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17675688 No.17675688 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't Asians into endings?

Like I'm genuinely confused; some of their stories can have the most intriguing premise and the most spectacular plot, but yet when it comes to finishing the story they always shit the fucking bed (no exceptions).

How can an entire race of humans be so bad at ending their fucking stories? I'm unironically perplexed. Is it their natural inclination towards never-ending cycles in their general philosophy (reincarnation/generational parallels etc.), or is there something racial / biological / genetic at hand here?

>pic not just limited to but very much related

>> No.17676021

>>pic not just limited to but very much related
Pls explain pic. I know it's a Pre-Cambrian animal but why is it in a manga

>> No.17676128

Something about that shitty chinese comic about titans.

>> No.17676156

i've noticed this too
i think it's related to some perverse incentive structure relating to their industry model that rewards for having perpetually ongoing stories that just go on forever rather than discrete stories with beginnings and ends, leading to focus on worldbuilding/characterization/premise and no thought whatsoever to endings

>> No.17676160

Any ending that doesn’t end in Eldian ethnoglobe is a lame ending

>> No.17676328
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The manga was very much trailblazing a new path previous mangas have never even thought about going before with a morally-provoking rhetoric on the cycle of violence and ignorance-bred (racial) hatred that can never be solved without an irreversibly titanic final ultimatum. It was literally and unironically on its way to become the greatest piece of literature 21st century manga was going to witness this far......

.....until it decided to throw away all of that potential in the final few chapters just so the author can wank his Gary Stu deuteragonist by suddenly and needlessly making him into a messianic figure (pic related), where he somehow managed changed a dying desperate man's whole life's mindset with such an unconvincing and banal observation about life, inadvertently saving the world in the process.

Oh, is saving the world and being the new Jesus Christ not enough? Why not let him also have a shoehorned last-minute romance reveal with a female character who LITERALLY killed his friends with NO REMORSE and was responsible for the death of 100k of his countrymen by breaking open the walls in the previous chapters. But who cares right? She's BLONDE and PRETTY and he's going to GET LAID so it's DOESN'T MATTER.

It's so fucking infuriating if you've been following the manga since day 1 (like me), even before all of the mainstream hype, because you can clearly see the author cave in to all those twitterniggers' and redditfags' desire for an unoriginal, MCU-capeshit-esque ending.

He really had something special going on but he decided to squander it all for twitter clout from a bunch of unimportant leftist cunts just because the original ending he was clearly going for was apparently too 'politically problematic' for them seeing as 'you can't defend against the genocide of your race if your characters are portrayed as white, white people deserve to die '.

I can guarantee you 2 years from now these leftist twitter cunts probably won't even remember the manga ever existed, just like how they have forgotten and not even purchase any of the comics that have caved in to spouting the leftwing rhetoric they wanted them to spout. And now the Western comic industry is dead because no one wants to buy a comic just to be lectured by its fictional characters on why you should vote democrats and hate white people.

>> No.17676347

Jesus fucking christ dude. This is /lit/. Please go back to >>>/a/ and don't post here anymore

>> No.17676351

Manga and anime is for faggots, why would you expect good storytelling when it’s an art form for retards who never mentally matured past their preteen years

>> No.17676375

he wrote a good post and you wrote a shit post, whether it belongs here or on /a/ is irrelevant coming from somebody who shouldn't have even bothered posting at all

>> No.17676386

I can't get into the manga, the art is so shitty. Vagabond has amazing art and good writing (for manga). Unfortunately unfinished tho. Surely the story in AOT can't be that amazing.

>> No.17676387

Well, I have only heard of this manga in passing, but if the ending was bad that sucks. In all honesty, I have never come across a piece of media where I was happy with the ending.

>> No.17676388

You do realize story of a manga starts as a relatively short project and then gets forcibly stretched by editors' demand if it gets popular? And then sometimes endings get rushed because the manga is not so big anymore so they want to axe it.
It's hard to have a good grasp of what you want to do when you don't really know how long will you be doing it, and everything is done for the sake of selling it.
So I've learned not to hate mangakas, they don't make books, they make soap operas on paper.

>> No.17676404

>perverse incentive structure relating to their industry model that rewards for having perpetually ongoing stories that just go on forever rather than discrete stories with beginnings and ends

Untrue. Even in ancient literature, I've read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West, along with the 7 Voyages of Zheng He's and they all either abruptly end with no closure (Three Kingdoms and 7 Voyages) or they have such a comically horrendous ending that I refuse to believe this shit is touted as Ancient Chinese civilization's proudest achievement in storytelling.

If you look past Chinese stories and see other Asian media, let's say Korea - recently they had an Oscar-winning film Parasite that everyone in the Western world was sucking off from, and it literally ended with sequel bait on how the poor son was going to rescue his poor dad from the basement of the rich house . Literally no closure at all, not even a proper end.

This manga is only merely a Japanese example and pre-context to the main topic on why Asians can't execute good proper endings; if you have an example of a good ending written by an Asian writer, please do share as I can not for the life of me think of one.

>> No.17676414

>comically horrendous ending
I was referring to Journey to the West here

>> No.17676423

>Even in ancient literature, I've read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West, along with the 7 Voyages of Zheng He's and they all either abruptly end with no closure (Three Kingdoms and 7 Voyages) or they have such a comically horrendous ending that I refuse to believe this shit is touted as Ancient Chinese civilization's proudest achievement in storytelling.
welp guess it's genetic then, sorry nips, i still like anime though

>> No.17676447

>Parasite ended with sequel bait
Man your post on SnK was so decent why did you have to demolish your credibility lile this?

>> No.17676486

Dead wrong, buddy. Crossposting is one of a few reasons this board is in perpetual declension. If you wanna suck off mangaposters, you should go back too

>> No.17676496

Go read Akutagawa, nigger.

>> No.17676529

>Not the endless guenon threads, 20 copypasta threads a day, twitter screencaps, photo of philosopher - is he based etc.
>It's some anons posting tangential threads who want genuine discussion that ruin /lit/

>> No.17676532

>Ki-taek, who escaped into the bunker via the garage, has buried Moon-gwang in the backyard and now raids the refrigerator at night and flickers the light every day, hoping Ki-woo will see it. Still living in their original basement apartment with his mother, Ki-woo writes a letter to Ki-taek, vowing to earn enough money to one day purchase the house and reunite with his father.

Yeah, how does this not sound like sequel bait? What meaning is this ending trying to convey? It literally has 0 closure and feels like the ending of a 2nd act and a segway into a third act of a movie that would have had 3 acts if a proper western writer were to have written it, with the final act being the poor son's attempt at financial redemption so that he can rescue his trapped father.

>Surely the story in AOT can't be that amazing.
It was... until now. The 2 big reveals that the manga had were prime Shyamalan-like, it had proper foreshadowing and made logical sense when you think about it. If somehow the author does a last-minute 180 and ends the story well (which I highly doubt so), I'd strongly recommend a read.

>You do realize story of a manga starts as a relatively short project and then gets forcibly stretched by editors' demand if it gets popular?
Attack On Titan is different, as the author clearly planned the final act since the first chapter, since Chapter 1 and Chapter 122 are direct parallel correlations of one another . But the author shit the ending real hard because of the vocal leftist minority. It's a real shame.

>> No.17676538

I dont know, how cone their civilization has no end in site and the west has already ended?

>> No.17676542

OP here.. do elaborate I'm genuinely curious

>> No.17676557

Oh why an Asian Soap Opera Comic is not a novel of Crime and Punishment tier? Why? Whyyyyyy?!
I have no idea, anon.

Maybe you should GO READ instead of WATCHING PICTURES like a GROWN AMERICAN ADULT.

>> No.17676571

He is together with Borges, Gogol, Babel and Basile in the pantheon of short story writers.

>> No.17676580

I'm not in the mood to go full theory on Parasite right now, but the son returning to the same conditions (even worse so) as the beginning of the story, but now determined to earn his living and ascend his condition by honest work, rather than trickery, is a good arc for his character.

>> No.17676600

>Chapter 1 and Chapter 122 are direct parallel correlations of one another .
Yes, it's impossible that Isayama started the story one way and then made new connections along the way. Just use your brain. At one point Zeke was supposed to be the big reveal of the story and Annie a cold mass murderer.

>But the author shit the ending real hard because of the vocal leftist minority.
Factually wrong and you have no source on this.

>> No.17676607
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>It was literally and unironically on its way to become the greatest piece of literature 21st century manga was going to witness this far......

>> No.17676613

I feel like I'm sort of talking out of my ass, but I studied Asian theatre at some depth and Asians don't tend to see things in and of themselves, but part of a larger whole. The works are sort of nestled inside the entire context of where it exists, such that things like plot points and endings disturb that nestling. I could be wrong, but Asian theatre is totally different from Freytag's Pyramid, structurally. it is far more symbolic and fragmented.

>> No.17676622

This Japanese short story writer-translator knew Russian, and so overdosed on Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol and the rest of the gang.
What do you think is the end result?

(My Russian students like to read him too, double so if they see a reference to a character or a plot turn from some Russian lit).

>> No.17676637

Rent free, idiot.

>> No.17676643

It's got to do with Asian culture and cosmovision in general. Eastern philosophy and religion generally don't postulate an end to time, things will just keep rolling on forever. That leads to creators not having the same basic mythical templates for stories westerners have.

>> No.17676645

Slam dunk (undeniably one of the best endings of a series ever)
Usogui (i liked it)
Oyaji (i cried it)
Okan (i cried it, not as hard)
Ashita no Joe (whoever disagrees is literally retarded)
Garouden (biased)

These come to mind so far, usogui aside (which i understand, might be a bit biased) i think every single one of these has its own merits and can be considered good, as far as their endings are concerned

>> No.17676662

No, nothing so grand as that. It's just that those writing manga/anime are not good writers to begin with. They're mostly regurgitating stuff they've read to fit in some cool premise they came up with.

>> No.17676676

Is this part of the same issue we see with video games, television, and old serialized novels? Where the profit motive for being in the middle is the main focus? Where the beginning is rushed because of production issues and trying to get the audience into the meaty endless middle part and the end isn’t ever thought about because the producers of the media don’t know when the thing will ever actually end? I feel like this is a McLuhan problem of the medium is the message. I just finished IJ and he sprinkled hints through the book on the actual ending. We see tons of famous TV shows running for 7 seasons and the endings just shit the bed. But we can all name off a few that do stick the landing or even turn the shitty ending into a purposeful narrative element. I unno, I think it might just be inherent to the format of long form story telling.

>> No.17676690

Yeah, it might be that their approach to writing is tied too strongly to a commercial mentality whether or not it is actually a good commercial move (part of the literary culture that shaped them).

>> No.17676697

Isn't a part of the problem the profit based nature of the manga storytelling? In the end it seems like every mangaka has to give the editors of weekly shonen jump what they want

>> No.17676798

>because of the vocal leftist minority.

>> No.17676810

I liked the end of evangelion tho

>> No.17676859

The only way to end the story with integrity wouldve been to let eren win and literally be world emperor and then show the seeds of how the cycle of violence will still continue. Basically see Erens ideology through to the end and then show the result

>> No.17676895
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One always hears of the Schmitt comparison mades for AOT, but really I think the Kierkegaard analysis of Grisha sacrificing himself and having Eren eat him for the path to fullfill the Eldian destiny as Abraham sacrificing Isaac for God is a lot more interesting.

>> No.17676976

The ending will be good anon

>> No.17677000
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>> No.17677023

I think you completely misunderstood the ending of parasite if you though it was sequel bait. It's heavily implied the son will never be able to achieve the goal of buying the house to reunite with his father. Instead, he will lead a miserable life of poverty despite his utmost determination to move up the social hierarchy. It's a pessimistic view of capitalism, and is frankly a reality in a country as cut throat and oppressive as South Korea.

>> No.17677097

unironically decent rant.
Also, this belongs here since it would gain near 0 traction on /a/.

>> No.17677121

aot (the lore, at least) is a fascist metaphor, here's why:

the titans (uber-strong, naturally superior) create an empire out of their island and conquer another ethnic group on the main continent. eventually, their subjects make up genocides and human rights abuses supposedly carried out by the titans on the continent, and rise up to confine them to the island. like come on, if that doesn't fit into the japanese alt-right narrative what does?

>> No.17677163

ok, but Schmitt is not fascist

>> No.17677240

But he's based

>> No.17677437

It made me stop reading new Mangas desu, AOT and One-Punch-Man will be the last.
The Japanese strive for perfection. In that hindsight it's weird that they seem to make an exception for literature. Maybe the ones who wouldn't be able to achieve a master rank in another art are the ones who become authors?

>they all either abruptly end with no closure
>or they have such a comically horrendous ending that I refuse to believe this shit
Good to know.

Interesting, that might explain it.

Oh that was sad. The Japanese are good at being melodramatic.

>> No.17677453

Kek'd. I feel your pain

>> No.17677458

This is the same thing that is wrong with dramatic television serials.

>> No.17677460

The ending of Unforgiven was pretty good.

>> No.17677597

Manga tend to have short deadlines to get each chapter done, which certainly affects quality. It's not a field for quality artists, but rather the quick and persistent ones that just want to make comics, and it is therefore full of mediocrity and artists taking short-cuts to get things done as soon as possible.

>> No.17677717

Because there aren't endings in real life. "An ending" is an Abrahamic fiction rooted in Whig History. If history is linear, it must have a beginning, and it must have an end. That end is Yahweh coming down and making life a paradise for the Jews.

Lacking this conception of linear history, non-Abrahamics don't do endings, and they don't do beginnings. You might think this is silly, as if they're lacking, but then beginnings and endings aren't real so why bother having them at all? You're the silly one for wanting them. Your ancestors didn't have them either until 500AD at earliest. The Japanese codify this into Kishotenketsu, a four-act progression.
>demonstration of order
>establishment of new order
You know why so many animes have credit-scenes where "life goes on"? Because it does. Ancient literature was filled with this. Hell, the church had to constantly force it on the Medievals to keep them from going back to their ancestral storytelling systems (which always have "life goes on", because it does). When you understand this simple fact that there are no endings and no beginnings, you end and begin a story with a demonstration of its connection to other stories. In self-contained "universes" like those found in most of today's fiction, this obviously results in a rather disjointed connection to prior and future events.

A good demonstration of kishotenketsu is Kiki's Delivery Service, by the way
>Kiki is a witch.
>Here's her life.
>She loses her powers and goes on a journey to regain them!
>Here's her life as a result of that.

Junji Ito also does this. You know how he ends his stories? He fucking doesn't.

>> No.17677747
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Bring me BITCHner

>> No.17677764

OP has a strong point. The answer is that anime always always try to be all encompassing. They always make it about life and meaning and god. Every single fucking time.

And it's not just that chinese finger painting writers don't have the answers or ability to write a satisfying plot about god and life (which is also true), but also the medium doesn't allow it. You'll just end up with Evangelion retarded endings every time.

>> No.17677772

Why are westerners so obsessed with death/end/degeneration?

>> No.17677791

Regardless of how it ends, Eren was in the right

>> No.17677793

>recently they had an Oscar-winning film Parasite that everyone in the Western world was sucking off from, and it literally ended with sequel bait

Wrong and retarded

>> No.17677796

Chad apocalyptic abrahamics
Virgin "life goes on" non-abrahamics.

>> No.17677805

>recently they had an Oscar-winning film Parasite that everyone in the Western world was sucking off from, and it literally ended with sequel bait on how the poor son was going to rescue his poor dad from the basement of the rich house .
You need to watch that movie again

>> No.17677837

Ngl I agree, Gantz was the same, why do they fuck it up?

>> No.17677872

I'm enjoying the seethe caused by the latest chapters so much.

>> No.17677889

/lit/ got exposed as weebs ITT

>> No.17677895

> She's BLONDE and PRETTY and he's going to GET LAID so it's DOESN'T MATTER.

where's the lie kid

>> No.17677903

Forget it anon, virgins will never understand.

>> No.17677929
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Wow /lit/ fans are vocal about the SnK ending and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way eren's character arc is going and the alliance victory. I guess they were holding out hope for a genocide route. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the chapter changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.17677946


>> No.17677990

Read Takemitsu Zamurai

>> No.17677996
File: 64 KB, 605x468, CAW CAAAAAAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alpha of Aviation. The Brute of Birds. The Cultivator of Cardinals. The Duke of Doves. The Emperor of Elevation. The Father of all Flamingos. The Greatest of Geese. The Height of Herons. The Imperator of Ibises. The Jarl of Jays. The King of Kiwis. The Lord of Larks. The Master of Magpies. The Naysayer of Non-Flying Birds. The Overlord of Orioles. The Prince of Parakeets. The Que-hagen of Quails. The Ruler of Ravens. The Sultan of Seagulls. The Taskmaster of Toucans. The Undertaker of Uguisus. The Vaeyen of Vultures. The Warranter of Wrens. The Xenophobe of Xenops. The Yardmaster of Yellowthroats. The Zhar of Zone-tailed Hawks.



>> No.17678024

Probably because we all know at a subconscious level at least that our once shining civilization is degenerating, dying, and ultimately ending.

>> No.17678034


>> No.17678037

Because Ragnarok is our foundational myth

>> No.17678054

The GOAT manga is unfinished, so you might have a point. AOT is garbage though, and always has been garbage.

>> No.17678125

Haven't read SnK, but this post reads like you set up expectations for where you wanted the story to go and then got butthurt when the writer had something else in mind

>> No.17678380

he expected a good story but got a bad one. So you're right but not completely

>> No.17678422
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Everytime I see this little guy I just wanna hug him and tell him it's gonna be alright.

>> No.17678448

>let's say Korea - recently they had an Oscar-winning film Parasite that everyone in the Western world was sucking off from, and it literally ended with sequel bait
Are you retarded? Did we watch the same movie? No wonder you have shit taste in anime and manga.

>> No.17678495

Haven't read it but it looks pretentious as fuck, and not in a good way. It looks like the kind of bullshit manga artists like to write so that retarded westerners think the whole thing is "deep", when in reality is a Marvel-tier piece of trash.

>> No.17678541

> where he somehow managed changed a dying desperate man's whole life's mindset with such an unconvincing and banal observation about life, inadvertently saving the world in the process.
why does this always fucking happen? its so fucking infuriating. the author just has to make the mc just so fucking right and the villian so fucking wrong that the villian gets mind controlled att he last second and renegs on all of their biefs just to say “yes mc you are the ultimately virtuous one both in and outside the story, the very essence of this medium is ment to bend to your cookie cutter bland and not all together nuanced or convincing narrative that I once heard in 2nd grade regardless of it making sense in the story. now i will el die”

>> No.17678569

every time i see this guy i think he will pierce my skin, enter my blood vessels, and parasitize me.

>> No.17678615


It sounds like he just wanted edgy genocide because he himself believes edgy genocide is some kind of answer. I think this was where the whole trend of the story was suggesting it would go:


The story has been very bleak from the beginning, lots of uncaring universe vibes. Eren may have been driven to annihilate all the enemies of the anime Jews, but the anime Jews started out this whole story in a hidden political conflict where the upper class was willing to sacrifice the lower class to save themselves. The world would just divide into competing factions again, so Eren’s solution was only meaningful for protecting his immediate loved ones. Overall he didn’t solve anything, but the story maintains its whole nihilistic tone of showing desperate people abandoning their morals.

But instead I guess the mangaka is going for a cliche redemption arc where some character gains hope and decides to end the cycle of violence through faith, even though the entire story has involved people getting portrayed as naive for doing similar things and getting their shit rekt.

>> No.17678652


Admittedly Zeke was kind of malleable because he got mindfucked when Eren decided to do the Rumbling. Zeke was a little more tame, he wanted to genocide the Eldians by just making them sterile so they’d die out, which he could achieve in a very “non-violent” way because this is a manga and there is basically magic. He thought Eren could be convinced to go along with his plan, but Eren just used him to get in position for violent genocide of everyone outside of Paradis, causing Zeke to become a shell shocked weeping little baby that just stared at the ground. Having had his whole plan and world turned upside down, I guess he could be expected to be a little bit open to new ideas. After all, what did he have to lose? But it was indeed extremely cliche that he became the tool for doing a power of friendship ending.

>> No.17678673


>> No.17678721

Because our society believes rhetoric to be a tool that can sway the minds of others, when in reality it’s a process of planting ideas that have to grow over years of time.

Blame the Greeks.

>> No.17678751

You didn't get the movie bro. The point was he's never going to save his dad because of class differences. Even if he tries, he's a convicted fellon, his family has no name, worse even it has a bad reputation, there are videos of him in court.
The point was to say hey these people are parasites, and they are that, but it's not only bad that we view them as such, but that they had to become such to be someone in society. From poor squalor to a decent living. These are talented and hardworking people as we've been shown, people who we call parasites and would see as such, who fall to being parasites through poverty: but surely people who are rich, who have everything, who live in a different world and have never had the struggles of these people would have more moral integrity--but no, even the people who have everything are just as much subject to fall as poor people, so why even give them more and hail them as better people if they can't even keep their shit together. There's a lot more, but that's the point.

>> No.17678807

You know what, as bad as an ending might be, at least it's over. I'm reading Detective Conan and this thing will probably continue forever, even though it lost all the initial comfiness, the cases have lost depth, and when finally people got their wish and main plot got addressed again, it was done in a rather stupid way, as if the mangaka just stopped trying. This series is prime example what too much popularity does to a story.
I just want to get off the ride, but I can't.

>> No.17678847

Reminder, it's only bad when the West does it. Japan can do no wrong.

>> No.17679056

understandable, though it was more of a general thing i got from a lot of anime and western stuff as well. its not even the fact that themc convinces big bad, its just when it doesnt feel earned and itsmore of a formality that actually someone convincing another
like i said, i dont mind that there is rhetoric, just that its not good rhetoric. people can be convinced through argument, but a lot of times the mc’s argument is an ass pull have your cake and eat it too deus ex. which i think is actively harmful to whatever message the author is trying to get across. a lot of vilkians boil down to “ill do unsavory or bad thing x to prevent the worse bad thing y”, but the mc doesnt have an alternative its just some petty platitude without taking any responsibility, and half the time the story rewards them for their inaction and inability to take a risk or make a sober discussion, like wtf?

>> No.17679062

The ending of Akira was confusing.

>> No.17679445

most of it was good though, so chimpout at this ending is justified

>> No.17679536

I would live to see a discussion of fatum and the notion of free will in accordance with the fatum in AOT.

Eren is fullfilling the destiny of Ymir to bring the rumbling, which all previous paradis kings had shunned, and now he is “the most free he ever was”?
It should seem that him fulfilling his duty, abiding by inevitable fatum would mean he is in the most deterministic position ever, under the biding of fatum, and it is Armin who by wanting to exert his will of bringing harmony between peoples that should appear free.
Yet The Manga clearly makes it out that Eren is freedom in flesh, and so i would argue as well. Firstly the ability to make a choice for something that you know can (and will) happen is true freedom, since he could have also willed to oppose it, whereas Armin is in a limbo state of impotence since he is not free to make a choice of what to come or not, instead he is acting out of indiscriminate passion, the complete opposite of a free will. Then By adding the teleological aspect to Eren it is clear that Eren is free by making the choice to follow fatum; the inevitable rumbling finally brought on through his choices and his actions has made him truly free.

If this follows then Monkey-Titan will be reborn in historias child, because Ymir will have willed fate to do so, and eren will somehow continue the rumbling through contact with the child and bring on the inevitable only always delayed goal of eldians/ymir/path or whatever, the fatum.

>Sources: Kant, Cicero

>> No.17679617

I always thought Erens people were the anime germans/whites due to the guilt trip for an iffy blood sin. Our modern, high tech means of suppression and pacification replaced by less subtle, physical instruments which lend themselves better to depiction in the medium

>> No.17679663


>> No.17679676

To be fair the manga hasn't ended yet and there is the possibility that this is just a way of the author to fuck with his readers.

>> No.17679708

I hate this kind of threads, they always make me curious about the story even though I have no interest in the manga

>> No.17679852

This is the correct answer. Defining beginning middle and end is a western thing, the oriental way is all about cycles and the present/the journey as opposed to concrete and lasting change to the status quo, an ultimate destination. Camille Paglia talks about it some in Sexual Personae, sorry I don’t have any better recommendations.

In anime and manga of course it’s exaggerated by the reward for never ending content, which happens in western tv too. But from the eastern perspective the ending never mattered in the first place, a story isn’t any better because it has a good ending.

>> No.17679857

just watch anime

>> No.17680217

Japanese have a very "journey, not the destination" mindset to storytelling. The ending isn't as important as the act of getting there which is why, say, they basically end once the goal's accomplished with no real denoument. This is even worse with long running manga because they may have an ending in mind but they get pressured into expanding the series and by the time they've gotten to the ending the series isn't close to what the author originally envisioned so the ending doesn't really work.

Attack on Titan is a shitty edgy shounen that just got shittier in its last chapters you dumb faggot.

>> No.17680229

I really don't get the hate for the AoT ending, I'm loving it so far

>> No.17680338

Damn I feel you, I had high hopes for kino ending too but guess it'll be GoT all over again.

>> No.17680413

This focus on race and genetics is retarded. It's because they don't really have a culture of literature.

>> No.17680478

I am elated that you were emotionally connected to this trash, and are now in pain

>> No.17680505

that's kinda pathetic

>> No.17680531

Are you retarded?

>> No.17680545


>> No.17680651
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>> No.17680679

Kinda agree but the romance thing has been foreshadowed for maybe 40 chapter, or 25% of the entire manga. It also makes sense given how titan interact with memories (again, an important plot point that has been relevant for dozens of chapter).
Also people have been waiting on Armin to actually make himself useful since he got his titan, so about half the manga. I don't particular like how it has turned out but it was about time he did someting imo.

>> No.17680756
File: 501 KB, 1399x922, CODE.GEASS_.Hangyaku.no.Lelouch.full.15361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you have an example of a good ending written by an Asian writer, please do share
Code Geass

>> No.17680767

What's the manga name.

>> No.17680783

>It was... until now.
nah, shit was fun but nothing i would consider compelling narrative

>> No.17680816

no lol

>> No.17680883

Code Geass had a pretty solid ending t. different. Also

Ping Pong the Animation
Kill la Kill
Gurren Lagann
+most of famous anime films

>> No.17680887

Okay Toradora's ending was pretty based I'll give you that

>> No.17680890

>entry level list

>> No.17681355

You are joking right? Show went to complete shit after that tower climax. Also every ghibli movie has rushed ending

>> No.17681792

It's ending was as contrived as the whole show, it's literally nothing but over-the-top forced plot conveniences for the "I'm smart because the author says I'm smart" MC.

But as contrived as it was, if you could ignore the occasional extreme stupidity (Euphy's Massacre) it was highly entertaining.

>> No.17681879

>You are joking right? Show went to complete shit after that tower climax.
No it didn't
>Also every ghibli movie has rushed ending
Almost none of the ones I've seen had

Ping Pong isn't entry tier you troglodyte

>> No.17681888

It is, you are just a pleb

>> No.17683363

Junji Ito is a terrible writer.

>> No.17683598

I agree with you but I posit that art is meaningless and so is life. So, you are angry about a phantasm of meaning revealing itself as meaningless, as all things are

>> No.17683789
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>they had an Oscar-winning film Parasite that everyone in the Western world was sucking off from, and it literally ended with sequel bait on how the poor son was going to rescue his poor dad from the basement of the rich house . Literally no closure at all, not even a proper end.

uhhh nigger what?

>> No.17683818

Ping-Pong the Animation had a spectacular ending.

>> No.17683871

Recently quoted this on /a/ when they were complaining about the same thing:
>Some Japanese stories end violently. Others never end at all, but only cut away, at the moment of extreme crisis, to a butterfly, or the wind, or the moon.

>This is true of stories everywhere, of course: Their endings can be abrupt or oblique. But in Japan, where suicide is historically woven into the culture, where an awareness of life’s evanescence is the traditional mode of aesthetics, it seems truer than in other places. The extent of Japan’s suicide problem is sometimes overstated by the media, but Japan may be unique in the way that suicide has been historically celebrated and seen as an honorable rather than a shameful act. E.g., the concept of mono no aware, which translates into something like “a pleasing sadness at the transience of beautiful things.” The literary scholar Motoori Norinaga coined this idea in the mid-18th century to describe The Tale of Genji, the great Heian-period novel whose author — perhaps deliberately — left it unfinished. When the protagonist dies late in the book, his death is never mentioned directly; instead, it’s marked by a blank chapter called “Vanished Into the Clouds.”

>For instance: My second-favorite Japanese novel, Snow Country, by the 20th-century writer Yasunari Kawabata. Its last pages chronicle a fire. A village warehouse where a film has been playing burns down. We watch one of the characters fall from a fiery balcony. The protagonist runs toward her, but he trips in the crowd. As he’s jostled, his head falls back, and he sees the Milky Way in the night sky. That’s it. There is no resolution. It’s left to the reader to discover how the pieces fit together, why Kawabata thought he had said everything he needed to say. Why he decided not to give away more than this.

>The first time you read a story like this, maybe, you feel cheated, because you read stories to find out what happens, not to be dismissed at the cusp of finding out. Later, however, you might find that the silence itself comes to mean something. You realize, perhaps, that you had placed your emphasis on the wrong set of expectations. That the real ending lies in the manner of the story’s turning away from itself. That this can be a kind of metamorphosis, something rich and terrifying and strange. That the seeming evasion is in fact a finality, a sudden reordering of things.
I haven't read enough Japanese lit to comment on how accurate it is, but it's worth thinking about, at least. Comes from an article by a sports reporter who goes to Japan to write about sumo but then tracks down the guy who beheaded Mishima.

>> No.17683882

wtf is going on in this image?

>> No.17683891

Chicken drinking beer.

>> No.17683892

the image depicts OP's understanding of the movie Parasite

>> No.17683910


>> No.17684278


There are differences in how the Japanese analyze dramatic structure, for example in Japan the climax is the ending, whereas in the west the climax is structurally the middle. But issues with serialized works are unrelated.

Good endings that are consistant with the themes of a work have to be planned from the beginning, but in serialized formats authors are expected to shit out one-shots until something catches on and that story continues until someone decides it is no longer paying the bills.

Also when the audiance starts to influence the direction of a story it invariably goes to shit.

>> No.17684760

>biggest pleb filter of all time
>entry tier
Naisu baito desu

>> No.17686178

Gurren Lagan is shit.

>> No.17686196

They have the same problem American stories do. They're not created with an ending in mind. If the story gets popular they just try to stretch out the story as long as they can, and they only end it once they get completely bored with it and do a rush job.

>> No.17686473

Feelgood endings where everything wraps up nicely can be very tiresome.
The planets aligning and the hero racing through everything to save the day suddenly, using the power of friendship or the magic of the human heart etc.
The genius doctor leaving the deactivation code hidden in plain sight which the hero realises just as he's lying on the floor about to die, the impassioned speech before the council of elders, it gets stale.
Look how weak the output of Hollywood is overall, a lot of movies are hysterical in how terrible they are.

The ambiguous Eastern ending is refreshing when you first start seeing them, but they suffer from a similar problem to us where people follow a formula and it comes of as failing to be deep or artistic.
A big difference also is jap storytelling is done through animation and comics, where things have had room to be more experimental at lower budgets. Sci fi and magic, superpowers, stepping into other dimensions, these topics lend themselves to becoming wishy washy with the story and formulaic. Marvel comics has put out a great deal of atrocious retard tier work.

Comics and animation can lean on the art style to prop them up, and also the wackyness of the themes. Often the story is a hollow vehicle for the visual impact of eye lasers and cyborgs.

>> No.17686500

>Also every ghibli movie has rushed ending
>Almost none of the ones I've seen had
The ending of princess mononoke is awful compared to how good the rest of it is.

>> No.17686749

>he thinks the ending to Fire Punch was good
Oh no no no, looks like we've got a brainlet over here boys!

>> No.17686751

the purpose of media is to sedate you and pathologize dissent. I thought AoT was gonna buck the trend but it gave into the feelgood cat lady moralisms that've poisoned everything since Taxi Driver made it "cool" to hate on Bickle but begrudgingly tolerate child prostitutes because that's soooo 1970s NEW YORK BRO I LOVE THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE

this post is based and gets it

>> No.17687428

>they dont realize Isayama tricked them and Eren will win
Come on guys, this time twist was really obvious

>> No.17687489
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>> No.17687547

>reader centered opposed to writer centered

>> No.17687808

>white bad
>not white good
Don't take retarded western academics too seriously.

>> No.17688588

Why are /a/utists so addicted to trash?

>> No.17688623

Stuck up shitheads like you are the reason we are in this mess in the first place.

>> No.17688832


Dream of the Red Chamber also ends badly. Though it is at least forgivable in that the original author suffered existence failure and the guy who took over was probably terrified of being executed if he followed through with what had been set up.

>> No.17688977

>but he decided to squander it all for twitter clout from a bunch of unimportant leftist cunts just because the original ending he was clearly going for was apparently too 'politically problematic' for them seeing as 'you can't defend against the genocide of your race if your characters are portrayed as white, white people deserve to die '.
When did this drama happen?

>> No.17689268


>> No.17689307

comic book readers dont get to have opinions on /lit/. go to your pleb board. asians always give the best happy endings anyway.