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17646970 No.17646970 [Reply] [Original]

That's it, he isn't finishing the books.

>> No.17646986

The show revealed that Dany doesn't win in the end so I stopped caring

>> No.17646993

oh no how could he do this to us

>> No.17647169

it is weird that adults care about scifi written for women and gays.

I guess atheism was really a mistake.

>> No.17647177


>> No.17647208

The man will do anything at all to avoid working on TWOW. They didn't have to offer him an adaptation of a writer he likes - even if it was an adaptation of a book he hates he'd jump at the chance.

>> No.17647222

He probably just doesn't care about it at this point. Imagine if you had writers block for 10 years on a project that you've been working on for 30. Put on top of that being an obese millionaire who has no obligation to do anything including finish your own story since someone else already did it for him. The guy just wants to watch football, write schlock and eat himself to death and desu I don't blame him. He fucked ASOIAF up so badly.

>> No.17647262

Tbh this is what you fucking deserve for reading bad teenage escapist fiction written by a burger.

I love it.

>> No.17647768

So how many side projects is he involved in right now? He published that huge targaryen history tome a couple of years ago, is working on Elden Ring, and now this. What else is he working on? I remember he had another thing going on as well.

>> No.17648402

I'm sure he has multiple side hoes that he almost crushes under his girth.

>> No.17648409

I'm Lovin' It!

>> No.17648420

It's been 10 years since the last book. Get over it already. It was clear the series would be left unfinished like 5 years ago.

>> No.17648425

its not even escapism because its nihilistic

>> No.17648560

I had a dream this night that I met GRRM in Paris, but it wasn't really Paris, more like Prague because it was more colourful, but it had an Eiffel Tower.
I explained to him that I was a big fan since I was twelve and he invited me to walk a while with him. We eventually got to his hotel where he asked me to carry him to his room, as he can't walk the stairs. It was a very old hotel with extremely narrow stairs, he was also extremely heavy. after carrying him up three flights we came to a single room which was about 3 feet high and full of spiders. George crawled in the room and thanked me. I realised this was probably the last time I would speak to him so I promptly asked him about the progress on the Winds of Winter. He then told me he didn't want to talk about it.

>> No.17648577

that's nihilism for cuntlickville flyovers maybe.

>> No.17648589

If it were nihilistic he wouldn't write seven books about why war is bad. Use your brain you fucking retard.

>> No.17648603
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>it's nihilism because the characters don't have fairy tale chivalrous motives

>> No.17648622

subverting narratives just for the sake of their destruction is nihilism in a nutshell. He does not have a great goal, not greater truth to revel, that is why he can end the book and the show ended so badly.

>> No.17648626

The characters go through difficult times so they can evolve and prosper. You can't have a novel where nothing happens and expect character advancement.

>> No.17648640

of course, but fatboy kills them before they can serve any purpose

>> No.17648649

Barely any of the central POV characters die. Literally only Ned and Catelyn Stark perish, of course killing the parents is a common trope in Lit. + Catelyn doesn't even really die.

>> No.17649502

Not of a fan of the book but that's just plain wrong. There's a tight group of plot-armored heroes that emerges fairly quickly: Tyrion, Jon, Arya, Jaime, Bran, Daenerys etc... Basically, the outcasts, the weirdoes, and the renegades.

If anything, past the death of Ned Stark and the original surprise of a character set up to be a main character dying, it becomes fairly obvious to detect who the next victim is gonna be, which is where GRRM, like most decalogy fantasy writers, fails: he has a good gimmick, but overuses it to the point everyone and their mother knows what is going to happen. It's especially damaging in this series, though, because it forces the author to regularly replenish the stock of side characters that are going to die with look alikes, in the sense of narrative purpose, of the ones who just died.

>> No.17649536

absolute piece of shit.
luckily I already decided to drop out after the tv-series ruined everything

>> No.17649547


>> No.17649549

I pretty much forgot the story at this point and sure as shit not going to reread these five bricks, so not a big deal

>> No.17649559

Bruh how you get filtered by genre fiction

>> No.17649565
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Does he actually think he's writing high art?

>> No.17649575

>He published that huge targaryen history tome a couple of years ago
I think that was mostly his fans.

He has a team of fans that helps him sort through details he overstacked. To prevent things like horses magically changing sex from one book to another.

>> No.17649589

I'm kinda surprised HBO would still want to be associated with him after the fiasco. Surely there are other names that wouldn't come with such haunting memories of failure and would do just as good of a job?

>> No.17649596

>I'm kinda surprised HBO would still want to be associated with him after the fiasco
Wtf are you talking about? Game of Thrones made them more money than any other Tv show has by far

>> No.17649607

Yeah, but the last season tarnished that in the mind of viewers. If you mention GoT to the average guy, you won't hear about how exciting and great the books or first seasons were, you'll hear about what an utter fucking failure the last season was. That's what stayed with people.

>> No.17649614

I fucking hate the books and hope he never finishes them. This project and Elden Ring look way cooler than anything the ASoIaF universe ever had to offer.

>> No.17649615

The fact you think HBO views it as a fiasco makes you an idiot who gets their world view from /tv/

>> No.17649647

Don't browse /tv/. And of course the show was an immense success, I just don't think people want to be reminded of the end of GoT when advertised about the next "big thing" from hbo.

>> No.17649664

I assure you you’re wrong about this. Sopranos had one of the worst finales of any TV show ever, no one cares anymore.

>> No.17649671

>Sopranos had one of the worst finales of any TV show ever

>> No.17649683

Wut? Well I'm not surprised we disagree, I found the Sopranos' finale to be superb. Might be wrong about grrm, but after s8, most people I know don't even want to mention the show anymore, let alone rewatch it. That can't be seen as much of victory for hbo, surely?

>> No.17649687

Additionally, Game of Thrones went bad specifically BECAUSE they ran out of GRRM’s material. So actually, GOT makes GRRM look good. Not bad. All the best parts of the show were because of his books. You’re defeated by your own logic.

>> No.17649695
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You brought this upon yourselves.

>> No.17649697

Maybe you’re too young to remember the public outrage.

>> No.17649702

That might have been true if GRRM had finished his books by now and presented us with a more satisfying ending, but he hasn't. D&D's failure to finish well's a direct consequence of his failure to finish at all.

>> No.17649706

>Sopranos had one of the worst finales of any TV show ever
Absolutely brainlet-tier take.

>> No.17649718

But D&Ds failure just makes GRRM look better. You see everything you’ve said would have made more sense if you were talking about D&D. GRRM proved that if he has the material he will provide a great show. We know that for a fact.
Should he have finished the books? Sure but that’s independent of HBO deciding to adapt an unfinished series with no indication it would be finished soon.

>> No.17649738


>> No.17649759

Of course, it's more of a D&D failure. That doesn't change the fact that the books and show became a single entity in most people's minds, which is why I think GRRM's name's just as tarnished as d&d's, and why I was wondering in the first place why HBO would take the risk to associate with him again.
People litterally don't want to talk about GoT anymore. Be it books, show, who was at fault, etc... And that's from devoted viewers who would rewatch the whole thing before every season. I don't think they'll see the name GRRM attached to a new tv show and scream: "YEAH BABY!".

>> No.17649760

Totally, it's like if you procrastinated on a huge school assignment way past the deadline. Just give up.

What an asshole, dude. You carried his 300lb ass all the way up for that?

>> No.17649773

the public are retards who watched the sopranos for the EPIC WHACKINGS and skipped the melfi scenes

>> No.17649789

I don’t think it’s a risk at all. Evidently neither does HBO. I think it’s free money for them actually. You think people aren’t going to watch the next YUGE HBO SHOW

>> No.17649790

The entire entertainment industry is centered on the fact that people will always gladly go back to old, tired IPs in spite of a couple mediocre productions.
There’s no way the finale of GoT was bad enough to undo almost a decade of brand worshipping.
The idea that HBO would leave such a well known brand to rot on the shelf is laughable

>> No.17649792

But he had a point? Point was to write somewhat more realistic fantasy, which meant qualities like honour, decency, fairness and all that crap were not going to be rewarded by the book's universe. Having a new Ned Stark each season was the mistake, you can't expect people to applaud the same trick over and over again. It became gimmicky.

>> No.17649798
File: 9 KB, 631x100, Screenshot_2021-02-27 r asoiaf - Four years ago today GRRM dismissed a comment about it taking four more years (Spoilers Ex[...](7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17649800

It’s not even that, it was just people who didn’t watch the show at all but tuned in for a big television event

>> No.17649810

This. It’s the same as the people who have been saying “ok superhero movies are finally going to go away” for the last 7 years in a row

>> No.17649818

holy onions

>> No.17649824

“Tuned in” for a station you had to specifically pay for? Lol

>> No.17649827


>> No.17649833
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>> No.17649839

Maybe you're right! Still think the fuckup was big enough to give a lasting stink to both d&d, grrm, and the tv show. Books aren't doing too well either, since they haven't been advancing for who knows many years at this point.
Just think the aura is gone and another author would have been a better choice, but there's no bad publicity, so maybe grrm is a good choice after all, we'll see.

>> No.17649849

>subverting narratives just for the sake of their destruction is nihilism in a nutshell
no it isnt you blithering retard, its jerking off to how tragic something is, its engrossment and pure vanity. its not just for the sake of their destruction, its for the sake of the endorphines your body releases when you FEEL like you are destroying a thing. its the exact cope against nihilism.

>> No.17649850


>> No.17649859
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>yfw Sandershit will have to finish the series

>> No.17649870

How am I a retard? You can’t “tune in” to HBO and nobody subscribed to watch one episode. There was public outrage because we spend the better part of a decade watching a show that ended with a wet fart. Please don’t stick your nose in since you sound like you were in diapers at the time. I know Sopranos is a sacred cow on 4chan because of all the epic memes.

>> No.17649872

No, lots of people had HBO who i’m sure didn’t watch it on a regular basis. This was 2007. It’s the same thing with literally every televsion show that gets a lot of press before the finale, like Seinfeld.
They literally told you what the ending meant at the end of the penultimate episode, just in case you couldn’t remember the first time they told you what it meant in the mid-season premier

>> No.17649910

Lol, okay I’m sorry
“People who didn’t watch the show on a routine basis pressed the rubber buttons on their digital remote in an order inconsistent with what they pressed the previous Sunday”

>> No.17649920

Seinfeld was a network show you fucking idiot. That you COULD tune in for.

>> No.17649954

You can literally just look at the ratings and see how much higher the series finale numbers are as compared to other episodes

>> No.17649969

12 million people watched last episode Of last season
10 million people watched first episode of last season

Still wanna go on or did you just learn how TV used to work?

>> No.17649998

Roadmarks is a good book so I don't mind ASOIAF is worse than most young adult fantasy anyway so I never made it past the first book

>> No.17650088

So more than 15% of the audience wasn’t watching when they explained the ending? Thats my point.
HBO had over 25 million subscribers at that time, do you really think every single Sex and the City fan watched The Sopranos?
I really don’t believe that you’re stupid enough to not believe that people watch television events with a huge promotional thrust behind them.
In any case it’s still consistently cited as an excellent TV show and the idea that some retards not getting it at the time has spoiled its reputation is exactly as big of a joke as HBO ignoring how easy it is to use the GoT brand to entice viewers.
Sorry your bid to play pop-culture historian went so poorly though.

>> No.17650128
File: 28 KB, 593x453, Screenshot_2021-02-27 r asoiaf - Daenerys has been stuck in Meereen since the Clinton administration (spoilers, main)(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17650140

Nice cope. Sopranos jump was 15%.
Seinfeld jump was 100%. Why’d your post take so long? Went to go check your numbers? Just admit you didn’t know the fucking difference between network and cable because you’re underage or something

>> No.17650157

>He probably just doesn't care about it at this point.

I'll preface my reply by saying, I really don't care about GRRM or his books.

He should probably just be forthcoming with his fans and say: I have no intention of finishing these novels, I've written myself into a hole I can't reasonably get out of, and I will be abandoning the series.

>> No.17650161

>you didn’t know the fucking difference between network and cable because you’re underage or something
Lol, I know that you don’t really believe that I don’t know what HBO is

>> No.17650329

That's essentially what Scott Bakker did and I respect it.

>> No.17650357

What a fag

>> No.17650424

Every single character who has a chapter named after them has at least one fakeout death where a chapter will end on a cliffhanger, like Tyrion "drowning", Brienne being executed by a resurrected Catelyn, or Arya getting an axe to the head, but whoops it turned out to be the blunt side. He abuses the shit out of this trope and it got so bad that one of the main characters got stabbed a few dozen times at the end of his last book and not a single person in the world thought he wouldn't be back in Winds of Winter.

Martin is such a bad writer and I have no respect for people who gobble this shit up.

>> No.17650442


>> No.17651086

The first three books are a gripping ride though, sure he lost his way with the next two but storm of swords was a page turner and a great fantasy book.

Fantasy as a whole is trash though.

>> No.17651263

Agreed the first three books were the high water mark for the series. Probably should have ended there with the Lannister’s sweeping away the north after the red wedding. Cut out all the Wall and Dany stuff.

>> No.17652732
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There is one last solution...

>> No.17652786
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>fat fuck with a ticking clock on his life

Hell be fine

>> No.17652871

Oh boy, now we get to see Zelazny ruined.

>> No.17652916

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.17653007

You guys got filtered hard and missed the entire point of the series and what he was trying to say.

He never had any intention of finishing the series. Even before he was lazy. He always planned on leaving it on a cliffhanger. As the ultimate meta twist. Instead of giving fans closure, he is going to be an alpha and keep them guessing and formulating theories for decades, because that is far more fun than spoonfeeding people the end of the story.

It even ties in with the series title and overall theme. A SONG of Ice and Fire. A song is another word for a medieval epic poem, which was supposed to be a snapshot of history, where you don't know anything that happened before it started and you don't get to hear what happened after. It is to show that history is a moment in time, and a cycle that never ends. He's literally doing this right under your nose, and no one sees this for some reason.

>> No.17653122

At least he *can* finish it.

>> No.17653124

It's been too long, my mind already accepted the story won't continue. I want to be disappointed by this but I can't feel it. Enjoy your TV success and your food, fat man.

>> No.17654154

at this point, pick your favorite fanfic and say that's the ending

>> No.17654688
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>> No.17656199

fucking kek, even in your dream...

>> No.17656341

Good. I hope he dies being ashamed of himself and his """legacy""" in shambles.

>> No.17656601


>> No.17656661

She must ah crawled under there for warmth...

>> No.17656683

Holy filtered

>> No.17657868

But I want to escape this meaningful world.

>> No.17657893

I am 1000% sure GRRM has a MeToo scandal brewing somewhere.

>> No.17659352


>> No.17659503

>Oh no, the entitled woman-child wigs out and genocides an entire city. Why couldn't she win!?

>> No.17660115

Yeah figuring out these rules was fun at first but it got kind of boring knowing that a character can't die in their POV except prologue and epilogue characters who always die.

>> No.17660225

This. The fat fuck has so much fuck you money that he can tell all of his fans, renege on any contracts he has with publishers and HBO, and still live a well off comfortable existence for the rest of his life. I hope he gas the best health care money can buy so that doctors will be forced to keep his fat diabetes and high blood pressure ass alive well into his 100's to give his fans hope, but still not get shit done so I can watch them seethe.

>> No.17660456

Dude the amount of times Dany talks about not ending up like her father. Even in the show I saw it coming from a mile a way.

>> No.17660494

Her character and chapters are the worst. If I turned the page and saw her name I would put the book down she's that fucking boring.

>> No.17660592

>I hope he gas the best health care money can buy so that doctors will be forced to keep his fat diabetes and high blood pressure ass alive well into his 100's to give his fans hope, but still not get shit done so I can watch them seethe.

I also wish this.

It's a more sublime form of entertainment.