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17662357 No.17662357 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/alians, what do you think of philosopher and professor Diego Fusaro?

>> No.17662524

Not italian but sounds like he drank the kool aid hard.

>> No.17662527
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I am of Italian descent but planning to move to Germany and btfo all other Euroids as the German are known for doing

>> No.17662529


>> No.17662557

He sounds like a Marxist who panicked when he saw where we are heading and so now just is a right wing marxist throwing around buzzphrases about how capitalism destroys [rightwing value]. Mind you that I have not read him so that's more an evaluation of his stance than his arguments.

>> No.17662566

il re degli pseud, mai detto nulla di concreto o originale

>> No.17662575

he complains how capitalism compromised both the left and the right and the State as an entity and authority as a whole

>> No.17663103
File: 66 KB, 625x415, 1 KT4S11Rh9zIeoO3oumiN1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism has destroyed traditional values more completely than anything the Soviet Union could ever muster.

>> No.17663878

sounds p based

t. capitalist

>> No.17663911

capitalism is just atheism

>> No.17663943
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not a real thing, define it, point to it, can't be done

>> No.17663950

how can people be this retarded

>> No.17664022

It's not real, you can't even define it. Race however is very real, you can get a genetic test and it will tell you exactly what composition of races you are.

>> No.17664036


>> No.17664078

>nooooo you can't pay someone to do somehting noooooooo this is a gabidalism you're doing me a frighten
absolutely ludicrous worldview

>> No.17664090

If you press them down to the bone they will admit that every organization of animals and humans is capitalism, and the only thing that isn't capitalism is the specific communist organization. So everything except communism = capitalism, even animals in the wild.

>> No.17664210

can't get any more pseud than him. No original thoughts, just watered down Costanzo Preve-tier shite. Also he isn't a "right-wing marxist" or whatever the fuck he likes to call himself, he's just an eccentric fash.

He's just a funny jester for television shows

>> No.17664692

opinion discarded, he 100% knows more about Marxism than your tranny ass does

>> No.17665353

oh no doubt about that, I don't care. What I'm saying is that he's no different than many simple, clean fascists we're used to. He's not some fourth positionist "idee di sinistra valori di destra" avant-gard philosopher.

Also, you're a pathetic cuck for getting so triggered simply for hearing the word "fash"

>> No.17665525

thanks for the blog update

>> No.17666671

>just watered down Costanzo Preve-tier shite


>> No.17666749

he's a retard that uses big-ass made up words to say nothing at all

>> No.17668135

such a beautiful face to soiled by tattoos. (or is it just marker?)