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17639765 No.17639765 [Reply] [Original]

>“The end of history will be a very sad time,” he wrote, “I have the most ambivalent feelings about it.” He lamented the passing of the heroic age of mankind: “The struggle for recognition, the willingness to risk one’s life for a purely abstract goal, the worldwide ideological struggle that called forth daring, courage, imagination, and idealism, will be replaced by. . . the satisfaction of sophisticated consumer demands.”
>History had ended in the prefabricated, conformist lanes of suburbia. “In the post-historical period there will be neither art nor philosophy, just the perpetual caretaking of the museum of human history.”

>> No.17639789 [DELETED] 

Necessary immediate bump

>> No.17639790
File: 34 KB, 360x290, 120F1BF8-18A4-4F54-80FD-EB7916C50815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right and this pandemic proved it. After all this supposed chaos and social upheaval we’re just back to Obama 2.0 and Trump being almost forgotten. Things are never going to be interesting again. We’re stuck with 200 streaming services making reboots of 80s films and working out the kinks in our personal definitions of liberty with a fake spectacle of politics. Reality has become escapism and the real world is on the internet. American institutions are godawful and incompetent but still control the world. Everyone is lonely and unhappy but all their grievances are just to complain that we don’t have enough freedom, enough liberty, enough diversity, that we need even more liberalism if we want to be truly free in our technocratic hellscape of conformity.

It’s over

>> No.17639794

the funniest thing is when 100 iq midwits say that he was wrong because MUH 9/11

>> No.17639805

It's literally always been like this though

>> No.17639812


>> No.17639819
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>> No.17639825
File: 67 KB, 768x410, Is-the-resurrection-of-Jesus-Christ-a-metaphor-1080x675-768x410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet... Christ is Risen.

Jesus is alive and walks among us.

And history truly ends only when He says it does.

>> No.17639845

Nothing lasts forever. We'll have to wait and see if a completely self sustaining closed system can envelop the entire globe.

>> No.17639857

>life is over because muh pop culture sucks and the politicians in my first world country don't make my life "interesting"
Imagine if this person lived in Zimbabwe or some shit.

>> No.17639865

Fukuyama's thesis is that this episemic of boredom will spread from the western world to asia and then to africa

>> No.17639871

We are literally entering the age of caesarism, Trump is the model for leaders to come and they'll get progressively more retarded. There is no absolute victory for liberal democracy because history never ends. It just turns its wheel very slowly.

>> No.17639873

The rest of the world is following the exact same trajectory

>> No.17639882

Doubt entertainment is a priority in places that don't even have clean water. Even then, you still have enough literature and other sorts of entertainment to last you a lifetime. You can try socializing from time to time.

>> No.17639901

Very naive. Trump was just a representation of how decadent we are. He was a protest against the bureaucratic mundanity of life where people desperately wanted a charismatic strongman and heroic figure to bring back history and restore the collapsing romance of America, but he failed. He was just a product of the same boring decadence that people wanted to revolt against, a fat Zionist neoliberal reality TV show host who did nothing to prevent the onslaught of progressivism that will soon take over. If Trump is a Caesar or a fascist then he was the most boring “great” figure in human history, all he did was prove Fukuyama’s thesis.

You’ll see in the coming years that people will miss Trump, not for what he did in office but for the thrill of having him there. It gave people a common rallying point to LARP their historical fantasies of being social justice rebels or preservers of American excellence. Like Fukuyama says we will come to miss that feeling of genuine struggle and perseverance to overcome something bigger than us. That is the only reason BLM is so popular even with the utterly marginal statistics that back the prevalence of racist police brutality, progressivism in general actually

>> No.17639911

Joke's on the libtards they virtue signalled about antifascism and anarcho-communism too much, now the whole system will die voluntarily because even the children of the elites think Trotskyism is too trite and reactionary for the present day.
bruh moment
Except we don't actually live in "Zimbabwe or some shit" you fucking retard lol

>> No.17639936

This anon gets it. I would argue that such a Caesarian figure, even if he were to exist at this very moment, wouldn't be able to ascend to a position of power given the almost innumerable restrains placed upon today's citizens. The Rubicon is now miles wide, filled with quicksand.

>> No.17639954

Reminder that he's a hack who has flip flopped on every position he's ever held

>> No.17639958

>Except we don't actually live in "Zimbabwe or some shit" you fucking retard lol
Yeah, and be grateful you were born in a first world country. If being bored is the biggest existential threat in your life, you should be happy about it. And if the boredom is too much to handle, you can always immigrate to Zimbabwe and make your life interesting.

>> No.17639966

more like francis fuckyourmama

>> No.17639996
File: 19 KB, 644x776, 08f9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be grateful for whatever I feel like being grateful you fucking slimeball. Cattle may be content to graze on grass until they die, but I am a man and I judge this world to be much too gay.

>> No.17640333

>Trump is the model for leaders to come
Trump lost, lol

>> No.17640346

ah yes the guy who said that authoritarianism will always fail by itself. This dude is basially the marx of democracy. a complete hack

>> No.17640350

It's because he's a beta unable to withstand peer pressure, but that doesn't deny him pioneer status

>> No.17640362

Cattle don't have a choice to eat grass or not. You have a choice to become a mercenary and fight in the Middle-East if you want.
You won't, cause you're gay. Which is the source of all our problems right now. The fact that you're gay.

>> No.17640503

>go work for Blackwater and bomb kids for liberal blood money or become an outlaw to fight for some islamist/third worldist maoist militia where everyone hates you anyway
I don't think that's very appealing, anon.

>> No.17640508

It's not, but non-boring ancient-style lifes aren't precisely appealing. In terms of risk, excitement, personal heroism (which is not the same thing as morality or socially-approved heroism) and life experience it's hardly beatable though.

>> No.17640521

"Hardly beatable" doesn't necessarily mean acceptable. I have watched interviews with US military contractors. They're just normtards who want to make money. It's basically an office job, you jot down coordinates and call in airstrikes on villages. Men are not cattle, but they are not dogs either - they choose what to fight for. Professional mercs aren't in it for the fighting, they are in it for the money. They live pretty safely, all they have to do is commit war crimes on behalf of the US government without leading back to it. That's all.

>> No.17640538

>you can always immigrate to Zimbabwe
No, actually you can’t.

>> No.17640543

> anon, I know you’re lamenting the complete loss of meaning and the rendering of your world into an inert soup of consumer affinities and corporate ads but actually, you can go fight ignoble wars in the Middle East to preserve that soup so you can’t complain you hypocrite

>> No.17640559

Like Zimbabwe's border control is so effective, right?

Just break the law you pussy. You can do anything if you are smart and lucky enough not to get caught.

>> No.17640568

The real triumph of modernity is all the people like ITT that can't think of their life project as anything but part of a political project.

>> No.17640588

Zimbabwe IS boring. It's just a shittier kind of boring.

>> No.17641944

>Zimbabwe IS boring

>> No.17641993

>you shouldn't complain that our society is bad because you could go fight to uphold that bad society right now
How does this make any sense?

>> No.17642227

So you mean one of his positions must have been right then

>> No.17642242

>We’re stuck with 200 streaming services making reboots of 80s films
No we aren't, why the fuck do you midwits repeat this take over and over? Is the only film you know about literal surface level shit like Star Wars and Marvel?

>> No.17642246

>“The end of history will be a very sad time,

Because he faces hellfire.

>> No.17642248

What are you talking about? Merely recognizing that there’s nowhere left to go isn’t a political statement in and of itself.

>> No.17642256


>> No.17642261

Prove him wrong.

>> No.17642278

Unironically this

>> No.17642295

Taking last year as an obvious exception (and even then there probably were good movies made, just don't care about film that much), 2019 had fucking Parasite, ironically what muhhh pop culture losers dream about, something that both the mainstream and film nerds loved unanimously.
>inb4 b-but its made by chinks!!!!

>> No.17642300

there was no original script since the beginning of the opera in middle ages

>> No.17642309

Hell 2019 was actually full of great, mainstream movies, where the fuck does this "MUH EVERYTHING IS A REBOOT" bullshit even come from?

>> No.17642318

>flick about bourgeois
it's new!!1

atheists have no critical thinking, it's insane

>> No.17642329
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>> No.17642345

Christcucks despise novelty though. According to your kind music shouldn't have progressed beyond Baroque, film shouldn't even exist and modern painting is degenerate and satanic. Why are you even complaining that it isn't new?

>> No.17642374
File: 7 KB, 209x204, Piero (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guarda più film, pleb

>> No.17642384

Nobody has heard of any of this and just because film snobs at Cannes say they’re good, doesn’t mean they are.

>> No.17642389

1 single movie? That’s the refutation?

>> No.17642400

The absolute fucking state.
>if the culture industry doesn't feed it directly into my mouth no one has heard of it and it isn't good!

>> No.17642409

99% of the sun's energy is going to waste, fading out to the void, waiting for us to tap into it. We could have a gold rush for thousands of years, support a million more civilizations, a quadrillion more perspectives. We're so far behind our creative potential.

>> No.17642412

If this is true the implications are even more troubling, and the thing is, you might just be right.

>> No.17642431

There are more children, friends, science and beauty to be had. The struggle of nations and ideologies is not my struggle. It's background noise against I drown out with my own song.

>> No.17642541

That’s nice rhetoric and all but it doesn’t justify why friends, science, or whatever are things to strive for in themselves and it doesn’t even justify whether that’s actually possible or even happening. I see a world that’s growing increasingly more cloistered, distrustful, and don’t even get me started on science. Your second statement defaults to ideology and politics but again, I don’t know why. I said from my view it’s not political already. The way I see it we live in essentially a morbid hellscape where everything is decided down to science or petty economics. There’s a real question as to whether people can find any sort of meaning in their lives when reduced to just atoms bumping against each other or worse, just economic actors, “flies in the marketplace” someone would’ve called them. Maybe the flies find satisfaction in it. I don’t. We live in a time that’s characterized by a feeling of being totally unable to escape the noise and get feeling yourself to be rendered totally inert. Information technology hasn’t given us a tool to amplify culture, so much as it’s been an agent which totally leveled it and forced us to serve it, rather than it serve us. That’s what I’m trying to say here. It really has little to do with politics besides the obvious degree to which life is inherently politics. We probably won’t even find common ground here.

>> No.17642588


Fook is misunderstood. People stop at the title of his book The End of History and think he was making a normative judgement in favor of neoliberalism rather than an analysis of sociopolitical developments. People were like "wtf are you talking about the end of history stuff still happens" rather than getting to the crux of his argument, which was that neoliberalism has metastasized as the de facto global world order.

My critique of the idea is that I doubt the metaphysical (because that's what it is) assumption that history has a teleology, an evolutionary endpoint that can be foreseen. It's my same issue with Marx that "communism is the final stage of evolution." for political economy.

Ultimately this is wrong for one reason. It fundamentally misunderstands how evolution operates. Evolution perpetually "lives in the moment", it has no target or objective, other than continual adaptation and adjustment to changing conditions. Obviously societies might develop differently since it consists of people who plan and have ideals, but the same principle holds. Shit happens, in with the old out with the new, the best laid plans, the law of unintended consequences and all that. History cannot be shaped and engineered because it is not controllable by any one single center of agency and power. History is written as a series of contingent accidents and responses to them.

>> No.17642614

Christians invented all of those things.

>> No.17642762

>doesn’t justify why friends, science, or whatever are things to strive for in themselves
Those are just things I care about. Their meaningfulness is a brute fact: I would be lying if I said I didn't care for them, simple as that. I don't propose that as a solution to your or a specific somebody else's life. I only need some people with aligning interests and as long as I'm free to associate and express myself I can signal to them and they can signal to me so that we can find each other and share our lives then. Everyone else is just a stranger, maybe some of them of have some material or technical input that could help with my own life projects - why would they be more than economic actors to me? As if 7 billion personalities were something I could mentally grapple with. I wouldn't trust a stranger's interests to align with mine very closely, but I don't require them to. Laws and customs provide some structure, make the social environment easier to navigate, but I'll break those if needs be because I don't want social facts to be my anchors of meaning.

>> No.17643217

If History ended in 2020, did the End of History end in 2001 ?

>> No.17643266

He's not supposed to be a Caesar or Fascist or anything like that, the point of the anon before you is that he is a sign of things to come. I don't believe this is a state of a world become, but of one still in the process of becoming, history doesn't end, as long as humans are around their will be history imo

>> No.17643274

absolutely based. Do not pay attention to the herd morality of that fool anon.

>> No.17643283

Roosevelt was a spenglerian caesar who circumvented the republic to achieve Faustian unity

>> No.17643783

kill yourself

>> No.17643787

>sit in shitshack
>fuck goats, eat worthless money for dinner
>die of malaria

>> No.17643956

Film is dead bud, at least films made by auteurs.

>> No.17644070

>film shouldn't even exist and modern painting is degenerate and satanic
imagery is not idolatary

>> No.17644100

Read "Specters of Marx" by Derrida, you nigger.

>> No.17644113

nonsense gibberish word salad of a post

>> No.17644135

What have you trouble grasping?

>> No.17644175
File: 617 KB, 1562x1388, E8EE57F2-92A9-4C48-A4F4-310D11443119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reality has become escapism and the real world is on the internet
Fuck this hit hard

>> No.17645451

no it hasn't you abject fucking retard

>> No.17645494

You're really fucking stupid. Get some reading comprehension

>> No.17646026

where would someone start with chesterton

>> No.17646111


>> No.17646147

>Doubt entertainment is a priority in places that don't even have clean water.
actually it is. do you know how many fucking movies bollywood cranks out every year? do you know how many low budget african films and tv shows are made every year? what is it with these guys who hate commercial pop culture but somehow are only aware of commercial pop culture? do you exclusively watch mtv countdowns and the top five trending things on netflix?

>> No.17646162

>what is it with these guys who hate commercial pop culture but somehow are only aware of commercial pop culture
Much easier to be spoonfed and complain about it instead of not being an NPC and having agency

>> No.17646172
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What I don't understand is, how does Fukuyama account for some of the legitimate world-historical events that are probably unavoidable at this point? Like climate change, or peak oil, or the end of the United States as the global hegemon? All three of these things are inevitable, albeit perhaps not in the IMMEDIATE future. And when they get triggered, the state of being that constitutes Fukuyama's "end of history" gets altered, and cannot be restored. What happens then?

>> No.17646178

He literally disowned the book this thread is full of LARPers who haven't even read it

>> No.17646183

He doesn't believe in end of history anymore.

>> No.17646189 [DELETED] 

where are people even getting exposed to all this marketing? is it from watching tv? i haven't had a tv in like 10 years, and i honestly have no idea what any of these supposedly upsetting marvel movies are. the only marvel movie i was looking forward to was joker because they filmed a bunch of scenes in my city. if it wasn't for that i wouldn't have even bothered to watch it, but it was decent, not sure why people are so mad.

>> No.17646238

False equivalence because I'm not a nigger.

>> No.17646239

Trump was nothing like Caesar, except in that he was a populist.

>> No.17646240

If "comfy" is the first world you use to describe the absolute hellish nightmare that is western modern society, I think you're overlooking a few things

Purposeful suffering will always be preferable to meaningless "comfiness"

>> No.17646253

The pandemic and the measures taken are a refutation of this chink man. It will become more and more evident over the years.

>> No.17646267

Trump was much more of a Cleon than a Caesar.

(Also, Thucydides:Cleon is basically Mainstream-Media:Trump, in that the reporting is so laughably biased against him that you can see right through it if you look at it even halfway objectively).

>> No.17646305

Trump COULD have been like a Caesar, he chose to be a coward instead.

>> No.17646309

He lost tho

>> No.17646310

No, he couldn't, because he never had any legions who were 100% loyal to him, that and he is a sad combination of dumb and uncharismatic.

>> No.17646314

Cleon died too, but not after several unexpected victories that suggested he knew what he was doing, despite the obvious distaste of the elite for his braggadocio.

>> No.17646319

>Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
>By Joseph A. Schumpeter
>Reviewed By Francis Fukuyama
>September/October 1997
>Schumpeter's work stands as one of the most brilliantly wrong-headed books of the century in its central prediction that socialism would ultimately replace capitalism because of the latter's insuperable cultural contradictions. Writing in 1943, Schumpeter argued that there was no inherent reason why central planning should work less well than free markets in the production of technological innovation, a point not as glaringly off the mark then as now. The central problem with capitalism, however, was not economic but cultural: it would produce a privileged class of people who would reject the sources of their own wealth and seek a socialist order. In this he seemed quite right for many years as intellectuals and artists in the West struggled against the very system that made their discourse possible. Things began to look rather different after the Reagan and Thatcher revolutions in the 1980s and the subsequent collapse of communism. Schumpeter's book contains what is probably the most realistic, albeit minimalist, definition of democracy as a competition among elites for the allegiance of the people.

>> No.17646831

He still believes it, do you even see all his recent works and interviews? He admits that the hegemony isn’t as stable as he once thought but he’s supported progressive efforts to make it more competent

>> No.17646849

peak oil was debunked decades ago

>> No.17646854

No it wasn't

>> No.17646868

>fucking parasite as example
Peak entry level retard

>> No.17646875

>the internet is actually real and no I'm not psychotic. because the media and political environment is the only reality I can perceive

>> No.17646885

Atheists have no goal and they cling to the atheist spook of knowledge for knoweldge's sake.
They pay to go to the atheist university listening to their atheist priests, allegedly given them knowledge, and all they end up doing is flipping burger with their lots of knowledge lol

>> No.17646889
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>peak oil

>> No.17646891

yes it was

>> No.17646895
File: 32 KB, 600x655, c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasite is a good film that was also very popular, which is what these niggers are complaining doesn't happen anymore. Of course you had to posture with your "mmMUH ENTRY LEVEL" retardation when the point went completely over your head. You didn't even fucking read it, you only read "Parasite", your brain immediately recalled your letterboxd profile with only obscure Japanese and Russian films rated above a 3, got a dopamine hit, stopped reading right there and immediately made the expression in pic related as you typed your dogshit response, leading to more dopamine as you fulfilled your narcissistic fantasy of letting everyone know how (superficially) obscure your taste in film is. Pathetic faggot nigger.

>> No.17646899

Nope, oil is still finite and running out as we speak

>> No.17646902

I could easily btfo you with links but i'm not going to spoonfeed you.

>> No.17646905

that's not what peak oil is you retard

>> No.17646908

sure you could

>> No.17646911

>Peak oil is the year when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which it is expected to enter terminal decline.[2] As of 2020, peak oil forecasts range from 2019[3] to the 2040s,[4] depending on economics[5] and how governments respond to global warming.

>> No.17646912

China exists, as does Islam. Western stability/survival is no sure thing.

>> No.17646930

China's about to have a demographic bomb. Nothing to worry about desu.

>> No.17646944


Uhh. I for one have a subscription to the Criterion Channel and not to Netflix, Prime, Hulu or any of that crap.

>> No.17646962

Stop pretending humans races are exactly the same except for skin color, holy shit you know this isn't true

>> No.17646963
File: 239 KB, 1280x959, muh peak oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick, how much oil is there in the ground?

Nobody knows, fact.

When will we run out of oil?

nobody knows, fact. Peak oil statistical analysis has always been terrible, they used to think we would reach peak oil in the 80s then the 90s, then 2020, every time they are wrong and shift it back to get btfo again.

There is oil that hasn't been discovered or has but is unprofitable or impossible to extract with current technology, future technology will make this more affordable and a decline in the amount of oil extracted will raise the price and make previously unfinancially viable extraction profible. Basic Economics. (See fracking for a historical example.)

The middle east is sitting on massive oil reserves and has millions of barrels lying around.

Peak oil may realistically be 50 or more years away, if we ever reach it (new technology), even when it peaks it will decline slowly or plataeu, and it is certain that DEMAND for oil in the future will be significantly lower than it is now (renewables etc).

Say we hit Peak oil in 2040, we would likely still be extacting 70% of 2040 numbers in 2060 or whatever, it's not an instant end to oil extraction. There's a reason nobody, including academics talks about peak oil anymore.


kill yourself

>> No.17646976

Why would I fight a weak enemy that is fighting my true enemy? Eat shit you jewslave cuckboi

>> No.17646979

Life in the first world is devoid of epic and true struggle, but that doesn't mean it's not worth living.
The truth is that in the times of plenty we can only prosper trough renounciation and contemplation.
Only through the Jnana Yoga can we finally free ourselves.

>> No.17646989

*Also nobody cares about peak oil because climate change is a thing. Climate change is a more imminent threat and if we solve climate change we automatically solve peak oil so...

>> No.17646994

>a quadrillion more perspectives
Zero gratitude for what you have. What a faggot. Why not go live in the Congo you god damn jew trusting nigger lover muslim apologist. Fuck you and your fake and "quadrillion more perspectives". You are pathalogically cucked. You can not be saved. Your spirit has been cucked by Satan. You are a jewslave.

>> No.17646997

The ADL has debunked you and anything you say

>> No.17646999

>Pathetic faggot nigger

>> No.17647001

You need to take your meds.

>> No.17647002

Nobody has any idea how hard my pee pee is right now

>> No.17647005

>climate change
This is the only thing that can break the modern world at this point so I’ll give you that, we’ll have to wait and see how devastating it really gets
>peak oil
Not as important as you think
>America losing hegemony
Most modern states are molded on a liberal framework and American culture is the most dominant without any compare. English is basically the lingua franca for the world world. Even if America loses geopolitical hegemony it won’t spell the end of liberalism, most young people are absolutely intent on moving progressive

>> No.17647006

>You need to take your meds
Said the goy cattle

>> No.17647009

>Quick, how much oil is there in the ground?
>Nobody knows, fact.
Obviously. But there are two important facts: One is that total oil left in the Earth is irrelevant, the only relevant metric is how much is easily available to us (by easy, I mean the energy cost of extraction. One barrel of oil required to extract one barrel of oil from the Earth makes the job redundant). The second is that we can reasonably estimate the amount remaining to us, within this "easy" range, simply by analyzing the difficulty we have finding new deposits over time (among other methods). Fracking is one of those technologies which actually barely makes a real return, and is funded by large amounts of debt (which is to say, it's unsustainable).

Renewables are another meme, except for nuclear (and even then, nuclear can't be considered totally ideal for various practical reasons [no, I don't mean potential radiation]). All of them require large amounts of oil/coal to manufacture, so there's no reason to think they would decrease oil consumption, especially when most cars will remain petrol-based for at least another 30 years (assuming we get electric cars right now),

> they used to think we would reach peak oil in the 80s then the 90s, then 2020
The first estimate was 1970 by a single economist who was the first to decide to investigate the matter. The other predictions which came after him are obviously still estimates, so they won't exactly line up. But all of them coincide roughly somewhere in the first quarter of the 2000s. It's really just a matter of deciding which estimate is best, or even averaging them out according to a proper rule. Even the US military considers this an important topic, so I'm not really sure why you think no one is treating it seriously. The reason a lot of people don't is because they live in a fairytale land where renewables will descend from heaven to save us from oil shortages.
>he thinks we're going to solve climate change
Anyway, these issues are both linked together. If we don't stop using oil and revert to a less technological lifestyle, we will suffer the consequences of both global warming AND an oil apocalypse, whichever one comes first.

>> No.17647442

>calls someone stupid with no further clarification
>crosses arms like he won the argument
Or maybe I didn't bring up African countries catching up to first world countries because it's a fucking retarded point and impossible due to the non-existence of the physical resources on the planet for that to ever happen.

>> No.17647446

>africa ever having clean drinking water and decent standard of living is impossible

nobody said they needed to be able to afford 5 bing bing yahoos and zelda tee shirts

>> No.17647507
File: 3.35 MB, 1920x1080, [Judas] Psycho-Pass - Sinners of the System - Case 3 (Beyond Love and Hate is ____).mkv_snapshot_00.55.40_[2020.03.16_04.32.19].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet detected.
It is the height of western arrogance to think their systems will last forever or that they've already won the world over. They haven't, and they won't. America is quite literally in its death throes, but said death is so cleverly obfuscated and sustained by ingenius past systems decaying to their cores that the collapse will not be noticeable until is is all but directly upon us. The end will come faster than you could ever believe. The ship of state is full of rotten timbers but not even the rats will know to escape before the entire thing becomes our mutual grave. And then new things can begin again.

>> No.17647521

>most young people are absolutely intent on moving progressive
Until they grow up and realize they've been betrayed and have worse lives than their parent or their grandparents. There's a reason fascism is returning in vogue, progressive is the kind of disease that has to get worse before it gets better. When it's finally time for the next generation to inherit the reins things are going to be drastically different as they've been totally disassociated from reality.

>> No.17647829

I would agree with this if not for the fact that millennials are the living refutation of the idea that people would abandon progressivism as they get older. You would think that as they age they’d realize progressivism is just a manufactured chauvinistic attempt by America to refine its consumer demographics and protect its hegemony, but millennials are all adults and are deeply steeped into progressive politics regardless. It’s not going away. Every kid in the world raised on social media, American or not, is raised on the same mass culture. They’re bombarded with LGBT flags and racial cultism every day, it’s not just gonna go away, social media gives liberalism an outlet to spread almost anywhere in the world and the indoctrination is much steeper than just being a minor phase.

>> No.17648113
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I hear this a lot and I think it's important to think about the logistics of what you describe. Realize that most social media constitutes a very small part of the population despite being disproportionately vocal or conspicuous. Almost 90% of twitter posts are from 10% of the userbase for example. And how much of the population are users at all do you think? The more prominent the propaganda, the harsher the reaction to it IF it doesn't actually come from or represent normal people. And this propaganda you describe is fundamentally against normal people.

Unironically I believe the west would be more tolerant place if tolerance wasn't thrown in everyone's face at every moment. It's lost all seriousness and is just a cheap but compulsory punchline everyone is tired of hearing, and almost no-one is stupid enough to publicly go against. But that doesn't mean there is no reaction. I distinctly remember the brief outrage around the 2016 election at the fact people 'voted secretly' and that the reason Trump won is evil people not outing themselves publicly to be lynched by the mob, that this is why the polls were wrong and the left couldn't react properly in time. This was an actual thing, it was all over the news for what little that's worth. Should one laugh or cry in response? I don't know. But what I do know is this, yes, there's indoctrination, but that is something much easier to quantify and qualify compared to the negative reactions to it. As someone from a former Soviet satellite I'll say this, people do not like being told to repeat lies as the truth, and will even welcome new lies against the old.

>> No.17649437

Trump is not going to be the American Caesar

>> No.17649483

>“The end of history will be a very sad time,” he wrote

>> No.17649545

>Very naive.
It's you who is naive, you dumb cunt.
Read Spengler and then you'll see that Trump is EXACTLY the first sign of coming Caesarism in the faustian high-culture.
You probably don't even know what these concepts entail, yet you chose to reply.
Just off yourself please

>> No.17649562


>> No.17649568

I have read Spengler, and I've reached the conclusion that the American Caesar will probably emerge in 20-30 years and will be Castizo.

>> No.17649627



There's no hope for you

>> No.17649654


Read some of his poetry and Man Who Was Thursady. Have fun

>> No.17649791

I like how you really thought you were being profound and end it with “if you’re lucky enough”

>> No.17650105
File: 2.89 MB, 480x480, Zandatsu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you encounter some fascinating stuff there

>> No.17650149

thank you anon

>> No.17650321

>Not Rhodesia
I thought /lit/ was a white board

>> No.17650370
File: 86 KB, 600x580, 878C8610-9838-4E46-BD24-7A690BF812EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he think Trump was an actual alternative and wasn’t just larping as a populist

>> No.17650599

How can you fucking believe this after the world hegemon of liberal democracy elected a fascist? And he lost the next election by a sliver? Even Fukuyama has admitted he was wrong, come on.

>> No.17650699

Yes, I imagine one things "hmm, well, this is quite interesting" shortly before the machete snicker-snacks at their neck.

>> No.17652317
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if he thinks this then why does he shill for the international liberal order every chance he gets?

>> No.17652507

Everything that anon and fukiyama said was true. To make matters far worse our media has a literal stranglehold on midwits like you. They genuinely psyop'd half the country into thinking a person who has the politics of 90s Bill Clinton is a fascist.

>> No.17652564

People are literally letting their nation die from a virus because of some struggle for the ideals of freedom. If that's not heroic

>> No.17652636

The Trump years aren't even remotely comparable to previous administrations. He literally killed more Americans than WWII, and you still haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg of damage his chaotic one-term shitfest of a corrupt regime has done yet.

>> No.17652674

The West is further into decline than Spengler estimated. Remember he repeatedly said he thinks his outline of historical cycles is correct but he may have made mistakes charting specific historical events.

We had our Caesars and wars of conquest, we had our age of clashing empires. Our Caesars were Lincoln and FDR. It can be difficult to see this because history is still very occluded. For example the US civil war was more of a war between the British controlled South and the American North. The autocratic Lincoln defeated the southerners and prevented them from rebelling against the US empire (touting the confederate flag as “patriotic” is painfully ironic.)

If we were poised for a Caesar our empire would be ascendant. But it’s stalling out. We gobbled up many territories via wwII but our control is slipping and in some places has been lost.

The will of the populace is incredibly low. The psyops being ran are so effective that literally only a handful of people have an accurate assessment of reality. And for the record I still get fooled often. A good example were the riots last year. Smart people were convinced we were on the brink of civil war. Now it’s all long forgotten. The riots were no different than a music festival. At Coachella young people larp as Woodstock hippies. And last year the government and large corporations gave young people the mandate to larp as 60s civil rights activists. Of course there was violence and some deaths, they had to feel as though their enemy was real. But was power substantially challenged? Of course not. But people were placated. It was the equivalent of bowling with those rails up.

And Trump was no different. Just an impotent figure who only existed on social media and cnn. He never held the reins of power. As long as people believe the riots were “real” and Trump was “real” nothing will change. The truth is we’re being phased into some neofeudal system, and it looks very bleak.

>> No.17652683

Okay schizo.

>> No.17652802

Because he wants boredom and stability. He’s well aware that liberalism is unfulfilling but it’s the most competent system in his eyes and the one that grants the most equality even if that isn’t always a positive thing

>> No.17652929
File: 211 KB, 1154x1536, EEWF2aTU0AIgInO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you guys are telling me to sell drugs and fuck hoes, right?

>> No.17653006
File: 210 KB, 522x747, arseoob2l3t01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth is we’re being phased into some neofeudal system, and it looks very bleak.

>> No.17653030

Unfortunate isn’t it

>> No.17653084
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idk man, I'm still on some hopium. I think we're close to the age of caesars, and trump was sort of a template, like a sulla or someone who preceded him, like a marius. this kind of predation of the people can't go unabated, sooner or later they will raise a Tribune to defend them. i don't want my descendants to be literal fucking serfs.

>> No.17653222

>i don't want my descendants to be literal fucking serfs.
Nor do I, I hope my conclusions are wrong and we are approaching an age of Caesars but it doesn’t look that way to me