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File: 229 KB, 800x987, 800px-Goethe_(Stieler_1828).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17675704 No.17675704 [Reply] [Original]

Is any of Goethe's scientific work worth reading?

>> No.17675726

Mostly naw. From what I gathered in Italian Journey, it’s hobbyist level at this point.

>> No.17675764

Yes definitely, but it always borders on high philosophy as well. Some say it's not science at all, others that it just represents a different direction of scientific categorisation altogether-- Nevertheless, it is great and worth reading.

Read this:


Once you get past the first part with a bit of Hegel's autism, it really gets quite brilliant. A great introduction to Goethean science anyway.

>> No.17675787

You’ve convinced me. Ha.

>> No.17675800

What do you think of Bortoft as an introduction to Goethean science? I tried him but I was disappointed that he never got very metaphysical. I've also been recommended Lehrs' Man or Matter. Do you think I should just dive into R.S.'s early writings on Goethe?

>> No.17676041

So you read much Goethe?

>> No.17676071

Italian Journey and Iphigenia in Taurus so far.

>> No.17676141

How did you like his poetry? I gather you are a fan of poetry in general. I liked faust and werther, but I've never had an appetite for poetry. I read a few poems from italian journey when I can't sleep

>> No.17676187

What did this guy do that makes him considered upper echelon of humanity?

>> No.17676208

>upper echelon of humanity
He's literally the greatest individual to ever live.

>> No.17676813

He was the only one who could go head to head with Hegel

>> No.17676824

>head to head
He literally makes fun of him in those letters.

>> No.17676827

Prose mastery, Mastery over poetry, Philosophy valuable enough that Both Hegel and Schopenhauer loved the guy, and in some regards science as he did make actual breakthroughs.

Basically whatever the guy touched he seemed to do very very very very well.

>> No.17676838

I can’t recall it really. I don’t know why people are assuming I know poetry well (recently looking through loose notes, and any attempts I’ve made in the lat four years have been dismally stupid) I remember lots of other things from the book, but nothing of the poetry

>> No.17676841

>Basically whatever the guy touched
Not Kätchen

>> No.17677050


>> No.17677088

he himself thought the Farbenlehre was the best thing he ever wrote (above Faust and other poetic works)

>> No.17677148

Goethe wrote The Sorrows of Young Werther in 6 weeks when he was 24

>> No.17677164

Sorry I meant Käthchen, his crush

>> No.17677206

It's just one of those things everyone pretends is exalted because people from a bygone era said so and the words of the dead hold more weight in the eyes of midwits.

>> No.17677210

>i got filtered: the post

>> No.17677213

>T. midwit

>> No.17677219

Post your favorite authors

>> No.17677227

>The midwit erupts into petty elitism when confronted with the truth.

>> No.17677232
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Filtered, angry, and defeated.

>> No.17677243


>> No.17677256

His color theory is literal dogshit.
What the fuck you're talking about?

>> No.17677345


>> No.17677588

He's not even the greatest German, that would be Leibniz.

>> No.17677596

Completely true (and I like Goethe)

>> No.17678022

>he did all this & he never suffered mentally in his life
>influenced virtually all great thinkers including Neetche, Schopenhauer, Schiller, and even Nikola Tesla
He was the g.o.a.t.he

>> No.17678033

For some reason one German decided to suck his dick one time and the rest followed suit. He's honestly not even that good.

>> No.17678036

How is it dogshit? Goethe realized the aesthetic conditions in the human experience of color. The perceptual capacities of the brain and eye, and their situatedness in a real world of real experience must be considered essential conditions of how colors could be seen. Goethe was able to discover more colors than Newton in their own respected methods.. While it isn't groundbreaking now, he still pointed out the flaws in Newtonian methodology

>> No.17678043

Goethe was the original sigma male

>> No.17678109

He was le ebin polymath

>> No.17678532

It's actually pronounced Gerter

>> No.17678586

>tfw this got no replies

Can anyone familiar with Goethean science help me out here?

>> No.17678603

He was the last aristocrat that was an actual intelectual.

>> No.17678612

He was a pseud

>> No.17678619

>disappointed that he never got very metaphysical
Why not read Steiner?

>> No.17678679

He wasn't a philosopher by today's standards but he would've been one during the Renaissance

>> No.17678724

In other words, Leibniz light

>> No.17678739

I don't really know where to start. Does he get right into the metaphysics in his Goethe books or does he do like Bortoft and get scared of seeming too esoteric? Didn't he write those things before he got into Theosophy?

>> No.17678769

sigma balls

>> No.17678835

Darwin says he got the idea of evolution from the theory and anatomical work of goethe you mongoloid

>> No.17678888

Leibniz: in every scholars' study
Goethe: in jedermanns herz

>> No.17679269

Yeah, I haven't read his stuff on Goethe desu

>> No.17680193
File: 234 KB, 1527x1081, Wagner-e1495458746906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one greater.

>> No.17680271


Post poems pls bfly

>> No.17680305

>wasn't a philosopher by today's standards
Kek wtf does that mean?

>> No.17680358

He was a proto-celeb of his time, like Wagner. Style over substance.

>> No.17680468

>Style over substance.
Das bullshit

>> No.17680972
File: 36 KB, 397x397, 1614036610959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato would not have been considered a philosopher by today. Coping if you deny this.
The paradigm under which Goethe might be classified a philosopher is much older, recalling the ancient and then renaissance conception of the polymath, the man of great learning and wisdom, whose active life serves as the outward expression of his thinking.

>> No.17682603

Color theory

>> No.17682613

Heidegger considered him a philosopher and directly incorporated his ideas, as many other modern thinkers had.

>> No.17682974

Heidegger also thought the A-edition of the CPR was better than the B-edition. He's a giant, but he has proven on multiple points that his opinions should be entertained with caution

>> No.17683023

A, b, edition? How many editions are there?

>> No.17683036
File: 18 KB, 320x251, DzZeim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. He was just the PewDiePie of his time.

>> No.17683043

Faust can go toe to toe with anything by Shakespeare, Dante, Homer or whoever you want to compare toes with

>> No.17683044

Just two if I'm not mistaken and the second is very different from the first.

>> No.17683048

only those two

>> No.17683182

>Heidegger also thought the A-edition of the CPR was better than the B-edition.
Considering how deeply Heidegger drank from the fountain of Kant, I'm genuinely interested in hearing why. Where does he go over this?

>> No.17683200
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>> No.17683482

Okay, but how am I supposed to know how the vowels are pronounced?