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/lit/ - Literature

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1763149 No.1763149 [Reply] [Original]

What books made you grow as a person?
Not just books that help you do stuff but, made you a better person? As in, have a wider point of view for example?

>> No.1763152

books have only made me a worse person no good can come of reading

>> No.1763155

also is that joanna newsom
she is so sexy

>> No.1763158
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I thought you left /lit/ forever.

OP what have you read that you really liked, and have you read anything that you felt changed you? Talk about yourself so that it is easier to make recommendations.

>> No.1763167

No I was having an existential crisis
hard to understand if you're someone like yourself who hasn't had one yet

>> No.1763171

you're a smug little know-it-all

god you are such an obvious troll, why am i mad right now, WHYY FUUUUCK

>> No.1763173

Hm ok, the thing is, I feel some sort of retaliation if the books don't fit lit's standards.
Anyway, books like "The god dellusion", "Long fuse, big bang", "A desperate cry", and I'm thinking about reading "The alchemist".
One book that hit me a lot was a biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, I think it made me more aggressive in achieving goals, I think it made me grow as a person.

>> No.1763174
File: 83 KB, 1000x928, atheists vs theists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the god delusion
How has becoming an atheist made you a better person, that is what i want to know

>> No.1763175

Well, because you posted Joanna Newsom, I feel obliged to help.

Read Paradise Lost.

>> No.1763176
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I would have to say Dinotopia.

It taught me life's greatest lessons. Love, sharing, and the gift of friendship with Protoceratops.

>> No.1763178

I'm not a know it all but i know a good amount leave your basement once in a while and you'll know what i mean

>> No.1763182


even trolls have some sort of code of honor, you take trolling too far.

>> No.1763184

I think it just makes me feel better to know that I'm in control, I'm one of those kids who felt helpless and as if there was nothing I could do to change my destiny, as if my actions were irrelevant to an end that was already set. I makes me feel free I think.
It's made me a better person simply because I feel better.

>> No.1763186
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>It's made me a better person simply because I feel better.
if murdering babies made you feel better, would this make you a better person?

>> No.1763187

listen, fags, you both suck my nuts but quentin is far worse

>> No.1763189

You must be new here. Whatever you do, do not engage Quentin.

Read some biographies and shit of people you admire.

For some reason I feel you will like the writing of Antoine De-Saint Exupery. Read Citadelle and Wind, Sand, and Stars.

>> No.1763192

Haha I could go on and explain, but it's irrelevant.

>> No.1763194

it's relevant if you don't want to seem like an idiot
but i guess it's too late for that because you've already made a fool of yourself so w/e

>> No.1763198


>> No.1763197
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>I'm in control


>> No.1763200

Yes. As long as I didn't get caught.

>> No.1763201

why do people think this

>> No.1763202

also read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

how old are you and what are you currently doing with yourself, OP?

>> No.1763205
File: 218 KB, 300x327, fuck_the_skull_of_jesus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you for getting our hopes up you useless troll

>> No.1763206

Hitler wasn't an atheist, I don't even know if he ever renounced Catholicism even. Even if he did there is no indication of him being an atheist. He seemed to always believe in some sort of god even if not a personal one.

>> No.1763208


sorry this had to happen to your thread, OP

>> No.1763209

>fascist dictator
>not an indication of atheism
what are they teaching you kiddies in school nowadays

>> No.1763210
File: 23 KB, 249x241, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with this I'm being flooded with off-topic posts. I highly recommend this to all of you, look up the 4chan filter. Then instead of posting shit like >>1763198 you can just discuss literature.

>> No.1763212
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Believing in a god is not exclusive with believing in destiny or preordained fate. Believing in a god does not require belonging to/being shackled by religion.

>> No.1763218

thx bro, may use

>> No.1763219

you'll find that there's no use in telling a dawkins-fan that
they're seriously worse than nazis

>> No.1763228

Woah my thread has be derailed beyond recognition.

>> No.1763236
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On a side note

>> No.1763237

well I made you a few recommendations, what did you think?

>> No.1763245

Al-Muthanna Club is a fascist Islamic party. There have been several fascist Islamic movements.

Hitler was a catholic and never renounced Catholicism and he was both fascist and a dictator.

"In 1941, according to the diary of Nazi General Gerhart Engel, Hitler stated "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."

In a speech delivered in Berlin, October 24, 1933, Hitler stated: "We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."

>> No.1763248


Filter, bro.

Based on your list of what you did like, I'm not sure my suggestion of Paradise Lost is what you meant, and I'm not entirely sure what would be good like that.

My recommendations would mostly be poetry stuff, which I feel you should like if you posted Newsom.

Semi-outside of that, read excerpt 5 at the bottom here:

It's a short passage taken from a letter, but see if you like it.

>> No.1763249
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>doesn't understand propaganda
it's like i'm living in the fucking stone age

>> No.1763257

anyways I guess I'm done schooling you guys here so I'm going to sleep cya tomorrow when we can do it all again