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/lit/ - Literature

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17624725 No.17624725 [Reply] [Original]

>Books with X theme?
>What am I in for?
>What was his/her problem?
>Books like X?
>Do I need to read X to understand Y?
>other questions I can't think of right now

This is an experiment, /lit/ is complaining lately.
I think this could help the board quality overall.
Direct all questions that in your opinion don't deserve their own thread to here.
Keep this thread open if you like to help fellow anons out with their questions.
Turning this in a general avoids newfags asking those same questions over and over again.
Also, other repetitive posts that don't really need their own thread can be directed here.

Feel free to discuss your thoughts about this becoming a general and maybe improve the template, and save it on our wiki so we could easily copy paste.

>> No.17624728

first for zyzz

>> No.17624745

Cool thread and I like it anon but stop fucking making these with the god damn anime girl pics or I’ll kick your door down, drag you out of your bed by your ears, handcuff you, kick you in the head while you’re on the ground, and throw you in retard jail. Anime fags get the rope

>> No.17624777


>> No.17624800

can moby dick be enjoyed just reading the main text? i have the harold beaver version, which has a lot of excess (prefacing etymology, 400 pages of commentary and footnotes), is such in depth analysis needed or can i skip all of it?

>> No.17625140

What should I read before reading Giambattista Vico?

>> No.17625360
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How to read when in a depressive bipolar swing. It's been 3 days and I haven't set my hands on a page. I know that I am stalling my reading objectives, but when I read a word it doesn't flow. I want to reeeaaad but I really can't.

>> No.17625380

What are some good classics, ideally not entire books but maybe essays, all the way back to greeks or even further. Translations should be in public domain.

>> No.17625432
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Is jacking it /lit/?
Books to make me nut?

>> No.17625495

>/sci/nigger general

>> No.17625757

How do I read a book?
Better yet, how do I read a book in a way that the information contained in it will stick with me?

>> No.17625796

Absolutely, just read the main text. Save the secondary stuff for a reread.

>> No.17626001
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How would someone cover up the smell of rotting flesh in their basement?

>> No.17626048
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Titan arum

>> No.17626320
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how do i learn to meditate? where did you learn to meditate?

i know if i were to ask 'how do i stop having my mind wander while trying to read?', i would be told to meditate.

and i get it. i've always wanted to and tried.
but what's the proper way that clicked for you folks?

>> No.17626350


>> No.17626362

The trick is knowing that losing focus is what you're after, so don't feel like you've done something wrong when it happens. You're training yourself to notice your focus has wandered so remember sooner and more often to redirect your attention back to your intended focus, breathing for example.

>> No.17626365

you literally just close your eyes and focus on breathing / paying attention to how you feel
try the Waking Upp app for guided meditation

>> No.17626377

Benson's Relaxation Response, which is like a secularized TM. TM actually works. Try acem as well, similar thing. Benson has some youtube videos.

You can look at the whole TM thing as learning how to meditate and learning patience, if you later want to do more complex things. Do one of these low key TM things for a few months and see how you feel, many people report life changing results.

>> No.17626513

How can I make the most of my days? I leave for work at 7:30 every morning and don't get home until 6. I'm a morning person but just never get into a routine of waking up early :/

>> No.17626541

how is actual TM as a whole different than the TM i've heard of that 'gives each disciple their own personalized syllable'?

>> No.17626590

How easily would a black man be able to get one on the 1960s?

>> No.17626597

think of post-nut clarity and then try to extend that for as long as you can

>> No.17626691

If I'm having difficulty reading classics for the first time, should I start with kids and young adult classics instead? That's what some people on youtube recommend.

>> No.17626739

Read what you want. "Classics" isn't a homogeneous genre. There's people like Joyce and then there's people like Hemingway. Just start with authors like the latter. Or read children's books if that's what you want to do, but do it because you're interested in them and not only as reading practice. There's plenty of simple prose "adult" books.

>> No.17626794

I should have clarified, but I'm "new", since I read a book this month for the first time in about 12 years. What I started as my 4th book was Hard Times, by Dickens. His style of writing, combined with 1800s linguistics make it so I don't know what's going on after a while. I was thinking of following the advice of starting with something simple, and that is Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte.

>> No.17627465
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what's the scariest book you've ever read?

>> No.17627501

Why not start with something more modern? Are you interested in Agnes Grey or are you just picking classics at random?

>> No.17627775

I have a preference for the 1800s. I've read 2 other modern fiction books with almost 300 pages each and each took 2 days to finish. Agnes Grey was recommended to ease my way in, and it seems good from the summary and introduction. I do want to read other things in the future though, like The Book of Five Rings and The Odyssey.

>> No.17628069

can some of you answer my question in /lang/ (about the categories)

>> No.17628102

Burn coffee. You also move cocaine in coffee to confuse sniffer dogs. Coffee in storage picks up the smell and taste of cigarettes smoked near it. Coffee is detective genre gold.

>> No.17628125


>> No.17628825

Why coffee?

>> No.17628865

I would say most new readers start with writers like Vonnegut, Heller, Kesey etc. who kinda ease you into a slightly more difficult writing style and slightly more sophisticated themes. Then dive into the 'real' classics from there.

>> No.17628942

How is F Gardner affording all these ads?

>> No.17628993

His books have been selling. It’s one of the few times, /lit/ authors have become successful.

>> No.17629125

fuck off.

>> No.17629927

Noted. Thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.17629974

It absorbs smells. The nitrogen in caffeine makes it easier to combine with particularly awful smells since it binds sulphur and carbon more readily, and most really awful smells are sulphuric. Burning coffee grounds speeds up that process.

>> No.17630021

Why the hell does everyone have sweating problems in Infinite Jest? Am I missing something obvious.

>> No.17630023

Can someone explain why HP Lovecraft named his cat The Great Faggotini?

>> No.17630040

Okayu is cute. I love her voice.

>> No.17630050

TaKe a hard look at how much time you waste by bullshitting or being on the internet or whatever.

>> No.17630117

The Enchiridion of Epictetus

Easily available for free, not insanely long, and funny in parts. Read it before you read the other stoics.

>> No.17630750


>> No.17630756

Not a full book but probably Gateway of the Monster, listened to it as audiobook one night before sleep and had bad nightmares

>> No.17632148


>> No.17632352

it's clearly japanese though

>> No.17632553
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I'm running a Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey tabletop campaign and I'm looking for inspirational reading. Anyone got something good that sparks the tone of SJ?

Modern day soldiers travelling into an otherworldy place where demons and other mythic beings roam. No Starship Troopers. If Military Sci-fi then on-the-ground stuff please.

>> No.17632981

Maybe the light novel All You Need is Kill. It’s what the Tom Cruise movie “Edge of Tomorrow” is based on. Takes place on Earth rather than an otherworldly demon realm.

>> No.17633025

I saw someone say that nabokov wrote an essay on lolita? I think I’m probably mistaken but does anyone know if this is true or where I can find it?

>> No.17633072

I read that a few years ago. It was ok for a Light Novel.
I didn't really get how he managed to work out over the time loop when everything resets (including his death).

>> No.17633096

the author had a condition, that's why he used to wear the bandana too
this is much more pronounced (but also contained to just the narrator) in pale king

>> No.17633100

we all love okayu you sperg
I want her soft anime feet ALL. AROUND. MUH. DICC.

>> No.17633179
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Right lads, I need some more supremely comfy travel lit from I'd say at least a hundred years ago like this. I know that The Innocents Abroad, also by Twain, is meant to be pretty decent, and I also already have the first part of Goethe's Italian Journey, which I've seen is also meant to be good, but other than those two I really don't know what else is knocking about

>> No.17633281 [SPOILER] 
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I prefer the retard

>> No.17633776

Isn’t she pretending.

>> No.17633785


>> No.17633817

>>and i get it. i've always wanted to and tried.
>but what's the proper way that clicked for you folks?
Doin the 7 steps of the 8 fold path

>> No.17633894

>attempting to read a book about political history
>spend 10 minutes spaced out after each page, derailing into relevant trains of thought
it's going to take me a fucking eternity to finish this thing

>> No.17633911

You can literally hear her slurping her drool when she’s focused on a game

>> No.17634043

I just thought it was because she’s a zoomer?

>> No.17634356

She’s talked about how she can’t even order food for herself. And the other girls have talked about how socially awkward she is. Aqua is legit on the spectrum.

>> No.17634367

Is it over for me? Should I end it?

>> No.17634847

She just needs a man to take her out more.

>> No.17634867

no, you are being recalled to life anon

>> No.17635124

You know you can use a search engine and you would find your answer.

>> No.17635263

books I can read drunk? I am sybaritic by nature and enjoy a strong drink, but I find most of the literature I enjoy difficult to get into when under the influence, so I end up just mindlessly scrooolling instead of reading many evenings. Any books that are possible to read smashed, or perhaps enhanced by having a few drinks first?

>> No.17635404
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Why do some books have two titles? Examples

Moby Dick; or The Whale
Candide, or The Optimism

Is it because the author was unsure between the two? Or is it done for effect?

>> No.17635469

Is there a book that talks about sex through the ages in detail? It would start with something like ancient Egypt and explore beauty principles, kinks and other things.

>> No.17635549

Is it better to use a male name or a female pen name when writing a romance novel?

>> No.17635573

Take notes. Think about it between sections. Argue it with yourself and others. Teach it. Basically repetition and critical thinking over a period of time. I suggest to book Make It Stick.

>> No.17635606


>> No.17635734
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Is there a book that talks about what you should of accomplishing at a certain age?
20-30 make 30k a year have a car
30-40 make 40-50k a year own a house

Talking in deep about life common life goals we should all aim at in a time frame with real-life expectation in 2021.

>> No.17635813

I wish. But some books you made me think of are 5000 years of debt and bullshit jobs. For a more ironic and sardonic take at your question I could suggest 12 rules for life.

>> No.17636019

What books i can read about ryukyu independence movement?

>> No.17636038

That’s retarded

>> No.17636079

Neither, make it ambiguous.

>> No.17636226

no its not

>> No.17636229

Is German college worth it? I have no prospects and fucked up high school, and I adamantly refuse to pay for tuition. Plus I have enough free time to learn a new language anyways.

>> No.17636242

It is retarded. He wants a placated standard mode of operation within the current ideological zeitgeist. As if he didn't have a father to teach him all the worldly things that are no longer possible, like buying a house or having a job for more than 2 years.

>> No.17636251


She has actual autism

>> No.17636303

Nah more like an information dump of stuff about optimize choice vs time

Talking out of my ass right now but let's just say that it's not profitable to go to university at 50 years old since you won't make a positive net gain by the time you graduate and pay off your loan. Obviously what I just said could be complete horse shit but that's why I am asking if someone has written anything on the subject.

>> No.17637132

Does she really? Or is it some meta joke?

>> No.17637182


>> No.17637508

This is 4chan.

>> No.17638123


>> No.17638548

I already tried

>> No.17638660

>I already tried
>Five second search brings it up.
Sure, anon,

>> No.17639085


>> No.17639299
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Leaves of Grass: First or Deathbed Edition?

>> No.17639345

First edition. How is this a question?

>> No.17639383

i go for the edited version because it has more material. The 1st had like 13 poems total, the final has over 50. Not that I need that many. Whitman has 6 great poems. I just like being able to flip to random stuff on occasion.

>> No.17639397

I'm not a Christian. Which edition/version of the Bible should I read first? Is there any books I have to read before the Bible?

>> No.17639438
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Is there any literature with this theme:
"I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:



‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’

He smiled crookedly, insinuatingly, a slight nausea shuddered through me. I replied weakly:

‘It was kind of sick, he didn’t fight back or anything, just kept trying to touch me and shit, like one of those dogs that try to fuck your leg. Something in me snapped, the whingeing had ground me down too low. I really hated that sanctimonious little creep.’

‘So you snuffed him?’

‘Yeah, I’ve killed him, knifed the life out of him, once I started I got frenzied, it was an ecstasy, I never knew I could hate so much.’

I felt very calm, slightly light-headed. The whisky tasted good, vaporizing in my throat. We were silent for a few moments. The barman looked at me levelly, the edge of his eyes twitching slightly with anxiety:

There’ll be trouble though, don’tcha think?’

‘I don’t give a shit, the threats are all used up, I just don’t give a shit.’

‘You know what they say about his old man? Ruthless bastard they say. Cruel…’

‘I just hope I’ve hurt him, if he even exists.’

‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.

I wanted to say ‘yeah, well that’s where we differ’, but the energy for it wasn’t there. The fan rotated languidly, casting spidery shadows across the room. We sat in silence a little longer. The barman broke first:

‘So God’s dead?’

‘If that’s who he was. That fucking kid lied all the time. I just hope it’s true this time.’

The barman worked at one of his teeth with his tongue, uneasily:

‘It’s kindova big crime though, isn’t it? You know how it is, when one of the cops goes down and everything’s dropped ’til they find the guy who did it. I mean, you’re not just breaking a law, your breaking LAW.’

I scraped my finger along my jeans, and suspended it over the bar, so that a thick clot of blood fell down into my whisky, and dissolved. I smiled:

‘Maybe it’s a big crime,’ I mused vaguely ‘but maybe it’s nothing at all…’ ‘…and we have killed him’ writes Nietzsche, but—destituted of community—I crave a little time with him on my own.

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood."

>> No.17640092
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sure there is.

>> No.17640212

looking for the roman or greek historian that said something like nothing important happened before he was born

>> No.17640810

Someone? Anyone?

>> No.17640823

Read Lautréamont

>> No.17640850

How do me read a books?

>> No.17641000

Whats the difference between Perseverance, Persistence and Tenacity?

>> No.17641525

There’s no difference.

>> No.17641545

imo low-medium-high

>> No.17641725

Why does fake intimacy, whispering, small noises, and people being insincerely happy generally make me so angry, like blinding rage mad?

>> No.17641806

Because you’re a sociopath.

>> No.17641862

It's not because I'm getting older and hating the younger generation or because the internet and capitalism has destroyed our attention span and ability to be genuinely sincere or because I'm scared of abandonment? You think it's because I'm an anti social shitposter?

>> No.17642215
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Are there any books that simulate going insane?

>> No.17642259

Yeah you’re an anti-social shitposter who’s looking for excuses for their sociopathy.

>> No.17642453

I’m not a narcissist and I can feel empathy though.

>> No.17642478

Sociopathy has nothing to do with narcissism. And narcissist are able to have some form of empathy.

>> No.17642487

This clearly deserves its own thread.

>> No.17642627

In what order should I read Plato's dialogues?

>> No.17642779

I like to suggest ion first because it’s the shortest and about knowledge, so it’s a good litmus test on the readers ability to think critically, interpret texts, and adjust cognition if they are a little off.

Beyond that just find one of the 20 lists people have made and suggested. Some of them are sequential plot wise and others have ordered them by publishing date. There’s lots of options and unless you’re going to read secondary sources it doesn’t really matter, just start at the beginning.

>> No.17642817

Okay then, could you explain how the things I listed equate to psychopathy like I’m a retard? I just read through the wiki article and I saw nothing about instant over emotional reaction to specific stimuli.

>> No.17642845

Psychopathy and sociopathy are two different things, anon.

>> No.17643046
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Should I read Musashi or Vagabond?
Or both?

>> No.17643075

:( god damn I didn’t realize becoming a bitter old drunk man made me a sociopath, but here I am.

>> No.17643076


>> No.17643374


>> No.17643375

Which first?

>> No.17643623
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>> No.17643668

Depends on your taste and interest

>> No.17644199

Is he really a sociopath?

>> No.17644268

It depends on why you're reading it, frankly.
If it's for literary reasons, go with the KJV. No harm in going without the Deuterocanon, since it was commonly read as just 66 books and those are going to be the most impactful ones (although I'd still recommend trying to get one with Deuterocanon, if possible)
If it's for theological reasons, you're best off getting something like the New Oxford Annotated Bible, which while it uses the NRSV (which causes a few issues with Messianic prophecies in some places, such as the Psalms) it also has the best academic notes and is a decent starting point. However, reading just the Bible generally won't work for understanding Christianity, and if you're more interested in Evangelicals I'd have to go to recommending the KJV, NKJV, or ESV.
There's no perfect translation, and no matter what someone on /lit/ is going to be assblasted that you "read the wrong translation" but fundamentally you'll be fine with most translations, especially since for theology you should be reading historical notes and commentaries anyway

>> No.17645569


>> No.17645842

Anime website

>> No.17646035

Thank you anon

>> No.17646703

How do I get over my crippling fear of "damaging" books? I want to be able to read a book and carry it around and shit, but I always get anxious and don't want to harm them, especially since many of my books were gifts and/or have sentimental value
Please help anons, it's so fucking bad I hate it

>> No.17647181


>> No.17647613

Take care of well made books that you value.
Treat paperback shit badly.
Get the cheapest POD shit you can find, don't pay more than five bucks and treat it carelessly.

>> No.17647916

I'm pretty sure there's English language courses in German universities. Plus it is a pretty comfy country so I'd go for it

>> No.17648117

Buy books for decoration, and grab a kindle for reading.

>> No.17648362

>I was sad when I heard the mod developer passed away. Definitely a unique guy.

>> No.17648363

Just buy a kindle.

>> No.17648390

Take notes, annotate, sum up the main points of each chapter

>> No.17648542

whats a good book that can give me a good run down on philosophy? As in philosophers throughout the ages.

>> No.17649591

Read the Greeks.

>> No.17650374

Anything else besides the Greeks.

>> No.17650447

it was their way of giving more information about the book in the title. So people don't think moby dick is about a dude as one example.

>> No.17650924
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How to start with this chap? Should I read Sade first?

>> No.17651843

Herodotus in his introduction kind of deflates a lot of legendary accounts and prosaicizes history, Thucydides also has a preamble about the events of the recent past and how things get blown up in myth and memory. Try reading the first book/chapter of each and seeing if you stumble across the line you mean maybe.

>> No.17651927

Both plus The Long Ships

You are possibly a highly sensitive person (HSP) and the way it has developed in your particular personality triggers anger in you for some reason. For me it's that I want people to be better than they are, and I have a whole suite of anger and annoyance and bad associations that triggers when I see someone take the low road or the easy way out. Sometimes in large obviously bad moral choices, but sometimes in stupid little things, like chewing with their mouth open or being a phony and not realizing they are incrementally ruining the social system they're a part of, bit by bit every day, by being a phony. So I have a blanket anger for shitty, low class (although I am low class) behavior, sloppiness and laziness, cynicism and "animal" selfishness, etc.

Sometimes it's fine but sometimes it's irrational, like when I can't stand my girlfriend just eating some food in the kitchen and I realize I'm getting mad at the bitch for chewing normally. The trick is to choose your responses, add a layer of ongoing reflection to your actions so you are never merely a conditioned and reflex-driven person. I accept that I am a curmudgeon about sloppy mongrel behavior. I don't accept that I should be a hostile cunt to my girlfriend for eating an almond. I find constructive ways to vent the former. I find fun ways to self-deprecate about the latter, and ask for her to humor my autism in some cases.

You don't choose the hand you're dealt but you can choose how you play it.

KJV if you can. It's beautiful and precise. Lots of phrases from it have entered the English language. Just try reading some for a while. Worst case scenario, you switch translations or reread a book in another one. After reading KJV I can't stand more "free" or "modern" translations.

I recommend Frye's Words with Power and The Great Code. I forget which one goes first.

Hoarding is one of the worst habits you can acquire. Things are just things. I used to be like that, now I think of a new book as disposable. Unfortunately I'm already saddled with thousands of books I'm now sentimentally attached to like a retard.

It's contextual. They can mean roughly the same thing but have different shades of meaning to a native speaker. I'm trying to find ways to describe the shades but they're subtle.

I would say them each in the following ways
>Bill showed great tenacity in distinguishing himself working his way up the corporate ladder.
>Bill's persistence in the matter eventually wore me down.
>We have to teach these kids the value of perseverance.

You see how tenacity and perseverance have the most obvious "moral, character-related" feel to them, they are positive traits one can have or exhibit in a situation. I'd say tenacity is more "amoral" or "neutral," it doesn't imply strength of character but strength of WILL. Persistence is often even more neutral, meaning simply the act of persistence in a situation.

>> No.17651930

Okay, I will.

>> No.17651946


You will likely have to read a few. Anthony Kenny's is too short and shallow, Copleston's is too long to reasonably recommend. However Copleston is far better quality than Kenny.

Visions of Excess if you want to jump right in, then read through to his late 30s and 40s writings. The Sacred Conspiracy as well, which is about Acephale and has uneven but good comprehensive essays. Best though to start with Rethinking the Political: The Sacred, Aesthetic Politics, and the Collège de Sociologie by Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi. It's short.

>> No.17652036
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Is 'Ring by Koji Suzuki' worth a read?
Are they any other decent japanese/asian horror books

>> No.17652782

Yeah, it’s worth it.

>> No.17652798

Should I get convenience store food, pizza delivery, or simply not eat?

>> No.17653052

Simply not eat. Fasting helps develop intellect.

>> No.17653110

With how cheap eggs, milk, and oatmeal are there's no excuse to eat garbage.

>> No.17653123
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, pu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's a good translation of that english book I'm planning to read, should I still read it in english or my native language? What are the pros and cons? I could save time reading it in a language I'm in since birth.

>> No.17653127

That's Thucydides. He begins his history by saying that nothing important happened before the Peloponnesian War.

>> No.17653247

Can audiobooks be considere the same as books?

>> No.17653349

>You don't choose the hand you're dealt but you can choose how you play it.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply, anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.17653403

Oatmeal is garbage, bud. So is milk.

>> No.17653598
File: 46 KB, 488x440, nico nico niii~~~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just coom for the second time today. Do you think coom impairs the brain capacity to read books?

>> No.17653603

Not unless you were already tired. Post but reading is great. Sometimes you even fall asleep with the book on your face.

>> No.17654044

No, masturbation has many positive health benefits.

>> No.17654140

Is Harald Thorsrud - Ancient Scepticism a good book on ancient skepticism?

>> No.17654680

Is learning Church Slavonic for literary purposes a meme or does it actually have a lot of texts online?

>> No.17655151

A meme.

>> No.17655159
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Is this pic related going to become normal? Is it already normal?

>> No.17655172

Already normal, where have you been in the decade.

>> No.17655265

Yes. He should feel grateful for this not having escalated more.

>> No.17655336

Link to this Reddit post?

>> No.17655376
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Can't he report her OF (anonymously) to someone in the university for using an office in that manner?

Also, if desperate enough, he can get access to her onlyfans and anonymously (using whatever means necessary to prevent being traced) spread material of her shenanigans to other students and faculty. He should look up the legality of this as in some states it's a big deal (misdemeanor, 6m prison), in others not so much. I don't know about him, but revenge would ease my pain.

>> No.17655477

>This is an experiment, /lit/ is complaining lately.
You’ve been pushing your subreddit for a year tho

>> No.17655597

And the quality of /lit/ has been increasing somewhat.

>> No.17656623

Can you explain? Personally, I like the first edition more, but Whitman himself prefers the deathbed.

>> No.17656796

Any good references about a man writing a female character.

>> No.17657443

Is Killing Commendatore by Murakami any good?

>> No.17657681
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You ever feel bad for dropping a book? I recently decided to drop Thus Spoke Zarathustra because his ideas were becoming more and more disagreeable as I read. Just feels like I'm missing something because of how popular it is, but I just didn't dig it. I love the idea of the ubermensch but everything in between didn't vibe with me at all.

>> No.17657693

Not the original asker. But as someone who's already read Vagabond, what makes Musashi still worth reading? How closely are they related?

>> No.17657720

How can you like the Uber without context?

>> No.17657730

Go talk to a passing tranny, they are men that live as female characters.

>> No.17657762

Its certainly possible that I'm misinterpreting a lot of it, but a lot of the stuff that doesn't seem directly related to the uber just seems so off from my own virtues. For example there is a chapter where Zarathustra addresses a group of soldiers and tells them that in order to become warriors rather than just soldiers, then obedience needs to be their whole life. Or another chapter where zarathustra talks about women to an old woman and talks about how woman are so much worse than men. And another where he talks about how voluntary death is so cool. Oversimplifications I know, but all that kind of stuff just started to build up in a negative way and made me start to dislike the book more and more.

>> No.17657970

Pretty sure On war and warriors he's talking about wishing for people to champion an obedience to their own virtues before making war (arguing) with others.
I'll admit that on old and young women seems really sexist, but Emma Goldman qoates the end line when she is talking about the missed opportunity that the effort put into women's suffrage is. Basically woman is a riddle and her own worst enemy because of how much of her value is placed in being good and obedient, so that she's constantly undercutting her struggle by seeking approval in the eyes of her abusers.
With regard to voluntarily death it seems to me like he's talking about the benifits of the freedom to live without fear of the consequences of death.
I don't imagine he wants you to agree with him on every point; I think is goal is just to make people question more. Regardless, my takes aren't gospel and you shouldn't feel bad about dropping it if you weren't enjoying it.

>> No.17658154

Thats certainly fair and it seems like I didn't understand what he was saying enough. I think I'll still leave it for now, and maybe go back to it when I've read more philosophy and am more able to understand what he's saying. Thanks for your input anon

>> No.17658464

Is reading non-fiction while subvocalizing pointless?

>> No.17658491

Depends on what you're going for.
If it's a love interest, I'd recommend reading a random women's romance novel and imagine what kind of person the author is and what she wants in life and from a lover. Eben if the novel is trashy it can be a fairly eye-opening experience.
Otherwise I'd say just write them exactly the same way you'd write a male character. There aren't really any techniques you'd use for writing a male character that aren't transferable.

>> No.17659635


>> No.17660297


>> No.17661108

Is there a problem in washing my hair with soap? I'm a man and I don't have any vanity about my hair.

>> No.17661116
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I recently started this book. Will it ever get good down the road or should I skip it now?

>> No.17661121

>falling for the meme

>> No.17661177

Soap can leave hair feeling dry and waxy and won't provide many of the benefits of liquid detergents

>> No.17661241 [DELETED] 

Is it possible to ensure the survival and growth of each member of my society without compromising their agencies? Note that as leader I can do whatever I want to them, and they're unaware of my control; however, I want to avoid any sort of killing, genetic engineering, or mind control techniques.

>> No.17661520

looking for books with some action, guns, fights, etc.

>> No.17662028

Try reading the Common translation

>> No.17662150
File: 499 KB, 1200x1778, Song of Kali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good supernatural horror books like Song of Kali? Nothing by Dan Simmons, Lovecraft. or anything in the Cthulhu mythos. This is the only book of Simmons's I actually enjoy.
I loved how deeply changed the main character was after the events of the book, he was fucking obliterated psychologically. I also love the existential fear of the realizations that these impossible things exist in the real world.
The story doesn't have to be similar, it doesn't have to involve deities or whatever, but there's just something captivating about the book

>> No.17662184

Depends. Shampoo exists because modern water systems tend to be alkaline. Soap was normal until everyone got used to running water. Shampoo and conditioner combos exist to create a pH balance which is good for your hair by making one slightly basic and one slightly acidic: hippies who use neither soap nor shampoo replicate this process by using baking soda as shampoo and apple cider vinegar as conditioner. There are other cheap foodstuff based fixes if soap is giving you problems, but most of the problems of washing with soap are solved by washing it without soap the next time. It can make your hair more brittle if you live in a particularly alkaline area, and that's the only thing I'd worry about. Just because you don't have vanity doesn't mean you want your hair breaking off at a slight breeze.
Most people only need to use anything because they're stuck in a cycle which depleted and replaces natural oils, or occasionally to help detangle or move natural oils if combing won't stop you getting dreadlocks.

>> No.17662480

What is a good translation/book of Buddhist writings, organized similarly to a Bible?

>> No.17662799
File: 775 KB, 1048x1501, abuse of power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books that go in-depth about abusive relationships? More specifically, on the Emotional/psychological side of abuse? I've been trying to read psychological novels to find it, but to no avail.

>> No.17662854

How many pages do you read a day anons?

>> No.17663500
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I enjoy engineering, building stuff and would like to read about it. Not about a particular man, just in general. I recently had thoughts about how great it is to make something from nothing, create order out of chaos and part of me will live in the things I built, even if I am long dead. I'm not talking about a specific activity like construction or programming, just about process of creation in general.

>> No.17663589

Bikkhu bodhi's books are fine and on libgen

the pts translation are free here

I think the chinese Saṃyutta Nikāya is a alternative to the pali one if you get bored of the pali

>> No.17663605

soaps are good only if you use some soap like tar soap, laurel soap, birch tar soap

>> No.17663609

Pope’s Peri Bathous

>> No.17663621

>Any good references about a man writing a female character.
Avoid the clichés of the dichotomy Marylin Monroe -Jacky Kennedy

>> No.17663627

Huh, it's normal for men to orbit sluts. if men don't like this, then they shouldn't orbit women in the first place.

>> No.17663762
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I plan on writing an essay on the disintegration of communities in modern society. My main thesis is that true communities are composed of mutually-reliant members. Pro-social behaviour is encouraged by the fact that you rely on your neighbours to eat.Economic globalization has seemingly undermined that, since we our material needs are now met by a complex trans-national economic web. similar processes seem to have occurred in the realms of social life and spiritual fulfillment. people once found meaning and social interaction in those around them, but they now either lack those things or replace them with things like the internet. I could go into more detail, but basically, I'm looking for books to read that will help me research this topic further. pic related is one book I plan to read, for reference. mainly interested in books on the nature of communities, how they evolved, how they changed, and why they are so in decline in the modern age.

>> No.17663792

you should read about things like urban planning and infrastructure, those have a lot to do with what you're interested in. jane jacob's death and life of great american cities is a really good place to start, and the geography of nowhere by james kunstler is a good follow up to that.

>> No.17663918

>Whats the difference between Perseverance, Persistence and Tenacity?

PERSISTANCE, subst. fém.

A. − [Corresp. à persister A] Manière d'agir, de se comporter, de penser de celui qui persiste; le fait de se conduire ainsi. Synon. constance, obstination, persévérance; anton. inconstance, instabilité.La jeunesse est noble, sans mensonges, capable de sacrifices, désintéressée: en voyant votre persistance, j'ai cru, je l'avoue, à quelque dessein du ciel (Balzac,Lys, 1836, p.92).Il m'a beaucoup parlé de son affaire. Sa persistance est vraiment touchante. Il finira par réussir à force d'entêtement! (Flaub.,Corresp., 1880, p.354).
Persistance dans + subst., persistance à + inf.(Mettre) de la persistance dans qqc. Il faut bien leur dire de ma part, (...) que je compte sur leur persistance à bien travailler (Hugo,Corresp., 1840, p.580).Pourquoi donc alors le théâtre du symbolisme demeure-t-il si grêle? Timidité dans l'emploi d'un instrument nouveau (...), rétraction du poète sur lui, persistance à se contempler et à se dire, (...) que sais-je? (Thibaudet,Réflex. litt., 1936, p.16).
− [À propos du comportement, de la façon de penser ou d'être de qqn] Ils traversent les hommes qui les environnent sans daigner faire un effort pour descendre jusqu'à eux, et sont forcés par la persistance originale de leur personnalité même à ne jamais s'y mêler (Du Camp,Mém. suic., 1853, p.218).
B. − [Corresp. à persister B] Caractère de ce qui reste (dans quelque chose) durablement. Synon. continuité, durée, pérennité.Persistance des coutumes, des habitudes, du beau, du mauvais temps. Tout spectacle, même s'il paraît complètement détaché d'un culte, reste enveloppé du mystère qui environne les choses sacrées (...); le spectateur occasionnel y décèle la persistance des caractères religieux (Cuisinier,Danse sacrée, 1951, p.88).L'origine et la persistance du déficit global des caisses publiques ne sont imputables ni à une classe sociale, ni à un parti, ni à un gouvernement: elles résultent d'une impuissance structurelle du pouvoir (Perroux,Écon. XXes., 1964, p.533).
− ÉLECTRON. Persistance rétinienne. Impression de continuité qu'éprouve l'oeil lorsque des phénomènes lumineux très brefs se suivent. Cette qualité −ou cette imperfection −de notre oeil, la persistance rétinienne, transforme un tison agité en une ligne de feu (Sadoul,Cin., 1949, p.7).
− En partic. [À propos d'un sentiment] Caractère d'un sentiment qui affecte durablement quelqu'un. Le lien conjugal est rompu dès qu'il est devenu odieux à l'un des époux. Il faudrait qu'un conseil de famille et de magistrature fût appelé à connaître, (...) de la réalité, de la force et de la persistance du mécontentement (Sand,Hist. vie, t.4, 1855, p.384).

>> No.17663925

Prononc. et Orth.: [pε Rsistɑ ̃:s]. Att. ds Ac. dep. 1835. Étymol. et Hist. 1. Av. 1475 persistence «action de persister» (G. Chastellain, Louenge a la très-glorieuse Vierge ds OEuvres, éd. Kervyn de Lettenhove, VIII, 271); 1495 [éd.] persistance (J. de Vignay, Mir. histor., IV, fo117a ds Gdf. Compl.); 2. 1792 «(en parlant de choses) le fait de durer» ici en parlant d'une passion (Staël, Lettres L. de Narbonne, p.31); 1879 [la] persistance du mauvais temps (Flaub., Corresp., p.226). Dér. de persister*; suff. -ance*. Fréq. abs. littér.: 385. Fréq. rel. littér.: xixes.: a) 523, b) 666; xxes.: a) 515, b) 523.
PERSÉVÉRANCE, subst. fém.

A. − [À propos d'une pers. ou d'un groupe de pers.]
1. [Corresp. à persévérer A 1]
a) Action de persévérer; résultat de cette action. Superstitieux comme la plupart des hommes dont le chemin est à faire et qui sont plus ou moins fatalistes, il voulut voir dans son bonheur une récompense du ciel pour sa persévérance à rester dans le bon chemin (Balzac, Goriot, 1835, p.182).Chaque nouvel affront, porteur d'une souffrance, Était un aliment à ma persévérance (Ponsard, Lucrèce, 1843, i, 3, p.19).On n'obtient rien de bien sans une longue persévérance, sans pousser longtemps dans le même sens son effort (Gide, Journal, 1929, p.944):
1. ... ce qui me surprend, c'est le fait, unique, je crois, dans l'histoire de l'Église, de votre fidélité, de votre persévérance dans l'esprit de votre vocation, malgré l'abandon où vous avez été laissé pendant quatorze ans. Billy, Introïbo, 1939, p.201.
b) Qualité de celui/celle qui persévère. Synon. constance, obstination, patience, ténacité.La beauté, la vigueur des platanes et des cèdres, dont ces maisons sont précédées ou environnées, attestent les soins, la persévérance que ces créations ont exigés (Crèvecoeur, Voyage, t.2, 1801, p.312).Ça vraiment on peut pas dire qu'elle ait jamais manqué de courage ni de persévérance!... ni d'abnégation... Pas un seul jour! Pour rapproprier cette vieille turne elle a réussi des prodiges! (Céline, Mort à crédit, 1936, p.580).V. agriculture ex. 5, attendre ex. 24, coïncider ex. 7:
2. ... elle m'affirma (...) que je l'avais séduite, captée, déshonorée, avec un rare machiavélisme, une habileté consommée, une persévérance de mathématicien, et des ruses d'Apache. Maupass., Contes et nouv., t.1, Verrou, 1882, p.817.
SYNT. Persévérance acharnée, admirable, généreuse, incroyable, inébranlable, infatigable, inflexible, invincible, louable, opiniâtre, tenace; attendre, chercher, poursuivre avec persévérance; avoir, montrer de la persévérance; mettre de la persévérance à faire qqc. ou dans qqc.; louer qqn, être récompensé de sa persévérance.
− [Avec compl. prép. de et p.méton. du déterminé] Wassermann (...) chez qui il loue la minutie et la persévérance du travail artistique plutôt que l'inspiration proprement dite (Du Bos, Journal, 1925, p.283).
− P. anal. [À propos d'un animal] La persévérance indomptable des fourmis .

>> No.17663936

2. [Corresp. à persévérer A 2; gén. avec compl. prép. dans] Rare. Fait de persister, de continuer sans effort particulier dans une voie, dans une manière d'être. Synon. persistance.La voie bonne et droite est de servir Jahvé de tout son coeur. De grands biens seront la récompense de ce service véritable, tandis que la ruine du peuple et du roi sera le châtiment de la persévérance dans le mal (Théol. cath.t.4, 11920, p.970).
3. [Corresp. à persévérer A 3; sans compl. prép.] THÉOL. Constance dans la fidélité au Christ et à la vertu chrétienne. Ne savons-nous pas que peu à peu tout s'en va, tout nous échappe, hormis les affections éternelles? M. Bories nous le disait hier fort éloquemment dans son sermon de persévérance aux enfants de la première communion (E. de Guérin, Lettres, 1835, p.71).Pour obtenir le don de persévérance, il résolut de faire un pélerinage à la Sainte Vierge (Flaub., Bouvard, t.2, 1880, p.118).V. inviter I B 1 a ex. de Billy:
3. Mauriac, avec cette profondeur dans l'équité qui progresse en lui à chaque livre, nous montre cette conversion [la conversion de Racine] comme des plus véritables parce que comportant les deux éléments à ses yeux essentiels à la conversion authentique: la persévérance [it. ds le texte], et le parti pris contre soi-même. Du Bos, Journal, 1928, p.73.
Persévérance finale ou absol. persévérance. Constance dans la foi jusqu'à la mort; grâce du dernier moment. Cette déclaration ou lettre de M. le Maître aux religieuses, pour implorer d'elles tout simplement le secours de leurs prières et leur intercession près de Dieu en vue de sa conversion vraie et de sa persévérance (Sainte-Beuve, Port-Royal, t.2, 1842, p.235).Que Dieu vous reçoive au nombre de ses élus, qu'il vous accorde la persévérance finale (Huysmans, Oblat, t.2, 1903, p.36).
P. méton. Une nuit d'été, dit-il [un ange], comme je descendais du ciel pour distribuer des consolations, des persévérances et de bonnes morts à diverses personnes pieuses du quartier de l'Étoile (A. France, Révolte anges, 1914, p.116).
Catéchisme de persévérance. Catéchisme que l'on suit après la communion solennelle. Cécile avait, en effet le coeur et le cerveau d'une gamine de seize ans, qui veut juger la vie, et dont toute l'expérience, tous les points d'appui, sont ce peu de chose qu'elle a pu glaner, le dimanche, au catéchisme de persévérance (Martin du G., J. Barois, 1913, p.281).V. enduit C ex. de Taine.P. ell. Les filles allaient à la persévérance de Saint-Sulpice (Dupanloup, Journal, 1876, p.4).
P. méton. Groupe d'enfants, d'adolescents qui reçoivent cette instruction. L'archevêque l'ayant appelé [un abbé] à d'autres fonctions et l'ayant remplacé par un autre directeur, le catéchisme de persévérance se révoltait (Goncourt, R. Mauperin, 1864, p.69).

>> No.17663944

B. − [À propos d'une chose] Fait de continuer, de durer. On profitera de la persévérance d'un vent pour refaire chaque expérience en carguant toutes les voiles actives (Maizière, Nouv. archit. nav., 1853, p.74).Il y a trois sortes de monotonie dans la voix: la persévérance dans la même modulation, la ressemblance dans les chutes finales, la répétition fréquente des mêmes inflexions (Bussy, Art dram., 1866, p.258):
4. ... il faudrait accorder la nature et la fortune, si souvent contraires dans leurs libéralités. À la solution de ce problème est attachée la prospérité du monde. −On ne saurait nier toutefois la persévérance des mêmes vertus dans un petit nombre d'illustres familles. Ozanam, Philos. Dante, 1838, p.182.
− P. méton. Jaensch a entrepris une véritable étude expérimentale de cette cohérence du moi. À partir de certaines persévérances de la perception comme l'image éidétique, où le représenté est vécu comme s'il était effectivement perçu, il a étudié les solidarités fonctionnelles (Mounier, Traité caract., 1946, p.584).
Persévéramment, adv.[Corresp.à supra A 1 b] Avec persévérance. Celui-là [des deux sultans] l'emportera qui aura été le mieux et le plus persévéramment soutenu par les tribus marocaines (Jaurès, Paix menacée, 1914, p.38).Aux moindres moments passés à parler avec elle de choses même insignifiantes, je sentais maintenant qu'était ajoutée, amalgamée une volupté qui alors n'avait, il est vrai, pas été perçue par moi, mais était déjà cause que, ces moments-là, je les avais toujours si persévéramment recherchés et à l'exclusion de tout le reste (Proust, Fugit., 1922, p.493).
Prononc. et Orth.: [pε RseveR ɑ ̃:s]. Ac. 1694 et 1718: persevérance; dep. 1740: -sé-. Étymol. et Hist.1. Ca 1175 «continuité d'un état de chose» (Benoit, Ducs de Normandie, éd. C. Fahlin, 8610); 2. ca 1225 «qualité de celui qui demeure ferme dans une résolution» (Gautier de Coinci, Miracles de Nostre Dame, II, Mir. 25, 284, éd. V. F. Koenig, t.4, p.255); 3. xiiies. «qualité morale qui consiste à poursuivre une tâche» ici personnification de Perseverance (Raoul de Houdenc, La Voie de Paradis, éd. P. Lebesgue, 283); 4. 1559 «action de persévérer» (Amyot, Marius, 8 ds Littré). Empr. au lat. perseverantia «constance, persistance». Fréq. abs. littér.: 477. Fréq. rel. littér.: xixes.: a) 976, b) 793; xxes.: a) 360, b) 553.

>> No.17663945

TÉNACITÉ, subst. fém.

A. −
1. Vieilli. Consistance collante, visqueuse d'une substance. Au moment où les humeurs perdent une partie de leur tenacité, les penchans et les idées qui dépendent de l'engorgement des viscères abdominaux, commencent à perdre également, et dans la même proportion, une partie de leur caractère opiniâtre (Cabanis, Rapp. phys. et mor., t. 1, 1808, p. 249).Elle dépend aussi du degré de ténacité qu'on veut donner à la colle liquéfiée, et il faut en mettre plus ou moins [d'eau], suivant que l'ouvrier opère avec plus ou moins de lenteur (Nosban, Manuel menuisier, t. 2, 1857, p. 114).
− En partic. Cohésion, résistance d'un tissu organique, fibreux. Cela porte à croire qu'au moment de l'action, non seulement les particules qui composent la fibre tendent à se rapprocher dans le sens de sa longueur, mais encore que leur cohésion, ou la ténacité de la fibre, devient à l'instant même beaucoup plus grande (Cuvier, Anat. comp., t. 1, 1805, p. 101).Cette tension des parties molles des animaux vivans ne va pas au point d'empêcher la cohésion des molécules qui forment ces parties, et de détruire leur adhérence, leur agglutination et leur ténacité, tant que l'intensité de l'orgasme n'excède pas certaines proportions (Lamarck, Philos. zool., t. 2, 1809, p. 25).
2. Résistance à la rupture, qualité de solidité d'un matériau. Ténacité d'un papier, d'une terre. Le jade oriental de la Chine, de l'Asie centrale et des îles du Pacifique, doit sa grande ténacité à l'enchevêtrement de fibres très fines (Lapparent, Minér., 1899, p. 454).L'orme, l'épicéa, le mélèze, le frêne sont des bois élastiques; par contre, le chêne ne possède absolument pas cette qualité. La ténacité est la qualité que le bois possède de plier sans rompre (Viaux, Meuble Fr., 1962, p. 3).
− Spéc. Taux de résistance à la rupture par étirement ou traction d'un matériau façonné sous forme de fil.
MÉTALL. ,,La ténacité s'exprime par la charge en décanewtons (daN) nécessaire pour rompre un fil de 1 mm2de section. On la mesure en soumettant des éprouvettes à un effort de traction croissant exercé par une machine spéciale`` (Dew. Mat. prem. 1973).
TEXT. On reconnaît à la rayonne − dont la qualité spéciale pour pneumatiques est dite « à haute ténacité » − la régularité et la continuité du fil, qui conduit à une résistance supérieure à celle du coton (Tinard, Automob., 1951, p. 346).Si la ténacité du fil essayé est inférieure à 20 % de l'indication de l'échelle à une déviation de 45 , il faut prendre l'échelle inférieure (Thiébaut, Fabric. tissus, 1961, p. 23).

>> No.17663954

B. − P. anal. Caractère d'une chose qui s'accroche ou persiste, qu'il est difficile d'éliminer, de détruire. Ténacité d'un parfum, d'un colorant, d'une plante grimpante. Ces madriers étaient un peu plus longs que l'entre-deux n'était large; de là la ténacité de leur emboîtement; de là aussi leur ajustement en plan incliné (Hugo, Travaill. mer, 1866, p. 292).Tout parlait de Dieu − et les ricochets sur l'eau des pierres plates, et la ténacité des coquillages dans les pierres du quai et, d'abord, le silence de la petite église (Queffélec, Recteur, 1944, p. 15).
− En partic. Caractère de durabilité, de persistance d'une affection, d'une maladie. Le règlement des affaires qui précède mon départ de Paris ne me laissa nul loisir, − après quoi l'échec total de mon séjour au Mont-Dore, puis, une fois de retour ici, la ténacité de la fièvre qui n'a cédé que ce matin même, furent de nouveaux motifs d'abstention (Du Bos, Journal, 1928, p. 150).L'évolution ultérieure de la colite chronique est difficilement prévisible. Mais insistons encore sur la ténacité de l'affection (Quillet Méd.1965, p. 165).
C. − Au fig.
1. Caractère d'une personne qui manifeste de l'opiniâtreté, de la constance dans ses idées, ses projets, ses actions. Synon. persévérance.Ce billet, d'une galanterie précieuse mais qui révélait chez celui qui l'avait écrit une ténacité formidable, et que rien ne saurait rebuter, produisit en partie l'effet que le duc s'en était promis (Gautier, Fracasse, 1863, p. 396).D'autres traits encore, énumérés par les chroniqueurs, nous montrent cette souplesse dans la ténacité qui était le fond même du tempérament de Baudouin II (Grousset, Croisades, 1939, p. 112).
[Comme trait remarquable d'une ethnie, d'un groupe soc., d'un type hum.] La ténacité du paysan français. Avec la ténacité caractéristique de nos vieilles races de montagnes, une population s'implanta jusque dans les intimes replis du massif (Vidal de La Bl., Tabl. géogr. Fr., 1908, p. 194).Il a fallu la ténacité des Américains du Nord, pour franchir les Rocheuses en différents passages (Albitreccia, Gds moyens transp., 1931, p. 43).
− En partic. Obstination, entêtement. Veux-tu te taire! dit Danglars, affectant de retenir Caderousse, qui, avec la ténacité des ivrognes, se penchait hors du berceau, tâche de te tenir debout, et laisse les amoureux s'aimer tranquillement (Dumas père, Monte-Cristo, t. 1, 1846, p. 33).Cet homme est un jaloux de l'espèce la plus stupide, dit-il, il a la méchanceté et la ténacité des faibles (Abellio, Pacifiques, 1946, p. 356).

>> No.17663958

2. Caractère d'opiniâtreté, d'obstination du comportement intellectuel, affectif, actif d'une personne. Synon. acharnement, entêtement.La tenacité de sentiments qui en résulte, portée dans l'amitié et dans l'amour, est sans doute un bonheur, mais portée dans les sentiments douloureux, elle est un grand mal (Bonstetten, Homme Midi, 1824, p. 187).Ces quelques exemples révèlent avec quelle ténacité et quelle âpreté la Direction des Musées de France s'employa à protéger le patrimoine artistique de la nation (Musées Fr., 1950, p. 16).
− Avec ténacité.Tenacement, obstinément. Pour peu qu'une chose soit désagréable ou pénible à quelqu'un, on y prend goût et on s'y cramponne avec ténacité (Amiel, Journal, 1866, p. 186).J'avais passé mon année à gémir sur la vanité de tous les buts: je n'en avais pas moins poursuivi les miens avec ténacité (Beauvoir, Mém. j. fille, 1958, p. 243).
3. Caractère de persistance, d'enracinement (d'une opinion, d'une manière d'être, d'agir, etc.). Ténacité d'un souvenir, d'un espoir; ténacité d'un préjugé; ténacité de la mémoire. La conversation étant tombée sur la mort, (...) les deux Français parlaient de la persistance et de la ténacité de cette idée (Goncourt, Journal, 1893, p. 357).N'avons-nous pas dit sur la vie tout ce que la connaissance phénoménologique de l'homme permet d'en dire, en évoquant cette spontanéité des besoins qui vient nourrir nos motifs, ou cette spontanéité des premiers pouvoirs du corps qui s'exprime dans l'explosion émotive ou dans la construction et la tenacité des habitudes? (Ricœur, Philos. volonté, 1949, p. 385).

>> No.17663965

Prononc. et Orth.: [tenasite]. Ac. 1694, 1718: tenacité; dep. 1740: ténacité. Plusieurs ex. du xixeet du xxes. en te- (Cabanis, loc. cit.; Bonstetten, loc. cit.; Ricœur, loc. cit.; v. aussi Arnoux, Calendr. Fl., 1946, p. 247 et Druon, Gdes senpai., t. 1, 1948, p. 129). Selon Gak 1976, § 59: ,,Dans certaines familles de mots (...) les membres se partagent entre e et é (parfois l'opposition reflète celle des mots populaires et des mots savants)``. Ex.: serein/sérénité; semer/disséminer; tenace/ténacité; venin, venimeux/vénéneux. Dans ce dernier ex. Gak note que le segment -né- peut agir sur la syll. qui précède. De même dans ténacité, la finale tonique -té peut influencer l'init. Les var. en te- s'expliquent peut-être p. anal. avec tenace. Étymol. et Hist. 1. 1370-72 « avarice » (Oresme, Ethiques, éd. A. D. Menut, p. 236, commentaire 2. Le ms. porte « revacité », qui, d'apr. l'éd. dans sa note 3 doit être corrigé en « rapacité », mais tant qu'on n'aura pas identifié ce mystérieux « revacité », ténacité sera une correction acceptable); fin xives. (Aalma, 12274 ds Roques t. 2, p. 410); 2. 1489 [éd.] « caractère d'une personne tenace, attachement opiniâtre (à une idée, un projet, une volonté) » (La Mer des Histoires, II, 94 ro); 3. a) 1540 [éd.] « caractère tenace » (Guill. Michel, Bucoliques de Virgile, fo23 vo: tenacité d'amours); b) 1760 « faculté de la mémoire de retenir longtemps ce qu'on a appris » (Bonnet, Ess. anal. âme ds Œuvres, t. 6, p. 31); 4. a) 1611 « caractère de ce qui tient fortement, viscosité » (Cotgr.); b) 1765 « résistance offerte par un corps à la rupture » (Encyclop.). Empr. au lat.tenacitas « action de tenir ou de retenir solidement, parcimonie, avarice », dér. de tenax, -acis (tenace*). Fréq. abs. littér.: 259 (tenacité: 19). Fréq. rel. littér.: xixes.: a) 204, b) 396; xxes.: a) 381, b) 484. Bbg. Gall. 1955, p. 366.

>> No.17663973

>Why does fake intimacy, whispering, small noises, and people being insincerely happy generally make me so angry, like blinding rage mad?
All of those are inherently done by self righteous females

>> No.17664131

I'll look into those thank you

>> No.17664302

One-volume treatment: Windelband's History of Philosophy
Multiple-volumes: Ueberweg's Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie (5 volumes)

>> No.17664535

You need to get a bit of both, really. As pointed out, the first edition misses most of his writing, but it's also worth seeing where it all starts, how he makes his name, and what he expands out from. The online Whitman Archive has each edition. There's also a good Selected Poems edition that selects from the first version of each poem, spanning Whitman's whole career, with endnotes about later revisions.

>> No.17664583

What are decent day jobs for writers? Right now, I’m an analyst in University admin. I’ve only been at this office job thing for a couple of years but I really can’t do this anymore. I’d become a college professor if I could but I probably can’t so that’s out. So far I’ve been considering teaching high school and joining the military.

>> No.17665210
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Good choice of saint, mate

>> No.17665985

Anything but being a writer.

>> No.17666005
File: 254 KB, 1366x664, the atlantic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you guys read the new yorker and other western journalist/literary criticism mags?

>> No.17666020

this is 4chan you fucking sperg

>> No.17666032


>> No.17666385

I don’t.

>> No.17666421

Why would anyone want a rope?

>> No.17666800

Like a freelance writer or a journalist?

>> No.17666816

No, I mean actually get an job and just write smut or commission writings on the side.

>> No.17667375


I scroll through AL daily every now and then, I like some of the things they link to and I feel like I don't have to browse through different mags


>> No.17667561

Some jobs I think are pretty much an impediment to writing. Not only can they drain you mentally and suck up your time, but they can train you think in ways that are harmful for writing.

>> No.17667584

You can't make good money as a writer anymore, just get a job that you can tolerate.

>> No.17667587

A job that impedes your writing isn’t tolerable.

>> No.17667823

That's the reality of life, live with it or don't.

>> No.17667943

You haven’t asserted anything that can be remotely taken as a reality of life though.

>> No.17668210

walked past r c waldun at uni today, couldn't believe my eyes

>> No.17669253


>> No.17670022
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Anyone have the link to that clip from some crime tv show where a pseud has a copy of The Republic in ancient greek and gets BTFO by the interrogator when he cant answer what Plato's conception of justice is? It was posted here a few years ago but i can't find it in the archives

>> No.17670029

Any examples of famous Romanophiles?

>> No.17670401
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Where can I find some book recommendations when I want to read something specific but don't know what that is? There are a lot of charts but they never tell you what the book is about and i CBA to google tens of books individually

>> No.17670423

Recommended reading on /lit/ wiki has books split by categories and links to wikipedia pages for each of them. Of course, the problem is that the list is very small considering all the books out there, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.17671681

Can anyone recommend me a good romance, please?

>> No.17672583


>> No.17672637

Not really, stuff I read has some romance in it, but it's usually just to complement the action and adventure.

>> No.17672682


>> No.17672863

Forever war

Funk and wagnalls

Our culture is hydrocephalitic and the water on its brain is an upper class of women whose dads were rich so they got a bunch of useless degrees and then used their family and school connections to get "journalism" and "consulting" and "analyst" jobs that mean fucking nothing, an entire galaxy of nested subsystems of childless waterhead women who think their Masters in Information Science means dick or their job as CHIEF DIGITAL MEDIA STRATEGIST ANALYST for some astroturf thinktank makes them a member of the progressive vanguard instead of the single fibre of tissue in moloch's ass that they are, I will never read anything by a fucking """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""journalist"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" for the same reason I will never listen to something an ACTOR has to say. Hey fucking ACTOR, tell me about carbon emissions again, tell me what your drugged out friends at the elite exclusive party told you while you were all masturbating to how you are "artists" and gossiping about the degenerate sex exploits of whoever is absent or on the outs with the ingroup that week, hey ACTOR, isn't it about time you sang another "Imagine" song on Instagram you fucking pseudomorph of the worst sins of a bourgeois post puritan WASP worldview that was already dead a century ago, I can't wait for your agent to set up another presser for you and a bunch of rich trust fund """""""""""""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""""" to tell me who my enemies are in the culture war. Fucking walking talking cancer cells, the "smell" of this era will be remembered by future historians as the combined smell of narcissistic rich people, perpetually manic with cartoonishly exaggerated grandiosity from being overfed narcissistc supply nonstop. Let me read the "LA Review of Books" to find out what second rate Swedish modernist the dead souled managerial guild is forcing itself to like in its masturbatory prestige mongering olympics this month. Oh you went to Sarah Lawrence? ??? I went to Columbia I did an MA on Artaud now I tweet for a congressman. Suck my fucking cock you tumor

>> No.17672872

who would win in a fight, spengler or spongebob

>> No.17672876
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someone help this guy out!!

>> No.17673201

Can I go from Aristotle to Descartes? Or is there something essential in the Romans and middle ages?

>> No.17673224


>> No.17673898


>> No.17674531

Depends why you're reading the authors, and what you're looking to read about

>> No.17674583

Who do I take a paper on, Kierkegaard or Barth?

>> No.17674644

I'm smarter than you. Cope.

>> No.17674689

Is The Lost City of Z worth reading? Was gifted a copy.

>> No.17674712

i thought the whats on your mind threads were the qtddtot of this board

>> No.17675002

Yeah, it is.

>> No.17675068

I didn't know the movie was based on a book.

>> No.17675127


>> No.17675184

Where do I meet her?

>> No.17675269

Is Lost City of Z worth the read? I was gifted it

>> No.17675295


>> No.17675636


>> No.17676161

Which meme books do I need to pretend I've actually read to be a seasoned il/lit/erate?
Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, and what else?

>> No.17677432

Just those two.

>> No.17678130

Who are some authors that explore the topics of violence and brutality like Cormac McCarthy?

>> No.17678538

What are some good tunes to listen to while writing?

>> No.17678555

Moby-Dick to round out the meme trilogy.

>> No.17678558

Chillwave mixes, try Odysseus, Astral Throb, and Prime Thanatos and a few others who will come up in the sidebar if you go to those channels. Chill video game mixes, try Vulpix or something similar, they are like 3 hours long and select for all the relaxing sleepy songs in games. Also good old fashioned chill mixes, try the Timber mix. They're kinda gay with hipster and europop but they often have nice chill beats and don't intrude with vocals or huge crescendos. Spring Lady's mixes got me through college.

Something about background chillout mixes hits my autism just right. Occupies and mutes the lower 20% of my consciousness that is ADHD white noise looking for stimulation, leaves the other 80% to focus on reading.

>> No.17678561

So rude.

>> No.17678574

Selected Ambient Works

>> No.17679474

Help me bros. I can read for hours and be totally engrossed but as soon as I put the book down I permanently forget all the feelings I was experiencing. I remember the plot perfectly but the impression is mostly gone. Is this a retardation thing or can you train your memory to remember this stuff?

Tbqh music that you can tolerate but don’t normally listen to is good, because it doesn’t make you lose focus

>> No.17680532

lofi hip hop

I don't write but I like to listen to lofi remix while reading

>> No.17680928
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What are the essentials must read books for a person that loved reading LOTR?

>> No.17681026
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i only listen to harsh noise and EAI (at a low volume) while reading, it's good for washing out the scattered subconscious that will cling onto any minutia in my environment.

>> No.17681472

I listen to these videos. Calms me down and helps me focus.

>> No.17682220


>> No.17682448

Does Asmr really help?

>> No.17683544

do u write erotica

>> No.17683807

No, why would you think that?

>> No.17683841

The heartbeat ones are nice.

>> No.17683974

Should I read Don Quixote? If so what translation?

>> No.17684015
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>> No.17684326
File: 47 KB, 329x499, 61+32S13+LL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any actual philosophy in Timaeus?
I've enjoyed many of other Plato dialogues, but I've always avoided this one because it just looks like hermetical mumbo jumbo that has no place in the 21st century.
Please let me know if I'm correct. If I'm wrong, I will start it tonight.

>> No.17684410

jazz, ambient, and environmental music

>> No.17684485
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how do I get this book

>> No.17684625

By buying it

>> No.17684714
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More like Jack Reacher and Alex Cross and Jason Bourne.

>> No.17684735

Day of the Jackal

>> No.17684741

I try to avoid things that could get me onto lists

>> No.17684746

You're on 4chan, you are already on a list.

>> No.17684750

Buy it with someone else's card and IP then

>> No.17684795

The impression is how you conjure memories. If you focus on specific points you might be able to stir up the emotion that caused you to imprint it in your memory.
t. Not a scientist

>> No.17684940

>Books with X theme?
Any books with incestuous themes? But more on the psychological side of things.

>> No.17684977

Les Enfants Terribles

>> No.17685046

Thanks, and I hope I'm not being rude or anything, but do you got more?

>> No.17685051

I didn't say I try hard

>> No.17685074

There's a lot but not all are relatives and some aren't full incest so much as seduction.
The deadly space between by Duncker is mother child but I'd have to think a while to remember many more with blood relatives. If you want to broaden it out to probably not healthy familial sexual tension, or to roleplaying/stepfamily, there are a lot more. Like Lolita isn't technically incest, but he ain't a good stepdaddy either.

>> No.17685683

Seconding death and life

>> No.17685718
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i want to read the chinese classics but they're all so absurdly long. should i just cave and pick up the abridged (monkey)version of journey to the west instead?

>> No.17685787

If something is a Waley translation it probably is the standard version the west got, so you're pretty safe. If you actually like Chinese classics though, the longer version has more of the same stuff. (Note: very few people like Chinese or Japanese classics. If you noped out at russian names in Russian lit, then Chinese classics will probably not do it for you)

>> No.17685810
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True, but OP pics that are irrelivent to the topics does get annoying. So I somewhat agree with that spergy anon. Just use a fitting OP pic next time, honestly.

>> No.17685816

Is giving Finnegans Wake to my friend as a gift a good joke, or will he dislike me?

>> No.17685925

never read any russian or chinese classics so i don't know if i'll like them or not

>> No.17685957

hey all, here's my question: I'm a native spanish speaker but i cant read indifferently in Spanish or in English. I want to read the Bible. What do you think I should get? A Spanish or an English version? Which one, in case you know?

>> No.17686794

It's one of the most important texts in the entire platonic corpus. It's the one thing that people had of Plato's writings for nearly a thousand years. Like most of Plato's late texts it's ambiguous whether Plato is constructing a system or being metaphorical. But it's important to read.

I agree with this, I understand 4chan started as an anime website but the moeshit waifufaggots that have dominated /a/ for ten years are not "anime," they are a specific subbranch of anime fans that has more in common with trannies and furries. Anyone posting pictures of cute anime girls is deeply suspect to me, it's basically a furry-tier death cult of self-infantilisation at this point.

>> No.17686904

Should i read being and time or a treatise of human nature next??

>> No.17686923

Does he read at all? Was he a lit major? Is it probable that he has heard of the book and would understand the joke? I had a friend give me a copy of ulysses on what I can only describe as textbook paper, so one could take notes on it. He thought it was very funny and I did too.

>> No.17687063

i started reading again after a few years. just finished the great gatsby, lost horizon, and Lolita.
What should I read next?

>> No.17687450

>but the moeshit waifufaggots that have dominated /a/ for ten years are not "anime," they are a specific subbranch of anime fans that has more in common with trannies and furries
I wouldn't over dramatize it like that, but true, it is a very specific type and different genre on its own. Jsut casual lowbrow anime.

>> No.17688238

Dune, Catch 22, The Trial, Stoner, Blood Meridian, Consider the Lobster, candide. Most of those are pretty short/fun/easy/meme'd on here.

>> No.17688286

Looking for books about giving up on love

>> No.17688434

Your diary.

>> No.17689097


>> No.17689128

anons what do the ancients say is the metaphysical significance of cats