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File: 171 KB, 811x970, If I knew, I wouldnt be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17672510 No.17672510 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been feeling weird for the last years. I write, but im not a writer. What do you think?

I know grammar is not the best. Im not a native and Im pretty much always high when I try to explain this shit. I also dont really care. Communication is key, the rest is dust.

>> No.17672868

struck a chord for me personally. saved.

i think there shall be an answer for you in the future, you'll just have to find out

>> No.17672928

Not bad, some really original sentences, tho it does fall into the trite at times. I'd suggest focusing on thinking about thought and language itself, this really is one of the great frontiers for humans to explore, as always.

>> No.17673823

Thank you. Hope there is one for you too.

Thanks for the answer, I appreciate it. And agreed, definitely one of the most interesting to explore too.

>> No.17673921

Not bad at all. Could see a series of these documents forming an interesting epistolary narrative. Keep at it.

>> No.17674085

Thanks. You guys are a lot nicer than what I expected lol. Have you read any kind of epistolary novel like this?

>> No.17674268

Genuinely pretty good I am envious.
I too have felt similar feelings / gone through similar spells.
I really recommend meditation and unironically Eckhart Tolle. I dismissed him as a New Age nutter like that Chopra fucker for a long time.
I took a long path to building my own comforting worldview through psychedelic use and reading books like Perennial Philosophy and studying Buddhism, and one day long after I'd done that I picked up his book The New Earth on a whim and ended up powering through it and at the end all I could think was man I coulda just read this. It occasionally slips into new age nonsense but by and large it is on the money.

But all thats just to say, the longer you spend thinking about your thoughts the more you're going to feel disconnected from reality and the more you're going to seek a sense of fulfilment and joy from your thoughts that they can simply never offer you. You're real self is the presence behind the thoughts and existing there and simply letting the thoughts float by and enjoying being is the superior way to be. Most of the time.

>> No.17674336

Teenage girl in Instagram tier.

>> No.17674498

Thank you for the answer my friend. I knew some people might understand what I was trying to explain. I agree. I am reading Cioran right now, "The trouble of being born" or something in english. I see life, just like him, as a curse. As soon as you think about it, you cannot stop it until you understand. As much as I agree with your statement, I dont understand it yet. Someday, im sure. Meanwhile, I feel like its my duty to write these thoughts, for my own future self. Someday I wont be here anymore, not necessarily dead, but I will be someone else and what I will understand then, I wouldnt understand now. There is a strange beauty and nostalgy in losing yourself inside a world that is your own. Suffering with a meaning maybe. Ill check out Tolle, never heard of him yet. Thanks again, it means a lot to see that im not alone. More than you can imagine.
Thanks thats exactly what I was going for

>> No.17674573

I think the actual neoplatonists like Plotinus, might be more to your tastes. Language wise Chomsky is quite fascinating, he's actually a sort of Platonist at heart I think. The point is that language possess us as much as we possess it and, I would add, certain phrases might be able to be expressed as a sequence of sounds or other sensory impressions, because we all contain within our brains a sort of universal grammar that can be awakened or stimulated sensorially as much as properly linguistically, allowing for the communication of simple messages by something approaching pure thought alone, or at least by a method that doesn't resort to literal language practice, but to rather to something a-lingual, often associated with extremely intense emotional states and expressive through something approaching bodily presence alone and which perhaps might be reproduced thru musical stimuli as well.

>> No.17674899

Thats actually really interesting. When you start studying languages you realize theres a similar logic to all of them. Yes, rules change but at the basis of it theres some kind of united subconsciousness with which you can communicate pretty easily. Doing a lot of psychedelics also brings you to that same conclusion, the commune subconsciousness of humanity or so.

Im taking notes on all the names. I havent read much in the past years, Ive wasted a lot of time. Thanks

>> No.17674913

>but, yet
this isn't English

>that's why I live in the past, not the present
>because to live in the future requires hope
but... that doesn't explain why you're not living in the present

>maybe therefore why
not english

this is pretty cringe ngl

>> No.17675051


>but... that doesn't explain why you're not living in the present
I do need to think about that one. Maybe you are right. I doubt you will, but read it again. I think you might have missed something.

And yeah, its not english. I dont care. If you wanna correct the whole thing go for it lmao. It really is pretty cringe, just like everything else. Your own answer is cringe after that. Still tho thanks for being honest, I appreciate that.

>> No.17675067

>im not a writer
It shows.

>> No.17675096


I get that this is your own personal work, maybe a carthartic diary entry, but since you've shown it to the class, I have to say that reading the word 'feels' instead of 'feelings' hurts my brain and makes me angry.

>> No.17675102

Thanks. Now, did you understand the feeling or not at all?

>> No.17675117

Thank you for the answer.
Lol, I am sorry mr professor. I will check my work to see if there is anything I can do, but I doubt I change it. Feels feels more like the feel than feelings.

>> No.17675156

Somewhat. I’m not a zoomer so the frame of reference of my ego is less rickety.

>> No.17675191

Yeah, maybe it is a zoomer thing. Shit generation, shit thoughts. Then again, when was the last time a generation was really not shit¿

>> No.17675248
File: 42 KB, 584x430, godspeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then again, when was the last time a generation was really not shit¿
At least you recognize this fact, that's good. The feeling you're describing only grows larger with age but you learn to manage it or at least to ignore it.

>> No.17675277
File: 892 KB, 820x993, базд.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, thats how it is and always has been I guess. Thanks, godspeed anon.

>> No.17675540

sucks being there, i just hope it'll get better eventually

>> No.17675600

I think for you I'd recommend Denial of Death before Tolle. Also recommend Tao Te Ching and Gravity and Grace.
I've yet to read Trouble or any Cioran but I've always meant to. But I have read Zapffels The Last Messiah which I feel perfectly covered that philosphy in one brief essay. I like to call that headspace The Abyss. It's the ultimate destination of too much thinking, of being unable to meet the absurd with humor any longer. The only way out is connecting with the Universal Ground / The Tao. Tolle is the most straight forward guide I've found for how to do that. LSD is an easy shortcut but it has diminishing returns.

>> No.17675664

Thanks, it does suck and I do hope it will get better. I doubt it does, but the doubt itself gives me hope. Maybe its all hopeless, but its certainly not a certainty.

The Abyss sounds pretty much how it is. Good name.I like to see it as a no man's land of the mind.

>being unable to meet the absurd with humor any longer
Smart man, truly, you do get it. Thanks for answering, and for the recommendations. I took note of all.