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/lit/ - Literature

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17654025 No.17654025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Pewdiepie has better taste in literature than most of this board.
How does this make you feel?

>> No.17654042


>> No.17654059
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>> No.17654068


>> No.17654072


>> No.17654082

I mean, I read it in highschool 20 years ago. I thought it was a normal thing to do in Europe.

>> No.17654103

no he doesn't he's a basic /lit/ bitch

>> No.17654104

Based. I've already done it myself

>> No.17654108

I do not care about Pewdiepie. I was too old already when he became popular. I have not watched a single video of his. However, he seems like he has a good head on his shoulders compared to other Youtube vloggers.

>> No.17654128


>> No.17654137

I hope he's only reading Schopy for the philosophical context, and not actual advice.

I was thinking about Schopenhauer and Marxism the other day. If Marxism desired a properly metaphysical grounding for their normative principles, why have they never gone to Schopenhauer? He's basically the antithesis to Nietzsche when it comes to ethics, but still engages with metaphysics at a level that doesn't just dismiss it outright like Marxist materialism. He is the perfect metaphysical heavyweight for Marxists, because his philosophy ultimately comes down to universal kindness and empathy.

>> No.17654174

In what way or shape is Schopenhauer "Reddit". What does "reddit" even mean at this point?

>> No.17654185
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>> No.17654205

Marxist materialism literally requires dismising metaphysics. The ehole point is throwing that out the window a priori using a redacted version of part of hegelianism, and instead seeing it as a historical-phisical development.

Making it about universal kindness and empathy literally makes it ingenuous sinces its no longer a historical process, its a moral crusade.

>> No.17654209
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I almost get second hand embarrassment from how embarrassingly bad pewds book reviews, and how obvious it is he doesn't grasp their content.

>> No.17654217

jesus they really butchered the german title. learn german anons.
also ye - but it's better than nothing

>> No.17654222

Great, he just ruined Schopenhauer for me. Here’s hoping he doesn’t discover Stirner.

>> No.17654238

I guess he's trying to make content and make it intelligible for well actual nine year olds. also, this guy started reading philosophy at 30, remember that. the most sterotypical /lit/izen started reading at half that age and probably did a lit degree.

>> No.17654244

But he got his taste from this board.

>> No.17654249

He's accessible and easy to read, also kind of a meme because of his views, therefore he's reddit. A non-reddit philosopher for example would be Heidegger, or Aquinas.

>> No.17654257

What are you talking about? Schopenhauer is very popular on /lit/. He gets posted here at least once a day.

>> No.17654272
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Whatever floats your boat. I am too old for this website allegiance shit.

>> No.17654277

>The more accessible a philosopher is, the more reddit they are.
This is the elitist attitude that's corroding the integrity of the study.

>> No.17654282


>> No.17654300

>also kind of a meme because of his views, therefore he's reddit
His anti-women views which are antithetical to reddit
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but r/incels!!!
Got banned because it was too non-reddit.

>> No.17654301

>better taste in literature than most of this board.
I could hardly tell what /lit/ taste look like anyway. All i see these days are Jung posters, /pol/bait threads and reposts from twitter.

>> No.17654336

Accessible? How out of touch are you man? Schop literally says you NEED to read kant can fully comprehend what he writes. That's not accessible you absolute dumb ass bitch.