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File: 50 KB, 480x480, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17671782 No.17671782 [Reply] [Original]

what is the saddest thing you've ever read?

>> No.17671786

my diary desu

>> No.17671803
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>> No.17671882
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>> No.17671891

Poor Teddy, man..

>> No.17671895

jesus fucking christ

>> No.17671924

There's a story in Voices of Chernobyl by Svetlana Alexievich about a woman watching her husband slowly die of radiation poisoning that is absolutely heart-breaking. That whole book is fantastic.

>> No.17671925

Most thinks people find sad or grotesque i actually find to be quite funny. I think those people are just being polite but they secretly think you're a gay loser

>> No.17671931

lmao the human male really is the most pathetic animal

>> No.17671932
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>> No.17671949

>All seemed well for TR. Along with his success in the State Assembly, Alice was expecting their first child. Then in early February 1884, Teddy received word in Albany that his mother, Mittie, was ill. On February 12, a telegram announced the birth of “my little new baby.” As he received congratulations from his friends in the Assembly, a second telegram arrived – Alice, too, was ill. Rushing home, he was met by his brother Elliot who said, “There is a curse on this house.” Mother Mittie was feverish with typhoid; Alice was dying of kidney failure. For the next 16 hours TR went to each patient’s bed. Mittie died in the early morning while Alice passed away later that same day – February 14, the fourth anniversary of their engagement.
>It was a tremendous blow to Teddy. His diary entry for Valentine’s Day was a black “X” followed by “the light has gone out of my life.” After the double funeral, he wrote, “For joy or for sorrow my life has now been lived out.”

>> No.17671974
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These two are of the same species

>> No.17671995
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Did lack of father figure cause this

>> No.17672021
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holy shit

>> No.17672075

>Things are looking up for me (and down for you)
>he said as he brags about planning to become the sexless sub of another twitch hoe
It's a bit hard to understand those people sometimes.

>> No.17672091
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>> No.17672101

Must be fake
atleast I hope so

>> No.17672117

Y'know, I often feel like I'm pathetic, but I can say with confidence that at least I'll never stoop to the levels of a simping twitch mod. jfc

>> No.17672118


>> No.17672122

wow umm homophobic much??

>> No.17672140
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>> No.17672144

Her husband was Asian btw.

>> No.17672166

If it is a book then it has to be the death of a salesman, I don't know how to describe it, I just know I feel depressed after reading it.

>> No.17672216
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don't read if you have still some faith in humanity

>> No.17672237

This happened for sure

>> No.17672287

>still afraid to gay-bash

>> No.17672318

Very possibly fake, but those girls do have mods, and those mods do tend to leave when words get out that the girls are not single, so it might not be too far from reality.

>> No.17672360

The bit in flowers for algernon where charlie goes back to class and doesn't understand why his teachers upset

>> No.17672522


When I read this song from 1776, it really got me.

Momma, hey momma
Come lookin' for me
I'm here in the meadow
By the red maple tree

Momma, hey momma
Look sharp, here I be
Hey, hey
Momma, look sharp

Them soldiers, they fired
Oh, ma, did we run
But then we turned 'round
And the battle begun

Then I went under
Oh, ma, am I done?
Hey, hey
Momma, look sharp

My eyes are wide open
My face to the sky
Is that you I'm hearin'
In the tall grass nearby?

Momma, come find me
Before I do die
Hey, hey
Momma, look sharp

I'll close your eyes, my Billy
Them eyes that cannot see
And I'll bury ya, my Billy
Beneath the maple tree

And never again
Will you whisper to me
Hey, hey
Oh, Momma, look sharp

>> No.17672584

More funny (and pitiful) than sad

>> No.17672585

I cried reading The Trial and Death of Socrates.

>> No.17672599

This can't be real

>> No.17672600


>> No.17673200

Jesus fucking christ. Did not know this. Thanks man. I now feel like a simple minded cunt for bitching about being single last valentines, teddy takes the fucking cake and i will be counting my blessings every feb 14th from here on out

>> No.17673271

See i occassionally worry about the modern world pulling me into this situation, then i hopped on tinder and did the (ethical) cucking myself. I know what side i lie on, i will not be the one getting cucked

>> No.17673294

Oh buddy
Not only is it real, its very very common

>> No.17673372

Notes from underground because it was literally me

>> No.17673434

how the fuck do you not end it after shit like this? Where does one take the strength to carry on?

>> No.17673509

The part in The Satanic Verses where Chamcha's father dies.

>> No.17673584

>because she could tell that I was unhappy.

>> No.17673604

You see a lot of unexplainable, goofy shit when you work in EMS anon.

>> No.17673605

Quentin Compson's final day.

>> No.17673615
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>Herzeleide died of heart's sorrow

>> No.17673621
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>> No.17673672

holy fucking shit
This is one of the most vile disgusting things I've read in a while

>> No.17673706

Thanks for pointing out the irony to us, anon. Truly would be lost without you

>> No.17673707
File: 177 KB, 840x774, lplpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck

>> No.17673719

That was the worst fucking thing I've ever seen in my life

>> No.17673736

Not mental illness btw

>> No.17673742

ignorance is bliss, anon

>> No.17673746

you guys sure like reading reddit posts more than books huh

>> No.17673753

Don't just smell it, eat it.

>> No.17673759
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I became pretty melancholy after reading Benjy's section in The Sound and the Fury. Caddy holding Benjy and saying:

>You're not a poor baby. Are you. Are you. You've got your Caddy. Haven't you got your Caddy

brings on the feels.

>> No.17673760
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>> No.17673770

the world is a block-solid prison of suffering

>> No.17673781

the world is an angel grinder

>> No.17673788
File: 102 KB, 786x786, DBDF9F1F-7B92-42CF-83B5-21C8A5537252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If popping a Xanax is how you get through sexual intimacy with your partner then my fucking god there is no stronger reasoning to leave them. Both of them are deluded but the one harbouring the axe wound is beyond redemption, why do people resort to Reddit to tell them what their friends, or even they themselves, should know if they have even a half functioning brain

>> No.17673805
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>> No.17673816

gave me chills anon. any sage insights you can share besides this clear-minded one-liner? best i can regurgitate is "god is dead and we are his apostles"

>> No.17673821

Am I the only one who genuinely feels bad for them but at the same time is intrigued by their suffering? An experience worth writing about? This kind of ugly romantic suffering is so rare in this world you could make a movie about it. Not that I want this to happen to me but my mind ends up romanticizing this pain or more like the feeling of feeling this pain, of THIS being my life? Does anyone here get me?

>> No.17673831
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>> No.17673845

Sneed’s Seed & Feed (Formerly Chuck’s)

>> No.17673868

Baby shoes for sale, never sneeded

>> No.17673870

lol I read the replies, some guy is telling her she is being raped. For a community supposedly build on tolerance, these people are very very unkind, even to each other, let alone others. I mean cmon that person is in so much pain and you're just gonna leave them?

>> No.17673910
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The New Testament if you assume his disciples are just coping about him resurrecting from the dead and that he really just died on the cross (and didn't resurrect).

>> No.17673916

Imagine eating the stanky slit and getting nothing in return, just a chore so this man call feel like a woman. This is worse than anything de Sade could have envisioned

>> No.17673926

If drugs were involved it absolutely happened.

>> No.17673957

you will never be a successful on youtube or twitter

>> No.17674470
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>> No.17674472

Why should one individual endure harm so that another may pretend they are not still in pain? Service has it's limits, and a sacrifice that degrading is no worthy calvary. To stomach festering puss so that another may play make believe admist is too great an ask.

>> No.17675130

As vile as trannys are both physically and spiritually on some level they are also victims of Jewish psychologist like Feud John Money and Magnus Hirschfeld

>> No.17675204


>> No.17675208


>> No.17675227

I pray this is fake and gay.

>> No.17676525
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>> No.17676535
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jesus christ

>> No.17676548

my birth certificate desu

>> No.17676551

Wow. Jesus. Fuck. The saddest part is you can tell how much she loves the other person. There must be aspects of that other person that are worth loving. Too bad they fell into the body dysphoria feedback loop / social & mainstream media echo chamber.

>> No.17676586

if you believe this you're retarded

>> No.17676630

t.sheltered incel
Far worse things are done in the real world.

>> No.17676651

it's bullshit and you're an idiot

>> No.17676657

I think about the scene where he goes to lunch with that one lady, and he's talking science, and then he looks at her and realizes that she doesn't understand anything he's saying, a lot, actually.

>> No.17676659
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I found Cat on a Hot Tin Roof to be pretty hard to read at some parts. I believe when I read picrel I just put it down and sat with my head in my hands and thought about my relationship with my own father.

>> No.17676663

Funny you say that, Napoleon had a notoriously pitiful love life that made him pretty bitter towards women. Alexander is a long ways removed. I’m sure he had daily trifles too

>> No.17676669
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thats kind of the thing though, most people just hurl insults to make light of it and feel a little bit better and move on, but this could be your son or your brother or your best friend. Im not afraid to admit that to me its honestly profoundly sad and disturbing that this kind of horror show is being normalized, by doctors and parents and friends none the less, people you're meant to be able to trust. progressive culture truly is here just to alienate and atomize the working class.

anyway as far as making light of the situation to cope goes, heres a version with a funny picture

>> No.17676672

You know nothing, kid.

>> No.17676681

It's rare to see this kinda sincere sympathy on 4chan

>> No.17676684

i hear the proofs bird calling. where are the proofs? oh, there aren't any.

>> No.17676694

I swear this guy has the mindset of 90% of you fucking retards
10/10 laughed my ass off

>> No.17676708

My great blue bedroom, the air so quiet, scarce a cloud. In peace and silence. I could have stayed up there for always only. It's something fails us. First we feel. Then we fall. And let her rain now if she likes. Gently or strongly as she likes. Anyway let her rain for my time is come. I done me best when I was let. Thinking always if I go all goes. A hundred cares, a tithe of troubles and is there one who understands me? One in a thousand of years of the nights? All me life I have been lived among them but now they are becoming lothed to me. And I am lothing their little warm tricks. And lothing their mean cosy turns. And all the greedy gushes out through their small souls. And all the lazy leaks down over their brash bodies. How small it's all! And me letting on to meself always. And lilting on all the time. I thought you were all glittering with the noblest of carriage. You're only a bumpkin. I thought you the great in all things, in guilt and in glory. You're but a puny. Home! My people were not their sort out beyond there so far as I can. For all the bold and bad and bleary they are blamed, the seahags. No! Nor for all our wild dances in all their wild din. I can seen meself among them, alla-niuvia pulchrabelled. How she was handsome, the wild Amazia, when she would seize to my other breast! And what is she weird, haughty Niluna, that she will snatch from my ownest hair! For 'tis they are the stormies. Ho hang! Hang ho! And the clash of our cries till we spring to be free. Auravoles, they says, never heed of your name! But I'm loothing them that's here and all I lothe. Loonely in me loneness. For all their faults. I am passing out. O bitter ending! I'll slip away before they're up. They'll never see. Nor know. Nor miss me. And it's old and old it's sad and old it's sad and weary I go back to you, my cold father, my cold mad father, my cold mad feary father, till the near sight of the mere size of him, the moyles and moyles of it, moananoaning, makes me seasilt saltsick and I rush, my only, into your arms. I see them rising! Save me from those therrble prongs! Two more. Onetwo moremens more. So. Avelaval. My leaves have drifted from me. All. But one clings still. I'll bear it on me. To remind me of. Lff! So soft this morning, ours. Yes. Carry me along, taddy, like you done through the toy fair! If I seen him bearing down on me now under whitespread wings like he'd come from Arkangels, I sink I'd die down over his feet, humbly dumbly, only to washup. Yes, tid. There's where. First. We pass through grass behush the bush to. Whish! A gull. Gulls. Far calls. Coming, far! End here. Us then. Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee! Till thousendsthee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a last a loved a long the

riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay...

>> No.17676794

You'll get caught in the crossfire eventually.

>> No.17677009

yes brother I'm a melancholy addict

>> No.17677956
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Unironically pic related

>> No.17678044

erectile dysfunction?

>> No.17679143

Go into it

>> No.17680109

Real life memoirs of a Swiss guy who died of cancer at 32 He claimed to have never had sex a gf or close friends and had been depressed his entire life until he was diagnosed with cancer which he blamed on his stifling middle class upbringing

>> No.17680727

call me lowbrow but the elementary particles made me cry

>> No.17680820
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>> No.17680839

thats not sad, thats just nice.

>> No.17680852

Sooooo God raining down fire and brimstone and turning people into salt pillars when???

>> No.17680869

These are the guys calling you a tranny on 4chan

>> No.17680902

Yeah, that entire book really stayed with me even though it has basically no aesthetic merit. Same with Brave New World

>> No.17680911

Hanno Buddenbrook's chapters, immediately followed by the chapter giving a detailed description of typhoid fever.

>> No.17680938

I think this story is originally from the MPC thread.

>> No.17680988

Yes, Houellebecq has a rather dry and tired pessimism, but it is still impactful. I remember a dialogue about Brave New World and the Huxley brothers in The Elementary Particles actually.

>> No.17681092

this is fucking gold

lmao what the hell is wrong with some people

>> No.17681119

I can't help but burst out laughing at the idea of someone going through such a dull life of suffering only to get cancer and die with no pay off.

It reminds me of my own existence too.

>> No.17681149

I mean, most of this thread is reactions to cringe posts like the one above. That's kind of the point of a thread. Or did you believe it was about in-depth analysis of carefully handpicked pieces of prose? Let's be real.
And I was genuinely surprised that the guy latched on the next girl so seamlessly. I kind of expected disgruntled twitch mod like him to simply give up simping altogether, at least for a while. Guess that was naive of me.

>> No.17681179
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Why did I read this? I have shit to do and I read this putrid crap. I don't get how someone can read something like this and go "HA, get fucked faggots". These people are so clearly mentally ill, they need treatment not ridicule. Modern society is letting these nutcases ruin their lives and kill themselves for the sake of tolerance. It sickens me to think about how many disturbed or confused young men and women mutilate themselves because other mentally ill faggots convinced them they need to embrace their nonsensical feelings.

>> No.17681181

Woah woah woah...you killed the baby? What'd you do that for? What was it, barking?

>> No.17681216

this is hilarious.

>> No.17681306

Pat Buchanan's book about that guy from Charleston, can't recall the name. Anyhow, the part when mc finds a gay kid who died of aids, and then calls his father who's from some rural part and disowned him for being gay. MC informs him his son is dead and at first he's cold but soon breaks down and howls something like My boy, my beautiful boy. That's the gist of it anyhow. Made me really sad and feel real pity for homos, who I usually just mock

>> No.17681329

oh shit, I haven't heard of this one for a long time. this book is rough

>> No.17681708

Imagine being so fucking brainwashed or afraid of being called a transphobic that you have convinced yourself a literal wound is real vagina just like a woman's. Sex reassignment surgery will be the lobotomy's of this era, this is fucking foul.

>> No.17681800

More like baste

>> No.17681807

It's nasty and probably grosser than lobotomies but I think lobotomies are leagues apart in terms of how fucked they are. With getting your cock cut off you're still you and you can still think and feed yourself, lobotomies are literally death

>> No.17681853

After the last heat of summer softened in the dull sun, autumn began before it came, in a light, indefinite prolix sadness that seemed the sky's will not to smile. It was a blue that was sometimes lighter, sometimes greener than the very absence of substance of bright color; it was a kind of forgetting in the clouds, different, modulated shades of purple. It was not really a torpor, but a tedium, in all the quiet solidity through which clouds pass.
The arrival of real autumn was later announced by a cold within the noncold of the air, by a blurring of those colors that had not already blurred, and by something like the half-light and the distance between what the tone of the scenery had been and the dispersed aspect of things. Nothing was going to die yet, but everything, as if in a smile that was still missing, was becoming a nostalgia for life.
Finally, true autumn came: the air became a cold wind; leaves rustled in a dry tone, even though they were not dry leaves; the entire earth took on the color and the impalpable form of a vague swamp. What had been a final smile faded in a fatigue of eyelids, in an indifference of gestures. And thus everything sentient, or that we imagine sentient, intimately hugged its own farewell to its bosom. A whirling sound in an atrium fluctuated across our awareness of any other thing. It was pleasant to convalesce in order to truly feel life.
But the first rains of winter, which came in the already harsh autumn, washed away these halftones, seemingly without respect. High winds, screeching around fixed objects, swirling things it had caught up, dragging movable things along, raised up, between sporadic blasts of rain, absent words of anonymous protest, sad and almost angry sounds of a despair without a soul.
And finally autumn was over in cold and ash. It was a winter autumn that came now, a dust turned completely into mud, but at the same time, something good that the cold of winter brings—a hot summer ending, spring just around the corner, autumn defining itself as winter, finally. And in the high air, where the faded colors no longer recalled either heat or sadness, everything was favorable to the night and to indefinite meditation.
That's how it all was for me before I thought it. Today, if I write it down, it's because I remember it. The autumn I have is the autumn I lost.

>> No.17682550

When Alex from Clockwork Orange loses the ability to enjoy the music of Ludwig van

>> No.17682627

at least the other dude wasn't a homo

>> No.17682666

reading that gave me so much anxiety

>> No.17682888
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>I don't get how someone can read something like this and go "HA, get fucked faggots"

I agree with where youre coming from but its nothing sinister methinks, just cope. I think the idea is that if youre trapped in a never ending nightmare existence in constant anguish, and you manage to muster up a laugh about the situation and derive some pleasure out of it, creating a minuscule oasis for yourself amongst your suffering, then go ahead and laugh away

>> No.17683516
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>> No.17684725

holy kek

>> No.17684840
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>> No.17685675

Fucking kill yourself already

>> No.17685960

it must have crawled there for warmth...

>> No.17686075

You ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.17686086

I oughta suffocate you you little prick

>> No.17686192

what the fuck

>> No.17686613

Did he also told his brother to attach every post with a pic from the frog folder?