record of abuse, theft, fraud and drug abuse. He'd still be alive if he were a decent human being.

>> No.17693269


>> No.17693273
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Imagine actually reading this

>> No.17693318

No, he'd still be alive if he wasn't fucking murdered

>> No.17693332

so would all of the other people who are killed by a disproportionately high number of black perps.

>> No.17693335

he was filth, objectively speaking
not only did journos and simpletons alike jump to conclusions before even having an autopsy report or a court trial, but they also started hailing this guy as the second coming of Christ because it was not enough as a narrative that a bad person got unlawfully shot by the police, but that he was also a saint, which is utterly laughable. Americans really are convinced they are living in their own little drama series

>> No.17693341

Timing and delightful to the reactionary zeitgeist during the Drumpf era.

>> No.17693358

>All the normies at my work are getting redpilled by it and talking about it
Right, because we all know /pol/tards have jobs and colleagues
Quit your trolling and kys, and fuck all you retards who keep on feeding the trolls

>> No.17693365

meds NOW

>> No.17693367

Thats not the point anon, he was murdered, his moral character is irrelevant. Had he been shot during a robbery, your argument would be valid. However, he had been already punished for his crimes and this time around, he was unlawfully killed by a cop and that is illegal and the cop must be charged with murder. The way you talk and rationalize your arguments makes you look like a very sheltered 16 year old edgy conservative, you don't seem like you read any books. In case you have forgotten, this is a literature board.

>> No.17693377

Because lefties never dehumanize people, and justify violence upon people they don't like.

>> No.17693389

>he was murdered
so you're not even reading what I said? jumping to conclusions without an autopsy or a court trial is pitchfork "justice". You are not forensic scientists or lawyers, you cannot be trusted to objectively determine anything.
The rest of your post stems from this faulty premise so I won't bother. If it is determined that he was indeed murdered the police officer should be charged accordingly.
>assumptions assumptions
I'm not a conservative and I'm reading Don Quixote at the moment, which is a far better use of my time than shilling the hack "book" in the OP
now go back to your discord.

>> No.17693396

Huh? What's that got to do with anything retard? I don't care about some nigger dying but your entire argument is so unbelievably retarded.

>lefties are ok with murder so I'm ok with murder too
>Y lefties ok me not ok

>> No.17693404

>he way you talk and rationalize your arguments makes you look like a very sheltered 16 year old edgy conservative, you don't seem like you read any books.
no anon, I bet he's even worse. I bet he's like totally like an evil fascist nazist trumpist or something
like he deserves to die, or at the very least get doxxed, right comrade? it's like he's like not even like human at this point

>> No.17693407

>I'm reading Don Quixote at the moment

In English, no doubt

>> No.17693412

>advocates for murder
>gets called out

>> No.17693411


>> No.17693418

bait or genuinely brain damaged tourist, given the absolute state of this board as of late i cant even fucking tell

>> No.17693429

No anon, not wanting innocent people to be murdered is not a sign of brain damage.

>> No.17693439


>> No.17693444

Yes? He had already served time for all the crimes that he might have commited.

>> No.17693446

strawmanning and shitposting are though
fuck off

>> No.17693448

he hadn't served time for the crime he was being arrested for

>> No.17693454

>oh shit I can't strawman him
>I-I b-bet you're r-reading don quixote in ENGLISH
good one you fucking retard

>> No.17693466
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Any self respecting person would be pissed off to be called fragile. However one word can cause blacks to literally chimp out - its like flippinh a switch.

>> No.17693467

>posts exclusively in bait threads (guns germs and steel, JBP, orwell, di angelo)
>spouts twitter tier garbage
>accuses others of being underage
>accuses others of dumbing down /lit/ while not providing anything in the least insightful
>coordinates retarded raids with his discord buddies
this is the cancer that's ruining /lit/

>> No.17693469
File: 3.18 MB, 1718x966, why are you black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if I were to call you a nigger you would start breaking down so fast that the speed of light wouldn't even compare. Go make some white leftist coom from their victim complex. And when you're done: seethe, cope, and dilate.

>> No.17693470

I work in a STEM related field. My best friend is a physician, we also uzed to be junkies for years. We tried almost every drug out there.
George died of drug overdose.
It's literally undeniable, you'd have to be brainwashed or severely ignorant to think otherwise

>> No.17693471


>> No.17693479

Yeah it is, read the autopsy report

>> No.17693480

go back

>> No.17693489

black fragility detected

>> No.17693496

both wrong lol

>> No.17693507

Shouldn't burgers be sleeping rn?

>> No.17693510


>> No.17693511

It’s pushed institutionally. That’s what people seem not to get. It’s an institutional group-think alignment with ideology rather than any one individual.

>> No.17693513
File: 325 KB, 1536x1784, EvF2VNxXUAA_4Z_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Harvard mean by these acceptance rates

is this the famed institutional racism

>> No.17693534

that is all to make up for centuries and centuries of institutional oppression
this is what equality looks like, unironically, you'll just have to deal with it I guess

>> No.17693561

ah yes, because Black people suffered centuries of oppression under Asian people in the Americas.
You might have looked less retarded if white people actually sat at one extreme in the stats you persistently misrepresent. That way, you would actually be able to construct a narrative where occupying that extreme of the dataset is associated with "privilege" or "being evil".
But when it comes to crime, law enforcement, higher education and income stats, whites are incredibly middling, sitting in between Jews and Asians on one end and Blacks and Hispanics on the other. But of course you find some way to hand-wave that inconvenient truth when it implies that Jews and Asians benefit more from supposed "white supremacy" than whites.

>> No.17693569

>How did this book become so insanely popular and influential
Enemy of my enemy

It's a weapon that utilizes shame, something that conditioning under abrahamics for 1500 years caused whites to be particularly susceptible to.
It's no surprise the background of the author

>> No.17693575

Jaimie pull up the ambulance heart rate monitor

>> No.17693580

>this is what equality looks like
forced and artificial equality of outcome*
Nobody is actually equal here, the test scores and overall competence still show a massive disparity.

>> No.17693591
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They're probably talking about it because she's making huge sums of money running a humiliation campaign
Again. No surprise given the authors background.

>> No.17693592

It was shilled by both left wing and right wing pundits, as well as by the media. The right created outrage; some on the left said "WOW SO TRUE"

>> No.17693603

Like it's absolutely absurd that these characteristics are tied to race
If you said anything like this to other races they would blow tf up

If you don't see this as a threat then you're beyond waking up
Everyone is becoming ingroup conscious now and whites are continually atomized, fractioned, and shamed into self hatred and self loathing

>> No.17693609

Equality is not real
As soon as there is any sort of preference or bias, there is no equality
You are sold lies. You are either being shamed to accept it, or you directly benefit from the narrative

Other groups can be helped. We can change values, etc. But equality will never exist. It is hard coded into nature.

>> No.17693620

>Everyone is becoming ingroup conscious now
That's the thing. Progressives have been agitating for the last 5 or 6 years about the "far right resurgence", the alt-right, white nationalists etc, and yet they lack the self awareness to see that the reason there's been a resurgence is that critical race theory directly contends with the liberal worldview that "race shouldn't matter" (of course, non-whites and non-westerners have resisted deracination too).
Critical race theory forces white people to self-identify as white, and pushes for them to view their whiteness as bad. But of course some white people are going to reject identification with a purely negative construction of "whiteness" and so adopt a more affirmative race consciousness.

>> No.17693633

A worthless drug-addicted life with a massive criminal record. The man broke into a lone pregnant woman's home together with his friends and held her at gunpoint while his friends robbed the house of anything valuable. Dudes a psycho and I am glad he overdosed.

>> No.17693664

Autopsy report showed that he had a deadly dose of fentanyl in his system. He was also high on meth at the same time. Among druggies, it's a common combo called speedballing that regularly kills them.

Meth and other stimulants mask the effects of the opioid. Since the effects of meth outlast heroin, a person’s heart rate may also rapidly change pace. Their heart rate can go from very slow and depressed and then speed up very quickly. A rapid change in heart rate and respiration rate can cause arrhythmias, heart failure, or stroke, which is exactly what happened to George Floyd.

>> No.17693668

>But of course some white people are going to reject identification with a purely negative construction of "whiteness" and so adopt a more affirmative race consciousness.
Yeah but it's pretty interesting how this is breaking down. As we all know Trump lost points with White men from 2016 to 2020(assuming we accept the numbers), but gained with Latinos and Blacks. So the absolute numbers of self-hating Whites are increasing while the remainder are likely becoming more radicalized to White Nationalist politics(It's barely even accurate to call it White Nationalist, it's more like whatever the Proud Boys are, which is distinctly multiracial but has some kind of spectre of White cultural norms hanging over it).

I think we are seeing the emergence of a Brazil type political dynamic in the US, nobody can call Bolsonaro and his followers white supremacists but that's still kind of how his movement scans to progressives.

>> No.17693669

Well... Yeah. The only "Correct" answer to it is essentially self depracation over being white.

>> No.17693686

If people are going around spouting the words "white supremacy" while trying to erase it, you can tell they haven't really thought it through

When things get racial, everyone knows what time it is. You cant make race the main topic and expect people to not get racially conscious. This is liberal thought because they identity-swing. People should take note that when you don't have a stable identity, you're environment will create one for you.
Our internet is wide open. Who's designing current American identity?

>> No.17693693

2 iq post

>> No.17693695

I don't think you can make the leap that white self hatred is increasing from that stat
I think it's increasing but right wingers aren't the type to engage in shit like that
Those numbers have a lot to do with continual media bashing along with trumps failed promises and a general bleak outlook of the political system at large

I wouldn't be surprised if white self loathing started to apex.
A lot of the people pushing it are power obsessed and love the humiliation. They don't know when to lay off the gas and they're going to swing the pendulum too far too fast.

I don't think we will see some huge calamity but I wouldn't be surprised if en masse people started telling liberals to fuck off and began voluntarily segregating.

The whole point of America was to give different groups their own spaces to cultivate their own identities.
Forcing everyone into the same script is not diversity.

>> No.17693697

I feel like they're counting on the years of deracializing programming and atomization to prevent an uprising. They know they can bash whites and project all of society's ills onto them and they'll just take it.
Where they are playing with fire though is the simultaneous rugpulling economically. Bashing someone with nothing to lose is a lot more dangerous.

>> No.17693708

Equality is not real
We can create better starting positions
There are still differences in baked in skills
Cultural values determine what types will rise to the top

If one comedian is funnier than another and pulls in a larger crowd, that comedian now has more following, will make more money, more opportunities.
It's not real. It's a tool to move around money as a means to develop another group.
The standards and values can continually change so we can bring different people up at different times, but you will never have equality, it's an absolute fabrication and outright erases any individuality.

>> No.17693713

>How did this book become so insanely popular and influential ?
You know how when someone self publishes a book they write fake reviews to help sell it? Well imagine that on an industrial scale.

>Random House publishes the book
>Random House slaps the book in front of famous writers and tells them to shill it
>Random House slaps the book in front of talk show hosts and tells them to shill it
>Random House slaps the book in bookstores and tells them it goes front and center by the entrance
>Random House slaps the book in front of academics and tells them to make it part of the curriculum
>now it's on tv, in stores, and in schools, all because Random House gave it to them and told them to shill it
gee I wonder how it got to be so insanely popular and influential. Surely it was by its own merits, right?

>> No.17693719

didnt ask, midwit

>> No.17693721

Uprising in the modern day is unlikely unless it's "allowed". I do think BLM got out of their hands last year for awhile.

What is more likely is chosen segregation.
Groups need their own spaces, however they choose to identify. I don't know why we can't be more honest about that. You don't want to live with roommates with radically different lifestyles than your own.

>> No.17693728

>doesn't fit my delusion

>> No.17693770

He ate his stash when the popo arrived. The stuff takes a while to get processed by the body, meanwhile he's been restrained legally and completely by the book. OD kicks in, nigger dies.
Autopsy showed a lethal concentration of fentanyl in his blood, would've been higher if, you know, his blood had kept circulating.
Rapper Juice wrld did pretty much the same thing at an airport.

>> No.17693771

Literally the only thing Trump meant was 'you don't have to hate yourself for being White'. That was the entire content of the phenomenon, it was a symbolic protest against progressive attacks on Whites. Obviously I'm not discussing Trump's actual effects here since democracy is a meme, just what he symbolized.

The symbolic content of Trumpism appeals to a certain number of Latinos and Blacks because it contains an implicit defense of conservative and masculine values and an American exceptionalism to which they aspire, which in a country that is still majority White can only have the character of a vague pro-White sentiment since it requires basic self-respect. They can sense that their own ability to champion themselves in a conventional sense is in some way contingent on Whites being able to do so, otherwise they will enter the Progressive stack and any of their accomplishments(apart from meme accomplishments given to them by Progressives in exchange for fealty) will be in danger of becoming 'privilege', and they have to accept feminism and gays and whatever. This is obviously a minority position for those ethnic groups because the Democrat party offers both more gibs and more outright racial flattery, which given their group outcomes appeals more than the alternative. Racial resentment(not entirely unmerited) against Whites as well as contempt for what appears to be the weak horse also keep many away.

>> No.17693786

>The symbolic content of Trumpism appeals to a certain number of Latinos and Blacks because it contains an implicit defense of conservative and masculine values and an American exceptionalism to which they aspire
IMO it's largely a rejection of a Democratic party that takes their votes for granted, and a middle finger at those who would call them Uncle Toms for daring to question the progressive narrative.

>> No.17693796

Interesting analysis. I always felt Trump was a symbol as well. It didn't matter too much what he did his existence as President was enough.

>> No.17693806

I'm curious how they're going to play him going forward
He seems to love the role and many people still take to him

>> No.17693967

He'd still be alive if he didn't swallow so much fucking fentanyl that he was complaining about his breathing before ever hitting the ground

>> No.17694024


>> No.17694058

Baby’s first nonfiction

>> No.17694171

Captured the Twitter woke faggot audience.

>> No.17694179

Because it's basically a HR handbook completely distanced from any normal communication, so it works perfectly to jerk off infinitely about how we should basically infantilize minorities. From what excerpts I remember seeing, the entire book read like the unholy mix between HR and a comp sci student trying to write out how a social interaction with minorities should go. It doesn't hurt that it was shilled hard as fuck, and modern progressivism has been entirely coopted by corporations' focus on profit, so "muh business support this, ergo I support this" even though it ends up reducing everyone, be they white, black, etc., into a two dimensional caricature.
Businesses supported it because it promotes a practically unattainable form of communication (as nobody would ever realistically adopt it) and it pushes the focus away from their issues, such as the inequality gap in the West, the use of sweat shops & slave labor, and the fact that businesses change "their political views" depending on where they are.

>> No.17694219

Its a question of internalized colonialism and internalized white supremacy. Decolonization is a violent and transgressive moment for the colonized as much for the colonizer. The existence of unconscious and implicit bias has been amply proved by science, but conservatives dont believe in science. Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity, i would gladly burn every last page of the western cannon if it meant putting an end to racism sexism and transphobia.

>> No.17694230

I agree. That’s why I’m releasing a book called “N”

>> No.17694248

I respect a lot about European culture (e.g., many painters, writers, musicians, etc.), but I absolutely despise Christians and Americans. I consider Christians and Americans to be truly fragile.
Christianity would die out if most Europeans learned the truth of its historical genesis. Islam is a tougher cookie to crack because most Muslims are retarded and can't integrate any knowledge that goes against their worldviews.

>> No.17694265

this is why i love /lit/. your post reads like a professional review, from someone who actually has a brain

>> No.17694273
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That's great, anon.

Sent from my Huawei SmartFridge™

>> No.17694274


>> No.17694288

Corporations want atomized humilliated subjects who are afraid to think for themselves or talk to each other without HR mediation. Wokeness and identity politics ironically parallel tactics of colonial governance, reified 'traditional communities' are deliberately comstructed as political machines, meant to funnel votes, market products and legitimate existing institutions.

>> No.17694291

Based. Fuck Americans.

>> No.17694302

bLACK Fragility

>> No.17694304


>> No.17694335

It's pushed by the you know who, to demoralize a certain people to make the world more ready to import a more unintelligent and easily controlled workforce for the you know whos.

>> No.17694350

where can I find the autopsy for this

>> No.17694354

Anti-racism has become fashionable and the #1 means to virtue signal and gain clout. DiAngelo is honestly a parasite who has built a little niche career profiteering off of racial animosities.

>> No.17694371

he big mad

>> No.17694373

Leftists are at best parasitic on democratic party propaganda networks at wors they are dupes who spread democrat propaganda without even getting any pizza in return

>> No.17694396

>He definitely died of an overdose guys, my best friend is a doctor.
You /pol/tards are sad sacks of shit that stink up every place you fester in. Lefties are cancerous but you retards are 10 times worse.

>> No.17694406

The irony of this, is that in the future, people won’t be impressed by a degree from Harvard and it’ll make you less likely to get hired.

>> No.17694408

Tell me how he died then

>> No.17694420

did you watch the video and read the report that shows the level of fentanyl in his blood

>> No.17694442

No, see, institutional racism is OK if it's HELPING. :)

>> No.17694443

NONONONO! Dont you know we are ignoring that!

>> No.17694459
File: 34 KB, 357x470, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robin Deangelo is an Italian supremacist who's secretly an Evolian. Her goal is to harden Whites, to stop making them cucks, to stop making them "fragile." The whole book is a bait and switch, if you had eyes you'd see it. She's so dang good that she fools pretty much everyone.

>> No.17694463

>white people
Can this meme stop already?

>> No.17694464

>try to discuss white fragility
>supposedly white person lashes out with rage

>> No.17694469

Fentanyl concentration in blood increases after death

>> No.17694482

Most popular non-fiction book atm after Becoming

Politically it’s the most important work in modern American political discourse since A People’s History of the United States. Has really gotten people talking and is hugely relevant in a time of incel mass shootings, capitol riots, etc

>> No.17694483

Can THIS meme stop already?

>> No.17694495

america is a scourge on humanity

>> No.17694504

Author was 100% spot on, look at this thread

>> No.17694505
File: 15 KB, 544x266, 1596385563285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disagreeing with me actually proves my point
Why is this not a red flag to everyone that when people use this "logic" they are almost certainly full of shit

>> No.17694510

the world would be about a millions times better without black people

>> No.17694513

You can argue with the pint of the books in a civilized manner without proving the book right

But particularly here, people tend to breakdown into frothing rage and claim it’s genocide you called them fragile and the evil Jews and blacks are out to stop them from getting laid.

>> No.17694525

This. The whole point of identity politics is to trick poor people into fighting each other so they don’t turn on the wealthy people exploiting them. This book did exactly what it was supposed to do.

>> No.17694527

And yet they’re having sex and you aren’t

>> No.17694528

americans are all collectively fragile regardless of skin colour

>> No.17694533

Maybe it’s time to fuck off to a new safe space then?

>> No.17694539

Nobody ever says that, I do see one of you claim that people say it quite a lot though. What people talk about is fertility rate, due especially to abortion and birth control, which affects black people at an even higher rate than white people(more abortions per capita), and immigration.

>> No.17694546

Why isn’t coke losing billions in boycotts? Because talking about white fragility/insanity is popular with most people

>> No.17694555

Why are Americans so obsessed with sex?

>> No.17694560

The endless culture of critique threads always have people saying it’s genocide they can’t get laid and the Jews are behind it. Are a bad incel stereotype

>> No.17694568

No they don't, I even just explained to you it's about the fertility rate, not sex, whether casual or in a committed relationship, combined with immigration. When they talk about genocide they are talking about large scale changes in the ethnic composition of their countries, you are just making a rather weak strawman.

>> No.17694569

>innocent people
negroes aren't people.

>> No.17694570
File: 152 KB, 1461x1463, F5E7EEFD-50D8-4E6D-BD31-CE3350210A85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not American, but pic related explains the whole incel-white supremacy union

>> No.17694582

typical leftist response.

>> No.17694585
File: 58 KB, 680x348, FD6A7135-8528-47F8-BF02-6BFF37DD6017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh. Except “white genocide” theory is literally white Women are fucking blacks and not white dudes because the evil Jews brainwashed them lmao

I’m on pol all the time dude don’t try to damage control now. Are constant mass shootings by whites supremacists angry that they’re virgins and thinking it’s a conspiracy

>> No.17694586

Class reductionism is a form of white supremacy. We cant ignore the history of white supremacy that is deeply intertwined with the labour movement as well. The mild discomfort you feel from having to acknowledge your privilege is not even one billionth of the absolute terror and humilliation marginalized folks such as PoC and queer people experience every instant of their conscious existence from living under patriarchy and white supremacy.

>> No.17694589

sounds like americans going insane because they're obsessed with sex in the first place

>> No.17694592

>180 years ago my ancestors were slaves and 70 years ago my great grandfather wasn’t allowed to drink from the same water fountain as white people
>that’s why I have a 2.4 GPA

>> No.17694602

the only conviction you have in your post is that your 'friends' on reddit will accept it and award you with upvotes.
i suggest you stop lying to yourself if you don't want to die a miserable wreck.

>> No.17694606

According to the left you might be a radicalized incel far right white supremacist russian bot if: you read old books, hold opinions unapproved by corporate media, dont want your children to get molested. You dont even have to be white!

>> No.17694608

the image you just posted is not an actual stonetoss comic, it is again the same strawman you're making now

i don't know how many times I can explain to you the difference between fertility rate and immigration and whatever meme you're repeating. As far as jews brainwashing is involved here the argument is concerned with Feminism, with women going to school and entering the workplace, which radically decreases the fertility rate, it has nothing to do with interracial marriage, which is too small a percentage to matter

>> No.17694611

>reading any books written by americans past the year 2001

>> No.17694618
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>She criticizes white liberals,[4] arguing that white people who identify as "progressive" view themselves as "woke" to avoid questioning any issue of racism in themselves.
>She terms these reactions "aversive racism" and writes that it prevents people from addressing unconscious racist bias, which she believes everyone has
>color blindness", the idea that one should not notice or think about a person's race, is unhelpful as it prevents people from understanding how race does matter in the current world
>All whites are racist
>Even those that argue they are not are just exhibiting another form of racism, they just don't realize it
>not considering race, also a sign of racism
Sounds pretty cast iron to me

>"white fragility" in 2011 to describe any defensive instincts or reactions that a white person experiences when questioned about race or made to consider their own race
>examples of white fragility include white woman crying to avoid conflict
>tears are in fact a sign of white fragility

>> No.17694654

based. 9/11 was the spiritual death of the nation

>> No.17694662

as an American, having race thrown into your face every day is so tiresome.

>> No.17694664

very true. al gore would have unironically saved us

>> No.17694687

>Class reductionism is a form of white supremacy
There are more white people living below the poverty line than there are black people in the United States. A poor white man has more in common with a poor black man than he does with some white hedge fund manager or CEO. The wealthy know this and are terrified by the prospect of a united working class, so they push critical race theory to drive a wedge between the impoverished masses.

>> No.17694697

Maybe I should just kill you instead, Janitor.

>> No.17694712

>Class reductionism is a form of white supremacy
How so?
>We cant ignore the history of white supremacy that is deeply intertwined with the labour movement as well
What labor movement?
>the absolute terror and humilliation marginalized folks such as PoC and queer people experience every instant of their conscious existence from living under patriarchy and white supremacy.
I’m guessing you haven’t interacted with too many black people outside of academia. I’m absolutely positive you have never hd any kind of extended interaction with an impoverished community of any color

>> No.17694738

>this thread again
>guaranteed max replies
These threads are like flycatchers for poltards

>> No.17694746

heh caught another one

>> No.17694748
File: 243 KB, 612x857, EE6F91E5-1CE1-491C-8A7A-494C23705AE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But particularly here, people tend to breakdown into frothing rage and claim it’s genocide you called them fragile and the evil Jews and blacks are out to stop them from getting laid.

>> No.17694752

I have sex and am always the crying or rage one. I should probably remind you sex is dependent on how you look and your size, not really your attitude or anything. The only person I can see this graph applying to is perhaps a 95 IQ manboy you usually find in college frats, or women.

>> No.17694757


>> No.17694766
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I read it on some site called Law and Crime, look it up on duckduckgo or something, posting links is iffy.
Article looks slightly sketchy, but the report seems genuine, and the toxicology part is all you need really.
Report says 11 ng/ml, which is basically an anaesthetic by itself.
Online you'll find that in cases of multiple substance abuse, aka this case, since Big Nigger George was on meth (& weed and a lot more too and had an underlying heart disease already), 7 ng has already been fatal in other similar cases.
Note that when blood stops flowing after death obviously, the concentration also stops increasing.
Google this shit and you'll be bombarded with articles going on and on about how this was declared murder, but don't be fooled. Everything past the report, starting from its interpretation is pure ideology. It quite literally does not matter what some politically motivated cunt says about it. Smoke and mirrors. They will talk circles around it, but never go into concrete detail for a reason.

>> No.17694771

You are parroting white supremacist propaganda about 'economic anxiety', when you are used to privilege equality feels like oppression. A socialist movement that doesnt place margibalized voices first front and center is a white supremacist movement.
Regardless of their economic status queer people and poc are under constant mortal threat of white supremacist or patriarchal violence, they cant affor to have any tolerance for bigots regardless of how 'working class'(read settler labor aristocracy) they are

>> No.17694784

Millions of non-white migrants are being allowed into white societies by elites. Elites also spread discourse promoting this. White societies have much lower birth rates. Migrants have much higher birth rates. Do I have to add it up to you? Or are you just blind?

>> No.17694795

This is a work of racism written by a racist. Your coworkers are racists.

>> No.17694810

After the capitol coup it is obvious white supremacist terrorism is the main issue facing marginalized communities. It is white terrorists who insist in killing us and then expect us to kowtow to colorblind racism and pretend they dont see race. Identity politics is just the marginalized asserting their right to humanity and survival against the culture of oppression

>> No.17694811
File: 126 KB, 365x382, 1572946840839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you love shitposting anon, but please sound less like a salon article

>> No.17694825
File: 68 KB, 600x397, E8C0D4BB-577F-4552-996E-1D73EBCC771B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are parroting white supremacist propaganda
Please tell me where I insinuated that white people are the supreme race
>economic anxiety
I’m not talking about economic anxiety, I’m talking about poverty as defined by the Department of Labor
>A socialist movement that doesnt place margibalized voices first front and center is a white supremacist movement.
Ok so you don’t actually understand what white supremacy or socialism is, nvm

>> No.17694834

Pretty great bait, not going to lie.

>> No.17694837

>After the capitol coup it is obvious white supremacist terrorism is the main issue facing marginalized communities. It is white terrorists who insist in killing us
How many minorities were killed during the capitol hill riot?

>> No.17694842

>replying to baitposts

>> No.17694844

he didnt overdose tho, what relevance does his drug history have in that particular case?

>> No.17694847

>meanwhile he's been restrained legally and completely by the book. OD kicks in, nigger dies
I thought that the autopsy showed that the cause of death was asphyxiation from the way the cop restrained him.
>Autopsy showed a lethal concentration of fentanyl in his blood
I thought it wasn't lethal, but I could be wrong. Regardless, I'm pretty sure the autopsy said that big floyd died due to the cop's actions before fentanyl had any effect. If you watched someone take an OD amount of fentanyl, then choke them out before they die from the OD, you choking them out is the cause of death, not the fentanyl.

>> No.17694848

Aoc was very nearly killed

>> No.17694854

You cant have overt White supremacy (nazis, trump, alt right, kkk) without a base of insidious white supremacy (which includes colorblind racism, dogwhistles like cynicism about "identity politics', internalized oppression amongst marginalized folks)

>> No.17694860

>white supremacy is when white people do stuff and the more white people doing it, the more supremacist it is

>> No.17694862

Your bait isn't working. Do you actually want to argue the points?

>> No.17694874

Five, republicans are a minority and police are also a minority. Therefore everyone who died was a minority.

>> No.17694876

There were probably more minorities at the capitol riot than at your average DSA meeting.

>> No.17694877

>Nearly killed in a different building by capital police officers

>> No.17694882
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>> No.17694890
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>> No.17694891

Not true unfortunately -- too many new /pol/posters (baby boomer Qtards, 16 year olds, etc.) who think they can own the libs in debate.

Report and Ignore is a dead concept at this point.

>> No.17694893
File: 348 KB, 540x496, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a bot? This response doesn't even make sense and only relates to like 1/3rd of the addressed post.

>> No.17694903

aoc is white anon

>> No.17694915

Maybe it's not a bot and just an npc kek. All the arguments are lifted pretty much word for word from stuff I've seen on twitter and fb shit.

>> No.17694919

Marginalized people should not be asked to justify their existence it is the job of the oppressor to educate himself.

>> No.17694925
File: 222 KB, 600x598, 065ADD4C-8EDF-4DE5-A0B4-72E4CC4B3885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is filled with /leftypol/ trolls

>> No.17694936

Yeah it has to be a bot. >>17694919 makes literally no sense. Only a bot would think that that's a valid response.

>> No.17694966

>blacks not allowed to go to school for generations
>somehow culture doesn't emphasize academic excellence

>> No.17694996

>400 years ago: live in mud huts in Africa. No schools
>200 years ago: sold to slavers in America. Taught enough skills to be valuable
>100 years ago: Free, not allowed to go to white schools but can go to all-black schools.
>50 years ago: Finally allowed to go to all-white schools
>Today: "It's wypepo's fault my boy Sharyaqesh has a 2.0 and never goes to class!"
The fact that some blacks have issues in school isn't white people's fault. The fact that black people go to school period is entirely due to white society.

>> No.17694997

Asians and Jews were also oppressed. Asian Americans were even placed in internment camps during WWII, and Jews were targeted by the KKK just like the blacks. And yet you don’t see a similar anti-intellectual, under-achieving culture among Asians and Jews.

>> No.17695008
File: 295 KB, 712x483, 0C3B59D7-0E0F-443D-BB0E-B579AB319F2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colorblind racism
>internalized oppression
I know this is a shitpost but it’s still concerning that academia is actually pushing this stuff irl

>> No.17695012

wdym i love talking about race, fuck niggers and white liberals!

>> No.17695017

Indians suffered the A*glo for generations and yet they come to America and become the highest earning ethnic group in the country

>> No.17695018
File: 102 KB, 303x381, 1614402234909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme is very funny and always makes me chuckle
t.black anon

>> No.17695024

only the upper caste, who are themselves oppressors

>> No.17695026
File: 253 KB, 382x575, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not understand. I am probably more socially right wing than you are, I just am noting /pol/ has not recovered from 2016.

>> No.17695051
File: 2.98 MB, 1000x1270, 1603137016862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why no, developing racial consciousness with a foundation of antagonism couldn't possibly go wrong

>> No.17695066

Read fannon and quijano on decolonization the antagonism is a product of colonialism radical PoC are just making it explicit

>> No.17695070

Honestly it has not gone as wrong as it should have - Whites are remarkably passive creatures, cattle if you will. Nothing good will come to them because of it.

>> No.17695081

Based and truth pilled

>> No.17695089

Racial consciousness as it is currently taught in America only perpetuates racism from all sides.

>> No.17695090

Its not "academia" or "elites" but marginalized people who are finally after long struggles having the bare minimum of their basic humanity recognized which apparently outrages white supremacist incels

>> No.17695098
File: 35 KB, 394x486, 1579160779560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well yes we are furthering that antagonism with no thought to the end result
>but it was whitey that started it

>> No.17695107

Shitposting is prohibited outside of >>>/b/ and >>>/pol/

>> No.17695112

ya know, that just too bad

>> No.17695117

The end result is liberation. White identifying racialized people need to be made to assume a radical PoC identity.

>> No.17695118

Academia -- at least the narcissistic groupings within it -- just see a market to appeal to. It's in vogue amongst themselves and somewhat externally, but ultimately it boils down to getting their money into circulation.

>> No.17695204

Are people who believe this real?

>> No.17695235

When you have been so poisoned by disinformation and white supremacy somebody showing empathy and concern for the horrible suffering of marginalized communities seems unbelievable

>> No.17695280

Nothing says empathy for black people like
>Amazon fostering diversity to block unionization
>Politicians using idpol to stay in office and make millions
>Movies using idpol to boost sales among Zoomers and Yners
>Degenerate blacks using "racism" as an excuse to burn and loot black businessmen
>White liberals fostering "diversity" so they can go to new restaurants
>Pornographers trafficking and coercing white women to have sex with black men
>Jews demanding America invite every non-white person on the planet while blocking them from Israel
>China lecturing the US on civil rights while colonizing Africa.

>> No.17695295

Because everyone is a based godless nihilist until some negro dies then they have a reason to care (because it might get them some pussy)

>> No.17695314

I'll keep drinking that garbage.

>> No.17695318

I take it you missed the police interaction where he swallowed a speedball as the cop walked up and started acting paranoid and frantic.

>> No.17695329

I think you're just getting trolled.
You should have realized that something like this is too hyperbolic to be sincere:
> The mild discomfort you feel from having to acknowledge your privilege is not even one billionth of the absolute terror and humilliation marginalized folks such as PoC and queer people experience every instant of their conscious existence from living under patriarchy and white supremacy.

>> No.17695343

99% of leftists are actually like that. A hysterical parody of leftism is undistinguishable from the real thing

>> No.17695357

>Why isn’t coke losing billions in boycotts?
Because most people will consoom a product they like regardless of the product owner’s political beliefs. Just look at Chic-Fil-A

>> No.17695381


>> No.17695384

Because it's easy to read a book and pretend to learn something. It's like getting a little stamp in your leftist diary that says "not racist!" while not ever really growing at all. It's why the recent-ish push to be "anti racist" is actually good because it outs supposedly woke and for the cause kinds of people as being lazy ideologues who don't put their money where their mouth is and try to actually fix the problems they see with the world themselves instead of just complaining about it and hoping one of our oligarchs fixes them for us. It's the same with $15 minimum wages, and college debt. Instead of working to put themselves in a position to fix these problems by starting businesses that pay what they want and not requiring college degrees they just bitch and moan while working their non jobs.

>> No.17695393

I get that responding to obvious trolling (I've responded to this poster exact poster many times over the years) may seem cathartic because it feels like your responding to the people he's basing his posts on, but it's a waste of time.

>> No.17695430

How to deal with compulsive hatred of "lgbt" and non whites induced by liberal propaganda? I know its as fake as say qanon, and real storylines are more about corporate and military control, but the involuntary psychological impact remains

>> No.17695640

Sorry sweety, but I'm concerned with the facts of the case and not what I immediately felt when I watched an out of context video. Geroge Floyd was not choked and the autopsy shows an extremely lethal dose of Fentanyl and Meth and the full police body cam showed Floyd complaining about not being able to breathe while sitting in the back of police car, before he was ever put on the ground.

>> No.17695756
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>> No.17695812

Avoid liberal propaganda. It's not like any of it is subtle enough to be unrecognizable.
>hundreds of thousands genuinely hateful tweets about whites being practically endorsed by every growing industry doesn't say anything about our society.

>> No.17695901
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>> No.17695909

i just filled out my census form yesterday. it'll be interesting to see how much it changed in a decade. it bet the uk is going to be under 75% white

>> No.17695914

I say 70 British 5-7 other white

>> No.17696019

Jeez you're becoming America

>> No.17696027

no, it will be much worse than america

>> No.17696033

Just wait until you realize what a Kafka trap is

mind = blown

>> No.17696038


>> No.17696067

Here's a breakdown of the autopsy and toxicology report with explanations of the medical terminology used.

>> No.17696071

Anon can't cope with the reality of George Floyd's cold assassination by a white cop. Which proves the point of the book.

tl;dr QED Whites are fragile.

>> No.17696106

>this affirmative action virtue signalling of a private institution means that institutional racism does not exist

>> No.17696118

you aware of any examples of institutional racism comparable to that? going to Harvard is a big deal after all

>> No.17696127


>> No.17696137

Your body stops metabolizing shit when you're dead, retard.

>> No.17696176


>> No.17696215

every single mention of "white genocide" i've seen the past year is from memes like this one

>> No.17696275

why is this board so infested with woketards and commies?

>> No.17696297

Leftists love to talk about this nebulous all pervasive institutional racism but when you point to concrete networks of people working to advance their interests in documented ways then suddenly you are a conspiracy theorist and an antisemite

>> No.17696313

It's proven in my country that when confronted with two equally good resumes, the boss will employ the white person

>> No.17696315

Almost like people know the difference between character even if they won’t admit it

>> No.17696316
File: 33 KB, 326x516, images (99).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its not enough defend marginalized folks at work at university and on social media the struggle against white supremacy must strike at the strongholds of online hatred

>> No.17696323

Usa soldiers in ww2 would be considered Nazis today

>> No.17696337

This is actually good satire if it's meant that way. If not, my condolences, wokefag.

>> No.17696375

Any book written by a woman should be immediately disregarded.
She could've written "Black Fragility" and I still would encourage disregarding it.

>> No.17696396


>> No.17696410

Alright. First off, I have no fucking problem telling other people their problems are equivalent to bat shit in a deep cave. Second off, I was born into everyone's "racist" PTSD and I refuse to acknowledge that the color of your shirt matters (only the quality of the threads $$$). Because it doesn't. That's fucking retarded, end of conversation. A nonproblem. The pendulum has swung waaaaay too far the other way. Affirmative action should be repealed it's fucking blatantly racist. I say we start being prejudice towards all the low IQ MORONS who think this is a real thing and send them to a farm upstate. WHO'S WITH ME!?

>> No.17696417

>slight discrimination when a tossup situation occurs
compared to
>4th academic decile of one race has an equal chance as the best of the best of another race
Gee, I fucking wonder which one is higher up on the institutional racism category.

>> No.17696419

I'm inclined to think it's because people don't believe it's significant enough to care. White people are implicitly aware that, despite all the propaganda against them, they occupy a dominant position in society in all respects; that any challenge to that authority comes from themselves in a superficial manner. In essence, it's the White privilege mindset. No amount of such propaganda will convince them to be more attracted to Indians or to take willful, violent action against the institutions that support them.

>> No.17696446

Sounds pretty much like NrX, of Land's flavor where race is much less important than IQ. Too bad there is a relation between the two.

>> No.17696467
File: 182 KB, 799x2000, NMAAHC Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness and White Culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gotten so bad that the Smithsonian even attached their name to this load of horseshit. Imagine being a black kid and one of the greatest institutions of knowledge tells you that the scientific method and rational thinking are aspects of whiteness. It's fucking demoralizing. Critical theory is a cancer upon society and it's turned our educational institutions into sinecure mills.

>> No.17696478

I can't see any insult to whites here.

>> No.17696486

White people are superior to every other people on earth.

>> No.17696513

Did you read his post

>> No.17696526

Simple, I grew up in black neighborhoods. I realized long ago how worthless their lives are.

>> No.17696527

>the institutions that support them.
literally how

>> No.17696530

I think encouraging blacks to be even more 'black' is a very bad idea. So they should by all means try to be more 'white'.But of course, in clown world whites are encouraged to be more like 'niggers'.

>> No.17696557

It's more of an insult to everyone else, but ideologues are hellbent on demonizing everything portrayed in that chart, rather than encouraging everyone else to utilize what works well for a healthy and functioning society. A critical theory ideologue would see the poster and see things that should be dismantled in society. A normal black kid would likely find it demoralizing and would begin to develop an identity complex and resentment if it's reinforced further in their environment.

>> No.17696562

I think it's detrimental to separate behaviors as "black" or "white."

>> No.17696584

>I think it's detrimental
LMAO and i think it's realistic.
Critical theroy is communist faggotry.

>> No.17696608

God I wish we lived in the world you people seem to think we live in

>> No.17696622

Of course there is! That doesn't negate the fact that higher IQ people output more for society. It's also why most of the Nigerians in America are by far smarter than most Americans. This is a posteriori and simplistic... but there are bigger fish to fry than fighting about race. It's barbaric and it smooths out in the end. It's a broken record and I'm sick of hearing about it.


>> No.17696632

>why most of the Nigerians in America are by far smarter than most Americans.
are they really? Is there data on their average IQ

>> No.17696646

>r IQ people output more for society. It's also why most of the Nigerians in America are by far smarter than most Americans.
you are leftie troll faggot

>> No.17696657

Lefties like to bring this up, but like most things with their thinking, it's shortsighted and incomplete. The sort of Nigerian that makes it out of Nigeria and into America is going to be some of the best that Nigeria has to offer. There's a selection bias when you compare the best that Nigeria has to offer with the average American.

>> No.17696673

>LMAO and i think it's realistic
Anon, you're agreeing with that communist faggotry. I don't think black people would be as jaded if it weren't for the CIA pumping crack into their communities and woke academics constantly telling them that they have no agency. God forbid we actually unite towards getting rid of all these retards in power causing problems instead of just pointing the finger at each other whining about which color has it worse.

>> No.17696682

Fuck if I know, but do you really think Nigerians would send lackluster individuals to a GDP heavyweight like the U.S.? I have no idea how selective emigration works but I'm PRETTY sure the Nigerians in America would kick the average American's ass in a game of wits.

>> No.17696709

>for the CIA pumping crack into their communities a
Oh sure the woke diversity CIA is trying to undermine niggers and at the same time hiring them before any white or asian regardless of qualifications. Sounds like some Ocasio-Cortez logic here.
No, the only thing that makes niggers niggers is their genetic makeup.

>> No.17696717

>And so the discourse is created
Uh, no? No serious discourse about race has happened as a result of this book. "Anti-racists" are bootlickers.

Stop pretending bourgeoisie white people self-flagellating to fit in with the most elite circles of human history are having a "discourse" you astroturfing fuckstick.

>> No.17696724

Stop being so fragile you silly nignog hahahaha

>> No.17696730

That's exactly right. You have cleverly deduced the intricate inner-workings of this phenomenon. And now the sovereign of the red, white, and blue will grow through capitalistic innovation and blossom within the pressure cooker of the greatest minds besting the greatest minds. What isn't there to love?

>> No.17696738

>The existence of unconscious and implicit bias has been amply proved by science
It hasn't, though. Unconscious bias is a human trait, not a racial one, and the only evidence of implicit bias exists in circumspect studies which have been widely critiqued for methodological errors.

Like circumcision, it's a phenomenon defended only by American academics using ridiculously horrible scholarship.

>> No.17696753

I literally didn't deduce anything. You're misusing words trying to sound smart.

>> No.17696765

i definitely believe that white privilege exists, but i think the way the left presents these kinds of ideas almost guarantees that conservative white people will misinterpret it and be super defensive. Idk how to fix it, but you can't say something like "white privilege" or "white fragility" without expecting to upset a bunch of white people. Maybe that proves the whole white fragility thing's point, but I wish there was a way to acknowledge and talk about privilege without inciting knee jerk reactions and over simplifications.

The way I see it, if you believe that racism/white supremacy exists, you have to believe that white privilege exists. That doesn't mean that white people can't be poor, or disenfranchised, or whatever, but they just will never experience racism in the way a black or brown person does. It's about empathy and understanding an issue that otherwise doesn't affect a white person directly.

>> No.17696771

>Except “white genocide” theory
The way I usually see it explained is that multinational elites and corporations are trying to pump cheap labor into developed nations to keep the social security pyramid scheme afloat while maintaining a permanent underclass of consumers and menial workers. The UN even had a press release on replacement migration, so you can't even pretend that it's a complete lie.
I don't think the higher ups give a shit about demographics at all, but want to keep everyone too divided to ever realize they're all being fucked over.

>> No.17696772

>Like circumcision, it's a phenomenon defended only by American academics using ridiculously horrible scholarship.

My dick looks better than that umbrellaed sausage you so vehemently insist is a human phallus. There's your scholarship. Natural selection of traits by the female. Abraham's god was a sultry bellydancer.

>> No.17696783

What are you retarded or something?

>> No.17696789

>queer people and poc are under constant mortal threat of white supremacist or patriarchal violence
Interracial crime statistics show a completely different reality than your fantasy world of oppression.

>> No.17696796

This word colonize is completely coercive.
Everyone is "colonizing"
Even saying "decolonize" is a form of colonizing.
Everyone is imposing themselves on the land, in this world, in the minds of others, etc.
It's just about whether or not the individual is benefiting from it. Most of the time they criticize it and have nothing else to offer. No other established standard they've created for people to change footing onto. And you wonder why people maintain standards.

Very easy to criticize something. And anything can be criticized.
Significantly harder to actually build something of substance.

>> No.17696811

>Natural selection of traits by the female
Relative to a largely synthetic environment of value establishment.
You aren't pulling the strings

>> No.17696814

race traitor

>> No.17696817

>You can't baselessly accuse people of being racist without them being upset about it.
Golly, how'd you figure?

>i definitely believe that white privilege exists
Why? Why is the most popular conception of black victimhood centered entirely around white people? Isn't the point of the conversation about what black people experience? If it is, why the use of "white privilege?" Does that not needlessly obfuscate the actual issue? Why do you care more about cataloging what a white person experiences or doesn't experience than you do addressing what a black person does experience?

>That doesn't mean that white people can't be poor, or disenfranchised, or whatever,
That is the popular conception of the term, yes. White suffering, discrimination, and economic marginalization are treated as jokes.

>they just will never experience racism in the way a black or brown person does
There is only one way to experience racism, anon. You either experience it or you do not. There is no "brown racism" or "black racism" or "white racism."

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

>> No.17696822

Not if a gaggle of countries criticize a few other countries and decide to develop an atomic bomb. There is no driving force greater in magnitude and imagination than war.

>> No.17696833
File: 27 KB, 351x345, Troll Wins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm impressed at how well you emulate the wokefag ideology while cheesing it up to make most anons in this thread seethe.

>> No.17696847

Indigenous epistemologies placing marginalized people in positions of leadership, decolonizing the curriculum, banning nazis from the internet reparations, centering anti racism in every school and workplace

>> No.17696850

You need to dig deeper

>> No.17696865

>and the evil Jews
Really not trying to bring truth to memes but the author is Jewish

>> No.17696866

>Fire chants, open race hatred, blanket ban on all books and art created by Europeans, massive government control of the Internet, institution of state mandated brainwashing in all areas of public life
I sincerely hope this succeeds. The backlash will forever eliminate the people who push these ideas. It will be glorious.

>> No.17696899

>You should have realized that something like this is too hyperbolic to be sincere
You say that, but many of this is pretty much word for word the shit that the woke chicks from my university would say to me when I talked to them about these topics. Pointing out contradictions doesn't work at all either, they just get angrier and whine about emotional labor.

>> No.17696909

>Indigenous epistemologies
Literally no different than larping as a Viking. The Natives know it's over, they're part of gay modernity like everyone else, holding onto some thread of spiritual and cultural continuity doesn't change their need for oil and internet.

>> No.17696942


>> No.17696949


>> No.17696957


>> No.17696994
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x800, entering a black hole.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no driving force greater in magnitude and imagination than war
Take a walk in the park of Cosmic Horror. One of these fuckers doesn't even have to hit us to send us completely out of our orbit into interstellar space. Such an event would lead us into the Eternal Winter of Ragnarök

>> No.17697019

outer space is completely horrific but our planetary situation is extremely stable. Nothing serious has happened to our solar system and planet since the creation of the moon like 4 billion years ago or whatever, aside from a handful asteroid impacts spaced out by 100 million year intervals.

>> No.17697036

White privilege isn't about baselessly accusing people of racism, it's acknowledging that, as a white person, you just don't experience the kind of prejudices that people of color do experience. It's not about saying every white person is a racist. It's about empathetically looking at a situation.

>Why? Why is the most popular conception of black victimhood centered entirely around white people?

Well, if I'm understanding what you wrote, it's because, historically, the perpetrators of white supremacy have been white people? That's not to say, again, that all white people perpetuate white supremacy, but the ones that do are obviously white. You can't talk about victims of racism without talking about those who perpetuate it, it seems you want to blame the victims here.

>White suffering, discrimination, and economic marginalization are treated as jokes.

Citation needed. Most people on the radical left are in support of supporting poor and disenfranchised people in general. It's dishonest and lazy to find tweets from dumb feminazis and use that as a basis for your opposition to a worldview. There are stupid people belonging to every movement.

>There is no "brown racism" or "black racism" or "white racism."

Idk what this means. I just was describing what white privilege was, and used black and brown people as an example of people who do experience racism.
Back to you know where with that "regularly scheduled programming" shit too lol

>> No.17697050

>, it's acknowledging that, as a white person, you just don't experience the kind of prejudices that people of color do experience.
Is this even true, did they measure this or something, or is it just asserted

>> No.17697074

Please for the love of god differentiate between liberals and progressives. Progressives are insufferable.

>> No.17697076

It's just logical.

People are racist against minorities, specifically black and brown people.

You are not a member of a racial minority.

Therefore you do not experience racism.

Someone making a dumb twitter post saying "white people suck lol" is not equivalent to the oppression experienced by actually marginalized groups.

>> No.17697079

I'm a member of a racial minority and I've experienced racism from other minorities almost never from white people. You are refuted.

>> No.17697102
File: 1.93 MB, 1500x2122, why white people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's acknowledging that, as a white person, you just don't experience the kind of prejudices that people of color do experience
Sure, but it goes both ways. Don't forget we're discussing a book calling white people fragile that has been propped up all over the media. The massive disparity in interracial violence rates clearly show that we aren't exactly free from racial discrimination just because we happen to be the majority. "White privilege" is essentially used to shut down criticism of any nonwhite person by laying the blame at our own feet. It's bullshit.
>historically, the perpetrators of white supremacy have been white people?
Nice tautology. Historically, the perpetrators of black supremacy have been black people. Funny how that works.
>Most people on the radical left are in support of supporting poor and disenfranchised people in general
Is that why they constantly push for things like gun control, gas taxes, and overzealous regulations that disproportionately fuck over the impoverished?
> It's dishonest and lazy to find tweets from dumb feminazis and use that as a basis for your opposition to a worldview.
You mean verified members of mainstream industries using their connections to fuck over anyone that doesn't mesh with their mental sickness?

>> No.17697107

I don't think you necessarily refuted my argument by just stating that. That's like a "global warming doesn't exist because it's hot outside right now" tier fallacy.

>> No.17697128

there are plenty of minority-majority places in the US and even in a place that is majority white if you are dealing with a government worker or whatever they can discriminate based on your race even if they are a minority, anyone can discriminate.

again are there actual numbers about this

>> No.17697143

this is the truth

>> No.17697145

The only thing more pathetic than a bunkertranny is the faggot arguing with him.

Also check em

>> No.17697153

Again, people writing articles that hurt your feelings are not equivalent to actual social, political, and economic oppression. I'm not saying I agree with what those articles are saying, but that just isn't close to what actual racism looks like, and it actually asserts that you have privilege if you think that's what it is.

> "White privilege" is essentially used to shut down criticism of any nonwhite person by laying the blame at our own feet.
I am absolutely against anyone being shut down because of their race. I don't think that it's happening nearly as much towards white people than you're suggesting, but when it does happen, I agree that it's stupid.

> Historically, the perpetrators of black supremacy have been black people.

Okay? Have black people ever been a majority in America? Has this majority ever passed laws into office discounting the humanity of white people? etc? Any kind of supremacy is stupid, obviously, but I don't think black supremacy has ever been a threat to American civilization.

>Is that why they constantly push for things like gun control, gas taxes, and overzealous regulations that disproportionately fuck over the impoverished?
This isn't really the topic we're discussing, but, if you genuinely think the conservative right is pushing more for the lower/middle classes than the left, than idk what to tell you.

>> No.17697161

Global warming doesn't exist because it's definition is not agreed upon. Likewise racism doesn't exist as people operate under different definitions. You stated that an axiom and I retorted with my personal truth that debases your axiom.

>> No.17697166

I don't understand this post. Are you asking for statistics that support the idea that racism exists?

>> No.17697169

A million flies can't be wrong!

>> No.17697176

I'm talking about macro-level, groups, societies as a whole. Surely you don't think that one individual's subjective experience can discount what I'm talking about? That's just flawed thinking.

>> No.17697181

statistics showing the amount of discrimination faced by various demographics, and who is discriminating against them

>> No.17697194
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fantastic reddit spacing

>> No.17697199

>It's just logical.
Fine. Let's follow your logic
>People are racist against minorities, specifically black and brown people.
What people? This statement is to vague to be true. Why specifically black and brown people and are they always minorities?
>You are not a member of a racial minority.
You don't know jack shit about me
>Therefore you do not experience racism.
I'm fairly certain that you determining I can't have certain experiences based upon whatever race I am is racist logic in itself.
>Someone making a dumb twitter post saying "white people suck lol" is not equivalent to the oppression experienced by actually marginalized groups.
If it was limited to just Twitter, I wouldn't give two shits since I've never had one. I experienced it first hand when woke cultists infiltrated my university administration, started pushing legitimately racist policies, and some even staged an "intervention" by pulling my partner into a room to convince them to break up with them and that I was an evil neo-nazi that was only using them for sex, because I pushed back against their bullshit. I dropped out and my partner resigned from their officer position out of anger and a need to not let it affect them graduating. This was over half a decade ago and this insanity has only gotten worse over the years. There is no logic to any of this outside of ideologically driven morons lashing out against heretics to ease their own anxieties from their own toxic communities and sinecures profiting off of keeping everyone pissed off and divided.

>> No.17697203

what you don't understand could fill a warehouse

>> No.17697246

Okay, I didn't mean to make any assumption about you, the post should read "i assume you are not a member of a minority group" or maybe "if you are not a member of a minority group" etc. I'm sorry that you had a bad personal experience, and I agree that, from what you said, they were in the wrong. I don't think that discounts my personal ideology towards the issues we're discussing though.

this is just for black people, but read away

>> No.17697251

>this is just for black people
well then it doesn't compare the rates by race does it

>> No.17697254

note: I did not mean the link was "only for black people" lol I typed that wrong. I meant that the statistics are specifically centered around racism and injustice towards black people.

>> No.17697260

you can still experience racism even if you are in a "majority" group.

>> No.17697262


>> No.17697265

did you read all of that already? there's definitely stats regarding other minority groups in there. not that you're actually interested in changing your mind or informing yourself. just do some quick google searches for yourself.

>> No.17697289

I agree. But you can't pretend that the kind of prejudices a white person can experience, solely because of the color of their skin, is any way comparable to the prejudices black people face / have faced.

>> No.17697304

yes but those issues run far deeper than race

>> No.17697307


>> No.17697327

okay, whatever that's supposed to mean. why even ask for stats bro lol

>> No.17697331

>people writing articles that hurt your feelings are not equivalent to actual social, political, and economic oppression
If someone used nigger or chink in an article, there would be endless screaming over how oppressive it is. Besides, you are completely ignoring affirmative action policies, which are explicit discrimination.
>I don't think that it's happening nearly as much towards white people than you're suggesting
We gonna pretend like there wasn't a huge purge of white actors voicing "POC" characters? Or organized mobs getting people fired from their careers over stupid shit? Or blacklisting content creators that don't fall in line with corporate woke culture? And don't get me started on the shenanigans people have to deal with in customer service when some irate cunt wants to play the oppression card and companies are happy to bend the knee to get them to shut up.
>Have black people ever been a majority in America?
On local scales, yes. You think being a black kid in a mostly white school sucks, try being a white kid in a mostly black school. Not only do you get your ass kicked on the regular, but teachers encourage it and demand you fight back, despite getting mobbed the second you throw a punch back. Didn't help that teachers treated me like a fucking leper in class and cancelled all my book credits (we got points to spend on erasers and trinkets if we read books and passed quizzes) when I outpaced everyone else in the school, telling me it wasn't fair to the rest of the kids. Glad I got out before the end of elementary school, but shit was brutal and fucked with my psyche for a long time after.
>This isn't really the topic we're discussing
It was to your point that the radical left gives a shit about the poor. They don't care about the poor, they just hate the rich
>if you genuinely think the conservative right is pushing more for the lower/middle classes than the left
I don't. They're just as useless, but in their own shitty way.

>> No.17697343

>Global warming doesn't exist because it's definition is not agreed upon
Is the temperature rising on a global scale not enough of a definition for you?

>> No.17697368

yeah what indeed

>> No.17697378

That's a very simplistic look at climate

>> No.17697403

No, it's a sufficient definition for the term "global warming." If you want to talk about the climate changes as a result, then lead from there. But if you're gonna have any decent discussion on the topic, you need something solid to ground it on.

>> No.17697416

sure and if you look at long term trends you see what we are experiencing is a blip

>> No.17697423
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>Hate Crime Victimization, 2004-2015 pg 7
>Whites and blacks accounted for a similar proportion of violent hate crime offenders.
Why does 13% of the population commit violent hate crimes at 4.60 times the rate of a separate 60% the population

>> No.17697436
File: 204 KB, 1920x1080, DC67D949-BCC6-44F9-A925-553580B7B53F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Floyd’s death was blown out of all proportion to justify an agenda. BLM is an inherently ethnocentric movement. The death of white male Daniel Shaver by a cop was also abhorrent, but how many people know about Shaver as compared to George Floyd? Where are the riots for him?

A quick crash course in the statistics about black-on-black crime, white-on-white crime, white-on-black crime, and black-on-white crime, as well as all these same relations for cops shooting unarmed citizens, will quickly disabuse you of the notion that “white cops are literally genociding unarmed black men”. It’s virtue signaling being valued over rationality. No joke, the BLM riots last year led to more deaths than deaths in a year of unarmed black men shot by cops. Where’s the massive riots over the Afghani child who gets blown to bits by a drone strike?

Over the white woman who said “All Lives Matter” to some BLM rioters and got shot in the face?

Racism exists and it happens and it’s tragic. African Americans have indeed been oppressed and are poorer overall than whites due to broad systemic issues and lack of the ability to build up generational wealth. However, the elephant in the room is that the ghetto mentality is a real thing, creating a self-reinforcing feedback loop for some of these communities. When you add how it’s not “PC” to talk about statistics like blacks (13% of the population) being responsible for about 50% of violent crime arrests according to the FBI, you enter a bizarro Soviet-Russia-esque world.

>> No.17697460
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It's only gotten worse since, unfortunately. I don't hate black people, but this woke bullshit is emboldening the shitters in their ranks. Not even 2 years of Trump "emboldening white supremacy" could close the gap. I wish people would stop fighting over petty shit and start working together

>> No.17697475

do you not know what this means

>> No.17697487

kek. You are as bad as an old jew-hating schizo grandpa who thinks jews are putting viruses in phones to control minds.

>> No.17697500
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>I wish people would stop fighting over petty shit and start working together
Careful anon, solidarity is how people kill themselves with two shots to the head

>Two population groups of wildly different sizes contribute almost the same amount to the total number of violent hate crimes
Please explain in your passive aggressive tone what proportion actually means

>> No.17697502

>this retard never heard of Gary Webb or looked into Iran-Contra

Stop taking /pol/ as the end-all be-all of reality, the rich Jews who control us are just as capable of bombing third-world countries and destroying black communities with drugs to finance their black-ops CIA projects as they are of instituting anti-white policies.

>> No.17697547

>poc are under constant mortal threat of white supremacist or patriarchal violence

Not true at all. If you lived in the real world and interacted with real POC you would know this. Absolutely no one except for maybe a tiny tiny fraction... Like 0.001% of POC feel like "white supremacy" or "patriarchy" is a "mortal threat" to their existence. You are living in absolute delusion. You don't know how to acquire objective knowledge. Neither do your so called opponents but your side sucks 1000 times more.

>> No.17697595

The corruption of the CIA doesn't change their determination by negro DNA.
And inb4 muh "such tiny differences don't matter". They do. They make Tigers tigers, chimps chimps,whites whites and niggers niggers.

>> No.17698044

>White privilege isn't about baselessly accusing people of racism
White privilege is explicitly about baselessly accusing people of racism. This is not debatable.
>as a white person, you just don't experience the kind of prejudices that people of color do experience
Impossible to quantify and pointless to consider.
>It's not about saying every white person is a racist
It is EXPLICITLY about labeling all white people (whiteness) racists.
>It's about empathetically looking at a situation
There is nothing "empathetic" about baseless judgements of others.

>Well, if I'm understanding what you wrote, it's because, historically, the perpetrators of white supremacy have been white people?
You didn't understand what I wrote.

The purported goal the racist peddlers of "white privilege" claim to be working towards is the improvement in the living and working conditions of the average black person. "White privilege" completely shuts out the black experience from discussion.

>that all white people perpetuate white supremacy
Again, the EXPLICIT aims and goals of those who peddle in the racist lie of white privilege are to accuse all whites of perpetuating white supremacy. This is not debatable.

>You can't talk about victims of racism without talking about those who perpetuate it
Not all black people are victims of racism. No one living "perpetuates" history.

>Citation needed.
As soon as I see one iota of evidence that being white confers magical powers.

>Idk what this means.
Which doesn't surprise me.

Racism has been relabeled to exclude certain races. The myth of white privilege is one of the chief instruments of this redefinition. See the glut of racist attacks on Asians by blacks in the news recently.

>> No.17698754

I think you should learn how to write