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/lit/ - Literature

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17661917 No.17661917 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read something NEW and ORIGINAL that's tapped into the ZEITGEIST. Where is it? Hello? Is anybody there? Where is the era defining literary fiction? We are ready, please somebody we are starving. Stagnation. Dull tension. Is anybody moving forward or do I have to do fucking do it myself and drag all of you with me? I can't do it. Who is?

>> No.17661931

Do it yourself you weird legs bitch

>> No.17662055

The zeitgeist? The zeitgeist is irony. The zeitgeist is mental illness being funny and cool. The zeitgeist is never voicing your own thoughts because no one will understand anything that's not a meme. The zeitgeist is being completely hopeless and doomed but trusting other people to take care of all the problems with the world and then feeling betrayed and frustrated because nobody is sacrificing their lives to start a cultural revolution. The zeitgeist is being on the internet every waking hour of your life and being so steeped in irony that you don't even know what you actually believe anymore but you don't notice nor care because who needs to think when other people have already done it for you and they're more right than you ever will be because they told you so.
Stagnation? Dull tension? Starving? You felt it. You captured it. You expressed it.
We looked into the magic mirror that shows us ourselves and saw nothing; there is no "age-defining literature" because it's a blank page.

>> No.17662436

That's my girlfriend(female)

>> No.17663133

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.17663146
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>come to this board because I'm gauging if I should pursue a career as a novelist
>first thing I see is this

God's signs sometimes are blunt

>> No.17663147

Her feet has the hue of a cadaver. 2/10 would not tickle

>> No.17664077

Say it ain't so. I don't want irony anymore.

>> No.17664122

Maybe try sculpture or composition?

>> No.17664159

Partially yeah this is a titanic aspect of the current culture. Don’t forget the pseudo radicalism to find and create groups that accept you because your identity has been so mashed up by irony that you don’t even know who you are anymore.

On the other hand, there’s also the whole “incel” movement, the Weeaboo movements, fandom culture as a whole. As much as people might not like it, these are strong cultural forces which actually do pump out art, literature and so forth. Oh and the occasional tech fetishism or neo-luddites depending. It doesn’t have to be like this though and there’s no particular reason that you have to COOMSOOM “new and original “ work. None of us have consumed the depth of the entirety of the Western tradition of literature, philosophy, theology and so forth. Not to mention the wealth of the eastern literature and philosophy we have available now and more is ever being translated. That’s also precisely how many movements of the past exploded outwards and caused great change, studying older materials or access to new translations. But really if you want to capture the zeitgeist most? I think you won’t find it so much in your average commonly published contemporary book. I think you’re more likely to find it in an artsy YouTube video, a documentary and so forth. Not to say the medium of literature cannot do so, but rather that the internet and film and even blogs and sites like 4chan itself are more conducive to the spirit of the Age.

>> No.17664208


>> No.17664357


It's all just divide and conquer. That's all I see anymore.

>> No.17665080

This era is garbage

>> No.17665102


>> No.17665901

Those are not female legs

>> No.17665930

Ex-music student here, don't fall for this meme. Classical composition is 100% dead in [current year]

>> No.17665941

>I'm gauging if I should pursue a career as a novelist
No you fucking retard. Have a job to support yourself and write in your spare time.

>> No.17666241

What is the new (respectable) hotness in music composition? Is there anything that is blowing people's minds or is music stagnant now too?

>> No.17666413

I think Infinite Jest still captures the Zeitgeist pretty damn well. I don't think it's really changed much.

>> No.17666485

Based reply.

If your filter bubble is where ironic ppl hang out then you think the zeitgeist is irony. Or if you hang out where leftists regurgitate grievances then you think the zeitgeist is still white supremacists oppressing minorities.

There's no shortage of sincere people creating sincere content. Yes 95% is marketed, attention sucking, lowest common denominator content, but the fact that social platforms exists means that you can find bona fide artists and content. Look at primitive technology's youtube channel. That shit is kino

>> No.17666541

Without a doubt, and yeah most of it is garbage but still. I keep telling people that fandoms have devoured/obliterated subcultures and counter cultures by majority. It gives them the same little group, ways to express their appreciation and though these are often smaller than mass movements used to be, them being centralized, global and online makes up for this 100 fold. Honestly, it’s not necessarily a totally bad thing as long as the central content is high quality and people are held to higher standards. We actually see a accelerated form of this with the fan fiction within Asia that they treat unlicensed fanfics as standalone products no different from individual releases of the same trade marketed media within anime and manga.

Again though, there’s nothing stopping someone from being this generations William Blake and making idunno, a visual novel with his level of art and the story is literally just his epic poetry set to relevant images. There’s no reason something like this couldn’t find appeal and produce interested imitators. Overall I’m not really worried about it as if some tragedy is going on. The highest quality stuff or at least the stuff I’ve enjoyed the most historically has never been Omni-present throughout the culture. You do have high marks based on your taste but it’s not like everyone here would like every piece of literature and art that didn’t reach us from the past.

>> No.17666758

fanfics usually pretty shit tho. it's possible someone will write something good, but storywriting is insanely complex. it's like expecting someone who doesn't know anything about cars to figure out how to build one.

>> No.17666776

Sincerity is sincerity, but creating valuable work also takes a degree of technical knowledge and vision

>> No.17666807

I don’t disagree at all, once more, there’s nothing stopping a modern William Blake from popping up and doing something though using this stuff as a means towards his ends. Not that I advocate for that, it’s simply a possibility.

>> No.17666850

bro that was 30 years ago

>> No.17666953

Perhaps the main task today is to find the good. I'm not sure if its cynicism on my part that I point out the unlikelihood of it, or if its the fundamental problem of finding the good buried in the sea of crap. Because we do agree that it's definitely possible.

>> No.17666959

Perhaps the main task today is to find the good. I'm not sure if its cynicism on my part that I point out the unlikelihood of it, or if its the fundamental problem of finding the good buried in the sea of crap. Because we do agree that it's definitely possible.

>> No.17667015

Read villainess isekai manhwa.

>> No.17667019

>Table 41, Suglia

>> No.17667036

*Good* electronic music is making up for the lack of innovation in classical music these days, imo. Check out Ben Frost, or Tim Hecker. Even film/game composition, which is pretty much the final commercially viable vanguard of Classical music, is done mostly in DAWs or notation software. I think at this point in time texture and timbre are the new frontiers of musical innovation, and if you learn to produce well, you can create some amazing compositions.

>> No.17667059

Cosmic Irony horror — fascination/mind control and mimetic work-arounds normie(profane) discourse, shitpost and fuck every janny on your way to Paradiso with fear and trembling

>> No.17667510
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You can read this confused fagmo if you wanna feel the acid burns a young man experiences when he stares into the center of our modern world

>> No.17667832
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