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File: 118 KB, 1032x736, Osho_HD_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17645693 No.17645693 [Reply] [Original]

The Most Useless Activity in the World Is Philosophy

“Philosophy has not reached to any conclusion and it will never reach – it is an exercise in utter futility. It is a good game if you want to play an intellectual game, an intellectual gymnastics; it is hair splitting.

“But I am not interested in it at all – and I know it from the inside: I have been a student of philosophy and a professor of philosophy too. I know it as an insider that the most useless activity in the world is philosophy, the most uncreative, the most pretentious – but very ego-fulfilling, gives you great ideas of knowledgeability without making you wise at all.


>> No.17645702

Nice philosophy, faggot.

>> No.17645711

T. triggered fag

>> No.17646458

Isn’t that that guy who tried to kill a bunch of people with salmonella?

>> No.17646484

Just wanna announce to everybody that I did not, in fact, read or click on the OP's link, nor will I ever henceforth due to forementioned OP's homoism

>> No.17646517

But philosophy asks important questions. Plato once asked:
If something is changed because it is a changed thing? Or is it changed because it is being changed?

Where would we be without knowing these things?

>> No.17646522

What about moral philosophy, as opposed to epistemological philosophy?

>> No.17646529

> It is a good game if you want to play an intellectual game, an intellectual gymnastics; it is hair splitting.
Yes hello and welcome to thousands of years ago
Philosophy has only ever served the purpose of giving the wealthy/educated something to shitfling about

>> No.17646535

>don't ask questions, just buy my books and give me money

>> No.17646661

>T. Philosopher to busy smelling his own farts to see he is philosophizing.

>> No.17646797

The fields of Metaphysics, Ethics, Epistemology - all useless? I think Osho is seething because a individual who can critically think is an individual who would never fall for his scam.

>> No.17646846

Osho is cringe but he's right on this one

>> No.17646862

based op making muh philosophy retards seethe

>> No.17647176

You know the right thing from the beginning, but your impulses and external obligations pull you away from it.

>> No.17647189

It’s just interesting ideas, imo. I’ve never taken that seriously.

>> No.17647192

Go back to your vaginal mapping yoga class, dumb ass post-menopausal female.

>> No.17647355

WHAT?! A cult leader thinks the investigation of the foundation of truth and knowledge is useless? IMAGINE MY SHOCK.

>> No.17647635

funny that the most useless false prophet of the history of mankind would talk about the most useless activity in the world.

>> No.17647663

>the investigation of the foundation of truth and knowledge is useless
Correct. Pioneers in any field aren't driven by the ideas of a man who lived 2,000 years ago in ancient Greece, they just do what they feel like

>> No.17647678

A difficult choice between the objective truth and 'what some guy is driven by'

>> No.17647679

im an incel actually

osho says marriage is permanent prostitution.

osho pumps and dumps bitches. faggot nigger

>> No.17647685

also yoga is faggot nigger shit

>> No.17647690

Has anyone ever found the objective truth? is it even possible to do so? how do you expect philosophers to know all there is to life when they've only experienced it from their own perspective?

>> No.17647698

Jesus, Buddha, Moses, muhammad were cult leaders

not an arguement, stoopid nigger

>> No.17647739
File: 22 KB, 396x484, Sir_Isaac_Newton_(1643-1727).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most useless activity in the world is phi-

>> No.17647771

Yet you follow same exact cultist retard like any other middle aged braindead Karen/Stacy type. Is it because you are also fucking idiot? Go suck your guru off and buy merch (tm), retard niggercattle.

>> No.17647854

/g/ killed terry

>> No.17647862

brainlet take, sorry

>> No.17647873

If you aren't a brainlet, why don't you rule the world?

dumb response

>> No.17648109

are u fucking retarded

>> No.17648125

Seethe as much as you want, but he's right.

>> No.17648145

No, i think it was tuna.

>> No.17648269

if you only engage in philosophy, you are stupid. if you never engage in philosophy, you are stupid.

>> No.17648323
File: 9 KB, 235x215, 1614344226430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know the right thing from the beginning, but your impulses and external obligations pull you away from it.
Holy fuck hahahaha

>> No.17648801

why is this board so dum

>> No.17648985

We would be right where we are in modernity, actually. The proof is literally right in front of you in the form of civilizational decline.

>> No.17650028
