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/lit/ - Literature

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17675157 No.17675157 [Reply] [Original]

You're only reading the western canon out of neurotic conformist fear of missing out on books you're "supposed" to read and feeling insecure about entering literary discussions without having the "proper" background knowledge of the art. By and large you're not enjoying most of these books but you haven't mustered the courage to admit that many of them are obsolete, boring junk. You deprive yourself out of seeking books you'd actually want to read before you reach thst imaginary "well-read intellectual" threshold. You will lash out against this post because it'll hit the nerve.

>> No.17675168

Perhaps I read the western canon because I enjoy the books and want to see how styles developed, languages changed, and artists influenced artists?

>> No.17675174

Super hot take, my dude. Did you microwave it yourself?

>> No.17675176

Shut up woman and/or fag. I read good books because they're good. Not everything requires a Jewish hermeneutic of suspicion to explain the top secret reasons the guy is doing it and that he's actually a repressed fag like you. I will lash out against your post because it's gay and retarded and I smash gay retards in the head.

>> No.17675181

>obsolete, boring junk
in high school i once was forced to read an entire book written in AAVE, or as i've recently taken to calling it, niggerbabble, and i wasn't even racist then but i think it got me halfway there anyway

>> No.17675188
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You're not reading the western canon out of neurotic conformist fear of reading books you're "supposed" to read and feeling insecure about entering Leddit without having the "proper" background knowledge of pop culture references. By and large you're not enjoying most of these books but you haven't mustered the courage to admit that many of them are obsolete, boring junk. You deprive yourself out of seeking books you'd actually want to read before you reach thst imaginary "epic Leddit pop-culture reference slinger" threshold. You will lash out against this post because it'll hit the nerve.

>> No.17675192

or maybe the books in the canon are just that good? You must be 18 or older to post

>> No.17675195
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>as i've recently taken to calling it, niggerbabble

>> No.17675203

>reading the western canon
Nah I'm skipping all the anglo garbage which is like 90% of it and reading based Cervantes, Homer and Dante instead

>> No.17675223

OP is probably accurate but historical understanding is still necessary.

>> No.17675230
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>> No.17675273

Most "literature" published today are about negroes and women being negroes and women, neither of which any of us here give a flying fuck about. Sci-fi and fantasy are boring
My college lit course is also making us do that.

>> No.17675311

I firmly believe that if you people were more social you'd not have to read anything. I've been able to bullshit my way through Philology discussion and I've never in my life read a single book about anything related to Philology.
In philosophy discussion I usually claim to be more economics interested and have a vocabulary and manner of speech developed enough people were feel bad for not knowing what borderline schizobabble I bullshit them with eloquently. I love it.
This works even with grad students and most profs.

>> No.17675317

>In philosophy discussion I usually claim to be more economics interested and have a vocabulary and manner of speech developed enough people were feel bad for not knowing what borderline schizobabble I bullshit them with eloquently. I love it.
>This works even with grad students and most profs.
i'm humbled, i had no idea i was in the presence of royalty

>> No.17675334

Yeah, its pretty easy to BS your way through it. But after BSing my way through life for all these years I kinda want to know what the people I make shit up about actually said.

>> No.17675365


>> No.17675376

The older I get the more I appreciate those books and realize the true depth of some of them. A good example of that is Nietzsche. I am assuming I am not the only one with that experience.

>> No.17675382

I think, for the most part, Americans are just too polite (or fake, as some might call it) to call out such things.

>> No.17675383

yeah don't waste your time on wisdom and knowledge, just be a bullshitter, a con artist. Sure it's always been easy to fool people, but not everything is appearances my man.

>> No.17675586

The hate u give?

>> No.17675758

Goes two ways:
>be working class American
>hear some dumbass making bullshit up
>say ”that’s fuckin dumb bro here’s why”
>be soft-handed urbanite or college student
>here some dumbass making bullshit up
>smile and nod politely, trash talk to your friends later
>say “that’s problematic because (other made up bullshit)”

>> No.17675775


>> No.17675939

like 50% of western canon is gays or jews, often gay jews (Proust)

>> No.17676164

But almost all the books I read from the canon are books that do interest me. Sometimes I take a chance and read a classic that's out of my comfort zone though because I might end up liking it.

>> No.17676171

>and feeling insecure about entering literary discussions
I don't enter literary discussions. They're one of the best ways to taint books. I read the western canon because I'm not going to spend my limited time digging through mounds of disposable modern garbage and bad books by talentless nerds and brown people when I can be almost exclusively reading timeless masterpieces

>> No.17676252

I read like 300 books and never discussed them irl cause I live in a 3rd world shithole and people here can't count to 20

>> No.17676268

I actually agree with you, but I already knew this from the start (though, not the neurotic conformist aspect). The entire reason I'm reading the Western canon is simply to intellectually arm myself, that's it. My goal is to be able to defend my own philosophical position from any of the attacks which might come from the different strains of philosophy that arose in the Western tradition, and thus also to understand their weaknesses myself.

There is the slight positive, however, that amongst all the rubbish I do come upon gemstones. But that is not why I read it.

>> No.17676294

I should add, the only philosopher I have legitimately enjoyed reading to the point where I look forward to reading more of their work is Nietzsche.

>> No.17676633


>you're only doing squats because you're "supposed" to do squats
>you're missing out on eating sugary crap because you have this imaginary desire to be "healthy"

The western canon is the equivalent of the squat for the brain, the basic, tried and true exercise that has worked for centuries to build big brains. Now you want to replace that with Harry Potter and comic books which are easy and unchallenging and turn you into a flabby brained dog waffle poster. You will lash out against this post because it'll hit the nerve.

>> No.17676641

because (You) aren’t the ideal or primary readership, other kindred spirits, particularly writer peers, are