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17637117 No.17637117 [Reply] [Original]

What is the final solution to the library problem?

>> No.17637127
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>> No.17637140

How is any of those bad

>> No.17637160

let's break it down
there are already plenty of libraries
so they can buy books you don't care about/want
to force consumption of approved media while trying to ignore all the homeless people

>> No.17637163

He just needs an outlet. Don't react to him.

If there was a way to make reading trendy it would easily be solved

>> No.17637172 [DELETED] 
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>help homeless people

>> No.17637262

Why have libraries when e-readers and piracy exist? If people aren't reading now in the most peaceful, technologically advanced period of humanity to date then what are libraries going to do?

>> No.17637268

They should just make libraries into private clubs.
I for one would pay to have a place downtown I could sit in a comfy chair and read. As long as they serve free coffee and keep the homeless out.

>> No.17637277

One of the best perks of becoming a university student is having access to big libraries and databases. So much reading material out there suddenly in hands reach.

>> No.17637282

Libraries are like community centers, they do a lot of different events and offer different services, but most of them have e-book rentals now as well.

>> No.17637284

>Why have libraries when e-readers and piracy exist?
Because I'm not a faggot

>> No.17637288

Fuck libraries

>> No.17637287

I think there is an argument that e-book stores/repositories and even pirate sources of texts are still libraries of a kind. Just not publicly funded.

>> No.17637290

Bedbug mandibles typed that tweet.

>> No.17637303

Why would I use a glorified homeless shelter when I'm not poor.

>> No.17637304
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imo the whole idea of local libraries should be to provide a space where people can study/research independently of schools and universities. the whole point should be to provide staff who can help with this, and whose expertise can guide those who might not know where to start otherwise. local libraries also often massive archives of information specific to that area, which is too expensive to digitise and cant be found online elsewhere. i agree that we need to advance the overall level of tech literacy when it comes to this stuff, but libraries are incredibly useful for this purpose. if you live in a tiny flat, or dont have a good internet connection, or a decent computer, libraries should be a place where you can go to immerse yourself in personal research with the guidance of librarians whose entire job it is to facilitate this research

>> No.17637318

Is this an American thing?
I consider myself really lucky in that the city I grew up in contained my countries national library which houses at least one copy of all literature legally published in the country. A lot of people used it as a place of independent research.

>> No.17637328 [DELETED] 

me omw to the public library to use the free computers with the other unshowered homeless

>> No.17637335

Yes, America does not have adequate housing for the homeless so they often congregate at public libraries to access the heating/air conditioning, bathrooms, and water fountains.

>> No.17637340

my public library is shit. i hope it fucking dies

>> No.17637343
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me omw to the library to sit on the computer all day next to the unshowered homeless

>> No.17637346

what problem? they are well funded where i live and they're based.

>> No.17637347

>while trying to ignore all the homeless people


>> No.17637351

Yeah, in alot of American cities and bigger towns the libraries have a bunch of homeless in them. They just sit around and use the computers mostly. My local library in northern new england is actually pretty sweet, and we dont have homeless, so depends on where you are

>> No.17637370

>Is this an American thing

Not really, more a big city thing.
I have hasidic Jews pocket jerking to women's magazines in mine.
Truly sad thing is they look around 20...

>> No.17637451

a person he dislikes said it

>> No.17637459

>gibs me dat

>> No.17637470

>Invest in publicly-funded institutions which totally won't try to control what books and information you have access to!

>> No.17637493

>why have libraries when you have these illegal sites that can vanish at any time

>> No.17637507

yeah why do that when you can pay amazon for privilege of censoring what books you have access to

>> No.17637557

The only reason I don't frequent my library is because it's full of homeless people and my bike might get stolen. Both of these problems are not issues of libraries themselves, but of urban decay.

>> No.17637582

piracy is illegal and you should be hanged
libraries offer ebooks now, it's the 21st century. and audiobooks too

>> No.17637600

>infinite supply of e-books and audiobooks
>there's only 3 available, they're all rented out so you'll have to wait for a month
>oh, and you can only borrow it for a month at a time, sorry!
There's literally no point. Pirate or just borrow a physical book.

>> No.17637602

what on earth makes you think that amazon is the only place to easily acquire books?

>> No.17637606

>they're all rented out
maybe get less normie test then?

>> No.17637612

name another

>> No.17637613

>piracy is illegal and you should be hanged

Come and try faggot, I hope your favorite author begs me to stop

>> No.17637617


>> No.17637632

>m-maybe you should just cuck yourself into reading the leftovers instead of reading what you want
Lol. Nah I think I'm just gonna go on libgen.

>> No.17637674

Privatize libraries.

>> No.17637698

The dozens of used books stores in any given city, the dozens of independent publishers online, the dozens of university presses in the western world. Are you serious?

>> No.17637708

wow, what a wide selection those all have

>> No.17637945

What's so wrong with owning books? I'd like to have my own library someday so I do buy books

>> No.17637960

Who are you trying to convince? I mean, if you've ever shopped in used book stores, with some persistence, you find all kinds of gems. I happen to live in a city of one million people, so I have quite a bit of selection, but to suggest that amazon is the only reasonable choice is retarded...the opinion of a lazy and comfortable man.

>> No.17637968

yes, you can find good things, but it's not a place you can just go and find exactly what you want the way that Amazon and other online retailers (owned by Amazon) work

>> No.17637977

ereaders are going to lay in the garbage dump for a million years

>> No.17638022

you can find all that on amazon tbqh

>> No.17638138

There are hourly book cafes that have libraries and sell coffee/snacks.


>> No.17638176

>technologically advanced
That’s why people aren’t reading. You get 10x the excitement and stimulation from jacking off to a porno or playing videogames

>> No.17638213

I like owning things, not renting access to them.

>> No.17638329

>go to local library's website
>they have a "girl's who code" workshop weekly but not a boy's one
how isn't this discrimination?

>> No.17638344

>not day drinking with the homeless guys on the 1ast floor before disappearing into the stacks of joyce criticism your library supplies

sorry you live in burgerland

>> No.17638353

I use library for novels but buy poetry, one I can use at anytime but even my favourite novels are usually to taxing to go through until years later.

>> No.17638363

Library is a good aggregate for local history

>> No.17638366

Libraries started dying right around the time drag queen story hour and similar abominations became publicized. Parents don't want their kids exposed to that filth.

>> No.17638381

Nice headcanon

>> No.17638387

Yeah, yeah, capitalism bad and evil.

I don't see the opining for libraries if not for its commodity. Even her worship of library is consumer activity in action.

>> No.17638392

It's true. The old ladies at my church with grown up children started donating their children's books to the church instead of the local library and the local homeschool group doesn't even meet there anymore.

>> No.17638427

the same solution as the one to every problem

>> No.17638452

Demand libraries.
Fund libraries.
Use Libraries.

>> No.17638453

Burn the books

>> No.17638457

how is it filth? how does it affect you or someone else or someone elses children?

>> No.17638462

Yup. I wonder what the individuals whose lives are today consumed by Netflix, video games, etc. would be doing with their lives 100 years ago.

>> No.17638476

I read quite a bit and get most of my books from the university library, but public libraries should be defunded. The public library here has been closed for nearly a year now you can only get books online. A lot of the value of libraries is being able to just walk through the shelves.
I went to my hometown's small public library a year ago and the adult books were almost all westerns, mystery, romance, biographies, and self-help books.
Just burn it all down and stop wasting money at this point.

>> No.17638478

Arktos has a section specifically for books banned by the establishment (amazon, etc.)

>> No.17638512

>how does Weimar-tier degeneracy affect anyone lol

>> No.17638561

I don't care about banned books, just normal books

>> No.17638571

I'm an (academic) librarian. Some publishers won't give licenses for ebooks because they want individuals to buy them. And most of the licenses available to institutions come with various restrictions (simultaneous user limit, total access limit, page download limit) designed to make them so cumbersome that people will eventually buy their own copies. Not to mention that a license is not necessarily permanent and you're at the mercy of the publisher to continue providing (quality and stable) access, something which not all of them do. Added to which they sometimes provide things to institutions only in bundles. So you want that economics textbook that costs $250 - you can only license it as part of an economics publishing package that costs $75,000 per year.

>> No.17638578

idk maybe we should bring in some /pol/ schizoids to do some public readings for kids, after all how would that ever effect you or the children? Just keep to your own business

>> No.17638592


>> No.17638610

>commodity fetishism is bad because um... uh....

>> No.17638613

You realize that you can very easily get e-books from libraries right?

>> No.17638614


>> No.17638619

Good thing you won't have kids m8

>> No.17638622

I wish my alma mater gave alumni access.

>> No.17638624

The nicest library in my city that is huge, beautiful and has floors dedicated to art and historical archives is often just packed with homeless people and drug dealers. It got bad enough they started having fucking security checkpoints at the front like you're getting on an airplane, all bags need to be checked and you go through a metal detector. Of course the "victims" in this were the homeless people bringing knives and liquor in, they need that as much as they need to sit and shit in the library.

Part of me loves libraries but they will always be ultimately defiled and ruined by the public

>> No.17638628

>we dont have homeless
Your city just busses them to bigger cities.

>> No.17638633

its not necessarily bad, even though you can just get books on the internet, but it's the need to whine about fucking everything and make demands of others. If you really want something done, work to get it done, dont bitch about it on twitter and expect a pat on the back

>> No.17638638

>The dozens of used books stores in any given city
There are no used book stores in my city. They all went out of business a decade ago. And pushing against mindless consooming was sort of the impetus for this thread.

>> No.17638644

>What's so wrong with owning books?
You're asking the right place for a change, since /lit/ tends not to own books.

>> No.17638645

Sounds like a shitty school. At my (state) university you can even get a visitor card for $20/yr. I think alumni cards are $5/yr. I used a visitor card for 1.5 years before going back to school.

>> No.17638656

Nah /lit/ owns tons of books as evidenced by stack/shelf threads they just don't read them. It's all for pseud cred.

>> No.17638662

I find the stack/shelf threads pretty meager, but fair point. The books /lit/ does own are solely for pseud cred.

>> No.17638672

Lol I mean there are libraries. It's not like there are not libraries.

>> No.17638703

Just build more homeless shelters so the libraries that already exist can function as intended

>> No.17638721

That's cool, but the discussion was about book censorship. If you want a publisher other than amazon, there is book depository for starters, which is cheap and just as good.

>> No.17638744

>stop owning stuff!
>noo!! don't you know how hard it is to move books???
>Don't you move around like rootless automaton seeking the next-best job opportunity??

I'm setting down roots. Lining my walls with books, pictures, memorabilia, trinkets. Filling my halls with children, merriment and conviviality.

>> No.17638761
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No shoes, No shirt, No service.

>> No.17638806

>I'm setting down roots.
Don't lie. You're a wagie doomed to rent just like everyone else here.

>> No.17638810

Thrift stores carry books do they not?

>> No.17638825

This is actually a pretty good idea, especially if they make it very luxurious and give it an exclusive feel. Pseuds will love that shit (I know because I am one).

>> No.17638838

Stop being such an indigent pauper and create your own :)

>> No.17638966

the smell of the "boy's coding club" on top of the homeless masses would be too much to reasonably handle

>> No.17638992

Libraries tend to be staffed by Lisa Simpson-wannabes and male eunuchs.

>> No.17639030

>on top of the homeless masses
where the fuck do you live?

>> No.17639034


>> No.17639065


>> No.17639149
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Yes buy this plastic funko poo instead

>> No.17639232

why would I

>> No.17639241

even if Ebooks lack some rando not wanting digital copies, the only way to remedy this is hoping your library has the book you want.
Also your library is more likely to lack books you want then the internet.

>> No.17639254

not keeping a few years of unread books in you house for the next lockdown

>> No.17639256

I don't get it. WTF is that pepe supposed to represent?

>> No.17639275
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>how does the society degenerating effect you

>> No.17639429

If you are norwegian as I suspect, then there are homeless people and druggies who use libraries, just not to the same degree as in the failed states of america.

>> No.17639471

Okay, so you're lazy and seeking absolute convenience in all things. Got it. So stop complaining about people using alternatives.

So what? The argument was that amazon can totally control what you have access to. I'm saying there are alternatives to amazon.

>> No.17639495
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Libraries are the only place I can get free books from. But for some reason I've been banned from several of them. Apparently I have to return the books. What the fuck kinda logic is that?

>> No.17639502

That's based on a real thing. Someone is selling a $35k robot that drives through supermarkets and looks for dirt or things to tidy up. It does not actually clean though, it just alerts a wage slave to clean up. You know, beep beep wagie please clean beep beep.

>> No.17639509
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>> No.17639524

Before the pandemic anyways my local library had some cool events, occasionally. I mean 1/3 was maker space trash and 1/3 was women talking to women about how hard women have it women dominated industries. The remaining 1/3 was cool and I often showed up, met some cool authors.

But as a place to get books, I dunno. I like to write in the pages, so it's not for me.

>> No.17639803

It's implying that commodity fetishism is born from a lack of an non-consumerist alternative. You can pirate any book of significance in minutes yet people still drop wads of cash on aesthetic tomes. He should, instead, make an argument of the library as a centre of public discourse rather than a respite from the capitalist takeover of literature.
It's also irritating to hear a demand, no matter how selfless, phrased so self-righteously.

>> No.17639913

peak boomer

>> No.17640203

There's nothing wrong with the idea but it's written in an annoying way by a bluecheck currynigger

>> No.17640606

no, the discussion was about amazon alternatives, with amazon's censorship being the motivating factor. Try for some nuance next time bud

>> No.17640608

I'm not complaining or being lazy, just pointing out that there really isn't an alternative to Amazon for books

>> No.17640627

>fund libraries
No thanks. I already fund more than enough communal garbage that I'll never use

>> No.17640629

the site content is unironically safer that your shitty run down library

>> No.17640642

If i had wealth and the possibility of privacy, why in the world would i ever share a library-space with the filthy public?

Do the poor not know that the rich simply don’t like their company?

>> No.17640681

Why do you care if I jerk off on the bus? I'm not hurting anyone

>> No.17640702


Another idea, don't do any political charged public reading to kids?

Also, you will never be a woman

>> No.17640710

>Part of me loves libraries but they will always be ultimately defiled and ruined by the public

This is true, and so fucking sad

>> No.17640797

She's so perfect, guise

>> No.17640855

That’s why I pirate everything I want. Plus, it has the added benefit of not having to see another human being.

>> No.17640904
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>>how does Weimar-tier degeneracy affect anyone lol

>> No.17640912

>setting down roots
1960 called

>> No.17640922


>> No.17640925


>> No.17640935

Why would I use a library? The entire concept is inconvenient

>> No.17640946
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>e-book rentals

>> No.17640953

This is the sort of bitch who'd have the authors I want to read deplatformed and their books delisted.
So no, fuck you and your libraries.

>> No.17640966


>> No.17640978

Haven't been to a library in years. Cheaper to buy the book than go through the trouble of driving 20 minutes both ways and doing so again a few weeks later to take it back

>> No.17640979

I like how hasidic jews are so terrible that other jews want them gassed. They're like gypsie jews

>> No.17640985

This is just poor cope

>> No.17641004

If blockbuster is dead for renting movies how the fuck is this communist defending physical libraries.

>> No.17641018

>library problem
Civilized countries have no problem with libraries, ameritard.

>> No.17641029



>> No.17641424

It’s mindsets like this that create horders and living situations that people ultimately regret. I work with a lot of elderly people, and all but a few regret filling their homes with useless memorabilia and books they’ll never read because they placed the same importance on objects. they then get to watch as we throw it in a dumpster so they can be shipped off to a retirement home, or so their Mong kids inheriting the house can get rid of the clutter. Owning shit isn’t a bad thing, but don’t think place too much importance on it. I’m kind of glad this mentality is dying out.

>> No.17641436

I just like owning them, bros.

>> No.17641448

The ambient of libraries are excellent to read and study. Better than what most people can get in their homes.

>> No.17641592

I know this, because I watch horror films

>> No.17641616

My institution (in France) gives us free alumni access to the physical library and to their electronic database; I just have to get my card renewed every year, free of charge

Even so, Sci-hub does come in handy from time to time, when you're trying to access the South African journal of literary studies or something

Thank you for your service, anon (if you're cool and based; otherwise, whatever)

>> No.17641625

Kek'd and check'd

>> No.17641697


>> No.17641723

These exist. Membership libraries were very popular up until the early 1900s, but a couple dozen still exist.
Boston athenaeum, NY Society Library, Mechanics Institute in SF, Mercantile in Cinci, Providence Ath. There's a brand new one in Seattle that just opened.
Having been a member at two of them, they're great. So much more peaceful, the staff are well educated, there's a wonderful collection not bogged down with shitty romance novels and boomer pop-pol books, a feeling of being able to sit down and really dig into a book. Special collections are great also – at the older/bigger ones, you can straight up request a sitting with a piece of art for an hour.

>> No.17641753

>acquire personal library
>build personal library
>use personal library

There fixed it

>> No.17641792

Do you think Libgen works on fairy dust and sugar? It's a library too, and it needs funding. Visit libgen.fun to donate.

>> No.17641800
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>> No.17641802


>> No.17641805

> Filling my halls with children, merriment and conviviality.
>I’m kind of glad this mentality is dying out.


>> No.17641813

The final solution is build more libraries

>> No.17641832

last one's bad now cuz of 'rona

>> No.17641833

I recommend getting a library card (particularly one not based on your actual identity if you can swing it) and checking out as many great books as you’re allowed and then just keeping them forever. Fuck libraries and now your own library is more powerful.

>> No.17642234

Thread theme

>> No.17642624

libary bad

>> No.17642776

And here you are whining on 4chan about someone whining on twitter

>> No.17642904

Euthanizing the homeless population.

>> No.17642965

Because no one uses libraries anymore, and even if they deserve some minimum funding to stay functional they're definitely not worthy of being talked about in this corny grandiose tone of activist slogans.

It just so happens that like everyone on Twitter this retard is mentally stuck in a post-war social-democratic mindset of unconditional praise for public services that just feels sad, pointless and performative at this point.

>> No.17643210

public services work when you have a homogeneous population

>> No.17643279

I really want to experience my library like it was before covid. They’re so cozy :(

>> No.17643284

Let's not forget that librarians make enormous amounts of money and do relatively nothing day-to-day.

>> No.17643339

>Buy physical books
>When you're done, donate ones you don't want to keep to the library
>Obtain tax write-off
>Book was free
It's not hard.

>> No.17643577

>Is this an American thing?
Any city with a significant population really,
They don't seem to bother anyone around here though.

>> No.17643586

>book depository for starters, which is cheap and just as good.
This is also amazon you muppet.

>> No.17643620

Never thought I would ever see something so specifically relatable on 4chan. I feel doxed.

>> No.17644640
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>> No.17644709


>> No.17644727

Isn't posting about it and raising awareness basically the only thing an individual can really do about this though? What else should the person in the tweet be doing?

>> No.17644735

libraries are pretty great. some librarians are nice and helpful. but libraries are irredeemably politicized.

>> No.17644756

Who’s gonna pay for it

>> No.17644765

Prove its "degenerate"
Except we know the psychological harm that being a pol schizo causes people and no matter how much you want to believe that this isn't the case, we also know that drag doesn't do that
Prove its "degenerate"
You are. Drag isn't a fetish and there's no inherent sexuality to it. This is not a discussion, I will not be responding to or even reading anymore of your posts

>> No.17644794


They truly are the worst.
I used to live next to a bunch.
Their fucking pack of mongrel childre were the most evil beings I have ever seen.

>> No.17644837

you are

>> No.17644849

*braapppp* I just go there for dvds and cds fuck off autodidact library psueds

>> No.17644850

[ verb dih-jen-uh-reyt; adjective, noun dih-jen-er-it ]
See synonyms for: degenerate / degenerating on Thesaurus.com
verb (used without object), de·gen·er·at·ed, de·gen·er·at·ing.
to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities;

>> No.17644860

how is that plebbit

>> No.17644913
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>yes, you are right, there is absolutely no need for physical libraries when we could use our e-readers and be don-

>> No.17644928

You are completely correct but nothing is going to change. Most people just view libraries as a place to borrow books and dismiss them based solely on that.

>> No.17645012
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these threads always puzzle me. it's free books. are american libraries particularly bad with their selections for some reason or is it just muh hobos and muh niggers? i live in a boring 15,000 pop town in an irrelevant euro country and my library is incredible, i'd spend all my time there if i could. it felt amazing to be there today after covid restrictions loosened up

>> No.17645036

I don't know about big cities, but the small-town/college town libraries here suck. They cater to their audience so it's mostly romance novels and biographies. I think my local library didn't even have any Plato.
If you read anything that /lit/ claims to read they're trash.

>> No.17645046

How much of book sales is people being too retarded to know how lib gen works though?

>> No.17645066
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I utterly despise libraries and the #SaveOurLibraries shenanigans you find infested in the internet, namely on the site Reddit.com. These are mere AstroTurfing campaigns to make people feel good about backing a cause which receives little to no opposition, as "surely", they think, "surely, who could be against libraries?".
This narrative couldn't be as morally wrong as it obsolete.

Libraries are worthless institutions, occupied by beggars, homeless, sex offenders, 'but alas', sayeth the Librarian, "think of the children!" Alright then, let's take a tally of these children, shall we? These snot-nosed little brats are taken to the library by their parents who think their bastard progeny, in their vernacular, 'is the next Einstein'. Wrong Mr. Mom and Ms. Dad, your little Johnny and yourselves included, yes, the whole lot of you, are pseuds.

Indubitably, you could give every child an e-reader loaded with enough books to last their lifetime, for a fraction of the price to maintain community library, yielding much greater dividends, as the depth and scope of the material will far exceed the "My friend has two dads" tier drivel that will infect their minds as maggots a carcass until there is nothing left. Liberté, égalité, fraternité, themes for the children, and pop-books for Mom and Dad, like Michelle Obama's recent book. Young Adult selection abounds too, lest we forget. To what end? The books, are limited to convey tepid neoliberal viewpoints that support the misappropriation of limited societal resources The only libraries of worth are substantially large university/city libraries.


>> No.17645112

The most effective way to make someone hate something is to defend it in an obnoxious way. So take a relatively innocuous statement for a literature forum like "libraries are good and I like them" and turn it into annoying twitter speak and you'll completely flip the opinion of a community because no one wants to be associated with whichever literal who made the tweet. Also for anyone who finds their local public library unsatisfying, see if you can get an alumni card at a nearby university. Even just as a member of the public I can consult the rare books room at one near me.

>> No.17645135

Surely it is because he said homeless people more hobbos
Is your job comfy? There's a public degree and I'm thinking about doing it but I have yet to know if it's a safe bet.

>> No.17645174

is it difficult to become a librarian in the states, or is it a joke of a profession like being a real estate broker seems to be over there? i know that it's a long and tedious training course here, and the post-graduation job competition is a nightmare. perhaps this leads to more rigorous and discerning body of librarians

>> No.17645199

>tfw homeless people can't enter my library fortress because of strict dress code and librarians free to use discretion
>tfw they beg to come in and use the toilet and get directed to one 2 blocks away

>> No.17645303

My politics are pretty different from Shailja Patel's, but I agree with her 100%. Libraries are great, buying a bunch of books is wasteful, and I wish my library system was bigger and had more books.

>> No.17645326

My library just shoots homeless people on sight. The lady librarians don't have very good aim though.

>> No.17645369

>the discussion was about amazon alternatives
Which I gave you. What's the problem with buying books that are censored on Amazon elsewhere, whilst still buying your normal stuff on Amazon? Amazon barely censors anything to begin with anyway.

>> No.17645422

I think it requires a degree in library arts or whatever they call it, but I don't think it pays very well. Maybe at universities or big cities.
I don't exactly find fault with the librarians, it's more that nobody reads anymore so they probably figure that it isn't worth having Plato for the once a decade it's checked out.

>> No.17645431

>What is the final solution to the library problem?
Having a personal library in your house that you don't let anyone see or use.

>> No.17645444

kek have actually done this before (minus the Joyce criticism), but the 40s of malt liquor get old pretty quick.

>> No.17645448

>I'm setting down roots. Lining my walls with books, pictures, memorabilia, trinkets. Filling my halls with children, merriment and conviviality.

Based. It's a privilege for the lucky few which makes it all the more sweat. Everything else is cope.
None of my grandparents were put into a home. They lived and died around there treasures. And the stuff they had wasn't fucking junk. It sucks to be poor. It sucks to have kids that dont give a fuck about you.

>> No.17645454
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>We need a safe space for readers

>> No.17645530

If libraries didn't put up with it would not be a problem. You shouldn't be allowed into a library if your are dirty or smell. And we have a ton of programs for the homeless they just have rules. Which drug addicts and crazy people don't/won't follow. Some people just like to be bums.

>> No.17645546

Will the libraries be built on designated shitting streets?

>> No.17645699

Homeless man who actually uses the library to read here, AMA. No I don't smell bad.

>> No.17645754

Ours is a homeless shelter

Sort of like how schools are babysitters for slow kids

Internet made both irrelevant

>> No.17647272

Very based post, anon, enjoyable read!
I still think libraries are a good idea really, and I read several times more than the average online library warrior, but in their present state, and with such obnoxious Twitter advocates, I just want to burn them down, with this Patel woman inside (not my cozy free alumni access university library tho)

>> No.17647283

Uses the library to read and post on /lit/? based homeless guy, do you like Hobo with a Shotgun?

>> No.17647286

Nah, I've literally never seen a nigger IRL and libraries are dying here too.
t. ex Eastern Bloc

>> No.17647334
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The libraries here not only don't have most of the books I'm interested in, but the ones that they do have are translated to swedish, sometimes after they've already been translated from another language I suspect.

>> No.17647421

Seems like an okay thing to me, but I'd wonder why you wouldn't just go to a shelter instead if you were homeless. Or maybe put a homeless shelter next to the library so it can take the library bound hobos, and let them read shit or have internet and get educated or whatever they wanna do at the library.

>> No.17647450

Fund libraries, so they can hire guards to keep the homeless out.

>> No.17647486

America is a disintegrating shithole, we really need to rangeban all american ips to make discussion possible

>> No.17647595

Funding projects similar to Gutenberg (or even better ones).

>> No.17647859

she's so pretty, I wish she didn't wear such revealing clothes and publicly whore herself

>> No.17648082

what are you interested in anon?

>> No.17648089

>Because no one uses libraries anymore
I use them, not right now since covid restrictions made taking out books a pain in the ass, but once things go back to normal I plan on using them again.

>> No.17648155
File: 16 KB, 523x587, 1589539826162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes mother I am going to the library once again
>plays world of tanks with the homeless guy for the next three hours

>> No.17648158

Maybe she's so based she's woke on the WQ and knows that's basically what women are good for

>> No.17648398


No, fuck off. I always hate when they impose their ideas like if they were orders or something.

>> No.17648463
