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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 265 KB, 1067x840, Screenshot_2021-02-23 The Autobiography of Malcolm X X, MALCOLM 9789990065169 Books - Amazon ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17625464 No.17625464 [Reply] [Original]

I got this book after seeing it posted on one of those book reading charts and thought I'd read a PDF copy for the memes. I thought it'd be funny to read such an edgy book but after just a few pages I realised that this was a special book. I immediately ordered a copy to read since I now decided to take reading this book seriously. But as I was reading I felt weird.

No, it's not because of the themes of the book but more so because of it's background. I'm a white kid from east Seattle and reading this book has always felt weird for me to the point where I have to put it down because the feelings too intense. The book feels like it was written for lower class black folks who take their hoes out cruising in the drop top or take trips to the Bronx for the holiday. I've always felt as though the book wasn't written for me or someone like me and instead I'm invading into a world that isn't mine where people drop the last syllable of every word and use fists to describe how they feel. Perhaps it's a inferiority complex but I have always felt like this while reading it. I can imagine being in the X household while I read as the only misplaced white folk. Or if I had met Malcolm he would have most likely tried not to make eye contact with me and say "I am not your negro yakubite". I think I'm over thinking but it's how I feel when I read these classical books. Like I'm not supposed to but I do genuinely enjoy reading it. I have read the book twice now and each time I'm at a loss of words at Malcolm's near limitless lexical ammunition. But despite this I can't shake off the feeling like I'm simply intruding on another culture. Trying to insert myself in a culture and adopting a set of value that clearly aren't mine.

Also, general Malcolm X thread. Some parts of the book are intense and make me think that Malcolm had to have been somewhat of a savant since the way feelings are expressed come off as too real.

>> No.17625477


>> No.17625482


>> No.17625502

whites aren't allowed to read about blacks.

That's raycis.

>> No.17625507


>> No.17625631

You're very articulate OP.

>> No.17625643

>take trips to the Bronx
nobody does this, white kid from east Seattle confirmed

>> No.17625650

this lol

>> No.17625660

Lolita hand negro set the nigra populace back two decades with that post

>> No.17625792

Why are you white

>> No.17625843

My mom and my dad's wife's boyfriend are both white.

>> No.17625847

smol brain

>> No.17626061 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 720x480, also fuck women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Malcolm X lived as a house nigger and died one. If you care about anything he has to say you are either a midwit or a woman.

>> No.17626581

niganon btfo

>> No.17626615


>> No.17626621

Bear in mind that by the end of the book and his life, Malcolm X realized all his old views were wrong. He dropped the black supremacism and black separatism and accepted a more egalitarian and universalist perspective, while still fighting for black civil rights. The Malcolm X who lived a short while before NOI crooks probably killed him would have given you a manly hug and invited you to worship God together. He would have looked past your skin color. He repudiated his old character toward the end of his life. Anyway anon, I have what might seem to be a very unrelated question to ask: Ever listened to Ruby Vroom by Soul Coughing? Particularly the song Blue Eyed Devil? If you have, you'll know why I ask.

>> No.17627347

maybe you enjoy it because you think it's forbidden?
We don't mind you reading black authors btw

>> No.17627405

lol fuck off

>> No.17627478

I heard that Black books are printed in white ink on black paper. Is this true?
I'm too scared to read one myself but I need to know

>> No.17628642

Good, it seems like you've learned to check your privilege. Your picket fence and pristine lawn is built on the foundation of the oppressed and dispossessed.

>> No.17628716

You fucking get it my guy. Malcolm X changed my fucking life. FUck anyone who says a non-black person can't be influenced by this fucking GOAT.

there's plenty to criticise if you want to take your time on that, but it's still a powerful book and to brush it off a priori is a kind of ignorance not worth engaging in

>> No.17628738

if you replace the word white with globalist it works

>> No.17628837
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>> No.17628870
File: 62 KB, 976x850, frog picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why does /lit/ jump on the "YAAAAS DADDY MALCOLM X" bandwagon so hard exactly? You people do realize the entire Civil Rights movement is completely bogus, right?

>> No.17629717

the book literally convinced me that i could fix my drug problem and do better in school. go fuck yourself

>> No.17629731


>> No.17629780


>> No.17629894 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 782x788, 1611085573394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED. Blacks should read black lit; whites should read white lit. Blacks shouldn't need to see themselves in white lit just as whites shouldn't have to see themselves in black lit. I fucking hate modern niggers who cannot stand the inferiority of their own prose and insist on having to identify with western prose instead.

>> No.17629911
File: 102 KB, 431x442, bizarroworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17629914

Alright this was pretty funny.

>> No.17629916

Can’t believe I just got to witness the birth of a copypasta

>> No.17629948

Based segregation enthusiast

>> No.17629977

Posting for posteriority yatta

>> No.17629978

For me its because Malcolm proposed political Islam as the cure to America before it was cool.

>> No.17630075

It’s written for anyone with a brain, anon. Which a lot of the times isn’t the downtrodden negroes you describe. Malcolm X had an urban background (which isn’t at all the same as being a merely uneducated nigger) but he wrote for anyone with a sensitive soul and a keen wit. He one said:
>You don't have to be [black] a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to be an intelligent human being.
He wrote for the true kangs: those with an alert spine, a discerning inner ear and the heart of a warrior. Read on and don’t worry about color.

>> No.17630091
File: 13 KB, 489x423, Couch_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Malcolm X who lived a short while before NOI crooks probably killed him would have given you a manly hug and invited you to worship God together. He would have looked past your skin color.
As he leaned in for the hug I would have turned around, dropped my pants and blown a fart right in his face chanting "u a stinky nigga, u a stinky nigga" in delight.


>> No.17630152

I actually laughed at that

>> No.17630283

>For me its because Malcolm proposed political Islam as the cure to America before it was cool.
Nation of Islam =/= Islam. The actual nigger was shocked to learn that people he encountered in the Middle East didn't buy the idea that some African scientist man created all non-African races and that this was also somehow in line with Islam doctrine.

>> No.17630989

malcolm x is proof that any pipe dreams of a ethnostate utopia is fundamentally retarded.

>> No.17631280
File: 287 KB, 1054x1600, napoleon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your favorite biographies (or autobiographies)? Favorite by any metric: subject, prose, comprehensiveness, etc. I've been reading this one on Napoleon in my spare time and I've been really enjoying it.

>> No.17631390

Ok, it's offical. I've peaked at life

t. blackhand anon

>> No.17631417

Why is frewg drinking baby formula

>> No.17632155
File: 44 KB, 625x614, 1603744141232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am not your negro yakubite"

>> No.17632220


Holy shit.

>> No.17632240

Not a biography but Adam Zamoyski's 1812 is well worth reading after you finish the Roberts book

>> No.17632345

The only autobiography I've read is Limmys Surprisingly Down to Earth, and Very Funny

>> No.17632375

I agree totally, this a brilliant book and the redemption he goes through towards the end genuinely moved me

>> No.17632595

As far I know malcom X cared less for civil rights and more for permanent seperation between blacks and whites, which makes him much more understandable than martin luther kang

>> No.17632600


>> No.17632678

Malcolm X was a strange figure. He educated himself in prison by reading every book in the library including the dictionaries. White supremacists actually liked him because he supported the whole "back to Africa" movement and was a black separatist rather than an integrationist like MLK. He was open towards violence and a promoter of Koranic self-defense rather than a "turn the other cheek" pacifist Christian. (It's fitting that he was murdered by three black Muslims for having criticized a guy with the name Muhammad!) He said the assassination of JFK was a good thing. He also dug into liberals and said something which is quite pertinent even today:
>The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative.

>> No.17632712


>> No.17632761

>as told by random author
Americans are Baudrillard's wet dream

>> No.17633446

I don’t give a fuck might is right. Come take our shit faggot but you can’t because you’re weaker. Same thing with the Indians. Fuck them it’s our land now. If you want it stop us bitch.

>> No.17634511

>As far I know malcom X cared less for civil rights
Where did you get this from? He's one of the most pertinent figures in the entire movement.
>and more for permanent seperation between blacks and whites
Not mutually exclusive with the civil rights movement.

>> No.17634520


>> No.17634537

I HATE niggers.

>> No.17634543

>>The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative.
Today, it's honestly the opposite.

>> No.17634777
File: 35 KB, 596x739, 1539484615399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not.

>> No.17634870

Civil rights is entirely about leaching off of the white man, separatism is entirely opposed to civil rights and liberalism in general.

>> No.17635150

>Civil rights is entirely about leaching off of the white man
Yes I know you're a crazed ideologue, but you obviously know that's not what the definition is.
>separatism is entirely opposed to civil rights and liberalism in general.
Being a public advocate for certain freedoms and conditions that were previously unavailable IS civil rights, you fucking midwit.

>> No.17636419

Lmao based pasta. Rip black anon

>> No.17637788

I hope this isnt ironic because I really appreciate this as a Black person.

I'm not saying white guilt is what you should feel, but sometimes its a necessary to remove certain artifacts of racism from your brain. We all have them, it's just a matter of keeping vigilant.

Also, to the MLK haters, he wasnt turn the other cheek, that was a front for white folks essentially.

>> No.17638196

You're pushing it

>> No.17638205

incredible satire op