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17654089 No.17654089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should a writer having racist views affect how their literary works are viewed?

>> No.17654112

no, but an ugly jaw like his should. real ugly fucker

>> No.17654117

Of coutrse. All views influence creation.

>> No.17654120
File: 509 KB, 1024x1100, H.P. Lovecraft quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK was his problem?

>> No.17654129
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based quote ngl

>> No.17654254
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no. everybody is racist

>> No.17654332
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Well, gosh, he might be a little too harsh there, no?
>flabby, pungent, grinning, chattering niggers! Help!
The unspeakable horror!

>> No.17654420

>Lovecraft lived separately from his "wife", implying, like most famous people of the 20th century, he was a fag and his "wife" was just a beard.
>His wife Sonia is a known kike.
>His anti semitic views are admited to be fake.
>He was possibly even a cuck, the bull being Reinhart Kleiner
>Wrote tons of atrocity literature as part of the program
>Was indirectly part of the CIA project: theosophy

>> No.17654455

Sure, it's very important to note that both our boy here and Tolkien perceived many of the non-white races in a way that reminded them of monsters or physically and morally deformative adulteration.

>> No.17654501

Someone who is too caught up on such a topic isn't right in the head. I'd make an exception for Lovecraft because he did not write racist diatribes, these were his personal opinions which he more or less kept to himself. Also it is not like he believed anything too unusual for his time. Context is important. Naming his cat Niggerman was a bit excessive, but honestly part of me finds it kind of innocent, like something a silly 14 yo boy would try to name his cat.

Another example is Louis-Ferdinand Céline, who was an inveterate Jew-hater. Except for one obscure essay, he rarely wrote about Jews. He was also a general asshole and misanthrope, and more or less hated everyone around him.

More to the point, Lovecraft was not enslaving blacks and Celine was not participating in the holocaust. They were writing books, and harmless fiction at that.

People have a right to have ugly opinions. I truly believe that. I think you fundamentally pervert society and create something far more sinister when you refuse to allow people to express their opinions, even if you don't agree with them. I mean, you have every right to want to destroy someone you disagree with, morality is a spook and should you wish anyone who crosses you is worthy of obliteration. But I don't give a single shit if someone was an asshole if I like what they write.

>> No.17654551

Yes, obviously something is fundamentally wrong with them. They are so wrong about the most important issue how could they be right about anything else? Why should we let hateful toxic idiots poison our minds with their demented ideas? Should we read books by child molestors and rapists? No. Should we read books by racists and transphobes? No. So what if it was a "different time." Did they not have moral compasses? Would they have been child molestors if that were allowed? Therefore they are bad people with bad minds and should not be read.

>> No.17654718

Yes. Every bit of personal information about an author should contribute to the analysis of their work.

>> No.17654720


>> No.17654881

lmao hindoo

>> No.17654888

no not really.

>> No.17654913
File: 19 KB, 241x415, lovecraft and friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot his best friend ( pictured ) was also gay and jewish, although Toshi says that he wasnt openly gay but if its his best friend im sure he told him

>> No.17654928
File: 331 KB, 960x960, no brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he said a no no
>dont read him his ideas and personality are threatening to the "greater good"

>> No.17654959

good post, though lovecrafts veiws were still considered a bit much even in his time.
as far as any aspect of a persons character I suppose. sometimes it it relivent, sometimes not.
he was ever so slightly based.

>> No.17654981

holy kek

>> No.17655041

I disagree with using slurs and don't share his desire to punch random members of other ethnic groups but I more or less agree with his Anglo-Saxon supremacist nordicism. The United States should never have allowed so many non-nordics to enter the country and we should have helped the former slaves to return to Africa. With more investment and under American guidance, Liberia could have been a pleasant alternative to the US for blacks. Now our country is a complete mess. Whites are on track to being a minority and nordics already are a minority. This is not the Anglo-Saxon nation it once was. The founding stock is fading away. I have some hope that we will live on in some form though. Balkanization and regeneration is possible. We can incentivize higher birth rates among those descended from the original British, Dutch, and Scandinavian settlers while paying the nonwhites (except indigenous tribes who have a valid claim to at least part of this land) to leave. Eventually, this could extend to the Meds, Slavs, and Jews as well but it's more likely that they will assimilate or leave on their own. But for now, the best we Anglo-Americans can do is just get married and have as many children as possible.

>> No.17655062


>> No.17655064

same about the ethno-state thing. not even racist, just think its the best way to get rid of petty shit while also promoting a home culture that is then impeded by victimized groups that do nothing but get victimized in a way that is pleasant for nobody and awareness groups come off as noble savagism hollow. like japan.

>> No.17655101

too based and some autism

>> No.17655106

I'm glad you agree and I'm glad to see you're not racist too. I'm clearly someone who would be considered racist by a lot of people but you'd never think that based on the way I interact with others. I don't hate anybody. I just really love our people. A homogeneous society is a great way to have a peaceful country and preserve your culture. Are you optimistic about the future of old stock Americans?

>> No.17655220


I do like reading about it though. I guess it might survive somewhere out in rural Massachusetts or something.

>> No.17655248

he was diagnosed with terminal basedness

>> No.17655261

based beyond the shadow of time

>> No.17655263

which is a shame since I really do appreciate old NE culture and sensibilities.

>> No.17655266

I think that simulation theory is really stupid but sometimes I really hope that this is all just a simulation and one day I'll materialize back into the real world or take off the helmet and find that we never fucked up the 20th century so bad. America will still be American, the planet wont be dying, and fat people will be extremely rare. I don't expect that to happen though.

>> No.17655278
File: 81 KB, 1024x997, fqumvwv0i3r51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bongs are not nordics. And Germans are not nordics either. Your whole post is an anglo-saxon equivalent of "WE WUZ KANGS (nordics) AND SHIET".
Stand a Bong, a German, and a Swede next to each other, and tell me they are the same race - no way.

>> No.17655293

I dont think he was we wazing so much as talking about the original non shipped in for cheap factory labor peoples of the American state. Primarily brits some Germans some Dutch and some Swedes.

Also, yah, that whole ilk is pretty interrelated by the by.

>> No.17655301

I'm talking about the nordic race. It's basically just another way of saying northwestern European. Yes, there are differences between Germans, Brits, and Scandinavians. The same can be said about whites as a whole but that doesn't mean the white race isn't a valid category. I don't think it's like the WE WUZ stuff at all because the achievements of Scandinavians pale in comparisson to what the English and Germans have accomplished even though the Scandinavians are on average more attractive. If I was one of those guys who says ancient Rome and Greece were filled with nordics that would be one thing but that's not what I'm saying. Those people are coping.

>> No.17655306

I'm not trans (or gay) but sometimes I do wish I was a woman so I could bear at least 8 children for the Swedetwink wojak.

>> No.17655308

Neither Brits or Germans are the nordic race in any shape of form. Stop coping. The narrowest common denominator for those would be the "white" race, or as I like to say, indigenous european; but no way Brits would be called the nordic race, that's just fucking retarded.

>> No.17655320
File: 277 KB, 1023x716, madison grant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, dude. Regardless of whether or not you think they belong in the same category, I care about those groups a lot and especially the people in North America that is descended from them.

>> No.17655326

>Russians are the same as French and Italians
OK, nigger.

>> No.17655327

wouldnt the narrowest be germanic?

Also, in terms of culture and gens, the two are pretty freaking interrelated. Danelaw and all, fishing areas, massive amount of trade, Viking raids, Nordic linguistic influences, etc.

>> No.17655353

They're not the same but they do share common traits and cluster closer together than with Indians or Koreans. The white races specific ethnic groups should be preserved but what is most important right now is fighting against our common enemy, international capitalism.

>> No.17655864

just go to /pol/ and see

>> No.17656603

take your meds

>> No.17657384

>Welsh are Mediterranean

What is the source here?

The Silurians may have been Iberian farmers but they only existed on the southern coast. Much of the Welsh population were britons, many of them driven from England during the Anglo-Saxon invasion.

>> No.17657386

In his case yes because his racism is an integral part of his horror. The horrors are exotic, they threaten the purity of mankind, and they could destroy civilization. Disgust and fear of pollution is central to Lovecraft. Honestly, I almost doubt that anyone who is not at least somewhat concerned about the preservation of their race could truly understand him.

>> No.17657458
File: 61 KB, 922x367, Screenshot 2021-02-27 175537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need ID to purchase Lovecraft

>> No.17657491

Thanks Anon I lold

>> No.17657551


>> No.17657644

Nobody wants to be Swede, faggot. You guys can't even sail correctly. Norwegians and Danes were the seafarers. Remember the Vasa ship?

>> No.17657933

It's probably because they look kinda dark. Madison Grant's work is outdated anyways. The Welsh are weirdly enough related to the Basques though.

>> No.17657965


>> No.17658303


>> No.17658577

The way you view their works is defined by you, the reader, unless you are attempting literary critique in which case you might try to delve deeper into their headspace to define their ethos. But it's pointless here since
>he's dead
and besides the obvious it's also fiction, you shouldn't get too hung up over what he might have thought then in relation to contemporary culture etc. Death of the artist is a thing for a reason.

>> No.17658956

No. Their works should speak on their own merit; if they have any, that is.

>> No.17659018

Yes. Racist views should make their works viewed more favorably, and even admired

>> No.17659025

It can inform critique and clarify inspiration but I don't think it should be grounds to dismiss a work. Some of the best art comes from the worst people and that's okay.

>> No.17659414

do you understand what the non-op anon you responded to you were saying? Even if everyone is racist it should still affect how what they create is viewed.

>> No.17659537


>> No.17660116

#1 I'm saying racism should be looked at like it's normal - with indifference(because 9x% are racist).

#2 He is saying that it doesn't matter if Lovecraft was or was not racist, controversial views still impact future creations.

And you think, that I think, #2 is saying racism should be looked down upon or with a different view against the author.

>> No.17660591

Literally 1984

>> No.17661261

Not many people under the age of eighteen are interested in books at all, let alone Lovecraft. It filters itself.

>> No.17661309

Yes, they're brain-dead.

>> No.17661346
File: 425 KB, 750x706, 1574896719657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga was scared of women and crowds. Dude literally nothing but about the fear of the unknown, of course he's spooked by brown people. I wouldn't pay him much attention.

>> No.17662947

Imagine explaining this post to like, Abraham Lincoln

>> No.17662964
File: 494 KB, 600x610, 1558460844448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
