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17652594 No.17652594 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently taking a master's degree in advertising, will this help me understand the subject better? (honest replies please)

>> No.17652604

>I'm currently taking a master's degree in advertising,
why not just rape my entire family with a rusty knife you miserable leper

>> No.17652606

No, it will give you a good idea of post-Marxist platonism though

>> No.17652610

I've been told once that it's one of the most extraordinary and profound experiments ever to have been undertaken with the flexible medium of the theory text

>> No.17652616

calm your tits goy, you and your family will consooome everything I put up on their televisions and you will shut your mouth

>> No.17652621

I haven't read neither Marx nor Plato but I have read Aristotle

>> No.17652637

Is read Aristotle’s rhetoric.
Edward bernays propaganda
Then society of the spectacle
Then simulacra and simulation.

You have to go through the layers first.

>> No.17652642

No. As someone who likes Marx, some Marxists, and some French intellectuals, Baudrillard is a giant pseud.
Regarding advertising check out Breakthrough Advertising if you haven't already.

>> No.17652661

Yes, but take it as something tangential.

>> No.17652665

I think you'd find his earlier book The Consumer Society more useful. he has sections in there that are directly about advertising.

>> No.17652685

literally the most vile thing in the world.
Dante should've created an extra circle in hell just for anyone whose work even tangentially relates to marketing.
I'ld rater let my daughter marry a rapist or a war criminal than one of you.

>> No.17652695

The most vile thing is journalism

>> No.17652705

journalism is just advertising for the news

>> No.17652708

Maybe advertising is just journalism for consumer goods

>> No.17652719

than we are just discussing semantics

>> No.17652731

t. wagie stemfags

>> No.17652739

This too

>> No.17652744

I've read Rhetoric so I'll follow that order! thank you anon :)

Sneed. You're lucky I don't put tranny propaganda and curse you he/she son/daughter

>> No.17652965

No. It will only make you hate your job and your life decisions.
t. business graduate that hate his life in part because of reading Baudrillard

>> No.17653251
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>master degree

Choose one

>> No.17653259

not really
better off reading bernays

>> No.17654075

Currently reading Bernays and its a pleasant read. Be weary that it's written by him (a pro propagater) and it's meant as a bit of a sales pitch. What he says shouldn't be taken at face value, but if you have some experience with rethorics, you'll be fine with understanding the underlying theory.

>> No.17654085
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>> No.17654141

probably not. and marketing is mostly memeing itself as relevant though it's not actually very effective it is the sheer amount of money behind it, it could be anything. if you had a field not built on random industry trends and pseudoscience, humanity would already be lost. the best marketers in recent memory are people manage company and celebrity social media accounts purely because they regurgitate the same shit as everyone else.

>> No.17654153

You are a monstrosity.

>> No.17654197

Assuming this isn't bait, you will end up hating yourself.

>> No.17655588


>> No.17655593

Just fucking read it.

>> No.17655595


>> No.17655615


>> No.17655626

He's doinga master's degree in advertising, he doesn't have a soul so he can't hate himself retard

>> No.17655646

I think you would enjoy reading some Peter Drucker. Bit of business, bit of philosophising.

>> No.17655662

How about you change your major to something more ethical, like arms sales or chemical warfare production?

>> No.17655673

Im in my final year of getting Marketing and PR degree and i work for a big digital advertisment company. Ive only read Bernays Propaganda so far. Nothing special there really, the only thing that i loved is that he created and defined and made his main goal a small target audiences circles. This is basically the core of what we do and he defined that so many years ago before anything remotely digital. Also loved how people called you out for this lol. We aren't monsters. I don't hate myself for creating ads that want people to spend money on certain stuff.

>> No.17655699

How is your job anon? Do you like it? I'm graduating this year and I'm pretty reluctant to start my advertising career (probably going to start in a shitty internship)

>> No.17655721

No but it will help you understand why people hate the French

>> No.17655725

I really love it and im glad i chose this degree and this work expirience because it definetely will help my career and my future dreams and plans. If you feel reluctant you need to understand by yourself why. Maybe it's not for you and you see it as something immoral like some people in this thread or maybe you are simply uninterested in this. I can't help it here, it's all up on you.
Internship is a good way to start, a lot of people started from internship. You can go as intern and if your workplace will be good you will understand quickly if you like it or not. Also if you wouldn't like it this degree is still very helpful if you want to work in office/business sphere.

>> No.17655757

BASED beyond comprehension

>> No.17655871

Its not that I care about it being immoral, I'm just not sure about the specifics of the job, I like the advertising sphere and I'm graduating on one of the top universities in my country from that area so I hope it gives me a little bit of an edge. But yeah I think its better to intern first and see for myself if I like it

>> No.17655879

Yeah, also just keep in mind that with that degree you can work in any company and any sphere. And there is a lot of interesting stuff that you can do with that degree.

>> No.17656437


>> No.17657188


>> No.17657193

Read Bernay's Propaganda, considering he actually put his ideas into work.

>> No.17657203

This means nothing OP ignore it.

>> No.17657459

since everyone is recommending it I'll give it a look :)

>> No.17657722

>master's degree in advertising
What sort of demon does this

>> No.17657944

>masters degree in advertising
I am truly sorry anon

>> No.17657952

Also to add to this thread. I work in marketing and PR and i do sometimes feel empty and soulless, but i think it's because i have never been loved by someone outside of my family. No one outside of my house had anything towards me.

>> No.17659020


>> No.17659132

Lol I also work in advertising and read Baudrillard, Adorno, and Chomsky a while back. I rationalize it by saying I am doing what it takes to become financially independent by working in the industry for a few years and then saving money to live a secure lifestyle

>> No.17659254
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I've seen this adam curtis documentary about that guy. I hope that's enough? Don't feel like reading that faggot desu
Ironic disavowal doesn't make you a better person fren