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File: 19 KB, 270x406, CoC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17687928 No.17687928 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The book that confirmed or changed your outlook on the world around you

>> No.17687959
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how was COC? confirmation or change?

>> No.17688009

CoC didn't turn me into a Nazi but it confirmed a lot of my suspicions about the links between Jews and the political left, Jews and psychiatry, Jews and the media, Jews and this kooky modern wave of sociology affecting college campuses, etc.

loved geneology as well. confirm or change?

>> No.17688082

Have you read his other works? I think CoC is third in a series, and the first couple actually drew praise from Jews because he wasn't writing negatively about them. I might be wrong...I have one on pdf, but haven't read it yet. What is his main argument?

GOM was a life changer. I think I first read it in my mid 20s, and most of it flew right over my head. Found it again maybe 3 years ago and it started me down the rabbit hole that led me to 4chan. I reread it every couple months, maybe just 1 essay at a time, and continue to learn new shit from it.

The first essay on slave vs aristocratic morality stuck hit me harder at first, but the last year or so the third essay on the Ascetic Ideal, which is foundational to my understanding of nihilism, has been really getting me thinking. I could write about it all day long, been thinking about starting a thread about it.

>> No.17688322

i stopped reading years ago, just like you lot, so i'll with kafka and the likes.

>> No.17688399

haven't read the others but CoC gets you up to speed pretty well. the main premise is that intellectual movements with mostly jews in their ranks tend to be a subtle advocate for Jewish ethnic interests even though these interests are not explicitly stated. for example, soviet communism's stance against the russian orthodox church. 85% of top USSR officials were Jewish.

GoM is one of those books where it's so dense that i can pick any paragraph at random and think about it for the rest of the day. his explanation of how a lack of outlets for aggression leads to self-hatred completely changed my view on anger.

>> No.17688432

>soviet communism's stance against the russian orthodox church. 85% of top USSR officials were Jewish.
They also closed synagogues you retarded child

>> No.17688448

Scholars characterize MacDonald's theory as a tendentious form ofcircular reasoning, which assumes its conclusion to be true regardless of empirical evidence. The theory fails the basic test of any scientific theory,the criterion of falsifiability, because MacDonald refuses to provide or acknowledge any factual pattern of Jewish behavior that would tend to disprove his idea that Jews have evolved to be ethnocentric and anti-white.[6]Other scholars in his field dismiss the theory aspseudoscienceanalogous to older conspiracy theories about a Jewish plot to undermine European civilization.[7]

>> No.17688453

Each chapter looks at a specific Jewish cabal from the 20th century and how it functioned to dismantle and divide gentile culture through critique. It's very repetitive because most of these cabals operated in a very similar fashion. The patterns drawn out again and again are: Jewish in-group preferences, neurotic fear of persecution as a uniting feature of Jewish tribalism, the use of gentile "front-men" for otherwise Jewish cabals, and the use of cultural criticism to create wedges between gentile factions (assuaging the aforementioned fear of persecution from these groups if they became united in their own interests). Reading it will tend to make you depressed and upset. It's quite rigorous and personally I've never seen anything it says disputed on factual grounds.

>> No.17688484
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>> No.17688502

go back

>> No.17688507

I believe you are retarded child. Officially they were against all religions and but in Russia they worked extra hard against the Church because, they claimed, it was a vestige of their Tsarist past.
They had specific campaigns to steal church valuables, no such campaigns were started against the Jews.

>> No.17688516
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But CoC was one as well yes.

>> No.17688521

I wonder how long the Jewish Marxist jannies will let this thread exist.

>> No.17688528

Obfuscation is the greatest of Jewish tricks

>> No.17688546
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This one forever changed the game for me.

>> No.17688549

well aware of that. they still maintained a sense of ethnic solidarity while saying that race and religion doesn't matter as much as social class.

>> No.17688551

Is it well written? I've read that he's very thorough in his documentation and citations.

Just imagine if whites had the same in-group preference. Maybe we'll start once we become minorities in our own countries...

>> No.17688559

>MacDonald refuses to provide or acknowledge any factual pattern of Jewish behavior that would tend to disprove his idea that Jews have evolved to be ethnocentric and anti-white
Israel opening up its borders and talking about "Jewish privilege' would be a counter-example. Even just the ADL applying the same standards to USA and Israel would be a start

>> No.17688589
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>> No.17688590

very well written surprisingly. not stuffy and academic but doesn't read like a MAGA temper tantrum.

I live in Los Angeles lol. we're outnumbered but a lot of people stick to racial lines. unofficial segregation. every race has their not-so-good areas and wealthy areas.

>> No.17688601

>GOM was a life changer.
>started me down the rabbit hole that led me to 4chan
Nietzsche refuted.

>> No.17688616

tell me more...

>> No.17688641
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I cant stand this victim narrative. You've no one to blame but yourself.

The Bible. The change I consider no less than miraculous.

>> No.17688650

>fantasy books
what about harry potter?

>> No.17688675

It's hard to find something that's in between those two extremes, both palatable and not /pol/ tier, like our intelligent fellow poster here: >>17688601

Are whites in LA slowly waking up to the hell they've built for themselves?

>> No.17688685

Probably because the synagogues had nothing of value bc the tsarist regime hated jews as well, as most christian reigmes have done for thousands of years.

How have people not realised yet that jews were just set up as a punching bag and pressure value by the romans, scapegoats, so they coul direct the anger away from the christian elite.

>> No.17688699

If a book brings you too chans for any other reason than to help others to leave its destroying you life and not a beneficial change.
Nietzsche was a child who stole all his ideas and passed them off as his own. Grow up.

>> No.17688714

>How have people not realised yet that jews were just set up as a punching bag and pressure value by the romans, scapegoats, so they coul direct the anger away from the christian elite.
This is what we are taught in the west, this is the default stance. It's what I believed until I actually started looking for evidence to use as ammo against anti-semites.

You really should read CoC it's very well sourced.

>> No.17688742

how did this book change you OP
i dont know it

>> No.17688743

>hey guys, you shouldn't be on 4chan
aren't you on 4chan, bubba? telling me to grow up?
we're having an adult conversation. contribute or go back to doing homework until your mommy comes home.

>> No.17688773


they are actually. they just don't talk about in racial terms if they haven't vetted the people they are speaking to.

it's hard to explain but i'll try. i live in a predominately white suburb with a sprinkling of other races. lots of latinos and blacks come from other areas to hang out at the beach. they don't cause any problems. they stick to their own.

the moms wear yoga pants, drink starbucks, talk about podcasts, how horrible whatever CNN is complaining about is, etc.

however, if there is any rumor of low income housing being built in the vicinity, the true colors start to show. once again, race doesn't enter the discussion. but behind closed doors, my family is very race conscious and i assume everyone else is. when you build low income housing near the schools, that means a lot of black and latino kids with unstable home lives will inevitably bring violence to the school. but, in public, they'll say that its because they don't pay property taxes. which is true and a great way to dodge stupid interrogations about racism.

tl;dr white people in LA are not stupid and will hold their ground. it's almost like a colony of Orange County within LA County since all the successful men vote Republican.

>> No.17688818

This is the entirety of white leftism that I've encountered. One of my neighbors had some stupid BLM sign up this summer but then when we had a neighborhood watch meeting on crime had the audacity to state that she thought "this was a safe neighborhood". They will virtue signal until the problem shows up next door.

Like New England leftism...the policies they vote for don't make it up to affect them in Bumfuck, Vermont.

>> No.17688848
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i think this is the mid stage on the way to
this >>17688818
they vote for these policies and push realty away as long as they can but once they're finally physically threatened they get angry. although, sad to say, most do not change their tune, they can't see that they created the damn situation to begin with.

>> No.17688857

Made me realize /pol/ was right again.

>> No.17688863

This was so on the nose I almost thought it was a practical joke. I mean the guy must have remembered making the first post like a few days before the other one

>> No.17688864

Moby Dick. I was naively objectivist beforehand.

>> No.17688887


that's ridiculous. the northeast and west coast are very similar in that regard. left wing views as fashion statement until somebody's car gets jacked.

>> No.17688914

unfortunately, i doubt he learned his lesson.

haven't read it since high school, don't remember it. interesting post, what do you mean?

>> No.17688931

Just read it and do the exercises bro. Except the Million Dollar Point exercise. It'll seriously hurt your prostate.

>> No.17689138

I think the problem is with "knowledge" in general, and Jews value knowledge more than any other group I know. Sorry if that sounds anti-intellectual, but 'thinking' is inherently destructive because it is also self-protective. Egotistical. Separationist.

>> No.17689747
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this and some other marx and nietzsche mostly

>> No.17689782

COC is good and all, but it doesn't hold a candle to it's sequel: COCK.

>> No.17689817

>Here's my opinion guys
>Jews are bad
>But let me scientifically prove it by restating my opinion 3000 times
How much of a midwit do you have to be to read this shit and actually learn anything. Everyone knows about the Jews, we don't need midwits overstating the cause to make sure nobody takes it seriously.

>> No.17691038
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Opened my eyes to how shitty and miserable the world is

>> No.17691061
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This one fucked me up. All media is basically propaganda and all celebs are either super rich or connected to the military industrial complex.

>> No.17691842

>Everyone knows about the Jews, we don't need midwits overstating the cause to make sure nobody takes it seriously.
False, but also many that should know deny the truth. They deny it both to themselves and outwardly.

>> No.17692140

Israel is literally a country full of refugees.

>> No.17692289

And not necessarily just “knowledge” or understanding in good faith, but rhetoric, interpretation, “criticism.” Mental gymnastics bascally, which only serves to obfuscate true motive or rationalize and justify. It doesn’t lead to truth or anything really with good intent. It has it’s roots in the Talmudic tradition and made a secular transformation into stuff like critical theory & the Franfurt School.

>> No.17692290

What are you talking about? Israel, the ethnostate, is at best 75% Jewish. The rest of the citizens are Arabs and Russians and some minorities that Western nations couldn't stomach.

>> No.17692457

Definitely reread it if you don't remember it. You will appreciate it a lot more.

>> No.17692537

As long as they are jews, and not the Ethiopian kind. If the somehow manage to get in as an Ethiopian jew then they get sterilized.

They are not more a country of refugees than Nazi Germany was when all the Volksdeutch came.

>> No.17692579

Do you even know what you are talking about?

>> No.17692650

Yes, do you?

>> No.17692671

I'm asking YOU. Or do you have mebtal retardation? Do you know what you are talking about?

>> No.17692674

I already stated I do, and I gave a source for one of my claims. Are you unable comprehend the written word?

>> No.17692686

His first two books on Jews were praised by academics and book reviewers. It's only when he published his third book, the culture of critique, that they started calling him an antisemite. COC was still actually praising Jews in many parts, but they still got butthurt.

>> No.17692690

Why are you barking so loud

>> No.17692713

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

Gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.17692764
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more like 10

>> No.17692768
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IQ is a bitch

>> No.17692777
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Eat less food/lose less wars

>> No.17692780
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>> No.17692783
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Based Israel

>> No.17692790

>lose argument to Jew
>write entire essay about how butthurt you are

>> No.17692798

Nobody ever says the thing on the right. "Minorities" (a total misnomer, whites are the one and only global minority) are a problem because they breed at a higher rate than whites, they are moving in at replacement levels, and they already outnumber whites. Race mixing within races is irrelevant.

>> No.17692807
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Agreed. As a trans pol poster it was very inspiring to finally see someone call out (((their))) transphobia

>> No.17692812
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It’s not genocide you can’t have sex

>> No.17692837

Actually it can be according to the UN.
"Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group".
Whenever it's said we need to have less children for the environment it fits this description, especially when it's taken together with that the same institutes promoting this viewpoint generally also support immigration to the very same countries.
Any commercial or propaganda encouraging race mixing also fits this definition.

>> No.17692839

Minorities having more kids is a meme

>> No.17692850


Ethiopian Jews are still having kids btw so take your antisemitism elsewhere, dickwad.

>> No.17692851

thread is a good example of why this board sucks now. very boring people making very boring posts

>> No.17692877

You hear that? Get another hobby than hating Jews.

>> No.17692901

Yet here you are.

>> No.17692903

That’s every book dumbass, it either repeats stuff you already know or teaches you something new.

>> No.17692904

I have sex and I am a racist. I have had with women from every race. What now, loser?
Check the African, Indian, and Chinese populations.

>> No.17692906

I don't hate Jews, I hate their double standards.

>> No.17692921

Take your garbage back to /pol/

>> No.17692934
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I don’t believe you

>> No.17692938
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>can’t get laid
>say it’s genocide
ROFL way to fit every incel stereotype

>> No.17692948
File: 77 KB, 590x997, 89B35903-0C3F-459F-A8F1-AF6A82006EC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate incel double standards

>> No.17693038

I don't care about the opinion of virgins.

>> No.17693057

I get laid and still call it genocide.