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/lit/ - Literature

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17684114 No.17684114 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom comes to visit
>takes out a brand new book out of a bag
>I already have it
>”thanks mom, you’re the best”
>Dad comes in and casually asks if that’s the one I told him I got a while ago on a thrift shop
>mom notices the issue
>”it’s fine, the edition I got is old and the letters are smaller”
>leaves the room and comes back a couple of minutes later
>”good thing I saved the receipt”
>asks me to let her know what book I’m going to get
I love her bros.

>> No.17684121

sometimes things do work out for the best

>> No.17684137


>> No.17684224

you should get the theban plays and tell her

>> No.17684399

Ask her to get you a copy of Oedipus Rex.

>> No.17684406


>> No.17684431
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You mom sounds pretty great, OP.

I love my mom, she's great as well. I actually legitimately feel sorry for people with shitty moms. Having a wonderful mother is the greatest thing in the whole world. Just thinking about my mom right now is bringing me to tears.

>> No.17684467

>CVM Genius had a shitty mom

That explains a lot

>> No.17684472

Based mum.

>> No.17684491

i wish i had a mom, both of my dads suck big penis.

>> No.17684682


>> No.17684692

what was the book?

>> No.17684705

do you really have two dads anon, what's it like

>> No.17684710

I'm not him, but apparently they both have big penises, which is nice, I suppose.

>> No.17684752

no, the worst part is they dont even suck each others penises, they buy gigilos to suck and dont even love each other much anymore.

the big penises which they such arent even the penises they married.

>> No.17684771

damn. if that's not a metaphor for life itself i don't know what is.

>> No.17684799
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>> No.17684843

Wouldn't the worst part be not inheriting their penis size?

>> No.17684879

Just the thought of having a conversation with my father about books
Just the thought of him remembering me telling him about a book I bought in a thrift shop
Imma cry for a little bit
But it will be okay

>> No.17684897

>having sex with your mom is cringe
you need to go back

>> No.17684976

no, reading the "Theban plays" is cringe because they're plays from different centuries put together by brain-dead academics because " they have the same theme therefore they should be together lol XD"
I don't care if you fuck your mother

>> No.17685043

>doesn't actually lie to his mom
>he is genuinely thankful, she is indeed the best
>based dad can't withhold the truth about the purchase
>when anon is pressed he doesn't really lie, just tries to look on the bright side
>all this honesty leads to a desirable resolution where everyone is happy and loves each other

absolutely lovely family, God bless you all

hate how the norm in most families is that you're expected to straight up lie and pretend to love all the gifts you get. love and gratitude yes, fake enthusiasm NO

>> No.17685882

Sophocles lived for multiple centuries? This is news to me. Sounds like you're the brain-dead one.

>> No.17685894

>tfw got my confidence and emotions stunted by my mother

>> No.17685979

OP your dad remembered a specific book title you bought from a thrift store. That was pretty cash money of him. Don’t be an Oedipal mommas boy. Your dad sound like a big peener. Maybe give it a lil suck every now and then.

>> No.17686023

I hope you call them and visit them often OP.

>> No.17686099

I’m conflicted about my mom. On one hand, I’ve never really felt convinced that she actually cared about me and she did basically break my family apart. On the other hand, she did sacrifice a lot for us and always says she loves her kids.

>> No.17686267

yes... so? the plays are related. They're not part of one cycle (Oresteia being the only complete cycle), but they're not advertised as being either

>> No.17686285

How are you going to return a book to a thrift shop?

>> No.17686313

Based mom
Post feet

>> No.17686315


>> No.17686355

> dictate your interpersonal relationship on empirical facts
Be gone you fucking bug

>> No.17686372

It depends how she acts about it. Does she shame you for not loving her enough despite how much she sacrificed for you?

>> No.17686382

imagine having 2 dads but 1 is slightly more feminine than the other and they are both english teachers.

>> No.17686979

Based, kinda on the same train as you anon. Just yesterday I talked to my lit prof mom about literature for 3 hours. Felt good.

>> No.17687444

Kys pedo

>> No.17687585

is this a divorce thing

>> No.17687712
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is she bad tho? can i have her number? boob size, hip to waist ratio?

>> No.17687961

if you don't read the plays chronologically you don't belong here

>> No.17687970

>monday morning mom goes to hospital for pancreatic cancer surgery
>monday afternoon I ask her which book she wants me to buy her to read in recovery
>she asks for a new Midsomer Murders book (new in our translation)
>she loves crime novels and MM is her fav show
>go out and buy it
>tuesday she goes into surgery
>doesn't wake up
>dies on thursday

This was in 2015, I still have that book untouched. It's mom's book.

>> No.17688011

seconding this, what'd you get anon

>> No.17688033
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>> No.17688050
File: 2.18 MB, 4188x3001, Credit-©-Anno-Mitsumasa.-Courtesy-of-Anno-Art-Museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having living parents that love you
can't relate

also gay af story

>> No.17688052

that's a contradiction, because I do belong here, and I haven't read them in chronological order.

>> No.17688057

in fact, reading in chronological order indicates you probably read them all at once in a short period, which is quite a pseud thing to do. Did you read all of Shakespeare's plays in a row, in order, too?

>> No.17688058

Thanks mom.

>> No.17688059

Waiting on this too

>> No.17688063

o7 — try True Detective Season 1

>> No.17688065

Why do gays demand respect again

>> No.17688492

There are 7 plays lmao

>> No.17688680

Being raised by two narcissists, really all I could do as a child was to smile and agree lest I feel the wrath of those frothing fucking chimps and choose to suffer them beating me over the head with attempts at gasligting for a week until I have convinced both myself as well as them that I am a bad ungreatful person for disagreeing.

Thank you for reading my diary desu. On sale now at you're local bookstore-coffeeshop

>> No.17688869
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>> No.17688917
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>> No.17688945

righteous trips

>> No.17688972

I think it's important to smile and be grateful for gifts even when they're worthless to you, provided that the giver did put time, effort, money, care etc. into getting that gift for you. (If they picked up something cheap and last minute at a gas station and then berate you for not being grateful enough that's something else entirely.)

What I dislike is when the giver is so excited for you to like their gift and it's unfortunately just not a well-chosen gift and everyone privately scolds you after for not just faking that you loved it. To me that's lying and as much as I hate hurting well-intentioned people I hate even more being told that lying is good and necessary.

I recently received a very expensive gift that was unfortunately totally useless to me and it was a really awful day. What's more the giver had gone to great lengths to get it, wasn't able to return it, and really thought I would love it—it had some sentimental connections for both of us that would have made it a wonderful and thoughtful gift if it happened to be something I would ever use. I couldn't hide how torn I was about the gift and I hated seeing how disappointed he was about it, but I think it would have been patronizing to lie about it. The whole ordeal was sad for everyone when it should have been joyful but I like that it was at least honest. Nobody likes when they can tell someone is pretending to love a gift that they secretly dislike

I'm sorry anon. The lot of some is to suffer, but not forever.

"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

>> No.17688995

My absolute favorite quote from the Bible, anon. Thank you for making my day.

>> No.17688998
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based mom, I love my mom too
I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.17689036
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>> No.17689172

yes... with 7 distinct stories. You just read one after the other, didn't you? lol and you're saying other people read them wrong hahaha

>> No.17689212
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I love you my fren.

>> No.17689232

I don't feel envious of you people but I do have to wonder what it's like to have a good relationship with your Mom.

>> No.17689251

utilitariancucks btfo

>> No.17689261
File: 515 KB, 750x1250, F24E342B-6BEE-409A-9C2E-4B66CF82297C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking about your mom right now and it’s not tears it’s bringing me close to

>> No.17689324

I always read the complete works of an author. Also I read Sophocles' works multiple times. If you haven't, you should go back.

>> No.17689344
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>had a based mom
>she died in October
If you guys don’t hug your moms RIGHT NOW I’m gonna be upset

>> No.17689392

>love my mom
>sometimes bad things cover the good and wish she would fucking die
>weeks later don't wish it anymore but know that sooner or later it will happen again

>> No.17689416

You sound like a good person, Anon.

>> No.17689441

back to where?

>> No.17689508

you can read the complete works of an author, but it's stupid to do it all at once. The way a normal person handles something like this is, they read a couple things, then they go read something else, then if they like it, they come back to it. So even though he only has 7 plays, a well-adjusted person doesn't feel the need to "marathon" them, because he's not a consoomer.

>> No.17689903

>send my sister a book
>text her to let her know it's on the way
>"Yayy! Perfect! I plan to go in a reading rampage this week!!"
Love my family bros

>> No.17691037

I haven't hugged my mom in 20 years other than a couple times when she was in the hospital with some very serious shit

we bourgeois anglos are not affectionate people

>> No.17691050

Yeah moms are cool I should make more of em

>> No.17691244

what the fuck is your problem, Cumgenius?

>> No.17692291

My two dads molested me all the time. They brainwashed me into thinking I was gay too and they took me to drag queen story hours. When I was little I would lay awake at night, pining for the missing feminine nurturing presence in my life. A house without a woman in it is NOT a home. When I was 9 they bought me a computer and set up my browser with porn website bookmarks, they joked about how much "fun" I was going to have. Instead I found the Bible and learned about how sodomy is evil and walking in the path of righteousness is good. It was like turning on a lightbulb. I studied conservative and traditional thinking for hours on end and by the time I entered high school I was already completely redpilled. Keeping this all a secret was difficult, in a normal household it might have been impossible but with two dads it was just possible to fly under the radar. One time I kissed one of my best friends when I knew they could see, and that threw them off the scent for a long time. (In old Christian traditions it was actually normal for men to kiss each other with brotherly love, but when I think how it must have aroused my dads I get sick and I somewhat regret that stunt.) Anyhoo my teenage years were quite eventful as I began to get deeply involved in studying morals, logic, traditional societies and theology. I became a little opinionated (teenagers lol) and possibly contrarian, even changed my mind on some important topics. When I was in my last year of high school my dads were quite concerned how I was going to get into a good university and they looked into one of those overseas volunteering programs that rich kids do. I feigned interest and we settled on Turkey which I convinced them would look good when I applied to get into a good journalism program. That's how I got the plane ticket and from there it was just a matter of meeting up with my online friends and getting into Syria ;). I can't even count how many gays I personally killed in the years that followed. I always imagined they were my gay dads who molested me.

>> No.17692408



>> No.17692417

my parents dont read or have any interest in anything i like.

>> No.17692444

hate to say the word, but based

>> No.17692617

it's great and not at all different from having a mom and dad. if anything it was better because I knew no matter who I was or who I loved I would be accepted