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/lit/ - Literature

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17656564 No.17656564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17656579

Academic brain washing

>> No.17656582

She's cute
Clean it up janny

>> No.17656595
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>Well I guess with all of the aesthetic manipulation he uses in filming and editing, he kind of passes for an ugly woman

>> No.17656599
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to get dat good boipussy

>> No.17656626

Because unlike her contemporaries her essays have a decent thesis, are funny, and are well researched. You wanna call someone a mannish tranny you should be shitposting philosophy tube. Only a matter of time before hbomberguy goes

>> No.17656627

leftists are retarded what do you expect

>> No.17656635
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>her contemporaries
>her essays

>> No.17656636

>unironically watching leftist pseud youtubers that are meant for normies

>> No.17656637

Not that cute

>> No.17656644

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.17656662


>> No.17656678

>using 'normie'
Back to 2016

>> No.17656687

>Calling Contrapoints' politically-themed entertainment videos "well-researched essays with decent theses"

>> No.17656689
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>> No.17656700

There aren't that many people, it's a money laundering scheme

>> No.17656702
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>> No.17656707

Trump lost

>> No.17656715

not literature you massive faggot

>> No.17656729

What does that have to do with Contrapoints? I have never even owned a MAGA hat.

>> No.17656739
File: 29 KB, 641x418, 135882759_770791130526940_7552041466242757188_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because kufars are subhuman and will encourage litteral demons with dicks and tittties

>> No.17656747

Cause I like her content and it makes you seethe. Come on now, all of you, give me those broken record replies like the good little NPCs you are.

>> No.17656767

you will never be a woman

>> No.17656777

You will never have sex

>> No.17656791

True, and that's based

>> No.17656800

>We can pwn the conservitards by becoming a paypig for some tranny

>> No.17656843

Wrong board

>> No.17656926

based volcel

>> No.17656932


>> No.17656944


>> No.17657003


I now like a cartoonist. Thank you.

>> No.17657028

>her essays have a decent thesis, are funny, and are well researched
They do have decent theses for YT essay vids, but they're unfunny as fuck (ha ha, self-deprecating my self-deprecation for a minute at a time) and her research is indeed above, say, Peterson's, but it's not that great either. I watched her video on JK Rowling yesterday, she quotes a total of three books in the feature-film-length video (JKR's new novel, some ancient TERF rant as if it were relevant to TERFs today, and some book on trauma).

>> No.17657048

this thread gives /v/ vibes

>> No.17657051


Some of her videos are actually really good man. I particularly liked the one on incels and the one criticizing antifa catgirls. Contrapoints actually was a Philosophy PhD student at Northeastern but dropped out to pursue a youtube career.

Honestly you can tell she's well-read and smart. I personally enjoy her humor too but it's very "twitter" so I can see why it might not appeal to many users of /lit/.

I feel like any critic of contrapoints' would be able to concede that her vids are well-researched and very well put together. You should be able to disagree with her theses without resorting to being like "ew a fag". The second you resort to that ad hominem shit you make it clear that your arguments aren't as good as hers.

>> No.17657070


>> No.17657079

>You should be able to disagree with her theses without resorting to being like "ew a fag". The second you resort to that ad hominem shit you make it clear that your arguments aren't as good as hers.

The messenger is the message. "ew a fag" is perfectly valid.

>> No.17657142

Lol you think you're very smart with a line like "the messenger is the message" but that's simply a fallacy.

Should you not read any Plato because "ew Socrates is a fag"? Sappho? Lucretius? Grow up.

>> No.17657144

>Philosophy PhD
That explains everything

>> No.17657151

I would assume she's smarter than most phil PhDs because she left to go make a ton of money kek

>> No.17657168

You know what
I'll give her that much, hontra's much better at business than most
I'm actually jealous, I wish I could exploit editmonkeys to make tons of money of paypigs but I don't have these talents

>> No.17657192

You are horrid slime