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/lit/ - Literature

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17650227 No.17650227 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ language

>> No.17650241

My penis can not handle what you have done here.

>> No.17650242

Russian, french, greek

>> No.17650245

Goth Asuka = supermodel
Goth Rei = slightly unattractive chubby girl

>> No.17650247

English because it is the language that we are all posting in.

>> No.17650249


>> No.17650248


>> No.17650268


>> No.17650315


>> No.17650319


>> No.17650348

Arabic, Hebrew, Old English

>> No.17650351

Romanian by far

>> No.17650735

Got to be Greek

>> No.17650746


>> No.17650752

Greek. I feel so lucky being Greek, I can enjoy almost all the classics natively.

>> No.17650813

Portuguese. :)

>> No.17650835


>> No.17650848
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Asuka Langley Soryu is so cute.

>> No.17650852

Better question, what's the fucking stupidest language on the planet? Which one is the absolute worst at communicating ideas? Something African maybe?

>> No.17650855


>> No.17650858

Any romance language including romanian. All other languages PERISH in comparison.

>> No.17650860


Arabic, Russian, English, German, French, probably classical Chinese but I don't know enough to judge, Latin obviously

In no particular order

In no particular order

>> No.17650872

Unsinn. Keine der romanischen Sprachen kommt auch nur annähernd an die mögliche Komplexität des Deutschen heran.

>> No.17650888

Yeah, some tribe with like 11 words.

>> No.17650890

The language I make up on the fly to sing nonsensical songs that sound vaguely eastern, I have not yet found proof but I am 99% sure other people do this and our dialects would be mutually unintelligble

>> No.17650918
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The wordless language of my innermost thought.

>> No.17651026

goth misato would be on another level tho

>> No.17651053
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>> No.17651076


>> No.17651084

Obviously Hebrew

>> No.17651092

i take it back

>> No.17651107
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>goth Misato turns into meth addict

>> No.17651155


>> No.17651168


>> No.17651173


>> No.17651176

Why are you copying posts word for words from /tv/?

>> No.17651190

Because I was in that thread. And made that post.

>> No.17651258

unironically english

>> No.17651461

I feel like all the answers in this thread are ironic.

From my studies it’s Yoruba. They essentially speak in poems.

>> No.17651521

gib rei
also french or german

>> No.17651529

I love her

English, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Tamil

>> No.17651532
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>> No.17651541

Asuka Chads remain undefeated

>> No.17651553

Sanskrit, French, Italian, Portuguese, Koranic Arabic.

>> No.17651561

And Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, and Hebrew

>> No.17651567

You can't understand them without resorting to modern versions tho, unless you're a scholar of Ancient Greek.

>> No.17651702


>> No.17651725

English, more specifically the bri ish variety, but the American is also very bad

>> No.17651727

French or English. Nothing even close.

>> No.17651729



>> No.17651740

Your native language

>> No.17651742


>> No.17651761

>70,000 french words vs 500,000 english

English is a germanic-latin hybrid. German can claim more words but that is cheating as they compound fucking everything. The fact that you didn't say Russian for their complete lack of syntax makes you a fucking pleb.

>> No.17651800

Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Indonesian, Japanese

>Spanish for its important colonial interactions and long, rich history. French and Portuguese have similar contributions, but Spanish is far more common, and so would be far more useful.

>Arabic, for its important religious, poetic, and scientific writings. You can't read the word of God without this language, nor could the important poetry be read or felt without this.

>Russian for the great novels of the late 19th and early 20th century, as well as the revolutionary writings of great socialist thinkers. Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, as much as Lenin and Stalin.

>Indonesian for its postcolonial, nationalistic perspective. A rising sense of identity, independence, and a conversion of many different cultures and viewpoints. Absolutely essential, especially for a modern internationalist perspective.

>Japanese for its noble, honor-based religious fascism, which help connect the East with the West, and creates a synthesis of the two. Also for its anime :3

>> No.17651805
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It’s dutch

>> No.17651808

I thought this was Shinji crossdressing.
That would be hotter

>> No.17651811
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Fuckin Strayan Cunt

>> No.17651835

Que? Acaso piensas que este foro de pornografia Koreana es representativa de la literatura mundial?

>> No.17651849

That's like saying you can't understand Shakespeare without resorting to modern versions and footnotes.

>> No.17651909

Its not even a language, they're just speaking German in a silly voice while drunk.

>> No.17651968
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>> No.17652013

Grammatically and phonetically? For modern languages it is either Italian or the Scots language.
No other languages are grammatically equal in the modern world.

>> No.17652031

>>Japanese for its noble, honor-based religious fascism, which help connect the East with the West, and creates a synthesis of the two. Also for its anime :3
You sound like a pseud and a retard, but you also mentioned "great socialist thinkers" earlier on in your post anyways so it doesn't surprise me.

>> No.17652032
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>> No.17652043
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Brazilian Portuguese.

>> No.17652098

Asuka is a pile of feces

>> No.17652114

Ancient Greek is a mandatory subject in Greek schools from the age of 12 and is taken pretty seriously.

>> No.17652124

English is the default language for this board. Any argument otherwise is pure cope.

>> No.17652139

this cannot be real

>> No.17652148

Omfg I thought this was onomatopoeia.

>> No.17652156

Why are so many of the biggest EVA fans literal homosexuals? But never the complete homos, always the ones you who are pretty much straight for everything else.

>> No.17652223

You just put her in a dark dress. You gotta actually gothify her.

>> No.17652226
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>> No.17652248
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>bus driver playing dutch eurovision ballads on the radio again

>> No.17652288

See what I mean, she just looks chubby.

>> No.17652293

it's alright

>> No.17652300

Do you have more? A source?

>> No.17652349


>> No.17652438

Think of the average twit that likes this pretentious japanese trash and you'll have your answer.

>> No.17652474
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>> No.17652520

They always find it as teenagers.

>> No.17652526

Asuka is the divine eros.

>> No.17652565

Guimarães Rosa's portuguese

>> No.17652577

>>17651849 Correct
Languages don't change that much. You should be able to understand your native tongue from a few ages past.

>> No.17652582

and it hasn't produced anything worth noting post 1453. They should focus on teaching gyro and yoghurt making

>> No.17652590

Bruh Rei is literally Sophia, Asuka is babys first evafu

>> No.17652591

cherry-picking to fool the adhd-riddled brain

>> No.17652593
File: 40 KB, 720x720, shut up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your shithole, SEAnigger.

>> No.17652678

You sound like a monolingual who should try learning at least one of these languages to understand what I'm talking about :^)

>> No.17652706


>> No.17652718

Rei is a nobody vestige. Asuka is Aphrodite.

>> No.17652738

Shakespeare is early Modern English, from only a few hundred years ago, while dialects of Ancient Greek are thousands of years ago.

>> No.17652783

I would argue English because there’s a large collection of native works as well as an endless amount of translations. The rest would obviously be French, Arabic, Persian, Chinese, German, Russian, Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Japanese. Languages that are spoken by a lot of people and have a lot of history.

>> No.17652806

who cares? I just wanna thrust my dick inside asuka

>> No.17652890

Claramente nunca leíste algo en español, uno de los idiomas mas ricos que nuestra especie ha creado.

>> No.17652909

English changed a lot during the Norman conquest. Greek doesn't have a comparable event that would have led to massive change, like English went through.

Languages change mainly through their interactions with other languages. Without major interaction, through conquest or immigration, languages stay more or less the same over time.

>> No.17653139

Well, there's a whole dictionary for words he used/invented.

>> No.17653187

Its like uwu speech in dutch, not at all something formal let alone gramatically correct.

>> No.17653258

English, French and Latin, in that order

>> No.17653379

Rei canonically does not have a soul. What even, retard.

>> No.17653413

Portuguese, if it wasn't for the spelling reforms every fucking decade.
Fuck spelling reforms!

>> No.17653539

t. Literal speedwatcher

Go back and watch the show again retard

>> No.17653840

every language goes through reforms anon. Você sente saudades do trema na linguiça?

>> No.17653928

the 1943 reform was peak portuguese.
>êle, êste, impossìvelmente...
16th century Portuguese is nice, as well.
at least we don't have the stupid retroactively-etymological Portuguese from which Pharmacia, Theatro and Commercio came.

>> No.17653937

Why is this cartoon picture so intriguing? What is wrong with me?

>> No.17653945

Hiberno-English. This is not debatable.

>> No.17653952

Imagine a romance language with a pronounciation like a slavic one, how /lit/ is that?
Of course I'm talking about European Portuguese, and not any other degraded dialects.

>> No.17653988

I can tell you're not a lingfag. I without outside influence, morphology and syntanx will not change much, phonology will change substantially.

>> No.17654359

Rei poster trying to validate their own social autism for liking a vapid cartoon character.

>> No.17654508

>reverse search
>it’s from Reddit

>> No.17654775


>> No.17654797


>> No.17654824

goth asuka? goth rei? goth misato? how about gay sex. gay sex with men.

>> No.17654873
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>> No.17654914

/lit/'s own collaborative conlang, which is yet to be made.
that is, anons contribute ideas, and the ones that get dubs will be chosen. trips would can override dubs'. quints can override both.
someone ought to start a thread to make this, but I dont think most /lit/izens even know enough about conlang.

>> No.17655042

There's a joke in Singapore that if Indonesians can speak bahasa, then anyone can.

>> No.17655061


>> No.17655189
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Asuka is the best girl in all of fiction.

>> No.17655470

Holy based

>> No.17655497
File: 84 KB, 500x418, Toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asuka is just faeces

>> No.17655508



>> No.17655542

hassiktir lan ordan ingiliz uşağı seni

>> No.17655557

that's why Misato has purple hair. Not to mention that there isn't a competition within the show for shinji but that each female contributes something for him. Rei's questions have no answers that wouldn't stop her from asking them, and the only metric she can be measured by is sheer scale of 'reason' or intellect, which is only computational speed - her 'NPC' program operates with more space rather than flesh - which is how she IS measured in the End of Evangelion, a giant. Her questions are just as much echo locators against reality asuka's social prodding. An individual would never self validate, only a self-conscious system. The dynamic situation which Asuka has to go through will only allow her to grow stronger as a human being, and thus allow her to find her individuality in the messy human form, also what happens in the end with shinji. Asuka is an atom until a human being, but rei is the inhuman composite of human ingenuity until death and beyond. All steps in the step circle.

>> No.17655566
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>> No.17656212

كلك خرا يا هومو

>> No.17656360

Чё, чe ты щac cпиздaнyл?

>> No.17656477

Si disfrutaras de la lectura de "El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha" en su idioma original no dirias lo mismo.

>> No.17656557

भेंचोद मादरचोद लंड चूस

>> No.17656561

The ones the UN uses.
Why do you think they don't give a single shit about all other languages?

>> No.17656567

Sopa de macaco, uma delicia

>> No.17656574

Itt:ppl braving about the languages they know

>> No.17656587

My conlang

>> No.17656625

God she's ridiculously hot

>> No.17656836

Tu stolidi es. Lingua Latina est linguam primum 4chani.

>> No.17656848

dissentiō, īnsipiēns est.

>> No.17656853

Rei is not even human. How did you get filtered this hard and still come out arrogant?

>> No.17656854

Who gives a shit about the UN?

>> No.17656861

God artikles are annoying in German

>> No.17657122

articles aren't actually an issue, honestly. Articles are pretty straight forward. I dislike latin languages because they don't have articles in the same way. Put it or not at all, not this fucking bullshit of : well no, but yes.
I like German and French because of this. German offers more ways of expressive thought though because it can be as linear and clear cut as French, but it can also do stride away from this and build these complex sentence structures that are intertwined and offer expression even in syntax, which arguably french does not -- cannot.
English is a mix of the two in that. It depends what you value in a language and how talented you are a speaker/writer if English is just as brilliant, even more so maybe than either, or just a worse version.

>> No.17657503


>> No.17657535


>> No.17657542

vai po caralho primo

>> No.17657636


>> No.17657760

No me puedo creer que esto este en /lit/

take the Hispanic pill 4chan

>> No.17657810
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it produced kazantzakis, criminally underrated

>> No.17658955


>> No.17658981

Irrelevant. Better: which corpus would you preserve to reconstitute civilization after an apocalypse and why

>> No.17659110


>> No.17659146
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Anyone else feel like choking this anime girl?

>> No.17659161

Du danske sprog du er min moders stemme, så sødt velsignet du mit hjerte når.

>> No.17659166

Latin or Ancient Greek.
Maybe Japanese because of all the comics.

>> No.17659193

¿Te perdiste el Maestrogate en lit?

>> No.17659212

English. I literally haven’t seen a post on /lit/ that wasn’t in English

>> No.17659275

Chinese/Japanese. Anything with symbols. Even the native speakers struggle to understand what theyre reading sometimes.

>> No.17659305

enochian cause it's languege of angels

>> No.17660119

ita concedo

>> No.17660140

love goth asuka. it's probably English or French, with Japanese as a dark horse candidate

>> No.17660283
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>> No.17660356


>> No.17660429

I wish to learn a non-Indo-European language. Would Arabic or Mandarin be my best bet? I'd like to learn a language with use beyond /lit/ (such as chatting with people online), but a good set of literature would be nice too. Arabic I think would be nicer bc I know a language with significant Arabian influence and bc of the script as opposed to characters/hanzi. Chinese would be more relevant to my life, but with political tensions being what they are and the Great Firewall and all, I dunno if learning Chinese would open me to more people than Arabic would.

>> No.17660479


>> No.17660495

lmao great post

>> No.17660556

Älä jauha ukko paskaa

>> No.17660571

most autistic image you could have posted

>> No.17660583

.--. . . / .--. . . / .--. --- --- / .--. --- ---

>> No.17660588

I might post my 50 page grammar of my conlang if anyone is interested. Maybe even do a conlang general with a crossover with /tg/ I'd have to see if there is interest. I'd be willing to help anon learn about how.

>> No.17661320

Good thread

>> No.17661350

Vous êtes insoutenable !

>> No.17662138

No sé de qué estás hablando. Este es un sitio web en español.

>> No.17662144

Vous êtes insoutenable, mon diable!

>> No.17662188

english unironically

>> No.17662318

I saw a graph which depicted information density in languages and Japanese had a terribly low score

>> No.17662439

was jetzt Hündin? jajajaja

>> No.17662545


>> No.17662547

>Spaniard trying to speak german using google translate

>> No.17662695

Fähe is the word youre looking for

>> No.17662712

Dark speech

>> No.17662912

Fick dich ins Knie du Hoden amk

>> No.17662972

Doesn’t English have by far the most significant contributions to the Western canon?

>> No.17662976

Asuka more like Gothska XDDDD

>> No.17662985

Tu es un nègre, Harry.

>> No.17663134


>> No.17663422

ik spreek geen nederlands, alleen engels :/

>> No.17663721

reminder, that Rei is a literal homunculus

>> No.17663788

nice cherry picking cope harder over rei habing a personality like sandpaper.

>> No.17663982

each and every person who replied to this post(except me) is a redditor

>> No.17663999

დაფუძნებული ქართველი

>> No.17664005


>> No.17664041

Based, but still retarded. It's a cartoon.

>> No.17664435

I say 4chan in Japanese???

>> No.17665798

Stämmer inte alls, tönt

>> No.17665996

You need to put japanese with the russian.

>> No.17666013

01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01110100 01100101

>> No.17666031
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No worry little girls, you will be the happiest girls in the world after I ended.

>> No.17666054
File: 122 KB, 1080x1350, eboy shinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bruh.

>> No.17666072


>> No.17666081

I'd be interested.

>> No.17666121


>> No.17666161

¿Por que siempre que hay algún post en español es sobre el último autor de mierda que esté de moda? Hablad de Quevedo

>> No.17666170

Ei kai ny sentään?

>> No.17666193

пнх швaйн

>> No.17666218

Ta gueule, gros pédé.

>> No.17666398

Japanese. Terrible rate of information per word/syllable, a pathetically small vocabulary. You know when they have to use the loan word "ideorogy" from English because they had no equivalent you're dealing with a pretty bad language.

>> No.17666717

תסתכלו על הכושי הזה