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/lit/ - Literature

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1763862 No.1763862 [Reply] [Original]

I don't read in sidewalk / pavement cafes, but I don't see why hot chix would come up and talk to you, a la a Brownbear thread. Why would they care that you're reading a book? Most girls don't even reading (lol, fucking stupid girls).

Also, if I DID want to do this, what book should I take? Something chunky, like War and Peace, Infinite Jest or 2666? Or something slim and popular, that'll set the girls off, like Less Than Zero?

>> No.1763865

this is an unbecoming thread

>> No.1763866

Who the fuck cares if the girl on the right reads? She'd make me cum buckets.

>> No.1763867

Lift weights in the morning, read in the evening. It's not that fucking difficult to work your body just a rigorously as you do your mind.

>> No.1763869

who mentioned anything about exercise

>> No.1763870


I know nobody who does this. I don't know anyone who is very smart and well-read, and also goes to the gym. It's...just not possible. Like an athletic girl I saw 2 weeks back, about to enter my local library, then she just used the windows to preen for 30 seconds, and walked off.

>> No.1763874

I read copiously and lift four times a week.

>> No.1763876

You have to be in the right place geographically. The northeastern states are very introverted in that respect. if you're a southy, bring something reasonably popular that you actually enjoy. Vonnegut springs to mind, you'll find kinky girls who read that.

>> No.1763877

If you had a good body you wouldnt need some prop to attract girls. Is the point.

>> No.1763906 [DELETED] 

>Part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted

The best place to date like minded girls is from your uni/college classes.

Anywhere else sucks and is a wild card.

>> No.1763917 [DELETED] 

Frankly, my expectations are too high.

This doesn't prevent girls from getting tongue tied when they get up close and notice the intricate patterns of my hazel eyes.

>> No.1763916


>> No.1763920 [DELETED] 

It wouldn't let me post more than half my message.

>> No.1763924
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>intricate patterns of my hazel eyes.

>> No.1763937

A girl came up to me in a book store and we talked about Plato. We walked for an hour and then she gave me her email adress. I haven't written her because I don't know what to write. True story, happened Friday.

>> No.1763942

ask her when she's gonna let you clap them cheeks

>> No.1763945

You goddamn fool. She obviously wants you to email her and I don't think she'll be too fussy about its content. Just be like 'I was reading some Plato earlier and thought of you, fancy doing something sometime?'
All said out of love my for c/lit/s.

>> No.1763949

I met my current girlfriend of two years when she came up and asked me about the book I was reading. It was marilyn Manson's autobiography, but keep your chin up. It happens.

>> No.1763953


>You goddamn fool

I agree, I blame that on my lack of contact with females. I will probably write to her today because I don't want to her think negatively of herself and to wonder if she did anything wrong. It is me that's fucked up so yes, I have to do something.

>> No.1763958


not referring to them as "females" outside of bio class would be a good start

>> No.1763965
File: 160 KB, 713x950, howtogetadate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read whatever you want.

>> No.1763968

Wait until you get to college. It's like another dimension where girls can be both hot and smart.

>> No.1763969

Yeah, get a "date." But as soon as she sees your dinky pinky, she's forgotten your name and is looking for the door.

>> No.1763972

i read and lift and run.

>> No.1763974



>> No.1763978

But you're ugly. Oh, and a loser.

>> No.1763983


You forgot to mention that he's an idiot.

>> No.1763986

I swear to God your post is going to get a samefag. And probably this one, too.

Wait for it.

>> No.1763987 [DELETED] 

Vapid lads. He is vapid.

>> No.1763988

>most girls don't even reading

>picture of girls
Yep. It's another Sunhawk thread

>> No.1763991

I wouldn't go so bad as to call him vapid.

He's a satellite orbiting the tripfag he wants to be--D+E--but hasn't the knowledge nor talent. He's like a sad little sponge. Not vapid, because he absorbs the arrogance and idiocy of this "tripfag culture."

>> No.1764001

mfw brownbear successfully derails the threads into a tripfag circle jerk.

i mad.

>> No.1764012
File: 125 KB, 500x334, enhanced-buzz-28657-1303489295-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread originally about Brownbear
>I'm the only other tripfriend other than Sunhawk
>expressing my hatred for sunhawk once again


>> No.1764013

>It's...just not possible

>> No.1764027

why are there so many off-topic threads on the front page

>> No.1764055

I do cardio 4 times a week and read copiously. There's no excuse for not exercising both brain and body

step 1 stop watching tv

>> No.1764066


I don't go to the gym, because it's weird. I get all my exercise running & skateboarding & biking, & after I scoot around outside, I relax & read. There's a whoppin' twenty-four hours in a day; more'n enough time to do all the fun things you wanna do.

>> No.1764074

an unhealthy body is usually a sign of an unhealthy mind. post your disgusting bodies litfags

>> No.1764084

email instead of number..? Eh, go for it.
Also, Browneye really is the most vacuous tripper.

>> No.1764091

Sounds like you don't have a job. Days are short when 10 hours/day is given over to work & commuting.

Still, exercise is important, and should be fit in somewhere. But, at least for many, there is not "more'n enough time".

>> No.1764101

bullshit. everyone has 3 hours a week. that's all it is.

>> No.1764111
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>because it's weird
what's werid about going to the gym?
>more than enough time to do all the fun things you wanna do
i don't think you have a job, do you?

>most vacuous tripper
i'm more intelligent than you, you groundling.

>> No.1764120
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>Also, if I DID want to do this, what book should I take? Something chunky, like War and Peace, Infinite Jest or 2666? Or something slim and popular, that'll set the girls off, like Less Than Zero?

Something with a bright, colorful cover that catches the fickle eye of bitches. If it has a stupid, trendy bullshit title as well you get bonus points because they won't actually read it, they'll go off of what it's called.

Also: are you trying to imply that every one of BB's stories aren't 100% true? They are, and to say otherwise is /lit/ blasphemy. Are you a blasphemer, Sunny?

>> No.1764138
File: 16 KB, 630x592, head combo part 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everything that happens in my stories is true
>mfw people are just jelly i'm so approachable
>mfw i met a girl in the library the other day and we talked about a book called Alone in Berlin i recieved as a gift (she was reading it) but it lead nowhere

>> No.1764142
File: 13 KB, 835x592, head combo part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1764166

BB since this thread is some sort of homage to you anyway, Ima use it to ax you a question which I axed the other day but I had to leave and didn't see your reply.

BB are you gonna send me your stories bro? BB I NEED THOSE STORIES. Or not, if you don't wanna. I know shipping can be expensive but I promise I'll reciprocate with a handsome volume. Oh my God. Oh... I'm coming on too strong. Oh shit. Oh shit what do I do... I should end this now. I should stop typing out my thoughts. so awkward. So afraid. Oh fu

>> No.1764189
File: 494 KB, 1772x1000, boxxy loves you!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm sending it you bro i've just been busy with essays so i haven't checked printing costs properly yet, gonna check on Friday.

and the prospect of a reciprocation of a handsome volume is very nice of you

>> No.1764193

A random girl or man in some random place will never talk to you if you're reading, it's not polite to interrupt someone reading.

Now, if you're writing, some people (and girls) will try to know what are you writing, this happened to me a lot of times, i write poetry so women from all ages have asked me to see what i was doing :P

But well, this happened mostly in Chile, and in Bariloche, Argentina. People from here like to read, for some reason most americans girls hate books. Damn, they hate culture.

>> No.1764196

I hate you Brownebar. you and everything you represent, I always try to sage your threads and I hope that someday you'll be killed in a horrible accident.

But goddamn that combo made me laugh so hard.

>> No.1764199

Don't feel bad about ti, he obviously stole it from someone else

>> No.1764216

guys will do it. they don't care if you might have other plans besides letting some random ass ray of sunshine in a caribou coffee into your life that day

>> No.1764251

>be ottermode
>fuck bitches
>get $
you jelly?

>> No.1764269
File: 79 KB, 337x287, 1291183510785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BB I'm sorry for being pushy.

>> No.1764289


you are a faggot.


browbitch is lying. I actually get girls like the ones he posts and here, in the real world, the guy ALWAYS has to talk to the girls first. Good show though.

>> No.1764295


>> No.1764298
File: 1.44 MB, 1834x1826, lit christmas card FINISHED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i actually get girls like the one he posts and here
stop trying to live your life through me, get this fantastical notions that you are in any way even CLOSE to me out of your head and learn to accept that you're living in the real world, and unfortunately never will be me.

>the guy always talks to the girl first
unattractive creeper detected

you're not pushy i love you.

>> No.1764305

Girls ask me about the books I'm reading all the time. Maybe I'm just interesting.


>> No.1764308

You don't seem to be.

>> No.1764314

there's an intensely cute boy sitting across from me as i eat lunch

i went to refill my coffee just so i could get a look at the novella sitting on his table - it's animal farm - and looking at him again with this new information in mind i think he might actually be like 15


>> No.1764318


That resulted in a much needed lol.

>> No.1764316

My opinion: go for it.

>> No.1764324


lol... i saw your pic the other day and you look like a 16 year old mixed with a bird, with gay hair. no one is bying your bullshit.

>> No.1764326


Sucks. You can't even have interesting discussions on that one because it's so hand-holdy allegorical.

>> No.1764331

The one in the middle's got really nice curves

>> No.1764332

I don't know, I just know ancient literature in general is off-putting to them.
I've had girls coming up and asking what I was reading once when I was reading Tacitus and once when I was reading Seneca and they instantly seemed more distant and eventually just walked away when I explained them what it was.
Then another time, one girl came up when I was reading Checkhov and we hit it off.

So yeah, no ancient literature.

>> No.1764336

In the business we call BB's hairstyle a lesbipoof.

>> No.1764339

big deal. no 15 year old boy is gonna complain if you give him some cool poon over a book.

>> No.1764340

you're just skinny or most likely skinnyfat

>> No.1764343

would it be a good PUA negging maneuver if i went over there like "wow were you sick for a whole month in sixth grade??..........because that's when people read that book, in sixth grade language arts class!! deal with it little man!!"

then let out a loud crazy nervous laugh like natalie portman on the oscars

then just stand there for a moment before trying to force an very wet open-mouth kiss on him


>> No.1764350

>implying you don't have a penis

>> No.1764352

Women are only interested in lit that allows them to be a part of a cool social group. In fact, that's just about their only non-sexual interest.

>> No.1764364

when are we going to purge all the /r9k/ refugees from our precious board

>> No.1764366

>saw my pic the other day
>mixed with a bird

haters gonna hate

>> No.1764367

Negging only works on women with daddy issues. And then it works well. But men and other women will just think you're being a passive aggressive cunt.

>> No.1764391

A neg is a more complicated than a negative comment - it's meant to be a neutral, unselfconscious comment which is incidentally negative, e.g.: "I like your scarf, they're very popular these days."
More succinctly: a very mild compliment with reservations.
Makes you look unconcerned and thus unbeta.

>> No.1764425

What's happening here, my sons?

>> No.1764433


Cool laid-back management style you got there.

>> No.1764441



>> No.1764636


Wow, other people I know on another forum call me Sunny too, that was awesome. The preferred nickname is SnuSnu, though, for reasons that aren't important.

And yeah, I guess his stories are all true. The funy thing is, I haven't seen a greentext story in a week, can you link me to one?