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/lit/ - Literature

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17671027 No.17671027 [Reply] [Original]

Janny, Tocqueville is peak literature. With all the trash on the board there's no reason to delete this. Don't be a faggot.

"As soon as it is admitted that the whites and the emancipated blacks are placed upon the same territory in the situation of two alien communities, it will readily be understood that there are but two alternatives for the future; the negroes and the whites must either wholly part or wholly mingle. I have already expressed the conviction which I entertain as to the latter event. I do not imagine that the white and black races will ever live in any country upon an equal footing. But I believe the difficulty to be still greater in the United States than elsewhere. An isolated individual may surmount the prejudices of religion, of his country, or of his race, and if this individual is a king he may effect surprising changes in society; but a whole people cannot rise, as it were, above itself. A despot who should subject the Americans and their former slaves to the same yoke, might perhaps succeed in commingling their races; but as long as the American democracy remains at the head of affairs, no one will undertake so difficult a task; and it may be foreseen that the freer the white population of the United States becomes, the more isolated will it remain. "

(Can't remember if this quote directly follows.)

"If I were called upon to predict what will probably occur at some future time, I should say, that the abolition of slavery in the South will, in the common course of things, increase the repugnance of the white population for the men of color. I found this opinion upon the analogous observation which I already had occasion to make in the North. I there remarked that the white inhabitants of the North avoid the negroes with increasing care, in proportion as the legal barriers of separation are removed by the legislature; and why should not the same result take place in the South? In the North, the whites are deterred from intermingling with the blacks by the fear of an imaginary danger; in the South, where the danger would be real, I cannot imagine that the fear would be less general."

>> No.17671036

"If one wants to hold on to the word "race", then one must understand it as the expression of the form. It shapes the type through the ethnic strata.

If the worker were to perceive himself as a race in the old sense, a stable empire could be the result. But the struggle breaks out within the highest representations of the figure of the worker. This is the basis of progress and its rapidity.

The transformation is preceded by the erosion of old layers. The Negro with the wristwatch. His barbarism now becomes visible, as if little talismans were attached to him."
- Jünger

Also peak literature. And the thread is intended for serious discussion.

>> No.17671052

was an islamophobe french twink faggot

>> No.17671053

It is a mistake to view democracy solely in terms of rationalised progress, as if equalisation were a legal policy rather than a means to a type of being. Doing so ignores that democracy follows its own nomos, it holds its own character and is a response to a specific world situation. It is not a matter of decline, or at least not only this, given that the democratic conflict of race is one with that of the late monarchies and empires. In a brutal search for causality one risks following the unreliable traces of ideas and policies rather than the entire world image itself.

Tocqueville, Nietzsche, and Jünger give us an opposing view to the conservative defense, one in which the entire project of modernity is the creation of a new man. From this perspective racial conflict is escalated to the degree of species creation – the eyes of the eagle transfigured into the vision of the ant colony which sees little more than the necessity of the queen's survival. Where liberal policies bring together the races one may assume that little more is behind this than a temporary armistice, a simple measure of nutritional adjustment for the new queen. Aristotle's poles of theomorphosis no longer seem enough within such a shift: we are lower than animals, yet higher than gods.

That such immeasurable forces proceed unbroken requires no elaboration. Within the primordial there is little recourse to action, and yet there is no greater creative strength. One may notice this in the limited sight taken up by all sides combined with the blind faith in a return to the essential. Here one may begin to sense the great potential in what seems a worldwide catastrophe. Tocqueville's prediction of complete racial integration has come true, along with his prediction that the drive towards freedom and conflict will only increase wherever completion is approached. This suggests, despite all secular efforts to destroy it, that a great autochtonous force remains at the heart of the races. There is a species drive at the center of all questions of race, such conflicts appear within the strata of national formations, and to an even greater degree the world order.

>> No.17671054

Tocqueville was a bigot. Fuck him.

>> No.17671062

Complete integration of the world races may be viable for a time, but only through the creation of vast networks of organisational structures which serve no other purpose than defense of integration policies. Here we see another level to the world crisis which is far from economic in its origin. Not only does the racial conflict proceed towards completion, it must also proceed against itself. For where the conflict disappears the autochthonous rises. Territory and elemental structures become the enemy rather than people – the city itself is seen as a colonizer, even where one is freed or has been thrust into the position as a conqueror. There is no burden so heavy as to be dragged into leadership by fate in a moment where nothing lies ahead but judgement.

And few today are capable of the basics of leadership, let alone in contests of judgement. The only possible conclusion to this is an advance against the very organisational structures which have turned racial conflict into an object of fate. Simply put, the invading slave hordes will have to completely integrate with European law or segregate themselves along with its disintegration. The position clarifies itself: the hordes appear behind in time, and will have to sacrifice much simply to be included in what has already fallen. They will learn to tilt at windmills after they discard their wristwatch talismen. One cannot escape the danger in this brutality, yet there is great possibility in the return of autochthonous forces and a reconstitution of European law. We are already seeing the return to the thinking of fiefdoms and the strength of a people in keeping with its territorial law, even better where this appears in the sense of earth forces, or the urgrund.

>> No.17671109

I hate zoomers

>> No.17671125

Yes, cancel the democratic thinkers immediately, and the democratic system which imports millions to test its socialisation theology.

>> No.17671126

I started democracy in America but frankly the writing was boring, unscientific (which would be fine but it wasn't interesting or intuitive either) and muddled.

Don't rate de Tocqueville personally

>> No.17671130

How is it possible to be this wrong?

>> No.17671136
File: 38 KB, 500x305, Democracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tocqueville gives reasons why I hope China wins, that democracy is a long-term impossibility, and that the sooner mankind is under the yoke of tyranny the better for everyone.

>> No.17671145


>> No.17671157

>the whites and the emancipated blacks
The point is that of former slaves and former slave owners/the un-slave-able.

>> No.17671180

Maistre was a brainlet compared to Tocqueville.

>> No.17671206

How was he a bigot? He is writing about racism as a problem.

>> No.17671214

No he's not.

>> No.17671216
File: 75 KB, 981x981, 1x9eea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Janny, Tocqueville is peak literature. With all the trash on the board there's no reason to delete this. Don't be a faggot.
Jannies keep removing all the good threads. I keep having threads removed for "fan fiction".


>> No.17671222

>>Tocqueville gives reasons why I hope China wins, that democracy
What's the quote from?

>> No.17671223

Hello Chuds! Tocqueville was a racist and Islamophobic, so fuck off.

>> No.17671227

That's just anon saying it I think.

>> No.17671228

The root problem is not racism per say rather the relationship between the former slaves and former not slaves.

>> No.17671243

>As an example, one can cite political nihilism. It is strong and dangerous as long as monarchs and patriarchs rule and the word "by the grace of God" still gets representation through them. However, monarchy and cults must die like old trees, then mushrooms sprout from their wood.

>> No.17671246

We will push you into the lower strata of society.

>> No.17671250

i am trans btw

>> No.17671255

You won't do shit, rightoid.

>> No.17671266

We will push you into the lower strata of society where you belong.

>> No.17671273

You wil join the underclass where you belong.

>> No.17671281

Are you faggots here to discuss literature?

>> No.17671282

Yeah, I actually want to have a serious discussion about it. No matter what you think about race the current events are incredibly significant and will have a huge impact on literature.

>> No.17671286


>> No.17671290 [DELETED] 

This thread is a perfect example of why /lit/ is so shit currently:
Paragraph quotes by an author get "retorted" with 5 word american ideology quips and the rest of the thread focuses solely on these.
The OP was nothing but an excuse for twitter tier posts to be made.
Most often the ad homiens are jsut fishing for (you)s and not sincere but they still derail the thread.


>> No.17671426

Op here
My posts>>17671243

>> No.17671477

Not really the OP's fault, he posted a passage from a piece of literature

>> No.17671686

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/310247059