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/lit/ - Literature

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17673410 No.17673410 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>in Literature class
>reading the Divine comedy
>enjoy Dante's Inferno
>think about what Dante's Inferno would be like with more recent historical figures
>idea.exe boots up
>ask the teacher if we could write are own modern version of Dante's Inferno were we journey through hell with Virgil and we can put in whatever historical figure we see fit
>example Hitler and shit
>teacher and class likes the idea
>teacher says if we have time at the end of the year we can do it
>ffs a couple months to today and were almost done with Paradiso
>ask teacher if were still going to do our own version of the inferno
>teaches say we could but than suggests that we start another book
>teacher puts it to a vote and asks if we want to read another book or write our own Inferno
>everyone but me says lets read another book

Most of the student in my class are seniors and instead of wanting to write there own mini book and have fun with their imagination they would rather do what we've been doing for nearly twelve damn years and read another book to finish senior year. What is wrong with people?

>> No.17673418

That sounds lame. I would rather read another book too.

>> No.17673423

you are based for wanting to do something new but also cringe for pushing ur dumb shit on ur classmates who just wanna pass without effort

>> No.17673426

anon that idea is terrible and lame af

>> No.17673450

OP here.

I get that but I didn't want it to be for grade.

>> No.17673463

>>teacher says if we have time at the end of the year we can do it
She meant to say no, she was being nice.

>> No.17673542

yea... I guess your right

>> No.17673611

Turn your idea into a comedy (in the modern sense of the word) play and bring it in one day near the end of the semester. Pass out the sheets to everyone in class before the teacher gets there and then insist that there is an impromptu performance. I did this with a Shakespearean adaptation of Shrek (which I wrote) in a creative writing class because the teacher mentioned once that he hated Shrek, which encouraged everyone to compare everything to Shrek as much as possible to get on his nerves.

It was a huge hit, everyone laughed, and we burned the entire the entire class doing the play and discussing it. The best part was when the teacher asked me where I had gotten it (the play), meaning that he did not believe that one of his students could have written it. It was genuinely a great feeling to laugh and say, "what do you mean? I wrote this!"

Keep in mind that I was already very popular in the class, so the class lobbied on my side to do this, somewhat against the wishes of the teacher.

I can post the play if you'd like.

>> No.17673617

then do it on your own time faggot

>> No.17673637
File: 154 KB, 553x460, 778AB3F6-3E93-4127-BCA9-4AC78AE4F8DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your thread is a joke