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17638144 No.17638144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books will break me out of the incel mindset?

>> No.17638148

Picking up a football

>> No.17638149

the bible and running sub 20 5km

>> No.17638155

No thanks, if God existed and loved me he wouldn't have made me extremely unattractive and autistic. Something that isn't just deluding yourself please.

>> No.17638172
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>> No.17638184

post a hot girl with a bio that says she's a drug dealer with 3 kids and believes climate change is a hoax and you'll get similar results

>> No.17638219

you can post an ugly girl and it'll still work

>> No.17638225

You can get the same results with Chad on any online-dating site, desu.
The idea that women generally value personality more than looks is a delusion that has caused plenty of misery and confusion.
The idea that women are somehow bad for valuing looks as much, if not more, than men do _is_ an incel idea worth condemning. There's nothing wrong with a woman preferring attractive men, just as there's nothing wrong with men preferring attractive women.

>> No.17638246

>The idea that women generally value personality more than looks is a delusion that has caused plenty of misery and confusion.
This, most women legit want to be treated like whores but invented the "nice guy" myth to save face.

>> No.17638456

>Bible means i have to believe in sky man and follow his rules
Jesus anon these books stood the test of time for a reason.

>> No.17638464

kek. Imagine being filtered by incels

>> No.17638479

Be careful with this. True for most part but the highest caliber women see right past this shit. Think girls who grew up family in tact, good education, etc. You'll need to do some real work on yourself to become the person that these woman are attracted to. And if you're smart you'll realize your not doing it for them.

>> No.17638525

Jesus fucking christ what a terrible take. Instead of wallowing in self pity because you are ugly and possibly retarded, go outside and discover His light for yourself, you fucking moron. Trees, sunny days, catching cool fish, it's all for you man. Break out of your retarded shithole worldview and enjoy it.

>> No.17638575

women want rough sex and gangbangs

women absolutely hate to be told i love them during sex. they want to be told they are hot and sluts

when the fucking is done, women want to hear they are a princess and that I love them and I am devoted to them.

>> No.17638655

Watch ALL of Wes Watsons videos, from oldest to newest.

>> No.17639206

It's over.

>> No.17639248

Self help?

>> No.17639263

watch youtube clips of sam hyde talking about likability. it doesn’t matter what girls do or how they behave, if you’re an insufferable bitch no one will want to be around you in the first place. there are cute girls out there that will love you loyally, they also aren’t the most attractive in most cases. stop fetishizing the anime trad wife woman ideal and you will be able to see more clearly the abundance of good girls waiting to enter into your life. once you get a good thing going with a sweet girl that will take care of you, all your sentiments will soften and you’ll understand

>> No.17639323

>as much, if not more, than men do
I'm writing like a retard.
as much as, if not more than, men do*

>> No.17639331

>His light
whatever, christcuck

>> No.17639337

I don't think being ugly is your problem

>> No.17639358

read Job

>> No.17639375
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My problem is I don't want to live like an bonobo chimp, malaising about in simple pleasures and sunbaking 'in his light' until a gentle death. Life ought to be fierce and passionate, and I wish to burn blazing bright like the sun. To my dismay, however, it is difficult to shine to others when they are spooked by my negative canthal tilt and other detriments of physique, such is the consequence of our fucking bullshit social standards.

>> No.17639434

Once again anon. Stop wallowing in self-pity and actual try to achieve your deprave fascist fantasies Sad thing is you won't and you'll never

>> No.17639446

bang hookers

>> No.17639453

If anything, christianity is way more fascist. An autocratic entity that arbitrarily sends his children to hell for things out of their control and can see behind every closed curtain and penetrate every mind - nothing more authoritarian about that.

>> No.17639475
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I'm surprised you said it so lightly, women consider 80% of men to be average or below average in attractiveness. It's over for non-chads in 2021.

>> No.17639515

get off the apps and social media, go outside. having sex is not an achievement, there are tons of normal looking to below average guys with gfs. you don't need to be some top 5% elite guy to get an average one-night stand or a few dates here and there. yeah, girls aren't going to fall over you, but that's how it is for everyone who isn't jawdropping and 6'3.

>> No.17639529

I would rate most men as "not so attractive" too tb.h.

>> No.17639548

>Gender differences, however, did emerge in the subjects' estimates of the effects of these characteristics on their attraction. Consistent with sex role stereotypes, males placed greater emphasis than females on physical attractiveness, and females placed greater emphasis than males on earning potential and expressiveness.


>> No.17639739

>study from 1989

>> No.17639798

get a social life and make your theories and world view from your personal experiences. Any kid today that spends most his time in front of a computer, not living his own life, not interacting with real people in the real world, that spends his time on his pc in his room is going to be destroyed by incel theories, lookism, evo psych theorizing and so on.

I can't even begin to imagine how fucked up i would be if all my knowledge about people, men, women, relationships and so on came from places like 4chan, incel forums, discord channels and so on.

>> No.17639848

But you cant rate 80% of men as "below average attractiveness", thats not how math works

>> No.17639858

but you understand what the person is saying when they say that right?

if there is a scale of 5 to 10 in attractiveness ranking and 5 being the middle point which is refereed to as average, then women rate 80% of men as less then a 5.

>> No.17639863

It's inevitable part of growing up.

Incels venerate Alpha males, yet fail to understand that:
1. Mature men posses both Alpha and Beta characteristics, that is women ideal
2. Beta characteristics is producing more then you consume (something you SHOULD BE DOING) and teaching and nurturing others
3. People that are venerated as Alpha, usually don't posses Beta characteristics and are destroying their life in a different way, with their life ruining addiction being pussy chasing or consumption of substances etc... instead of 24/7 computer and anime shit

Another thing is that you have to stop being bitter and entitled and just humble yourself and do it step by step.

>> No.17639872

>Of these three characteristics, physical attractiveness had the greatest effect on attraction. Contrary to sex role stereotypes, males and females were similarly affected by these partner characteristics.

>...The discrepancy between the experimental results and the subjects' perceptions of how the factors affected their attraction were interpreted to indicate that people may not be aware of what attracts them to another and may use “implicit causal theories” provided by the culture to explain their attraction responses.

>> No.17639880
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>the abundance of good girls waiting to enter into your life

>> No.17639885

All of them except Evola and Guenon

>> No.17639887

>2. Beta characteristics is producing more then you consume
No the fuck it ain't. How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.17639918

>China is going to become a world economic superpower, if it isn't already

>> No.17639931


>> No.17639937

Tell me more about the synthesis of the objective and the subjective, faggot.

>> No.17639980
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t. seething incels because they fail even as beta

If you were Beta, you'd be desired by someone, you are incels because you are long undesirable.

>> No.17640018

The chronically bedridden hospital patient consuming taxpayer money must be the epitome of alphadom according to your definitions. Also just lol at how your world view is derived from jpgs.

>> No.17640069

Unironically W. Anton - What women want and how to give it to them
Download it as an epub and just run through it. Although it really is a seduction book, many things you would usually be incely about kinda just ... click...

>> No.17640084
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>registering anything but Alpha/Beta
>unironically posting that pic
yeah you don't know wtf you're talking about. Anything beyond Alpha/Beta is just cope from people who aren't Alpha.

>> No.17640095

What's so great about women

>> No.17640109

why you responding to such low quality post? that image is like 5-6 years old. The poster is some 17 year old that just found his first redpill. What you reply to positive or negative is what will get posted

>> No.17640123

t. came at a "redpill" and will stagnate there for the rest of their life

Kind of strange to see my competition fail this early. More success and fulfillment in life for me.