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17665879 No.17665879 [Reply] [Original]

Are books better than film at addressing complex sociopolitical topics?

>> No.17665949

Better is subjective. Do you get a broader audience of plebs? Yes. Can the work get into the long form details that actually stir people to action through complex articulated steps? No.

>> No.17665962
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>> No.17665966

fuck off faggot, twitter screenshots should be banned.

>> No.17666012

Is Spirited Away a critique (and endearing appreciation) of capitalism?

>> No.17666017

Test and saged. I'm about to make an effort post on a shit thread.

>> No.17666028


>> No.17666033

this nigger just ripped it from a thread on /tv/

>> No.17666052
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It’s got various themes. Appreciation of hard work is one, but environmentalism is another. Miyazaki hate the modern world. I think he likes Fukuoka

>> No.17666067

Bugs Life is a metaphor for First Nations people being cheated out of every treaty by the Canadian government. Ant Island is in reference to Turtle Island and unceeded territory, and the lead actor is Canadian. Anyone who misses this is filtered.

>> No.17666196

This young lady demonstrates a rather shallow understanding both of the film “A Bug’s Life” and of Marxist theory in general.

“A Bug’s Life” is a more or less direct adaptation of Akira Kurosawa’s film “Seven Samurai.” Both films depict a numerous, but poorly mobilized agricultural community preyed upon by a racially distinct class of roving bandits. They depict an essentially pre-feudalistic society rather than a capitalistic one. The bandits have not yet become stationary, institutionalized, and culturally homogenized with the agricultural class.

There is greater potential for a Fascist reading of “A Bug’s Life” as the bandits are depicted as racially distinct and wholly unproductive parasites, rather than an indigenous ruling class. Only by uniting under a new class of leaders can the indigenous ants/peasants overthrow this external group of parasites. A Leninist reading of this film overlaps with the fascist one in that an educated vanguard party is necessary to bring about the mobilization of this agricultural class.

A more Marxist film, depicting the phenomenon of imperialism from the perspective of the proletariat would by the film “Antz”. In “Antz”, the true enemy is not the external termites, but rather the internal warrior caste who are depicted as deliberately precipitating conflict in an attempt to increase their own power over the colony. Their morality is deliberately coded as Nietzschean, and almost fascistic. Only by uniting against the internal class enemy do the far more numerous worker ants thwart them.

However, neither “A Bug’s Life” nor “Antz” can be considered revolutionary. Both champion the idea of a monarchy and an idealized traditional social order. The end goal of these films is not liberation from hierarchy, but the restoration of an essentially benevolent one.

>> No.17666220 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17666304

I wanna fug process atta

>> No.17666319

marxist readings for popular things is the gayest most pseud shit ever

>> No.17666359


>> No.17667210
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>> No.17667240

Where can I find this book?
It's nowhere to be found

>> No.17667290

The best kind of shitposting is the kind that makes accurate and insightful points about something completely unworthy of that level of analysis. Thank you so much for this post.

>> No.17667306
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Thank you for being a positive force on /lit/. I hope you enjoy this (you).

>> No.17667320

>Miyazaki hate the modern world.
Does that mean it is a critique of commercialism? But it doesn't view it as all bad either.

Also who's Fukuoka?

>> No.17667475
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It pokes fun at the idiot theme parks that sprang up to boost the economy. Where is it positive on commercialism?
Fukuoka is like a Japanese Permacultureist

>> No.17667481

>Where is it positive on commercialism?
The dragon got to wash, and no single person (as the profound moralist Miyazaki would tell you) is either wholly good or bad. I mean the witch is practically a jewess.

>> No.17667503
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Washing is commercialism?
You read too much into large noses. These are Japanese producing this after all