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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 725 KB, 885x511, aurelius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17660035 No.17660035[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17660069

Reminder that Aurelius's son Commodus ruined the empire.

>> No.17660087

Reminder that Aurelius's son Commodus was Heracles reborn and thumped dumb christians with a club in the colosseum for fun.

>> No.17660100

>what the ancient mayans can teach you about living your best life
>sleep retrospective, no dreams, unproductive(?), no hypnopompic revelations
Literal npc lmfao

>> No.17660137

not stoicism

>> No.17660151

I wonder what hair products ancients used to have such wonderful curly hair.

>> No.17660188

readed, from a commentator from the epoch, that aurelius was blond

>> No.17660201

reminder that virtue cant be taught, as proved by Socrates, and is an inborn quality.

>> No.17660205
File: 171 KB, 892x978, the most important red pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoicism = Christianity = Communism

>> No.17660233
File: 7 KB, 225x225, nietzsche-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtue = IQ
A doctor with low IQ (caused by bad genes) cannot help people even if he wanted to.
A person with high IQ in general can either choose to do good or evil however a person with low IQ can only do evil.

>> No.17660236

>illiterate, the diagram
Why is that illiterate americans, like /pol/ users, love this kind of petersonian bullshit?

>> No.17660246

Peterson is a Jeshua-loving stoic faggot. You'd knew if you read his shitty book, but you didn't because you are, as you yourself said, illiterate. Stop projecting.

>> No.17660264

I have hair like this. I don't use anything it's just the natural texture.

>> No.17660267

Theologically, Christians believe the world is good since God created it. To say otherwise would be to say that God's creation is evil. Which is of course false. The solution to this however, is to recognize that the world, and all of its finitude is imperfect since it is not equal to the glory of God and cannot be the final end of a human. Therefore, the human must recognize that his final end is heaven, not because the world is evil and wrong, but because God is the perfect end which all humans seek.

>Genesis 1:31: “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.” Irenaeus (†c. 202) clearly stated that Christian optimism is a corollary from the Christian idea of creation [112|110]. Two centuries later, the non-philosophical input from Genesis may well have prevented Augustine from yielding to Neo-Platonic suggestions that evil is reducible to matter and matter verges on non-being; Augustine refused to accept that matter could be both bad and created. He converted the “religious optimism” of Exodus 3:14 into “metaphysical optimism”, asserting that even the mere unrealized capacity of matter to receive form is to be reckoned among the varieties of goodness. Matter is good: so it must be God’s work (contra Manichaeans); matter is God’s work: so it must be good (contra Plotinus) [115-16|112].

>> No.17660292

Cope. Keep reading infographs, so maybe, one day, you will be ready to read actual books, retard.

>> No.17660332
File: 70 KB, 480x444, 1612750910427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W - world
H - heaven
P - perfect good

W = P (world is good because God created it)
H = P (heaven is good by definition)
W < H (world is less good than heaven)

CONTRADICTION! Christcucks are mathlets. Read a book.

Peterson is a self-admitted Christcuck. That infographic is as anti-petersonian as it gets. Read a book.

>> No.17660352

>Matter is good: so it must be God’s work (contra Manichaeans); matter is God’s work: so it must be good (contra Plotinus) [115-16|112].
Classic example of non sequitur. Christcucks with negative self-awareness, as per usual.

>> No.17660378

this. is. onions.

>> No.17660397

Its just med genes bro. I honestly hate it. I've always wanted northern European hair so I don't have to constantly deal with this stuff.

>> No.17660417

I thought this was serious for a second, thank god it's not.

>> No.17660420

>W = P (world is good because God created it)
I would argue that since the world has the capacity for evil (the privation of good) it does not harness the fullness of Godliness (good). Still, the world, the creation of the world at least, is a good thing since it allows for the potential for God's creation to reach and experience his goodness.
>H = P (heaven is good by definition)
Heaven does harness the fullness of God and (good). But it is not equal to the world as we have shown above.

>Sin is, essentially, the free choice of any lesser good
The world is good, just a lesser good in comparison to God and heaven

He was arguing from revelation

>> No.17660436

>gave him completely different eyes/eyebrows
>gave him aged skin when there's no indication of that on the statue

okay dude

>> No.17660449
File: 86 KB, 850x400, 1602079463349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The World can either be God's creation (perfect), or not (imperfect). You have to make up your mind here, can't have a cake and eat it too. Christian mind is very similar to communist mind, they are infantile, both ideologies need a perpetuum mobile or some kind of free energy source from the outside to sustain your deranged, unsound system.

>> No.17660454

All matter is good, and man perceived it as such, until man ate the fruit. The experience of duality creates the distinction of good and bad.

>> No.17660461

Good and evil, or perfection and imperfection.

>> No.17660470

>can't have a cake and eat it too.
Ah we meet again you insufferable faggot. How many times are you going to use this point as some kind of refutation? Arguing that there exists degrees of certain ideas is false because...?

>> No.17660474

I think everyone knows that, not particularly obscure

>> No.17660476

can someone be stoically a lame piece of shit?

>> No.17660487

All stoics are lame, cuckold enjoying worker bees (drones).

>> No.17660498

as far as I know there's nothing in stoicism that says you have to be a worker drone

>> No.17660504

>haven't read stoics
>haven't read neetzsche's buttfucking of the stoics
Living up to the stereotype of non-bookreading /lit/ very well.

>> No.17660506

Proof that you haven't read the stoics.

>> No.17660516

There isnt, just that you have to see to whatever your duties actually are.
Moronic post, sorry

>> No.17660534

I haven't read the books, no, but I've read a lot about it online.

Does it actually say to be a worker cuck? to be honest I just take wisdom from philosophies I don't subscribe to them fully if they have things in them that I disagree with. I like to just mix and match and make my own philosophy because I think if you adhere closely to a single one it's just kind of stupid to me and you could miss out on wisdom from other philosophies.

>> No.17660538

Oh "duties", for me duties could be anything not necessarily some soulless work. Just the things you have to do in the day and pretty much everyone has to do some things

>> No.17660545

>Does it actually say to be a worker cuck?
If it said so literally, it wouldn't work; but yes, it does say so if you take it to the logical conclusion.
Similarly, the New Testament does not tell you that you should invite niggers into your country and wash their feet, but taken to its logical conclusion it does imply so and people following it do it.
Imagine needing a philosopher to convince you that you should wash your penis.

>> No.17660694

The Last Man

>> No.17660759
