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File: 292 KB, 808x774, bigfivepersonalitytraits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17638180 No.17638180 [Reply] [Original]

Books about personality? Particularly the five factor model

>> No.17638901


>> No.17638906

Literally any undergraduate personality textbook
Have fun spending $250

>> No.17638910


>> No.17638914

Poorfag scrub

>> No.17639116


>> No.17639134

Jordan Peterson has done loads of research papers on this most of which are available online. If you don't want to read Peterson you can just look at the citations and see if any of them interest you.

>> No.17640160


>> No.17640659

Am I the only one who thinks personality is just long term reinforced habits? I've changed "personality" drastically through the years and seen a lot of people do the same
Honestly I think its just pseudoscience

>> No.17640753

It’s more that your personality shapes your beliefs. Your personality probably hasn’t changed significantly since childhood either.

>> No.17640765

>Your personality probably hasn’t changed significantly since childhood either.

it has, like 180

>> No.17640908

Look into buddhism :)

>> No.17640916

I like Buddhism for its metaphysical insights, but I hate their ethics

>> No.17641589

try looking into vajrayana/tantric, the website vividness is a good jumping off point for it. It might still not be your thing but it's definitely different from "consensus buddhism"

>> No.17642237

What have you read of them? For me it's too repetitive.

>> No.17642250

Agreed. I have changed and will continue to change. We are meant to transform over the course of our lives.
Many "personality traits" are definitely changeable habits. Others may not be.
At least this is better than MBTI.

>> No.17642305

We all age and grow into our personalities, but it’s highly unlikely you did a 180 on your personality, whatever that means.

I know my personality hasn’t changed all that much since I was a child despite having cognitive/mental problems all my life. I’ve always had high openness, for example.

>> No.17642771

Book on how to make neuroticisism go away?

>> No.17642875

Stop being a bitch. Neuroticism is by far the biggest indicator of everything bad in a human being, if you're neurotic you're probably a bad person

But Nietzsche I guess, also look into Spinoza

>> No.17643171
File: 95 KB, 841x605, Leary's model, comparisons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Five is fairly based, for an alternative model check out Leary's 8 circuits. Prometheus Rising is a good didactic rundown.

>> No.17643188

Mine too, mainly on my twenties.

>> No.17643606


>> No.17643919

maybe psilocybin as a good starting point

>> No.17644260
File: 84 KB, 720x635, 1613327272090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. But important to do it with close friends and not alone for this.

>> No.17644324

No access to "friends", but I generally have a fairly stable psyche... You got me reconsidering again....

>> No.17644434

I did them and got psychotic depression

>> No.17644467

Were you a choleric sort of person before? History of mental illness? I'm genuinely curious here. Oh, and did you do them alone? What did you do during the experience? Music? TV?

>> No.17644616

>Were you a choleric sort of person before?
Not really
> History of mental illness?
I had depression when I was a kid but then it went away after high school
Did shrooms and it came back
>Oh, and did you do them alone?
Nah my friends were there but we were all too out of it to talk much
>What did you do during the experience? Music? TV?
Some movies were playing but I didn't pay much attention to them
I just sat there until it was over
I didn't even have a bad trip, mostly neutral
I saw a strange and colorful almost-amorphous egg and I realized that it was pure energy and that everything that exists is energy
Probably not a very useful observation but whatever
I felt numb the next day then became more and more depressed as the weeks went by
Eventually became paranoid and delusional
I guess I'm a bit better now tho

>> No.17644663

well, here's my instant gut reaction, for whatever it's worth.
You were exposed to some spiritual truth, which, like you said, when put into words doesn't mean much, but I'm sure it's very meaningful to you, when you think about it in its raw form, before you described it with words.
So what did you do with this revelation? What was your follow-through?
I think we have to look at these experiences as invitations. Basically, you need to keep in touch with the egg. It's still there, and you should find ways to incorporate it into your life, and take it with you..
I think the depression stemmed from having this meaningful connection and then... nothing! It gets cut off, and quickly starts to be forgotten. That's not how psychedelic trips are supposed to be used

>> No.17645452

>not alone for this.
I was told the opposite

>> No.17645965

I've found them very helpful alone but they can completely destroy you and make you feel like the biggest fuck up in the world. Reveal that you are only a spec in the universe. Shows you every one of your faults. Not only show you them, but slap you down with them. Rebuilding after this destruction can be amazing. But it takes time and you can be in a worse state for days weeks or perhaps a few months. This does not always happen but it's a definitely possiblity - especially for someone more neurotic.

For helping dissolve neuroticism laughing your ass off with your friends and having the time of your life for 5 hours would be more beneficial. Both scenarios are worth exploring ime.

>> No.17646053
File: 38 KB, 550x550, 72a75deb3d4406e2ee1d39f83b921a16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books to lower neuroticism

>> No.17646088

Your attempt to think it away is part of the problem.

>> No.17646425

Personality is constant over life
The only trait that changes is neuroticism and it decreases with age
Wait it out

>> No.17646450

you don't lower neuroticism. you build. the neuroticism actually gets worse, rises with the tide, but you develop a bunch more useful methods, systems, resiliencies, fascinations, etc, added to your personality that makes the neuroticism part of the strange beast that you become.

>> No.17646462

yeah I agree it comes from your environment but at the same time your genetics influence behavior, but obviously if you grow up in one culture vs another your personality would be very different

>> No.17646494

don’t tell people to do drugs retard, just because you were so dumb that you credit them for changing your life doesn’t mean others are that dumb too.

>> No.17646665

The fact that this bullshit snares so many midwits is disgusting to me. It's L I T E R A L L Y just astrology but with psychology jargon instead of astrological jargon.

>> No.17646949

I dont get the hate
It just measures what it says it measures
Yard sticks measure yards
No one gets mad at a yard stick though

>> No.17646968

I'm more interested in what you can do with those personality tests.

>> No.17646990

Isn't this just the premise behind Soul?

>> No.17647415

Beyond good and evil

>> No.17647422

How are the functions that different from the big 5? Lemme guess
You tried the 16personalities test once

>> No.17647428


>> No.17647440
File: 27 KB, 261x400, Snoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is quite cool. Nowhere near as acedemic as some might like but it's worth a read.

>> No.17647706

How so?

>> No.17647715

It will explain to you in every way imaginable why being neurotic is terrible, you can't unsee it after reading. Also he's pretty motivational so that helps

>> No.17647870

There are some schools of thought within psychology which would agree with you. Look into behaviorism/behavior analysis.

>> No.17648114
File: 111 KB, 1242x1394, B0BAD21F-B75D-491D-97C2-81E734A4247C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacan - Seminar XI

>> No.17648126
