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17671533 No.17671533 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't america have a national epic?

>> No.17671538

We do. It's called White Fragility.

>> No.17671544

They do, it’s called WW2 and its their foundation myth which is why they make forty movies about it every year

>> No.17671550

What would Americas national epic be about? a fight to the death by mcdonalds clown and colonel sanders with lofty interlude about land of hamburger overflowing with streams of milkshakes, which ends with an ode to the negro.

>> No.17671552

It’s metaphorical. Moby Dick

>> No.17671567

Our modern founding myth is the civil rights movement too.

>> No.17671568

Fighting for the god given rights of being exploited by corporations and of deluding themselves of not living in a police state.

>> No.17671581

So what is the Book of Mormon?

>> No.17671592

It would and should be Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. As for why the irrelevant people who decide when something is or isn’t a “national X”, I don’t really care.

>> No.17671610
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>> No.17671623

What is Canto General?

>> No.17671664

This >>17671544 and this >>17671567.

A national epic/myth should convey the highest value of the culture. In the Illiad, it's pride. They're fighting for Menelaus' pride because someone stole his lady, and Achilles throws a shitfit because Agamemnon took his slave conquest. It's bigbrain cleverboy do bigthinking because implicit is pride as the highest value but also the downfall. For Americans, whether it's the war for independence, the civil war, world war 1 or world war 2, the highest value is freedumb from oppressions. Unfortunately, Americans aren't bigboy cleverboys like the Greeks, and they don't see that it's their love of freedumbs which is also the downfall, as faggots start demanding freedumb from the constraints of human biology.

>> No.17671668

Because it's a liberal wasteland that only knows how to destroy and atomize.

>> No.17671677

is normal to a national epic? what's britians?

>> No.17671689

> America is a liberal country

>> No.17671691

Le Morte d'Arthur

>> No.17671692
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We do.

>> No.17671699
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Nobody made a fictionalized account of the revolutionary war?

>> No.17671701

What are you quoting? Are you denying it? If so that would be extremely ignorant.

>> No.17671705 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 480x687, photo_2021-02-27_18-45-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like the creation of Israel, it's America's raison d'etre for existence.

>> No.17671709

even small, irrelevant nations like poland and estonia?

>> No.17671711
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It’s been run by liberal capitalism since the start. The leftists in the country have always been beat down, tricked and marginalized. Made stupid and impotent and that’s why it’s bereft of intellect and character

This book shows a groups that got away.

>> No.17671716

Dumb. Doesn’t belong here. Take it down

>> No.17671723

Hard to have a national epic when your country was founded on lies and luck.

>> No.17671726

it's only 200 years old

>> No.17671734

The Polish National Epic is the Pan Tadeusz, the Estonian Nationas Epic is the Kalevipoeg.

>> No.17671761

And Estonia is 30 years old.

Your point?

>> No.17671770

Milton wasn't American

>> No.17671773


The Jews have the Purim thing... Popol Vuh is all about "muh trickery" I'm sure the burgers can come up with something a bit better than Marvel comics.

>> No.17671778

Dogs are noble creatures. You are insulting dogs by comparing Ameridemons to them.

>> No.17671781

yes. the reason the US doesn't have one is the the US is a country, not a nation

>> No.17671789

the Estonian nation has existed for many centuries

>> No.17671792

>amerifat doesn't know what a nation is

>> No.17671809

So has American. You can trace the history of the nation to the early 17th century. There are many european nations that are far younger than that (Ukraine, Bosnia, Kazakhstan) and yet they're on that list and America is not

>> No.17671810

>Paradise Loft
Sounds like Oblomovism

>> No.17671828

Only the 17th century? How cute, you are like little baby

>> No.17671841

National epics are overrated. It is foolish to attribute to a nation the works of a single man. Unless we find ourselves before the result of several generations of work on a single piece (as it is possibly the case with the Iliad) then it is just a single person claiming to personify their nation, which is ridiculous. Specially when a "national epic" is rendered obsolete by the changes a country goes through, to the point that the literary piece has hardly anything to do with the country that appropiated it. What does Homer have to do with modern Greece? What does Dante have to do with current Italy? In what sense does the average and exceptional Britishman identify with Paradise Lost? It's all a sham.
>ibn4 poster belongs to a country without a national epic
My country does have one, and I stand by my opinion that it is a farce to call it as such, as is the case with all other so-called national epics.

>> No.17671845

Gone with the Wind

>> No.17671860

europeans are the worst. we should have let hitler enslave you all

>> No.17671866 [DELETED] 
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America has regional epics. Nationalism is brain dead and destroys culture.

>> No.17671871

dumbass mutts think they had anything to do with defeating hitler. lol it was the reds who did it. you just bombed a bunch of jap civilians for no reason.

>> No.17671872

Came here to post this. Thank you for being the one informed person on /lit/

>> No.17671877
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America has a good number of regional epics. National Identity is nonsense.

>> No.17671879

Hitler was the pro-European side of the war ya twat.

>> No.17671889 [DELETED] 
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>National epics are overrated.

>> No.17671899


Only Moby Dick post in this thread? How is Moby Dick not one of the go to national epics of America?

>> No.17671955

>bombs your entire continent
heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.17672256

Blood Meridian. It'll soon become more and more evident given how things are progressing.

>> No.17672260 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17672278
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This. He sung the modern man before anyone knew who or what that was.

>> No.17672838

Shut the fuck up faggot.
Please and never come back.

>> No.17672855

the lord of the rings lmao

>> No.17672895

Cringe, Anglo Jews created Israel, not America.
I'll grant that America is keeping it's "greatest ally" alive though, with billions of dollars and the bodies of young goyims, and is thus, something of a dog in that respect, but so is every European nation. I think it's time you just accept that all of us, all of our elites, are getting Jewed :\

>> No.17672910

Make me, shithead.

>> No.17672917

Only intelligent post in this thread.


>> No.17672949

This is what they actually teach in European universities. And at least in Italy, when our troops showed up we had to teach them not to drink from toilets.

Everything good about Europe, America’s Continent-wide Disneyland, was brought to you by us.

>> No.17673012

It's The Book of Mormon, change my mind

>Multi generational quasi-myth
>Embodies americans degenerated but mirrored relationship with the old world along with their racism towards the Indians
>Calls the US a holy land blessed by God, laws written by divine inspiration, favored enough that Jesus stopped by to say hi before he left
>Nephites analogy for America, light-skinned righteous bulwark against the sinful world fighting to the last man for what they believe in
>Literally came from the ground

>> No.17673036

because it's young country

>> No.17673095

Keep taking pride in a work you contributed nothing, nothing at all to. Unless you were were holding Milton's inkwell as he wrote Paradise Lost, of course.

>> No.17673107

You've really not read enough if that's an earnest opinion.

>> No.17673137

>This is what they actually teach in European universities.
yes they teach what happened here unlike over there

>> No.17673177

Dude what? The reds litteraly ran out of supplies at each step of the attack, and had to be supplied constantly by america...
fucking eurocucks cant admit for once that america has plenty of things that are superior than in europe

>> No.17673198

>The tranny thinks his opinion is valid
fuck off cunt

>> No.17673214

He was a Puritan however

>> No.17673247

>fucking eurocucks cant admit for once that america has plenty of things that are superior than in europe

name 3

>> No.17673379

Not him. In the past 50 years, sure. The US being some great liberal project is a meme and you should be ashamed of yourself for mindlessly entertaining it.

>> No.17673435

Well it is the great liberal project. It has been for almost 250 years. Just because it isn't *ideologically pure* enough for you perhaps, doesn't mean it isn't a liberal project.

>> No.17673464

Because those places always existed, with their own unique culture and history before they became their own independent nations. America literally just began as a culture in that period.

>> No.17673492

Because they weren't part of an empire, and thus never needed to construct a mythology and national identity like Europeans did.