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/lit/ - Literature

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17671641 No.17671641 [Reply] [Original]

>in the anglosphere literature is felt instead of read, it's enjoyed rather than interpreted, it's lived ideologically but it's not studied cientifically. that concept of literature as self-help book, as a guide that must lead to happiness through consumerism, converts the reader in a consumer instead of demanding him to be an interpreter and to act as a rational analyst.
is he right /lit/?

>> No.17671663

>e-celeb thread

>> No.17671776
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>having a youtube channel means you are an e-celeb

>> No.17671783


>> No.17671791

>t. John Green

>> No.17671848

>>in the anglosphere literature is felt instead of read
>> not studied scientifically

>> No.17671854

Yeah that's pretty much what killed Humanities studies in the US

>> No.17671859

Yes literature is all about fweels and identity and confiwmation :3

>> No.17672090

>it's enjoyed rather than interpreted
>converts the reader in a consumer instead of demanding him to be an interpreter

>> No.17672092

Retard btfod himself.

>> No.17672536

>felt instead of read
Literature is an art form. You don't scientifically study a painting like some kind of autist, you analyze which kind of emotions it invokes. No wonder he's some second rate faggot academic and never wrote anything with actual literary value in his entire life.

>> No.17672546

>You don't scientifically study a painting like some kind of autist, you analyze which kind of emotions it invokes.
this is bait right?

>> No.17672549

that anon ODed on the romantics

>> No.17672556
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>Spanish empire wasn't as bad as the British empire because it was generative!
what did he mean by this?

>> No.17672563

You can do that, but you would be missing the point. Appreciation of art is about soul, not intellect.

>> No.17672567
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>in the anglosphere literature is felt instead of read, it's enjoyed rather than interpreted, it's lived ideologically but it's not studied scientifically

Jesus, he completely described the opposite of what the Anglosphere does. Anglos are complete retards about this stuff, and are always analyzing things out of proportion. The Anglo mind is defined by a lack of enjoyment and joie de vivre. This guy is a moron if he thinks his opinion is correct about this matter.

>> No.17672568

reminder to take your meds

>> No.17672580

Can someone explain to me why this guy fawns over Cervantes? What exactly makes Cervantes better than Shakespeare? By any metric I choose, Shakespeare surpasses every other writer in history, let alone Cervantes

>> No.17672592

Shakespeare wrote more good books than Cervantes, but none of them was actually better than Don Quixote. Basically, literary studies are a complete meme and all of these people are just projecting their nationalistic impulses into some idea of literary merit. It's basically State sanctioned pseudery.

>> No.17672602

he likes Cervantes because he is Spanish speaking and so naturally likes that which his countryman has produced. I assume you are English (or natively English speaking) and feel the same towards Shakespeare. There's nothing wrong with being more inclined to your nation's/language's artists but when people try to make this objective is the issue

>> No.17672603

Why is every single post that says 'take your meds' garbage, I have never seen even a single one that was even just ok or mediocre

>> No.17672608

You don't know where it's from?

>> No.17672625

What do you mean 'where it's from'? It's just a buzzphrase to dismiss something someone said as so obviously wrong the person must be mentally ill.

>> No.17672636

is he right? maybe, but I'm not taking the opinion of a Spaniard seriously.

>> No.17672847

This is your brain on protestant tradition

>> No.17672853

Go read Gustavo Bueno (pbuh)

>> No.17672856

I can't read Spanish, can you summarize the argument for me?

>> No.17674128

what a virgin

>> No.17674139


Is this supposed to imply that pseuding over books is better than enjoying them?

>> No.17674155

go play video games if you seek enjoyment.

>> No.17674177

He's really just throwing as many bad things in modernity, with some ideas from empirical materialism, at Anglo countrys.

I mean it's not even really an argument. Shakespeare has always been just as popular in Germany, if not more so, as in Britain. He's really just a coping nationalist at the end of the day.

Would it kill him to smile occasionally either?

>> No.17674179


That's like chastising someone for enjoying a complex meal and telling to go to McDonald's if they want to eat food for pleasure. Fuck off you insufferable pseud.

>> No.17674188

yikes, go jack off and lower that incel blood pressure

>> No.17674194


>video games
>not injecting the dopamine directly into your eyeballs

what a poser

>> No.17674262

copy &paste

"The Spanish and British imperial structures were very different. In fact, the very conceptions of an empire differ substantially between the two. Gustavo Bueno, for example, classified empires on the one hand as predatore mpires–those ones that maintain a structural relationship of exploitation with the societies they organize,preventing them from political development in order to outresource them in terms of material wealth as much as labor–,and on the other hand as generator empires–those ones that, despite the exploitative actions, transforms the societies they organize to elevat e them culturally and materially. In the latter sense, Bueno affirmed that the English empire characterized for being a par excellence predatory empire, while the model of the Spanish empire was defined as a generator in nature. In other words, following Bueno, all empires would not be the same neither in their philosophical basis nor in their materialization: while the English empire would clearly be an extractive entity towards the subjected peoples, the Spanish empire would be characterized by a more retributive nature towards the populations incorporated"

>> No.17674310


you're proving him right with this kind of answers

>> No.17674341

>You don't scientifically study a painting like some kind of autist
Is this serious? There are people who have spent their entire lives studying paintings.

>> No.17674354

Anglos think they can read something and just make up what it was about, death of the author they call it.

>> No.17674355
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>Yo nunca he sido protestante, por lo tanto no sé lo que es un problema sexual.

>> No.17674363

>born on the continent
>in a country with a great Catholic tradition
>in a med country
>still has an anglo soul
he did he do it?

>> No.17674476
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is he right?

>> No.17674485

Ikr? Silly spic is more anglo than the anglos themselves

>> No.17674752

I can't believe that shit was created by a supposed marxist.

>> No.17674763

>spaniards mixed with native americans
>anglos killed them
Bueno is right.

>> No.17674781

>muh soul
This is your brain on anglo idealism.

>> No.17676305

He shits on the Catholic Church, Doomentio follower basado nazi spic autist.

>> No.17676316

Tampoco es católico, siempre antagoniza a la Iglesia, lo que le gusta es la filosofía griega que la Iglesia mantuvo. Habla mal de Yahvé. Es un ateo como su dios Bueno, al que le copia todo, hasta la manera de hablar.

>> No.17676876

is this the reason that the British Empire was so much more successful?

>> No.17676879

Vuelve a tu hilo de contención, el /esp/ de /int/ y deja de avergonzarnos al resto.

>> No.17677802

que te follen acomplejado

>> No.17678032


>> No.17678050

Our joie de vivre is in being better than everyone at everything, which we are.

>> No.17678056

Basado como siempre. Espero que continue el Maestroposting y el Gustavobuenoposting en el futuro

>> No.17678144

Anon, this is the age of autism. No one feels anything anymore.

>> No.17678577

Llora y sigue chupándosela a DFW y otros escritores anglo de segunda categoría, so maricón.

>> No.17678683

Os follo la traquea a los dos

>> No.17680034

yeah are spics so obsessed with "anglos"? Not a day goes by on this board where you guys aren't seething about them

>> No.17680040

*why are

>> No.17680048

>>in the anglosphere literature is felt instead of read, it's enjoyed rather than interpreted, it's lived ideologically but it's not studied cientifically.
wait. isnt that the exact opissite complaint usually geared towards anglos? that they are too clinical and catagorized?

is “just anything i dont like” what anglo means now?

>> No.17680407

t. underage anglos who think their professors asking them "what is the symbolism behind the blue curtains" means that their academy is in any way critical.
the anglosphere hasn't built a literary system in the last 40 years, they don't even try to

>> No.17681487

>the anglosphere hasn't built a literary system in the last 40 years, they don't even try to
Why would we need to?

>> No.17681499

Jealously, plain and simple.

>> No.17681535

jesus g maestro tiene razón en la mayoría de sus planteamientos y en su tesis central pero no están listos para esa conversación

>> No.17681706

to study literature

>> No.17681757
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How does Maestro explain away this?

>> No.17681784

the reason is that they didn't know about inflation back than

>> No.17681818

"Let me make up a nonsensical classification to cope with the inferiority of Spain to the British empire."

>> No.17681825

>nonsensical classification
spaniards mixed with native americans
anglos killed them

>> No.17681884

The Spanish killed plenty of natives anon, the British just didn't believe in mixing with them. There were also a lot more of them in South America than North America.