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17647044 No.17647044 [Reply] [Original]

Today marks the 200th anniversary of Joseph de Maistre's death. ITT we discuss his writings, legacy and say some nice things about him.

>> No.17647051
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>> No.17647058

Never read Maistre. Quick summary of him and how to "get started"?

>> No.17647083

>Quick summary of him
God good enlightenment bad
>how to "get started"?
he's very easy to get into and you need no preliminary readings, start with Considerations on France

>> No.17647148

incel monarchists spam him on a mongolian shepherding bulletin board. That is his legacy.

>> No.17647183

>>Never read Maistre. Quick summary of him and how to "get started"?
beta so y who hates the atheist democracy and has nostalgia of monarchy so that he can own slaves again

>> No.17647187


>> No.17647236

he was admired by Baudellaire and Cioran too

>> No.17647267

pretty bleak view you have of one of the best critics of modernity and anti-religion. this is what the enlightenment does to the mind of 15 year old retards

>> No.17647271

>one of the best critics of two good things
>unironic monarchist
Yeah no thanks I'm not schizophrenic

>> No.17647280

>the pseudo responsible for modern rad trads
nothing to celebrate

>> No.17647294

tfw we will never get the biopic of his life played by alan rickman

>> No.17647322
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feels bad are there any biographies of de Maistre available?

>> No.17647338
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The more something is spammed by losers here the worse it is? Then by that logic enlightentment faggotry and especially communism and that whole ilk are by far the worst of them all.

Maistre was based, only the effeminate and the softheaded disagree.

>> No.17647345
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Most teenagers are stupid and opportunistic, that anon will grow up and repent his ways once he's wiser. It profits nothing to put a mirror before a retard.

>> No.17647530

Someone needs to upload his shit
It’s hard to find most of his writings

>> No.17647965


>> No.17647987

not gonna lie I'm pretty sceptical about Maistre as I don't share at all his ideas. That being said I saw a small book by him about sacrifice that looked interesting. Anyone read it?

>> No.17647991

I’m a reactionary but I thought considerations on France was intellectually deficient shallow propaganda. Is there anything else of his I should read that actually contains good critique and arguments? I like >>17647338

>> No.17648005

if you're looking for a more rigorous defence of reactionary political philosophy try Essay on the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions

>> No.17648007

Do you have the title?

>> No.17648031
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No idea if it was translated. Kino publisher btw

>> No.17648165

Don't know it, haven't read it. If you do read it, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.

>> No.17648231

A brainlet who can't comprehend nuances, everybody thought "like ISIS" before the revolutions.

>> No.17648238

lmao this reads like some kid who ran out of time trying to bullshit up a master's thesis

>> No.17648257
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>> No.17648267
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>> No.17648277
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Other works of his available here in French

>> No.17648299

>incel monarchists spam him on a mongolian shepherding bulletin board. That is his legacy.
You think so because you are an incel spending all his time on a mongolian shepherding bulletin board. Joseph de Maistre is a well respected author who as influenced many people and who is considered as having an excellent prose. He is particularly interesting because he is one of the few who wrote about such ideas, although most people agreed with him before the French revolution.

>> No.17648304

He basically has a catholic view of politics, but since retards refuse to read anything written by a priest, a monk, a bishop or a pope, they only know de Maistre. Start anywhere.

>> No.17648403

Alright I'll let you know in another thread about him if I read it. Does he talk about sacrifice in other books? I've read Bloy recently and he talks a bit about de Maistre and sacrifice too, seems like an important idea to him.

>> No.17648457

This but also "Every nation has the government it deserves" is a really cool quote so at least he has that

>> No.17648638

People misunderstand that quote, because they know nothing about Catholicism.

>> No.17648643

Could you explain its meaning to a non-Catholic?

>> No.17648650

People sin so government is established to punish them is the perspective of Maistre

>> No.17649714

I'm not sure if it's translated or not, but his account of the Spanish Inquisition is excellent. The parallels are astounding. He claims that the government is overrun by Jews, that many of the powerful Gentile families are intermarried with them (true for Trump and Biden), and that they open the city's gates to the Muslims to cause chaos.

>> No.17649724


>> No.17649735

What is the point of traditionalism if you're not white?

>> No.17649755

whites are like the least traditional people in the world lmao, what do you even mean? Every people has a tradition they should respect, that doesn't mean living in the past or rejecting all change, just not condemning and throwing out your past for no reason.

>> No.17649778
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Was he right about woman geniuses?

>> No.17649794

no. George Eliot disproved him

>> No.17649808

>Was he right about woman geniuses?

>> No.17650499
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>> No.17650509
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bump Maistre who MUST be read.

>> No.17650927

putain je suis perdu... une femme mignonne aux gros sourcils qui lit des livres intéressants et qui pourrait bien se trouver dans ma région, MAIS qui est sur twitter... je suis excité et dégoûté à la fois

>> No.17651066

>je suis excité et dégoûté à la fois

That's how it goes sometimes.

>> No.17651132

>tfw that's how it goes most of the times

>> No.17651385

Any other Catholic reactionaries I should read?

>> No.17651471

Donoso Cortez

>> No.17651496

What was his opinion on Islam?

>> No.17651546

Catholics reactionary usually aren't found of a religion of camel lovers, see Bloy.

>> No.17651610

Thanks. Any notable works of them I should read?

>> No.17651655

Yeah I know but De Maistre had a more perennial view of religion.

>> No.17651774
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>> No.17651828


>> No.17653362

>George Eliot
>can't be fucked to write under her own name
Nah anon.

>> No.17653484
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Fucking hell yeah dude.

>> No.17653682

Have you ever been in a fight in your life?

>> No.17653828

What a coincidence, I finished political constitutions today.

>> No.17653868
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>the rhetoric of Joseph de Maistre
It's all so tiresome bros

>> No.17653881

Which work is this from? I'm genuinely interested in reading it. Even though he is Christian, he seems to have just made a perfect argument for the less LARPy kinds of paganism (Aztec human sacrifice, sacrifice in general, etc.)

>> No.17654341

The Generative Principle of Political Constitutions.

>> No.17654374

Thank you

>> No.17654427

>Joseph de Maistre
Just learnt about the existence of this guy yesterday. Happy coincidence.

>> No.17655661

Fuck that frog. If you want to read real Catholic politics, read Francisco Suárez. Y agárrense los machos.

>> No.17655802

these guys get it

>> No.17656368

Avec l’émergence de la démarche galiléenne, l’homme s’est progressivement autonomisé par rapport à l’univers qui l’entoure, jusqu’à se considérer, René Descartes aidant, comme un être d’antinature. Non pas au sens où il serait opposé à la nature, mais où il participerait d’une essence différente : il serait métaphysiquement autre.

Cette coupure-là a constitué un aiguillage discret, mais décisif, qui a orienté la suite de l’histoire. Elle a notamment ouvert la voie à la philosophie des Lumières. La nature s’est progressivement séparée d’avec « le reste ». Le monde s’est comme dissocié : d’un côté, la nature, appréhendée sous le seul angle physico-mathématique ; de l’autre, l’homme, renvoyé à lui-même, à la solitude de sa raison et de ses affects.

Trois ou quatre siècles plus tard, la science présente un double visage : c’est grâce à la séparation installée entre nature et culture que notre science est devenue si efficace et si conquérante ; mais c’est à cause de cette même séparation que la nature, finalement traitée comme si elle était à notre seule disposition, s’est peu à peu abîmée. Oubliant qu’elle était poreuse, réactive, non infinie, nous l’avons marquée d’une empreinte irréversible, Les ivresses de l’hybris nous avaient conduits à nous croire « au-dessus de la nature ». Or, cette dernière nous rappelle aujourd’hui, de mille et une manières, que nous en sommes partie intégrante, que notre essence n’est pas si transcendante.

Au motif de notre mauvais usage du monde, certains font le choix de délaisser l’idée de rationalité si chère à l’esprit des Lumières. Mais n’est-il pas plus judicieux de refonder la rationalité afin qu’elle ne puisse plus servir d’alibi à toutes sortes de dominations ? La question est : comment procéder ?

Avec Corine Pelluchon, philosophe et professeure à l'université Gustave-Eiffel, pour Les Lumières à l'âge du vivant (Seuil, 2021).

>> No.17657490


>> No.17657676
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>La question est : comment procéder ?

>> No.17658012
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>> No.17658113

Does that mean that ISIS is based, bros?
I'm really starting to have second thoughts on ISIS bros.