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/lit/ - Literature

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17616119 No.17616119 [Reply] [Original]

Language Learning General, Funny Zone Edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Discuss what books you want to read in your target language and why!
>Discuss the literature of different languages!
>Make frens!

Some resources (shamelessly stolen from /int/)
Read this shit some damn time:

>Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages:

>Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

>Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:
https://pastebin.com/ACEmVqua (embed)

>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

>List of trackers for most language learning packs:

>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
https://pastebin.com/3EWMhSPN (embed)

>Russianon's list of comprehensible input resources:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

>> No.17616151

salve quo modo "trannie" latine diceres?

>> No.17616353

za dom spremni

>> No.17616400
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Stolen right from /int/


>> No.17616850

yep! to be fair, they have good resources

>> No.17616908

>Some resources (shamelessly stolen from /int/)
based and rude-pilled

>> No.17616917

We should continue the book lists.

>> No.17616933

do you mean lists of books in other languages? If yes, I was thinking that. We could go from kids books to hard, experimental stuff

>> No.17616955

I've been wanting to find someone who is also in a similar situation and learning Spanish. The idea is that we would be able to text and keep each other accountable idk. I've been "learning" spanish for 5 years but haven't really improved in the last 3.

>> No.17617610


>> No.17617622

what level are you?

>> No.17617704

>I want to eat something... but what?
>I like salad, but I don't have any lettuce.
>I'm going to go to the restaurant.

>Small shops are gradually disappearing.
>It’s a lot easier, faster, and, in general, less expensive to do one’s shopping at a supermarket.
>The only exception, to some extent, seems to be bakeries.

>It’s five in the afternoon and the sun is still shining above Beverly Hills’s palm trees
>They signal their colleagues in surrounding offices to meet them in the hallway.
>She’s the one who had the great idea of hiring Maria, the youngest lawyer since the creation of this firm.

>The night I arrived, there were, I kid you not, about twenty sitting in a circle on the platform, warming their paws in a moonbeam.
>Another who was very surprised to see me was the second floor lodger, a gloomy, thoughtful old owl, who has lived in the mill for more than twenty years.
>In the time it took to crack open a window, frrt! the encampment broke up, and all these little white behinds with tails in the air were bolting into the thicket.

>> No.17617714

Like a low A2 I guess

>> No.17617719

some translation exercises for you

>> No.17618227


>> No.17618250

>warming their paws in a moonbeam
That's not B2 you dumb faggot, half the chavs that inhabit Britain don't know what a fucking moonbeam is, and couldn't speak like that if they wanted to.

>> No.17618269

I copied this off of /int/. I'll start making my own challenges next thread

>> No.17618588


>> No.17618599

It's literally ripped from a French language lesson as a B2 sample. If you think you know more, create your own.

>> No.17618974


>> No.17619034
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>> No.17619069
File: 90 KB, 500x750, 8364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right in the feels...


>> No.17619333

/int/lang vs /lit/lang war?

>> No.17619389

trips confirm

>> No.17619453

I mean that video pretty much sums up learning anything in general, and obv really good. In retrospect I'm glad that I've found lang learning & it's changed a lot of things for the better.

>> No.17619740

>Я хoнy ecты чтo - нибyдь...нo чтo?
>Mнe нpaвитcя caлaт нo y мeня нe ecты caлaтa.
>Я идй в pecтopaн.

>Maлeнькиe мaгaзинчики мeдлeннo иcчeзaют.

Don't know enough to try the rest.

>> No.17619793

Why's that an ethnic, not language, map?

>> No.17619820

because I'm a retard who googled "balkans linguistic map" and picked the first image kek. I will try not to be such a tard next time

>> No.17619940

How is this different from the /int/ thread?

>> No.17619973

at some point I want us to compile lists of books in different languages from easiest to hardest. other than that and being more literature focused in genera, it's not that different really but I think /lit/ will benefit from having one language general instead of the occasional shitty threads we get

>> No.17619978

This, and it's a bit slower & chill

>> No.17620044

No we are to be friends. Please be nice to our /int/ brothers

>> No.17620059

I guess I'll post in both for now, I've always wanted to read more literature. Even if my target language isn't extremely famous for it

>> No.17620169

Based retard

>> No.17620596
File: 10 KB, 442x152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we really shouldn't associate ourselves with /int/ pic related...

>> No.17620670

Anybody know of a good French textbook to work through? I do best with physical copies and don't want to waste my money

>> No.17621164

How to improve vocabulary without spending hours setting up a good anki deck?

>> No.17621499

use someone else's anki deck

>> No.17621677

I'll have a go

>Quiero comer algo....¿pero qué?
>Me gusta la ensalada pero no tengo lechuga.
>Me voy al restaurante.

>Las tiendas pequeñas van desapaciendo poco a poco.
>Generalmente es mucho más fácil, rapido y barato hacer la compra en el supermercado.
>La unica excepcion, hasta cierto punto, paracen ser las panaderías.

>Son las cinco en la tarde y el sol sigue brillando por encima las palmeras de Beverley Hills.
>Señalan a sus colegas de las oficinas de los aldredores para que se reunan en el vestíbulo.
>Ella es la unica que tuvo la buena idea de contratar Martha, la abogada más joven desde la creacion de este bufete.

>La noche que llegué, no estoy bromeando, estaban sentados en círculo en una plataforma, había aproximadamente veinte a la luz de la luna calentando sus patas
>Otro que se sorpendio al verme fue el residente del segundo piso, una lechuza sombría y pensativa que había vivido en el molino durante más de veinte años.
>En el tiempo que se tardo en romper la ventana, ¡frrt! el campamento se disolvio y todos estos culos blancos con colas en el aire fueron corriendo hacia los arbustos.

I would like to know how I did, honestly I had to remind myself of a couple of verbs (caliento, disolvio) and I did not know the word for law firm (bufete) and I had forgotten mill (molino).

>> No.17621707

I also noticed I used "lechuza" over "buho" which I presume would be the more conventional translation. Las lechuzas son más pequeñas y lo que nosotros (en inglés) llamamos "barn owls" verdad?

>> No.17621866

Aight coolio
There's barely anyone who contributes to the wiki, unless you want to change that :)

>> No.17621906

Help me learn French bros I have taken a couple courses in uni and can read write and speak a little bit what now.
Any online resources of like short stories at beginner level or for young children I can read?

>> No.17621955


Download this. Listen along here


Make a list of vocab per chapter, memorize them and don't move on to the next one until you know all the words and grammar structures without trying. Bonne chance.

>> No.17622734

any portuguese bros have yt channel recs for INPOOT? I like ones on history or literature. Recently found one by a br milf who talks about philosophy.

>> No.17623207

pic is dangerously based, what do you want?

>> No.17623240

What's the problem with it? That it looks a bit messy?

>> No.17623785

Gallus nomen erat Magnae Matris sacerdoti, cuius eviratio ac feminatus cultus mihi simillimus nostro mori in antiquitate videtur. Similis religionis sacerdotes, idest cultores deae Syriae, ab Appuleio simpliciter dicti cinaedi, scilicet "faggots" vel "catamites"; et a Catullus in carmine LXIII Atthis notha mulier dictus - vel dicta, enim post evirationem sicut femina appellatus. Praeter illa tamen vereor ne aliquis non sit modus latine ad "trannies" appellandos.

>> No.17623793


>> No.17623903

>professional linguist here
Probably won’t check this thread again

>> No.17624141

Bonjour à tous !
Bonan matenon!

>> No.17624494

who the fuck said that

>> No.17624541

>professional linguist
just a fancy way of saying monoglot

>> No.17624883

can any italians recommend me italian sitcoms that I can watch for free online

>> No.17624884
File: 934 KB, 2550x3300, Large_Rusyn_emblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carpathian Rusyn here! We're super rare so take this opportunity to ask questions

>> No.17624891

How many native speakers does your language have? Do people learn it? Is there any literature written in the language?

>> No.17624901

do you see your culture surviving?

>> No.17624944

In my village of roughly 5,000 people of Ruski Krstur in Serbia, we do speak our own language and have our own schools here. Although some teachers are Serbs for certain subjects, most of them are Rusyns. As for literature, I'm not too sure, but we have children's books for sure. There's around 300,000 people that are Rusyns, although I'm not sure how many actually speak it.

>> No.17624950

use LWT, or FLTR

>> No.17624986

that's a difficult question. Although I absolutely want it to, I'm not sure if it will. There are many Serbs moving into Ruski Krstur (my village) and many youths here wish to move out of the village. Back in 2003, many Rusyns moved to Saskatchewan in Canada, and there are big communities there. The children are dating people from other cultures, and forgetting the language. My own sister has married a man from Honduras and had children with him. Although this is completely fine, this is just one example. In short, I see the Rusyn culture dying out very slowly which is a shame.

>> No.17625571

What's that?

>> No.17626088

why did you quote "learning" does that mean you study like once a month?

>> No.17626149

no nones going understand the inpoot meme outside /int/ you autist

>> No.17626215

Is it counterproductive to learn two totally different languages simultaneously, assuming you have the time? I've been learning French for about a month on my own and have a great opportunity to learn Mandarin.

>> No.17626235

Пoздpaв бpaтe
Кoји нapoд јe пo тeби вaмa нaјближи?
Кaкo вac тpeтиpaјy нaши?
Плaниpaш ли дa oдeш пpeкo?

>> No.17626247

for languages as different as french and mandarin, I don't imagine it will be too hard

>> No.17626277

i've started studying Gaelic to spite Ossianfag

>> No.17626304


>> No.17626544

Zdravo brate, barz mi milo ze si se pital mnje.
Najblisi varos pri mnje to Kula, a druhi valali jest; Lalic, Hodzak, i Kruscic. A za druhih Ruski valaloh, njeznam. Co ja znam, sami zme u Vojvodini.

Serbi se dakedi cuduju ked besedujem po rusynski bo dumaju ze som od Rusiji. Alje, Serbi dobre ljudze i dobre su pri nas. A ti brate? Od kadzi ti? Slovackej?

>> No.17626925


>> No.17627484

Cpбин caм, зaтo питaм кaкo вac тpeтиpaјy нaши
Зaнимљив јeзик, cвe caм paзyмeo, мaдa знaм мaлo pycки и пpичao caм ca дpyгим Cлoвeнимa пa ми тo вepoвaтнo пoмaжe дocтa

>> No.17627497

Any suggestions for relatively easy French literature?

>> No.17627670

the stranger

>> No.17627735

gonna start collecting lists of books for different difficulties in different languages. Shall I use the levels (A2, B1 etc) or more easy to understand categories like kid's books, YA etc?

>> No.17627745

i find if you want to learn Serbian easily, have a copy of the alchemist in Serbian and one in English and compare the two, it helped me relearn stuff.

>> No.17627757
File: 30 KB, 721x617, Eq8lHx1W4AE0Yob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

아이돌충 되어버렸네
조심하세요 다들

>> No.17627765

I think more easy categories, I have no clue what "a1" means

>> No.17627829

also, what about poetry?

>> No.17627851

Do you guys take notes while learning?

>> No.17627858

how do you mean?

>> No.17627871

Like, writing things down if you want to remember them?

>> No.17627897

definitely. my method is that I explain it to myself as best I can, then I limit myself to, say, 20 words. then 15, then 10 and maybe then even 5. even if the 5 word explanation isn't useful, the process of abstracting the concept that far is

>> No.17627960

I think I will do it in categories as they are easier to understand and allow more freedom. what difficulty categories would you sort books into. here's my initial thoughts:
>kids picture books
self explanatory
>easy chapter books
stuff like roald dahl, maybe for 7 to 11 year olds
harry potter, hunger games level
>easy novels
orwell, george eliot, steinbeck. great but not hard
>hard(er) novels
pre ulysses joyce, war and peace, maybe Dostoevsky
Ulysses, Shakespeare, basically stuff that plays with language a lot and so may be hard to non-native speakers

if you disagree, either with my categories or my choices for them, let me know your ideas. also, as you can probably tell, I divided these with prose in mind. please let me know of your ideas for dividing poetry

>> No.17628260

seems OK

>> No.17628676

which romance language has the best literature (no french, i already know it)?

>> No.17629333

Should I be using some sort of additional resource on the side with LLPSI? I've only recently started it and so far I'm just using it and checking words I'm not 100% on with a latin dictionary. Is that good enough to get through it all?

>> No.17629385

Get Latine Disco, a more through grammar guide than what is provided at the end of each chapter on LLPSI, and the exercise book "Pars I Exerciia Latina I" off libgen. Download anki and get the premade LLPSI deck.

>> No.17629797

They look helpful, thanks

>> No.17631409

>Я хoчy ecть чтo-тo, нo чтo?
Кyшaть is a more colloquial way of saying eat which you might also hear. Чтo-нибyдЬ is also technically correct.
>мнe нpaвитьcя caлaт, нo y мeня нeт caлaтa.
>я пoйдy в pecтopaн.
The word for “will go” in this situation is perfective. When you learn new verbs try to learn the imperfective and perfective forms (not all verbs have both). It’s definitely one of the more challenging aspects of Russian grammar coming from English. Also verbs of motion can be challenging so those are worth studying as well.

>> No.17631583

pls answer

>> No.17631605

here's some (easy) translation exercises for you:
I eat it
I don't think that that is a good idea
he is very fat
I will do it tomorrow
I used to speak to him everyday
I would think so

>> No.17631606
File: 445 KB, 1280x1200, 1524537219279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the best option would be to make a chart that represents it on a spectrum like pic related.
Maybe with a "language difficulty" axis and a "plot difficulty" axis I'm not sure

>> No.17631618

yeah, maybe that's a good idea. I'll start collecting some book lists today

>> No.17632165

вoт, пpocти, нo "кyшaть" звyчит нeмнoжкo пo-дepeвeнcки. нaдo ли peкoмeндиpoвaть иcпoльзoвaниe этoгo cлoвa инocтpaнцaм или нeт? пo-мoeмy, нeт. ecли ктo-тo мнe тaк cкaзaл бы, тo я eмy или ee cкaзaл бы, чтo тaк нeльзя.

for the learning anon: кyшaть doesn't sound colloquial but uneducated. you're too new to want to toy around with registers of language. just learn the standard, and neutral colloquial phrases.

>> No.17632179

apparently there are ~2.8k of you in croatia. I speak a few slavic languages. not yours, though. do you have any example document, poem or story, I could take a look at?

>> No.17632198

Thanks for the corrections and advice! Most of the resources I have been using apparently teach very formal Russian, so that's why the vocabulary I know may sound stilted. I'll make a point to focus more on the verbs as you said.
Thank you for clarifying.

>> No.17632255

btw, (I'm the anon who is against using кyшaть), make sure your textbooks are new. new new. soviet russian is different than 90s russian is different than today's russian. also 00's internets language is very much not today's internets language. grammar is same but everything else..

btw re: your sentences. "Maлeнькиe мaгaзинчики" is too much. diminutives are good, but can sometimes change the meaning. in any case, pick one: [adjective meaning "small"] + noun, or just deminutive without such adjectives.

>> No.17633102

Just curious, what languages are you starting with?

>> No.17633111


>> No.17633145

though probably with focus o French, German, Spanish, Italian and maybe Russian as they're probably the most learned

>> No.17633988


>> No.17634022

yeah if I was being paid to learn Spanish I certainly could be fluent in it by now but as it goes currently I probably put around 1 hr weekly towards studying. It's not enough to gain much more knowledge but it's enough to slow the rate of decay I suppose.

>> No.17634701


- What time is it ?
- He's going to the sea
- He does not drink beer
- He has two cars

-Tthe boy I met yesterday is my best friend's brother.
- Is there enough hot water for everyone?
- I've had a headache since yesterday, so don't complicate things !
- Since he has a bad temper, he will never get married.

- Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's metabolic activities.

- Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules through a selectively permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration, in the direction that tends to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides.

>> No.17635491

Fair point on кyшaть. It’s definitely not necessary to use, but I think it’s worth knowing what it means. I heard it used more often in the home, among family. Very casual situations. Usually from an elder. But you are very right that as a beginner it’s best to just learn the standard language.

>> No.17635515

I am also Carpathian Rusyn. My family came from what is now Slovakia, very close to the border with Poland. Any resources on learning the language? Even just published books would help. My family lost it in my grandmother’s generation as they assimilated to the USA.

>> No.17636078

Since lechuza is feminine I would say otra que se sorprendió al verme fue la residente...