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17679934 No.17679934 [Reply] [Original]

How is this racist?

>> No.17679937
File: 93 KB, 1003x577, 379109F4-B671-45E4-BED9-54BE0CD359AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is this racist?

>> No.17679950

Frankly it's not racist enough.

>> No.17679973
File: 365 KB, 790x661, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously libs, how is this racist?

>> No.17679992 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 284x292, rupert_coon_island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the racism in Alfred Bestall's work, but most of his works are getting censored.
Also, there's no such thing as racism to SSA because they are technically not human beings. They are a different subspecies altogether.
BTW, I shot a nigger once in self-defense, and I highly recommend everyone do so as a rite to manhood.

>> No.17680019

i thought that hill was going to be some sort of distribution about crime rates

>> No.17680066

1. Not racist to depict Asian cartons with Asian characteristics, how else would you know they’re Asian?
2. It was 1942

>> No.17680086

there isn't, just people overreacting

>> No.17680102

When I was a little kid in the 90s I told my asian dentist she looked like "the yellow power ranger". She took it well because she was an immigrant and it was the 90s and I was a little kid. I am actually extremely racist but making the asian girl "the yellow power ranger" was maybe a bit much. It would be like making the black guy "the gorilla power ranger". Idk have they done that?

>> No.17680116 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 512x515, 1614714260462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people overreacting
Case in point

>> No.17680127

Calling Asians "yellow" is actually due to the yellow river in China. It was a symoblic meaning. In that sense, making an Asian "yellow" or associating them with that color in general is very appropriate. For another interesting analogue, the Phoenicians were associated with the color "purple" to the point where purple in the Greek language is named after them.

>> No.17680135

I can smell the pseud on you from here.

>> No.17680141


>> No.17680143

The White Power ranger was the best one.

>> No.17680153

What what?

>> No.17680166

They were called yellow because rice based diet will cause yellow pigmentation

>> No.17680168

Calling Europeans "White" was also symbolic for the purity of their souls and beauty of their beings.

>> No.17680177

It's not racist, but that use of rhyme is more offensive than racism.

>> No.17680179

Irish people became white because they ate lots of potatoes.

>> No.17680192

I thought this was a bell curve at first lol

>> No.17680198 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 228x221, C02841F3-2C79-48A1-B53A-E7A803BF2180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as for Africans...well...

>> No.17680205

This nigga couldn’t rhyme or write. That’s why he used so many gibberish words. Why do they foist this shit on kids when they’re learning to speak and read anyways?

>> No.17680222

Racist AND enjoyable

>> No.17680264

How is Porphyro associated with Phoenicians? Or did they also have another word for it? I know they had like twenty words for red

>> No.17680466

>How are outdated stereotypes offensive
We may never know

>> No.17681087

>how is this racist

Perhaps tangential but white people will never understand racism the way people with a coloured skin or foreign background do. I'm a Muslim and have been discriminated against on basis of my name, skin colour and religion. Job offices decline me because of (well, because of?), landlords would rather hire someone else and retarded "natives" can't understand that antidiscriminatory laws are not enough.

it's extremely tiring and disillusioning.

>> No.17681101

Please God, kill everyone in this thread.

>> No.17681114


>> No.17681141

So this place has been thoroughly destroyed ?

>> No.17681148

>I'm a Muslim
Why are you in Europe/America then? What did you expect? Do you think I, a white atheist, would get along fine in Saudi Arabia? No, and I wouldn't live in Saudi Arabia because they are not my people and it is not my homeland.
>Job offices decline me because of (well, because of?)
Everyone has been rejected after a job interview, fucking schizo.

>> No.17681150

Nice gaslighter, tickle tickle.

>> No.17681163

Arabs don't give a damn your white, do think Arabs consider whites exotic? Do you not have eyes to see that millions of Arabs are indistinguishable from Europeans?

>> No.17681165

Because at this moment only a person of x features/heritage etc... can represent another person of x* without it being assumed as being racist, unless the depiction is an attempt at something close to photo realism (a high quality oil portrait for example) or the depiction is highly favourable.

The racism gap that Dr. Seuss leaves is large enough that the pic could be 'hahaha hohohoho ching chong china man me eat bat fo' dinna'' or just a cartoon of some Chinese folks. Because the gap exists he must be cancelled. There's simply too much room for interpretation.

*whites excluded

>> No.17681183

>epicanthal folds are just an old stereotype, chuds!
leftism is literally a mental disorder

>> No.17681187

It's stereotyping Asian culture to a spectacular degree. They're literally walking caricatures. Don't say it "helps kids know about other cultures" because it doesn't. It just presents those cultures as exotic objects akin to watching animals.
This is literally painting black people as barely human. If not for the nose rings you could assume these were monkeys.

It's obviously racist. You might be desensitised because you're constantly exposed to racism on 4chan. But any regular person would feel uncomfortable seeing these.

>> No.17681200

>my homeland
See, that's the exact problem. On one hand people deny racism exists, and when you press the issue hard enough that it irritates them, they let their mask slip "this ain't your country wog". Do you not see those two statements contradict one another?
Which one is right? The smug one or the angry one?

>Everyone has been rejected after a job interview, fucking schizo.
I've been discriminated for this alone. "your name sounds too Muslim and it could give X company a bad impression/they won't want that".
inb4 anecdotal evidence: it's obvious that nearly every POC has encountered this. It's not anecdotal then.
Studies show that interim offices/employers DO discriminate against POC if their resumes are equal.

>> No.17681208

>Perhaps tangential but white people will never understand
Is there a better phrase to signal that the person speaking or writing has nothing of value to say?

>> No.17681209

Again, why did you leave your homeland and travel to Europe only to complain that the natives show in-group preference for their own people? You're coming and literally changing the ethno-cultural composition of society and trying to introduce socio-political change. Where do you get the gall?

>> No.17681217

jewish hands typed this

>> No.17681219

How is it "outdated" to say that Asians have slanted eyes? How is it "outdated" to depict Africans as being black?

>> No.17681234

>It just presents those cultures as exotic objects
Cultures foreign to you are by definition exotic objects. Uncrank your nuts.

>This is literally painting black people as barely human.
Fair complaint. Still not worth the trouble of unpublishing. Is it not the least bit ironic the gaggle demanding we all "see color" and "acknowledge painful histories" do everything in their power to censure evidence of both in literature and art? I thought the whole point of this racial reckoning was to make people uncomfortable? Why eliminate clear evidence of discomfort?

Woke progressivism is just predatory capitalist marketing. If I Ran the Zoo was running at upwards of $1000 on Amazon this afternoon.

>> No.17681237

What about the rest of my post?

Great zinger, now please address the arguments I made.

>> No.17681249

My grandparents came here, I had no choice in it and I consider this a better country than my land of heritage, that being said I do feel that there are discriminatory behaviours present in the population that just aren't useful to even themselves (racist remarks, threats, denying housing, etc)

>> No.17681250

>On one hand people deny racism exists, and when you press the issue hard enough that it irritates them, they let their mask slip "this ain't your country wog".
Racism is hatred, discrimination, or personal prejudice against others on the basis of their race. I don't hate you and I don't hate Muslims. In fact I appreciate Eastern culture, religion, and architecture. But nations and ethnicities exist. You can't just pretend they don't. You left your own country and your own people and went to another nation to live. You took the native people's land and changed the character of their towns and cities. What did you expect would happen?

>> No.17681256

No one is going to argue with a jew about homelands or in group preference, please take your pilpul elsewhere.

>> No.17681257

>What about the rest of my post?
Why would I read it? You preface your argument with a statement delegitimizing my ability to comprehend it. I'm white - I can't understand you, remember?

>> No.17681260

Societies always change, a static society is a dead society. You criticize your own Western societies through your projections: yes, you hate your European culture for venturing forth into the wider world and bringing the rest of the world back with it. There's no going back, mon vieux.

>> No.17681264

>Societies always change
And people always die. That isn't a justification for murder.

>> No.17681271

>No one is going to argue with a jew about homelands or in group preference
I wish, but that's what 30% of /sci/ and /lit/ are on bad days, not to mention /pol/.

>> No.17681277

Haha, again you project. Belgium deserves to be filled to the brim with the collateral descendents of the millions they murdered in the Congo.

>> No.17681278

>You took the native people's land and changed the character of their towns and cities.
What an exaggeration. Even in villages where we are an ethnic minority we face discrimination.

>What did you expect would happen?
If you bring in people with the argument of a better life in return for cheap labour, at least have the decency to make good on your end of the promise.

Try to, just try, and I'll posit the arguments explaining why your reasoning lacks insights derived from living as a minority. Or, they might be good and I'll concede my position.

>> No.17681291

I’m white, English but live in Poland. I’ve been excluded from things for not speaking the language or knowing cultural references so I don’t think that you can say white people couldn’t understand something. It would be even worse if I we're Polish and moved to England.
On the other hand I knew a few Italians that got some shit around 2015 when there was the migrant crisis so I see where you’re coming from. Being told to ‘get off the tram’ because you’ve got a bit of a tan is fucking ridiculous. Unfortunately, people do discriminate against others. I studied in Birmingham which is now minority white. There was a nightclub called Oceana that all the students went to on Wednesdays. If you went into the room that played garage music and were not Asian you would always get in trouble. You can’t tell me that only non-whites know about discrimination.

>> No.17681297

Not him but you're retarded. Different ethnicities and cultures clearly have different experiences, thus it might be said one has a greater sensitivity or ability to comprehend some things than others. For example I as a white Briton will probably never comprehend Native American culture to as intimate a degree as a Native American guy, who grew up in it, would. That's simply lost on me because I didn't grow up in that culture and don't know it. You're just a sensitive faggot.

>> No.17681300

racism exists but whites are objectively the least racist and most self hating, and the racist whites don’t counter that out. you just don’t know people of other races well enough if you think they aren’t racist or would act better if the tables were turned. you nigger.

>> No.17681302

Okay, since Belgium's reign in the country was done by private companies, and do not represent the demands and wishes of the demographics, you still decide that this is rightful vengeance, are Belgians allowed to recolonize your African shithole after hordes of immigrants come raping and looting its population?

>> No.17681304

Why anon? Would that be a form of punishment to have to live around Congolese?

>> No.17681313

>Try to, just try,
What's the point? Being white, I cannot understand. Even asking me to try is cruel.

And how could you possibly concede? Being nonwhite, only you can understand. To concede would be to cede your understanding and, therefore, your non-whiteness. Weird little box you've built for yourself.

>> No.17681315

Whites less racist? In Morocco people can marry one another regardless of their ethnic origin, there's no idpol fixation as in the west. I doubt the honesty behind your statement.

>> No.17681318

Victim complex, sad!

>> No.17681325

>Not him but you're retarded. Different ethnicities and cultures clearly have different experiences
As a white man, you have no basis to make this claim. Stop centering yourself in this conversation, Nazi trash.

And don't flatter yourself. Self-respect isn't sensitivity. Do try to be less of a racist, though.

>> No.17681333

Refute the points or begone

>> No.17681341

I don't blame you for not understanding the natives because you're clearly deracinated and it's sad. But try to understand. Nations exist. A nation is a land united by a particular ethnicity under one governance. People see you as an invader into their nation, because in some sense you are. You are not of the people, your ancestors did not shape the nation's history, you are an outsider. So people look at you differently than they look at their own.

>> No.17681346

I am sorry that you are beyond mentally fucked because your grand parents thought of easy gibs in white cities.
So dont worry, they will be executed for the crime they have committed also against you. Now please stop being a subhuman nigger and fuck off to your Nation; you will always have your fee fees hurt outside of it, mudshit.

>> No.17681348

>In Morocco people can marry one another regardless of their ethnic origi
do you think this isn't true in white countries? also
>Morocco has a population of around 36,029,093 inhabitants (2018 est.).[126][127] According to the CIA, 99% of residents are Arab-Berber.[5]
there is literally only one race there in the first place

>> No.17681360

From one anonymous post I can tell you are probably one of the most insufferable people at your community college.

>> No.17681364

There is nothing wrong with being racist. Nature is survival of the fittest, those who refuse to organize on a tribal level will be stomped on and conquered by those who do.

There are differences in intelligence, impulse control, and temperaments between races and it is primarily genetic in nature.

White people are learning this the hard way right now.

>> No.17681365

I can't believe someone could be this retarded. How did you even manage to solve the captcha?

>> No.17681368

Go back

>> No.17681375

Again, I am white and therefore incapable of understanding. You cannot have it both ways; either I can understand and engage in an argument or I cannot and the argument is pointless.

Even implying that refutation is possible is to imply that this nonwhite person's understanding could be wrong, which could not ever be true according to this framework.

So again, do you think I can understand or do you think I cannot understand?

>> No.17681377

My grandparents and parents have worked in this country for all their lives, helped Belgian people and carried the Belgian nationality. They did shape its history. Why then do I deserve this?

see post above
Ignorance. In Morocco there are Black Africans and they can marry in the family as they like.

You're only insulting yourselves by refusing to acknowledge racism, even if it isn't systematic it is still deeply rooted in those whose fantasies of a White nationalism obstruct the road to a better society.

>> No.17681379

Shut up sandmonkey. Your race and religion were a scourge on Europe for nearly a thousand years before we turned the tables on you. Stop crying about "muh hate", you sandnigger camel fuckers deserve every bit of it you get.

>> No.17681382

I think you could understand, but from personal experience you lot never do. Give it a chance though, I'm all ears.

>> No.17681383

>In Morocco there are Black Africans and they can marry in the family as they like.
what like 4 of them? and again the same is true of marriage in white countries

>> No.17681385

Consistency is key, anons. Consistency is key.

>> No.17681386 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 1490x1725, 1492960017909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really beginning to hate niggers and liberals.

>> No.17681394

>I think you could understand
>but from personal experience you lot never do
So you don't think I can understand.

You're really bad at this.

>> No.17681395

>My grandparents and parents have worked in this country for all their lives, helped Belgian people and carried the Belgian nationality. They did shape its history. Why then do I deserve this?

Being a sand nigger muslim who is covertly trying to take over the country from the inside.

>> No.17681403

Why the blood feud? Honestly there's no attempt at destroying the host country by honest working Muslims. I admit that there are people that make us look bad.... so? There are bad white people too, no one is going on a witch hunt against random whites by merit of their skin colour.

>> No.17681409
File: 30 KB, 598x299, Blue Check can't read kids books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, that purveyor of door stop books full of over the top worldbuilding and complex characters, Dr. Seuss

>> No.17681412
File: 447 KB, 796x464, 1502800427588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Refute the points or begone


>> No.17681413

The countries of Africa and the Middle East are your stepmothers (you have so many, oh dear): your noble white fatherland married them (swore total union with them, e.g. Algeria) or made them its mistresses, and out of that forced union, that rape, that enslavement, and/or that promise of permanent union formed a people that by all rights of natural paternity have as their big strong, forceful (who takes what he wants) father Europe's ex-colonial powers. Yes, the once powerful domineering patriarch is now retired from the business, but the children have right to visit him, to keep him company, even to live with him and partake of what is his if he destroyed or made a wreck, or indeed abused to his heart's content their mother and what was hers.

>> No.17681417

He's right, though. I've lived in a country that wasn't mine and I was pretty much always treated as an outsider. Go back home, like I did.

>> No.17681419

>There is nothing wrong with being racist.
Racism is irrational because it judges individuals by their group. Even if it were true that blacks are less intelligent than whites it would not justify the belief that any individual black person is less intelligent than any individual white. There are plenty of intelligent black people and unintelligent white people. To treat people differently based on their skin colour is immoral and stupid; one has to look at their individual character.

>> No.17681422

Last chance.

>Being a sand nigger muslim who is covertly trying to take over the country from the inside.
Every single one of them? Or are you extrapolating the hateful minority of our minority group as a tool to justify your racism?

>> No.17681423

Just wait until 4021 when they finally reach the reading level required to read Aristotle. The greeks are toast

>> No.17681428

Funniest thing is that most of this racist drivel will NEVER be uttered in a real life discussion.
Stand by your words, please.

Being an expat is not the same as being a 3rd gen citizen.

>> No.17681429

Why would you go to some trashy shithole like Oceana

>> No.17681441

>Being an expat is not the same as being a 3rd gen citizen.
Yes it is. What do you think a nation is? It is a land INHABITED BY A PARTICULAR ETHNICITY. You are not of that ethnicity, no matter if you're a citizen or not.

>> No.17681442

>Honestly there's no attempt at destroying the host country by honest working Muslims

Yes there is and I think you no it, Achmed:


You sandniggers are a disease.

>> No.17681453

Funniest thing is that you know I'm right. Stop playing the victim you disgusting, slimy arab dog.

>> No.17681473

Africans eat a lot of licorice

>> No.17681476

That argument turns into dust once you consider that nearly all countries are multiethnic states, and they were, even before 20th century immigration. Or do you honestly think everyone in large states like 19th century France was of the same ethnic group and borders were drawn on that basis?

>one (1) video

>> No.17681477

If a white person made it, it's racist and has to be erased from history. That is the exact standard applied by the left. The only filter is what they think they can get away with.

>> No.17681484

It's more than just a video. You fuckers are waiting until you reach critical mass before you start openly pushing your real beliefs unto others.

You argue like a jew, only far less intelligent.

>> No.17681498

Muslims are invading europe because certain aquiline nosed anti-european people are whispering in their ears telling them to do it.

>> No.17681501

Islam forbids compulsion of religion.

>> No.17681509

>You fuckers are waiting until you reach critical mass before you start openly pushing your real beliefs unto others.

And no, country borders aren't drawn on ethnic basis, lmao. Is there even such a thing as ethnic group? Russia, even the "white" part has slavs, volga germans, descendants of sami and nords, etc

>> No.17681512

Islam forbids a lot of things Muslims do anyway.

>> No.17681513

>The only filter is what they think they can get away with.

We need to make sure that none of these iconoclastic (((communist lunatics))) are left alive after the civil war is over.

>> No.17681514

As a marxist-leninist from a sane nation with a sane left, shut the fuck up. Anglo libtards are not the left.

>> No.17681517

Who cares, only libshits would.

>> No.17681524

just say jews pussy, i hate nazis but at least just say it outright if you want to be one. Pussy

>> No.17681534

Jews are a social construct sweatie, there is no 'jewish people'

>> No.17681536

Pubs are shut. Wouldn't worry about these idiots they do dumb shit like put pig ham on the steps of the masjid and think the place can't be used again.

>> No.17681538

And they've invented jewish ways of getting around that such as a tax, discriminatory laws against non-muslims
For a people so bent on screeching about inequality, quite ironic, I must say.

How many more arms will you take when begging for a finger? Even jews had the decency to overtly act like they were part of the host population, you on the other hand never learn. But in the case you'll even get a way with it: what next? When you've won, the country you breed in will turn into a giant shithole like the one you fled. Is it worth it?

>> No.17681544

I have been thinking about this forever: what fucking ideology are these people?
There is a ton of Marxist influence, but it’s really not true Marxism. As much as I dislike Marxists, these people are worse than Marxists. Marxism isn’t racial. This is.
I know all about Critical Theory, but that’s not really an ideology so much as a thought (the word “thought” used very loosely) framework.
Will someone eventually write a history of this movement?
I genuinely believe that we are in the early stages of the single most evil, malevolent political movement in the history of man.

>> No.17681545

Is your argument therefore that Muslims who do not correctly practise Islam will become a problem?

>> No.17681548

No less a luminary than Houellebecq is ready to except that Europe's time as an entity separate from the Middle East is at an end. A new union among equals shall inevitably be product of what before was a relationship based on colonial iniquity. You should be happy tho as Europe will thereby solve its problem of energy self sufficiency!

>> No.17681555

>Islam forbids compulsion of religion.

It literally doesn't. Almost every region where muslims and non-muslims interact sees non-muslims constantly attacked and restricted based on the practices of Islam.

Stop playing stupid.

>Can you prove it?

Look at any muslim country today, read any historybook, look at any sand-nigger colonies within western nations and you will see.

>And no, country borders aren't drawn on ethnic basis

They absolutely were up until communist faggots and ultra-capitalists put a damper on nationalism. And the west has NEVER been open or tolerant to your religion (and for good reason).

>> No.17681557

>implying that hating jews makes someone a Nazi
Where have you been the last 3,000 years?

>> No.17681563

>No less a luminary than Houellebecq is ready to except that Europe's time as an entity separate from the Middle East is at an end.

lol not gonna happen.

>> No.17681572

You seem deranged, I'm sorry.

>> No.17681578

>what ideology
Intersectionality and critical theory with a hyperpozzed "marxism" that serves the globohomo's wishes.

Reminder: these people don't read books, they are young people (or, even more sad, those of a mature age) that indoctrinate themselves/are indoctrinated by social media algorithms and the media. What's more worrisome is how they get people to subvert the success of their own ethnic group in order to please some invaders.

>> No.17681584

All these demoralizers like to pretend that there isn’t a clear breaking point for the average person.
The reason no one has done anything yet is because white people aren’t being deprived of food, water or shelter.
The moment people stop being comfortable is the moment people start fighting back

>> No.17681587

>It literally doesn't
Yeah it does. You're just stupid. Go learn about things before you talk.

>> No.17681593

You are mistaken my friend, the people that hate Jews are obviously nazis or white supremacists, and the line is too thin to respect when arguing with your type.

>> No.17681598

t. Jew

>> No.17681603

If that is all you thought when reading my post then this board isn't for you.

>> No.17681613

That's not exactly true though is it. The Islamic texts can be interpreted in a moderate or extremist way (Muhhamad himself was a warlord who once decapitated 500 Jews). This is why organisations like ISIS claim to be following Islamic doctrine with their actions. You can say they're misinterpreting it, but at the end of the day it's your word against theirs.

An interesting debate on this topic:

>> No.17681614 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 1062x767, Jewish Media control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have been thinking about this forever: what fucking ideology are these people?

It's race-communism being peddled and puppeted by the jews, where white people are the "bourgeoises" and niggers, spics, and sand niggers are lumped together as the "PoCs" and are the new "proletariat".

The jews want to exterminate all competitor races that can pose intellectual and technological competition to them and then rule over a massive underclass of brown slaves.

>> No.17681620

I always wonder to what extent cope is part of the sentiment that is displayed in this post. I am, what Americans refer to as white, but I have been called slurs and have been treated with suspicion many times because of my foreign look. It has never bothered me though, because I always knew I belonged and I had a good group of friends and family. I always had understanding why people behave that way. That may not be the case for others though, and they direct their perceived discrimination and frustration outwards and blame some "system".

My belief is that employers, door men, and landlords are fully in their right to reject someone they deem suspicious based on preconceived notions or previous experience. I mean why not? In some sense this is a power struggle and it also fully makes sense for the "discriminated" to fight back. After all, they feel entitled to some property and they want to gain it by any means necessary. Using accusations of racism etc. is means of getting that.

>> No.17681622

>who once decapitated 500 Jews
You forgot the part where they backstabbed him before that.

>> No.17681623

That’s kind of what I had in mind but when you call them communists they start spewing some sophistic bullshit and it just becomes not worth it anymore

>> No.17681626

>Go learn about things before you talk.

Go learn history before you talk. Wherever muslims invade all non-muslims are oppressed until hey are pressured into converting, or just flat-out killed.

>> No.17681632

>My belief is that employers, door men, and landlords are fully in their right to reject someone they deem suspicious based on preconceived notions or previous experience
It's still racism because they don't look at the individual but rather at the race. That way hardworking Muslims and Blacks are discriminated against too.

>> No.17681637

Fuck you Muhammad. Most of your people are literally inbred. Look it up.

>> No.17681643

It's inevitable that the US will be minority white in your lifetime, however there is hope it's called changing your mindset. It's actually not that difficult and these "problems" will cease to matter. In any case, assuming you're not a LARPer the demographic shift is unavoidable at this point in time and so you should focus your energies on more productive causes, for example, global warming.

>> No.17681654

Go back

>> No.17681661

I'm a middle eastern atheist, and you're a retard. Change your legal name to something Italian if you think it's hurting your job search.

>> No.17681662

Back to where?


>> No.17681668

>Change your legal name to something Italian if you think it's hurting your job search.
I'm proud of who I am.

>> No.17681673

It was just the done thing at the time. 2007 all 1st years went there on a Wednesday. We largely grew out of it in the second. Awful place but everyone I knew went there...

>> No.17681674

you are not welcome in civilization.

>> No.17681679 [DELETED] 

Go back to Iran or Lebanon or Syria, if you're from those places.

>> No.17681685

Does who you are as a person have anything to do with your job? It's not a social club. Ego is haram.

>> No.17681687

We were when you needed cheap labour forces.

>> No.17681694

Maybe. Maybe not. You do not know.
Nightclub bouncers are a good example of that ambiguity. They reject you based on a quick scan if you fit in or not. You do rarely know what they are looking for. If you are not let in, you simple have to accept that. No way around. This been the way for most and they just deal with it. But some people blame greater power even there and try to force their way in.

Similar patterns apply to jobs and housing, but obviously the impact is greater. I do not see any resolution to this ambiguity that would not violate peoples freedom of choice.

>> No.17681697

Whatever piece of shit desert your grandparents came from

>> No.17681701

>i don’t fit in perfectly to a foreign culture waaaaah
You are more than welcome to adapt to ours.
If I move to Saudi Arabia should I expect them to change on my behalf as a white westerner? Fuck no.
We are the only society in the world who welcomed foreigners with open arms. All we ask is that you respect our way of life.
Suck a dick

>> No.17681713

Foreign culture? The country I live in is doing better than before, becoming a multicultural society, but people (particularly the whites) have to understand minorities aren't just going back after we did the dirty work they lured us in with.


>> No.17681715

Exactly. These guys are LARPers, some are in the military, others might even be active in psy op operations. Assume nothing about them other than their insincerity.

>> No.17681724

It's irrelevant. He massacred prisoners of war and civilians and enslaved their women and children, just like ISIS does. The point is that the Islamic texts are not clear on this matter. Both the extremist and the moderate Muslims have their own interpretations.

>> No.17681735

Absolutely incorrect, the Middle East is one of the most ethnically diverse regions in the world (religious too). It's when they started imitating European ethno-nationalisn that things took a turn for the worse. In the case of Iran, their country is multicultural by definition and has been since the time of Xerxes the Great.

>> No.17681736

Bad bait

>> No.17681738

They were in war with scarce resources. It was the best option to execute them because letting them go would backfire on them again.

>> No.17681741

>Belgian that talks about "whites"
Stop reading American news sources and topics. I really dislike people like you. If you complain about discrimination at least make it about ethnicity, the proper European way. As soon you talk about "white this, black this" my eyes glaze over and I will stop listening because I know I am talking to someone who imports most of his lived experience from the internet. I am not the only European who does this. Talking points like that are a red flag.

>> No.17681748

Why are you here? 4chan is a Christian website.

>> No.17681752

I sympathize with you but you aren't Belgian. You're a Morrocan living in Belgium.

>> No.17681755

Except that that is in fact both the British and Dutch mentality.

>> No.17681760

rightists belong in camps

>> No.17681761

Are the descendants of Italian migrants not Belgian either? French descendants neither? Dutch? No?

>> No.17681768

I do not give a shit about the Anglos, they are proxy-Americans. The Dutch have the same problem nowadays. Sinterklaas used to be absolutely fine until more and more idiots started consuming American media. It is depressing really.

>> No.17681776

Zwarte Piet, I meant.

>> No.17681778

He's a citizen of the European Union, his rights within are as legitimate as any other citizen of the Union. However if you disapprove of the Union and would rather have your country become a backwater satellite of the US by all means do so, but at least be clear about it, so we can understand your position more fully and logically.

>> No.17681789

Fuck off with this bullshit. He is born and raised in Belgium, he is a Belgian.
t. other European

>> No.17681803

>Go learn history
You go learn history you fucking nigger idiot. There are millions of non-Muslims living today who are the direct descendants of non-Muslims who lived through the Muslim conquest of their lands.

> are oppressed until hey are pressured into converting, or just flat-out killed
This sounds more like the Spanish Inquisition or certain events during the early centuries of Protestantism, or the Bosnian civil war, or what Communists do.

>> No.17681809

Do you think it's okay for ISIS to do the same?

>> No.17681813

ISIS isn't right;

>> No.17681815

>implying the EU isn't a backwater satellite of the U.S.

Hilarious anon you're a funny one.

>> No.17681816

The Spanish inquisition was the native people throwing off the Muslim colonizers

>> No.17681819

>There are millions of non-Muslims living today who are the direct descendants of non-Muslims who lived through the Muslim conquest of their lands.
A few million yes, reduced to mere minorities in a sea of millions of shitskin muslims.

>> No.17681822

Nah. If a white person grew up in China you wouldn’t say he’s Chinese. Same idea here.

>> No.17681823

That case was exceptional. There are ordinary rules of war in Islam some of which ISIS apparently ignore or don't know about at any rate ISIS are a minority and most of the fighting they were doing was against other Muslims.

>> No.17681833


>> No.17681840

>t. other European
In 2021 that could mean all sorts of shit. Are you one of the "new" Europeans?

>> No.17681852

Are you denying the holocaust because a large portion of Jews survived? Based wokie!

>> No.17681861

Is a person with French heritage born and raised in Germany a German?
What about a Dutchman born in England?
A Latvian in Greece?
A Pole in Czech Republic?

>> No.17681871

>the millions they murdered in the Congo.
lmao nice fake numbers. I doubt the Congo even had more than a million people when the Belgians arrived. A dense jungle filled with people living in stone-age conditions, not the type of environment suitable for high population. Besides that, the congese didn't have any written records so how do we know how many were there? It's not like anyone recorded.

Imagine just making up some number, no better than Jews inflating the holocaust. Maybe you're a jew yourself though, who knows? I'd say several thousand congese died at the hands of the Belgians but no more.

>> No.17681872

I wonder what all those could have in common?

>> No.17681906

>all these retards in the replies arguing that "r-racism isn't real!!!"
>while hurling slurs and screeching at him to "go back"
fucking idiots

>> No.17681907

Go back to the Middle East or Pakistan if it's so bad then

>> No.17681915
File: 73 KB, 385x363, 4chan interviews twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone here is pro-racism, did anyone argue racism isn't real? Sounds like a twitter talking point not a 4chan one.

>> No.17681918
File: 445 KB, 782x1139, Bashar_al-Assad_(2018-05-17)_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pasty skin
It's a completely arbitrary standard. You could just as easily go by "Aryan Race" like the Nazis did. In that case an Iranian Muslim would be preferable to European non-Aryan (Finns, Estonians, and Hungarian).
Also pic related is a Syrian. Most fucking Italians are darker than this. Your conception of whiteness is 100% culturally relative.

>> No.17681919

/pol/niggers deserve the rope.

I had a friend who would send me edgy /pol/ memes while being an officer in my uni's MechEng club. Last year he pissed me off so I sent a bunch of time-stamped dms of his to the other officers. He was promptly kicked out of the club, kicked out of the robotics SAE project he worked so hard to join, and had a huge reddit thread made of him in our uni's sub. Everyone in his major knows about him, now. Last I've seen, he was trying to get a research position without any luck. Fucking little faggot is too much of a pussy to do anything when he clearly knows it was me at this point, too.
On the off-chance that you're on here, pull your own weight on the combustion labs instead of delegating everything to me last minute, Hunter, you fucking nigger

>> No.17681926

I'm not one of those guys. Racism is real, of course. But the conception of racism as being a unique experience to one or more groups of people is silly.

>> No.17681931

>what fucking ideology are these people?
Generalized Civil Rights
>Will someone eventually write a history of this movement?
"It started with the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1965"

>> No.17681933
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>> No.17681935

I'm thinking of just spamming this shitty /pol/bait thread with gore so the mods will nuke it.

>> No.17681950

based snitch

>> No.17681954

He might be a retard but you're nuts. Seek help before you're a 40 year old bridge-burning maniac justifying torturing your kids because "that'll teach 'em."

>> No.17681955

>In that case an Iranian Muslim would be preferable to European non-Aryan (Finns, Estonians, and Hungarian).
They are European, yes. Your point?

>> No.17681966

Why are /pol/cels always post in that catty, woman-like manner? Gnashing of the teeth, tearing out their hair, putting in no effort to address any specific points, Etc.
I've met a couple intelligent ones, but this thread just betrays how many of them are Reddit transplants from 2016.

Also, I'm Black and have an 8.5 inch cock.

>> No.17681969

So are millions of Turks living in Turkey.

>> No.17681971

i'm racist

>> No.17681978

Snitching is only appropriate when it's /pol/tards. You did the right thing.

>> No.17681981

you're a volunteer cop

>> No.17681985

Turkey European? Lmao reach harder

>> No.17681993

you and your ilk belong in a camp

>> No.17681999

you're white. all you retards do in our engineering classes is complain about all the asians using chegg or copying work off of each other (doesn't even happen often since many are terrified of being sent back to their countries, different now with corona). We're just smarter than you, now. top performers are always Koreans like me. The only people who pull their own weight in engineering projects are Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese. You people are just as useless as latinos and pajeets. Stay the fuck out of STEM. we're destroying you.

>> No.17682004

They're not Aryans, their languages don't come from Indo-European. They have less in common linguistically (therefore racially) with whites than whites do with Syrians and Iranians. And yet you would consider a person with Finnish heritage who was born in Germany a German, but would not extend the same logic to an Aryan Muslim. I'm just pointing out how arbitrary and culturally relative your logic is. You go by "white" but I can go by "Aryan". Or I can go by eye colour. Or I can go by hair colour. It's completely arbitrary.

>> No.17682008

Nope. Nationality comes from blood, not from birth place.

>> No.17682013

So these threads are just designed to make people feel worse, dumb them down more, at worst cause them to lash out in real life. People here have to be smarter than that, this is lit/ after all.

>> No.17682023

Yes, half of Istanbul is in Europe.

>> No.17682026

fake and gay. this is the only (you) you'll get out of me

>> No.17682038

>They have less in common linguistically (therefore racially)
stopped reading here. Abysmally retarded take. Do you think every Arabic speaker is a semite as well?

I bet you, you are one of those autists that think Hungarians and Uralics have not been genetically intermixed with its neighbours and previously present populations.
Even the haplo autists on /his/ would scorn you.

>> No.17682039

I'll ruin you too
Just now that all of us Asians are against you, especially against Anglo monkeys. I can't wait for the race war.

>> No.17682043

Which ethnic group lives in Istanbul?

>> No.17682049

At least someone though ahead ahead and started archiving the books

>> No.17682050

ching chong ching chong gongshi gongshi

>> No.17682056

You're underestimating just how animalistic and braindead the average /pol/cel is. Normal /lit/ posters are tame, yes. Only a portion of these knuckle-dragging gorillas have mustered up the willpower to open a book in the last 5 years. Do you think
would be able to talk to a real human? They need to be put in mines or warehouses. Low caste filth, all of them.

>> No.17682059

Would you consider boers as legitamtely african?

>> No.17682063
File: 325 KB, 1536x1784, EvF2VNxXUAA_4Z_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference in acceptance rates between whites and asians is way less than the difference between them and latinos and blacks. Yes asians are slightly more discriminated against than whites, but the rates for eg. the top decile aare
Asian: 12.7%
White: 15.3%
Latino: 31.3%
Black: 56.1%
Asians have a slight edge over whites, it is not even in the same ballpark as the other disparities between races

>> No.17682068

They also have sickly looking yellow skin, I think that might have a part in it as well

>> No.17682075

Storytime anon

>> No.17682078

Did a white guy fuck your oneitis?

>> No.17682081

Of course, Camus was African too, as are Canary Islanders in general

>> No.17682084
File: 389 KB, 863x1024, Greek Pot blackface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is literally painting black people as barely human.
this might be hard for you to understand (or maybe you choose not to understand) but the way Whites see blacks is literally blackface. Like to us, this is how you physically look. Blackface is very ancient, it might even be prehistoric, and based on the very really perception of other races towards blacks. And not just Europeans either. Arabs and Indians see you guys in the same way.

>> No.17682086

Can you attempt to speak Oxford English without sounding like a caricature Chinaman?

>> No.17682093

Well maybe things would be better in whatever horrible shithole God meant you to live in for being such a heretic? Just an idea.

>> No.17682094

Culturally Turkified Greeks. Millions of them look like Greeks in the classical mold

>> No.17682097

A nigger dick has been inside every woman you've ever loved.

>> No.17682108

whites are literally acting like niggers
also you're shorter than me (6'2").

>> No.17682109

you are a faggot and should be treated as such

>> No.17682117

Yankee go home

>> No.17682128

>tfw there are asians taller than me

>> No.17682129

>some basketball player decided to go on /lit/ and complain about a children's book
You're a dork.

>> No.17682134

Did he consider himself so? Well at least youre consistent

>> No.17682138

You were probably squinting so much you read the measuring tape wrong

>> No.17682145

to be honest, quite a lot of Koreans are tall these days. Every time I'm in Seoul I feel only above average. Our mothers all go to the doctors at around age 12 to pump us full of HGH injections. That, along with swimming, is extremely popular.

>> No.17682146

God I hate being 5'11 plus one. The court jesters of the 6 foot plus world. We dont evem get to be the king of the manlets

>> No.17682148

Still living in a white man's land, using white man's institutions and speaking his language, Chang.
Do you even speak your mother tongue?
No need, your inferiority complex will live with you forever. That's why you need to dunk on dem whites on a manchurian plague containment forum.

>> No.17682149

To expand on this. These words imply to me that I am talking to someone who projects the words of recent journalism and internet talking points into his daily life and tries to force a narrative around that. This makes a debate largely disingenuous because they try to defend a position that has been emplaced on them by someone else. Feels like I am talking to an automaton.

>> No.17682155
File: 68 KB, 800x520, xi-laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

west so weak they ban children's books Chinese must be laughing at us

>> No.17682164

didn't ask. you're white.
I automatically am superior to everyone shorter than me, regardless of race. I don't even think about it for a second, besides chuckling at the thought of a white man being sub-5'10"

>> No.17682167

No. My family is fairly "old". I even have a sigil ring that I have inherited from my father as the first born. Our crest is a chopped Turk head lol.

But I would. What else is he? Same as someone being South African.

>> No.17682169

Well gee maybe I should cut open every apple before I take a bite

>> No.17682171

Yeah, that might be possible if the enemy wasn’t indoctrinating children to hate white people in the same way every other genocidal regime in history has done it.
“Anti-Racist” rhetoric about white people is indistinguishable from the Anti-jew rhetoric of Nazi Germany. The anti-“bourgeoisie” rhetoric of the Leninists. The Khmer Rouge spoke in the same way as well. The Maoists? You betcha. They literally all talk like this. “This group is the root of all evil!.” They don’t even have to come out and tell people what the end goal is because the logical conclusion of such rhetoric is to kill them. You would have to be very naive not to see it.

>> No.17682172

I'd like to see this data interpolated into the total number of applicants for each race. For example, there are more Latinos than blacks in genpop, which would explain why a lower % of latinos get accepted (assuming harvard wants to retain some kind of racial "balance"). There are fewer Asians, but asians are pressured much more to apply to top schools, thus increasing the asian app pool. Also other factors like self-selection (for blacks/latinos) and general rigor of asian cultures

>> No.17682179

Try moving to Saudi as a white Westerner. They will be polite to you but the way they accommodate foreigners is by segregating them. If you live in Riyadh you wear the traditional dress and follow all customs except for in your gated, walled communities

>> No.17682180

as a fellow asian, i'm cringing right now. please stop. you're an embarrassment

>> No.17682193

>preserving Western culture which is the reason all of the third world wants to move to the West in the first place will make you a backwater country
Are you high?

>> No.17682194

>didn't ask. you're white.
use all the twitter arguments you want, it's not going to change what I said. I know it hurt you deeply since you are yammering on about muh height.

Now, will you be alpha as fuck and go back to your own country? The one where they don't accept you anymore because you're westernized?

>> No.17682202


>> No.17682214

>It's a completely arbitrary standard
It’s not though. Genetics are real. Nobody is saying you aren’t entitled to an ethnic and cultural identity. But everyone is saying that Western Europeans, who are all a part of the same ancestral group, must give up theirs

>> No.17682219

The rate of acceptance for Latinos is higher than for blacks. The point anyway is just that the anon's contention that whites in university are on average much less competent than asians is not plausible, they are on average slightly less competent. It isn't comparable to the significant disparities in competence that you see with the other two racial groupings. The average Asian and White in undergrad have quite similar test scores, while the average Latino or Black have much lower test scores. That's the point of seeing the rates by academic decile.

It's a question about the student body, not about the races themselves overall.

>> No.17682221


>> No.17682231

>The rate of acceptance for Latinos is higher than for blacks.
disregard this

>> No.17682232

>The rate of acceptance for Latinos is higher than for blacks

>> No.17682242


>> No.17682251

This. Asians get pissed when they are depicted anywhere close to reality. They literally want to be shown as fucking anime characters. Pathetic chincels.

>> No.17682254

Was a mistake.

>> No.17682263

>Civil Rights
I have a hard time believing you are this much of a fucking simpleton. The only rational conclusion is that you are driven by malice.
MLK’s vision is the polar opposite of the vision of these people.
Your attempt at rhetorical trickery to hide the plainly obvious nature of this movement is vile.
You do one thing and then as soon as your action is called out you deny it. That is not the behavior of a good actor. It is the behavior of a sociopath

>> No.17682269

Serious question:
Has anyone worked for or with admissions committees and can answer the following: Do universities have racial quotas?

>> No.17682273

Nobody else had a problem Anglicizing their name when they came to America. Only the brown retards have a problem with it.

>> No.17682277

>Do you think
>would be able to talk to a real human?
At last, you admit to being an insectoid

>> No.17682279

>welcomed foreigners with open arms

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We were forced to accept these brown savages. There was never any vote. We never had a choice.

>> No.17682285
File: 2.55 MB, 3008x2000, putnam2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MIT putnam math team

Why are Whites so bad at Math, bros? Even Pajeets are killing it.

>> No.17682288

A. Spooks which distracts you from your individuality. B. What's the obsession w/ race? You know there are regional. ethnic, familial, and very importantly individual differences between peoples, https://thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2018/08/10/the-myth-of-european-assimilation/
Europeans are far more different from each other than you think.

>> No.17682291

MLK was pro affirmative-action. What we're seeing now is simply the logical consequence of that ideology, as our friend Mr Kendi states for us so succinctly: A racist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial inequity between racial groups. An antiracist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial equity between racial groups.

'equity' means 'equality of outcome' if you weren't clear. So there you have it, everything doesn't actively reduce differences in outcomes between races is racist.

>> No.17682292

Go to the moon if you're so good at math, poocel.

>> No.17682303

Wow, that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read lmao

>> No.17682305

pajeets have superhuman mathematician talent which are smarter than any whites currently living, just due to their sheer numbers, same thing with the other asians.

>> No.17682310

This. Stop this Anglo race garbage.

>> No.17682311

daily reminder:
>37 million pop
>accepts 25,000 refugees per year
>330 million pop
>accepts 2,500 refugees per year

Americunts don't have it half bad. Many Americunts will never leave their hometown and never meet a foreigner

>> No.17682315

They have a category for 'personality' or some shit like that and that's how they fudge it into racial quotas, since outright quotas exist in a weird grey legal area.

>> No.17682316

Please try to get up and do something about it so we can finally put you down.

>> No.17682326

Individuality is the spook of all spooks

>> No.17682327

>Many Americunts will never leave their hometown and never meet a foreigner

Lucky them. Canada is run by Fidel Castro's son, so it's no surprise to anybody that it is a dystopian commie shit hole.

>> No.17682332

You don't do shit besides hang outside Gare Du Nord selling selfie sticks you bitch

>> No.17682336

Go burn down some more convenience stores retard. The rise of Trump should tell you how the average white feels about you. Scum.

>> No.17682342

That’s called communism, you braindead fucking retard. You are spouting off religious doctrine as if it were fact. You follow what amounts to Scientology for millennials and zoomers. You do not have a right to force your alien religion on society. There is no place for Critical Theory-based ideology in a free society except for as an example of ideas that have to be forcibly snuffed out in the interest of the survival of civilization.

>> No.17682350

I think I'll go fuck some of your women instead. Quarantine has been hard for those ladies.

>> No.17682354

Ok back to r/asianmasculinity now. This is just getting sad.

>> No.17682360

I'm mulatto.

>> No.17682363

here have some more
> By policy, I mean written and unwritten laws, rules, procedures, processes, regulations, and guidelines that govern people. There is no such thing as a nonracist or race-neutral policy. Every policy in every institution in every community in every nation is producing or sustaining either racial inequity or equity between racial groups.

If you read between the lines here he's clearly not just talking about like the Supreme Court and Congress. The word 'institution' is deliberately vague and 'unwritten law' should tip you off as well. He's basically talking about everything everyone ever does being aimed either at racism or antiracism, at least that is the point he wants to arrive at.

>> No.17682368

That's just nasty.

>> No.17682378
File: 183 KB, 964x1065, 9eleven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can mods pls delete this obvious /pol/b8 now?

>> No.17682380

That's cool. I know that must have been really profound for you but most people who read that think it sounds like schizo talk.

>> No.17682385

Feels good to retain some white features and easily fuck white art-hoes craving my godly peanut butter stallion complexion. Better get good at eating out, Brandon.

>> No.17682386

Nigger fragility

>> No.17682390

>Feels good to retain some white features

Not intelligence though. You'll never get that back. You never had a chance.

>> No.17682393

Saudi Arabia is an artificial construct of the globalist Anglo-British Empire. The majority of people in the Middle East tend towards a socialized nationalism with moderate Islamic religiosity or an ecumenical state such as Syria, or even a secular one such as Iraq pre-Iraq War. It is this socialist nationalism that the globalist Anglo-American Empire considers fundamentally necessary to repress, even if it means tolerating or even patronizing salafist and related forms of terrorism.

>> No.17682396

You are discriminated against because your people act like monkeys everywhere they go

>> No.17682397
File: 1.17 MB, 1242x911, D824FFCC-1625-4802-A79B-B6B2A6323A77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many Americunts will never leave their hometown and never meet a foreigner
I have traveled the world and seen places that most people will never see. I have experienced the richness of many different cultures in my 27 years and that is exactly why I believe in the right for Europeans to preserve our own cultures.

>> No.17682404
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17682406

I can live with some state school peasant calling me a dumb nigger while I blow my load into pale cuties. Fair trade for me.

>> No.17682407

Europe is not Euro Disney, change is the natural fate of all living cultures.

>> No.17682412

>You'll never get that back. You never had a chance.
ahahahaha holy seething incel

>> No.17682413

So you're Latino?

>> No.17682420
File: 1.37 MB, 4318x3000, 1613456282950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while I blow my load into pale cuties

They're all yours boys.

>> No.17682421

Sure but it has to be resisted at all costs

>> No.17682422

You know what I mean.
A muslim moves to the US and the vast majority of people accept them for who they are and treat them like they do any other stranger.
Move to a non-white country as a white person and in more countries than not you will never be accepted

>> No.17682425

That right there is literally the logic that is drafting laws in your country and has been for decades lol

>> No.17682431

This dude gets it, unironically.

>> No.17682433

Joe Blow is the only administration that openly embraces this psycho nonsense and he's probably the least popular president of all time.

>> No.17682438

Live to die and become something else entirely. Doesnt mean its always good or desireable. Seems like immigrant original nations are largely stayong the same and going to keep on living so all this "inevitable" rhetoric always feels cheap

>> No.17682439
File: 5 KB, 206x245, 1D915514-1F5A-46B6-9544-C86B6FC98CBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seuss draws characters that are in line with all of his other goofy looking non-human characters in his book
>regressive left automatically assumes those are black people
Really makes you think, eh?

>> No.17682451

what the fuck else do you think they are you reprobate
they're literally black with nose rings and big ears.

>> No.17682455

"Racism is okay if its to dehumanize your enemy while you're at war"

>> No.17682456
File: 26 KB, 279x445, 1613128181911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change is the natural fate of all living cultures.

For some reason, I don't think any liberals would be saying this if whites were colonizing Africa again.

>> No.17682464

in fact it's ok in general, it's just a laff

>> No.17682465
File: 79 KB, 1200x650, 66A910DD-876A-405C-98FF-C7C2F33D5A8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, look at these disgusting caricatures of people who live in the Swiss Alps! They look nothing like that! Disgusting!

>> No.17682472

Seems like a perfectly reasonable strategy
Yeah, future generations will have to hear some whining but I'm busy trying to win a war

>> No.17682476

Yes. And in case you didn't know, the blonde freakish barbarians of Germania are indeed savages who should not be shown mercy.

>> No.17682481

Have the Swiss ever been oppressed in the US? Try harder.

>> No.17682482

Nobody has ever been oppressed in the US, it's just been a big party

>> No.17682484

A fraction of them highlighted by the media

>> No.17682488

Only because it would backfire, so they colonize Africa economically, in that regard most of Africa continues to be a Western colony.

>> No.17682492

Everybody except the most remote cultures have been oppressed at some point. Should Eastern Europe be asking Mongolia for reparations or something?

>> No.17682493

Nordcucks do look like this though

>> No.17682497

Yes, considerable Italian population
Kiss my fucking ass, the media doesn't even remotely begin to report what your people does
The "send daughter back home so that she can be married to Mustafa al-Abusi" is way more common than it has any right to be, is incredibly illegal, and most people have no idea it actually happens

>> No.17682498

>tribal animals
>a skirt
>dopey ears with new guinea hair-style, indicating lower intellect

i'm at a loss here, bros

>> No.17682500

Benjamin Franklin on the Germans (Swiss are just crypto Germans)
>I am perfectly of your mind, that measures of great Temper are necessary with the Germans: and am not without Apprehensions, that thro’ their indiscretion or Ours, or both, great disorders and inconveniences may one day arise among us; Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation, and as Ignorance is often attended with Credulity when Knavery would mislead it, and with Suspicion when Honesty would set it right; and as few of the English understand the German Language, and so cannot address them either from the Press or Pulpit, ’tis almost impossible to remove any prejudices they once entertain. Their own Clergy have very little influence over the people; who seem to take an uncommon pleasure in abusing and discharging the Minister on every trivial occasion. Not being used to Liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it; and as Kolben says of the young Hottentots, that they are not esteemed men till they have shewn their manhood by beating their mothers, so these seem to think themselves not free, till they can feel their liberty in abusing and insulting their Teachers. Thus they are under no restraint of Ecclesiastical Government; They behave, however, submissively enough at present to the Civil Government which I wish they may continue to do: For I remember when they modestly declined intermeddling in our Elections, but now they come in droves, and carry all before them, except in one or two Counties; Few of their children in the Country learn English; they import many Books from Germany; and of the six printing houses in the Province, two are entirely German, two half German half English, and but two entirely English; They have one German News-paper, and one half German. Advertisements intended to be general are now printed in Dutch and English; the Signs in our Streets have inscriptions in both languages, and in some places only German: They begin of late to make all their Bonds and other legal Writings in their own Language, which (though I think it ought not to be) are allowed good in our Courts, where the German Business so encreases that there is continual need of Interpreters; and I suppose in a few years they will be also necessary in the Assembly, to tell one half of our Legislators what the other half say; In short unless the stream of their importation could be turned from this to other colonies, as you very judiciously propose, they will soon so out number us, that all the advantages we have will not in My Opinion be able to preserve our language, and even our Government will become precarious.

>> No.17682502

and chinese and blacks also do look like their caricatures, there you go. that's why it's a caricature lmao

>> No.17682507

I could give 0 shits about muh racism but it literally says Africa in the picture you dumbass boomer

>> No.17682511

Italians along with other Southern Euros are subhumans so it's accepted.

>> No.17682517

Those aren't the kinds of Italians that were oppressed in the US and you know it.

>> No.17682519

That's what a nigger lives for anyways. More refined things like arts and sciences are above you.

>> No.17682525

>it literally says Africa
And? and who cares if it does? there is no mention in the passage talking about black people. they could be an entirely different made-up ethnicity. you're gonna have to try a bit harder, my shit-skinned friend

>> No.17682535

>Morocco is as non-racist as white countries because inter-ethnic marriage isn’t illegal
The fuck is this

>> No.17682537

The "Italians need not apply" signs had an invisible asterisk only visible to Lombards which said
"Actually northern Italians can apply, we can totally tell the difference, we're American after all"

>> No.17682539

So if all races start slaughtering eachother like intercity blacks do, that's an antiracist policy.

>> No.17682540
File: 9 KB, 225x225, fuck this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17682541

You can't oppress Italian people, that's like saying that you oppress a tiger by putting it in a cage

>> No.17682545

Your television literally airs makeup tutorials for battered housewives

>> No.17682548

Post the last 5 books you read. This isn't an attack. I am genuinely curious.

>> No.17682552

>change is the natural fate of all living cultures.
God bless the Holocaust, greatest change for the greatest race.

>> No.17682556

>Racism is irrational because it judges individuals by their group.
That’s not really irrational. If I see a group of people from a demographic with a higher rate of violent crime (for whatever reason, economics, whatever) I can make a hasty judgement about the level of risk I’m facing.

>> No.17682560

Link? need to see this

>> No.17682563

They're obviously niggers

>> No.17682569

are /pol/cels really this disingenuous

>> No.17682576

Touche for your idol Hitler, who's now in hell, while we control most of the governments of the Western world.

>> No.17682579

Africa is not filled with American blacks, retard. The minority of them are negroid, and to that extent, totally irrelevant.

>> No.17682596

Nice LARP but stop trying to read minds. I'm actually Jewish and fuck your Chr*stian sheol. Truth is, God created Hitler to punish the Hebrew nation for abandoning the Torah. Read Shalom Spiegel and off yourself.

>> No.17682607

I actually stumbled on this when I actually was in Morocco but I can't find a clip
People got mad at it but they were just responding to demand

>> No.17682615

You can feel the small penis emanating from these posts

>> No.17682758

Black millennials and zoomers are the most pampered, entitled group of people in history. The complete opposite of oppressed. Lol

>> No.17682762

>it’s racist to acknowledge reality

>> No.17682786

stfu nigger. your moroccan citizenship can never be revoked because the moroccan people are subject of the king. stop lying like this faggot, it doesn’t matter what papers you are gifted by western countries, you can always go back due to your ethnic and national subjugation.
you will never be belgian. kill yourself and solve all our problems.

>> No.17682829

since you clearly aren’t european I can give you the answer to this from personal experience of living in central europe and with many such european migrants as class mates and friends:
>he is a french living in Germany
>hes a dutch who is living in England
>hes latvian
>hes a pole
and believe it or not people are fine with this mentality of themselves and even prefer it. I never met someone from a different EU country who saud
>i dont want to be considered x foreign ethnicity eventhough I was born and raused here
You dont get this because you are a cultureless abominacion de las americas.

>> No.17682879

Yeah but you guys deserve it.

>> No.17682993


>> No.17683113

>racism is when white people talk about or depict other races in any way

>> No.17683760

If they're so god at math, why aren't they doing it in their own colleges?

>> No.17683767

You were born in a starbucks?

>> No.17683785

Dishonest CUNT!

>> No.17683791


>> No.17683811

>Ignorance. In Morocco there are Black Africans and they can marry in the family as they like.
Okay? The Black people are an incredible small minority though, if your country had that attitude with them being near 15% I would take your criticism serious but you don't.