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17654000 No.17654000 [Reply] [Original]

best books against transgenderism?

>> No.17654019

Journal of Suicide Statistics.

>> No.17654061

Its clear that these "people" are nothing but purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the dnc and multinational corporations, they dont breed dont think or question authority. I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? You should know reading anything except the nyt or YA literature is ableist against those who are too retarded to read?What are you a russian bot trump supporter? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training"

>> No.17654106
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has anyone read it?

>> No.17654451
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>> No.17654464
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>> No.17654524

The basis of the thought behind it is expressed in Wittgenstein's ecrits.

>> No.17654543

Not entirely wrong, but if trannies were less of a thing i would would agree more.

>> No.17654600

i laugh whenever i see this
they're not as much of a thing as the internet would have you believe

>> No.17654608

Do you read?

>> No.17654625

i agree they are not that populace but they are a big enough problem

>> No.17654627

idk, seems like a lot of trannies out there. lest get a lot of representation.

>> No.17654631

I am a (boomer) tranny from a shitty latin american country since way before the entire internet got obsessed with us because of some distant bourgeois culture war. I just don't get the obsessive hate in this entire website (which I browse since many years), must be some heavy propaganda you guys are going through or some weird sort of libidinal obsession.

>> No.17654633

You can go back, nigger. This is the literature board, for discussion of literature.

>> No.17654645

Guess what faggots, socio-political is off-topic.

Kindly please fuck off to >>>/lgbt/

If you aren't intelligent enough to understand what's on-topic on this board then you can't stay here.

>> No.17654650

Based boomertranny. Don't worry I am Latino as well and can tell its purely an amerimutt thing

>> No.17654660

it's ok OP, you can be a woman if you want to. anyone can transition if they want to. you will find people who will love you as you are. I hope you find peace and acceptance.

>> No.17654687

trannies are just very vocal. they are also likely to spend a lot of their time online and partake in the same hobbies as the typical poster on 4chan, like watch anime or play video games. how many have you met in person vs online? i live in a very liberal area and i have only ever known one tranny compared to the dozens i've interacted with on the internet.
didn't you know that off topic posts are allowed as long as you present them as "books for ___"?

>> No.17654691

Seducing Our Daughters
End of Gender

>> No.17654695

I don't know any trannies IRL either. Tbh I'd like to know one, they seem just as mentally ill as me.

>> No.17654700

>some heavy propaganda
I think its a number of gestalt implicit things. propaganda might be the term for, but trannyism as a larger modern phenomenon hit the exact right crossroads of apparent fopistry, fained noble savagery, physicality and twitterism that allowed it to become a perfect symbolic satan.

and on a purely conceptual level its theory at least and how it is justifies occupies this odd space of apparent psuedo idealism while also having a lot of members being involved in historical materialism.

>> No.17654704

Thinly veiled discord thread DETECTED.

Get out.

>> No.17654710

Go have your tranny picnic somewhere else.

>> No.17654734

it's ok anon. you can transition if you want to. most people in the real world aren't as mean as they are on 4chan. I hope you find love and acceptance.

>> No.17654741


>> No.17654747

Are you trying to troll me, dear?

>> No.17654756

I've known lots of trans girls and they've all been really cool. Sweet, kind, very accepting of everyone, usually with a weird sense of humor. you kind of have to have an absurdist sense of humor to survive all the hate you get as a trans woman.

this is now a trans woman positivity thread.

>> No.17654768

>this is now a trans woman positivity thread
You have enough rope.

>> No.17654783

a lot of them posted on 4chan to cope when they were depressed, before they built up the courage to actually transition. 100% of them are doing better post-transition. I always think of them when I see hate threads like this. If you've been questioning, but you feel like nobody will ever accept you if you try to transition, this is your sign. there a many people out there who will accept you. most of the world is far kinder than 4chan. and even if most of society casts you out, there will always be other trans women. I'm honestly kinda jealous sometimes, watching the bonds that trans women have with each other. but they all rely on each other like that because they have to protect each other to keep going every day