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17620161 No.17620161 [Reply] [Original]

>working a $80k/year wageslave office job but spend entire time reading literature on the computer

>> No.17620179
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>working a $120k/year wageslave public sector job, but with COVID I now work from home, which takes ~30-60 minutes a day and leaves the rest of the time available for reading/shitposting/etc.

>> No.17620256

Extremely comfy. I wish I'll be able to do that when I get my first job out of uni. But the most likely scenario is an internship where I get overworked and payed in compliments, or some shit like that

>> No.17620268

>a $120k/year wageslave public sector job,
>takes ~30-60 minutes a day
this is the ultimate neetbux right here

>> No.17620319

What fucking job pays that in the public sector? Other than congressmen or senator

>> No.17620404
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>Other than congressmen or senators


>> No.17620479

What job pays this?

>> No.17620550

job? I want

>> No.17620598
File: 111 KB, 996x720, 71395D22-81C9-49DE-A8E9-E87851BDAF94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> working $40k a year wage slave office job and have so much work from 8-5:30 I can’t even take a lunch break.

I’m so tired. I will kms soon.

>> No.17620648

Think congressmen get more actually, like 180k per year.

>> No.17620665

>working 50 hour job studying electrical engineering, while getting myself into debt with no job guarantee at the end of it. So tired at night that I can't be bothered even shit posting.
My head hurts at all times. Legit can't remember no having a headache.

>> No.17620666

i work at Aldi's

>> No.17620678

i know someone who lived his whole life this way. he's a serious alcoholic and he's going to die at 70 from liver disease

>> No.17620702
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>Work a salaried 50k job
>can get my job done in 20 hours
>Terrified I'll get let go when the bosses find out
>TFW currently comfy but long term dread
Books for this feel?

>> No.17620788

kek @ thinking I'm a politician. I am not and have no desire to be one. I'm a policy/budget analyst for a large municipal government. Have been posting here for a long time. My first job out of university 15 years ago was essentially the same thing that I do now (though it paid around $40k), and I gradually worked my way 'up,' which basically means while I do similar work I now do it with people who head departments and agencies instead of their lower-level employees. Moved jobs a few times too which came with bumps in pay. COVID has turned this into 100% easy-street.

I've been in management positions before too and they can be fun, but they require a ton more time even if the work is remote.

>> No.17620798

That's like 68 very comfy years though.

>> No.17620819

he's a musical genius but he only ever played in jazz bars, never recorded anything except some improv onto shitty cassettes. he hasn't played the sax in 30 years. the alcohol stole his creativity from him. he just consumed other people's art and stuffed down his feelings until the end. his children are suffering. you do not want his fate.

>> No.17620830

Checked, wagie life is hell

>> No.17620833

Don't be afraid. Your bosses (unless they are the owners of the company) care more about you getting your work done than they do about your productivity per hour. Firing someone because they can get their work done in half-the time, and hiring someone who is an unknown, is not worth the headache.

>> No.17620869

Why isn't he comfy?

>> No.17620958

he is in pain. he drinks to dull the pain but the pain never resolves. he never heals. he passes the pain on to his children. i fall in love with his daughter and I watch her drink herself to death from 3000 miles away

>> No.17621029

Where the fuck is my cushy job reeee
Just give me money you fucking rich pieces of shit.

>> No.17621049


>> No.17621051

congressmen are paid in stock tips

>> No.17621059

lmao I want to be head of a NEET union. We will make all kinds of demands on NEET management and we will strike by going to work until our demands are met.

>> No.17621064

No someone just give me money to invest. A chimp could invest and still make money half the time. It's the easiest and most bullshit way to make money but you need money to do it.

>> No.17621070

Didn't you get some TrumpBux last year?

>> No.17621255

How do I get a good job?