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17617693 No.17617693 [Reply] [Original]

Two hundred and thirty three years ago on this day this based man was born.Say something nice about him.
C.G. Jung:
>One day people ... will build monuments to Schopenhauer!

>> No.17617702

His mother was right about him.

>> No.17617731

Be that as it may, he was also right about her.

>> No.17617732

I ain't read him yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.17617734

Happy birthday, Schopie
Fuck off. His mother is a nobody who, as he predicted, is only remembered through him

>> No.17617774

He’s remembered by juveniles such as yourself.

>> No.17617797

I'm sure you are very much an adult calling people "juvenile" on Greco-German philosophical development forums online.

>> No.17617799

Let's take a look at all of the people he's inspired:

>> No.17617820

Just the fact that you this board that way proves my point. You don’t care about about beauty or candor, but “philosophy”.

>> No.17617829

All frauds, every one of them. Tolstoy had genius but he forced fraudulence on himself frequently and it was assuredly this side of him that was drawn to Schopenhauer.

>> No.17617831

I know nothing about this guy other than he hated his mom and thinks women are whores
which obviously is down to mommy issues and that resonates with me but I know fuck all about philosophy

So what work of his do I start with?

>> No.17617838
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>> No.17617840

What would Schopenhauer answer to James Joyce's musical passages?

His aesthetics kind of gets weird when you think about all the 20th century art.

>> No.17617851
File: 10 KB, 216x233, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A handful of the greatest composers, philosophers, writers, psychoanalysts, and scientists are all pseuds! It is I, stupid fucking 4chan poster, who is the true genius!

>> No.17617865

Start with the Greeks, but it may not hurt to read some of Schopie's essays first. But if you want to really start with him, read On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, then The World as Will and Representation.

>> No.17617871

That’s right.

>> No.17617877

>They’re the greatest because academics told me they are! Do not contradict L’Academie!

>> No.17617880

Before reading Schopenhauer, you need to be familiar with the philosophies of Plato and Kant. As for Schopenhauer himself, start with the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, move on to The World as Will and Representation, and finish with the selection of his essays and aphorisms from Parerga and Paralipomena published by Penguin.

>> No.17617900

It should be illegal to possess images of this man.

>> No.17617901

You would be right about that, as there is even academic literature to link his views on women to his mother's behavior. But Schopenhauer is much more than that! As the anon above pointed out, founding figures of the 19th and 20th century all loved him. If you are in the mood to begin with his chief work, start with The World as Will and Representation. Or you could start with his treatise on Kant where he lays out his epistemology: The fourfold root of the principles of sufficient reason. If you want to start with secondary literature, Bryan Magee's work on him is great.

>> No.17617919
File: 102 KB, 940x658, 1601056889945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any Western philosopher be more based than Sri Schopenhauer?

>> No.17617949

>'ate loife
>'ate Neetshey that fooker
>'ate me mum
>'ate jews dem tricky shits
>luv sadness
>luv musicks
>luv Goethe
>simple as

>> No.17617962

Is this what happens when anglos try to into German philosophy?

>> No.17617975

schopenhauer was german not a brit bong

>> No.17617989

Unhappy birthday Schope! :/ Hope you're glad to be dead!

>> No.17618043

It's only fitting we play some music for the occasion: What do you anons propose?

I say:


What Schopenhauer enjoyed, and what Schopenhauer led to the creation of.

>> No.17618099

So where the fuck do I get all his stuff? There a torrent or an archive.org link?

>> No.17618101

irrelevant music
incel-tier philosophy
French-copying faggot
could have been a good thinker but had to make everything about himself
literally a joke only taken seriously by schizo and self-developing faggots
contributed nothing that he owes to schopenhauer, was wrong about quantum physics
contributed nothing that he owes to schopenhauer, was wrong about quantum physics

>> No.17618131

Check the sticky.

>> No.17618141

You only make them all the more endearing. I salute your efforts!

>> No.17618166

I mean for a collection instead of the usual single issues but thanks anon

>> No.17618178

That’s right.

>> No.17618187

Holy cope

>> No.17618188

I'm not aware of a collection like that. He only published a handful of books though. It wouldn't take long to download them individually.

>> No.17618215

Proust, Borges, Wittgenstein, Nabokov (see sons writing on his last words)

>> No.17618224

Says the English mutt.

>> No.17618230

his mother was a worthless whore

>> No.17618235

Lol please get the actual full two volume version of P&P. Jesus. PLEASE. Also, you may start anywhere, although if you’re troubled you should refresh on Kant and P. Even though he says start there, he elsewhere says his philosophy is like Thebes and there are many gates (prize essays)

>> No.17618298

Why are there no temples to the Will? Where is the incense and where are the hymns?

>> No.17618315

What do you think are the Hindu temples? Even Abrahamic religions worship it, though they dress it in so many dogmas.

>> No.17618320

>What do you think are the Hindu temples?
t. never set a foot in India

>> No.17618333

First incel

>> No.17618378

Of course I haven't. I have read Schopi's writings and the Upanishads though. Do I have to be a practicing monk of Brahmin lineage to comment on eastern religions?

>> No.17618391

You should spend less time on the internet sweaty.

>> No.17618393

>Of course I haven't.
Lot of people go to India.
>I have read Schopi's writings and the Upanishads though. Do I have to be a practicing monk of Brahmin lineage to comment on eastern religions?
No, but you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.17618404

>No, but you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
If you do, then enlighten my darkness.

>> No.17618504

who even draws this shit lol

>> No.17618518

He had a few illegitimate daughters though

>> No.17618529

people with talent (not you)

>> No.17618981

>irrelevant music
This isn't even good bait. At least try.

>> No.17619003

>not good bait
>4 (you)s including (you)
it's even better than what I expected

>> No.17619025

>On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, then The World as Will and Representation
Read at least the Critique of Pure Reason before this.

>> No.17620714

Bump for Schopie.

>> No.17620728

Who would you recommend instead?

>> No.17620848
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>What? Nigga I don't know anything bout natural science. That shit's gay homie.

>> No.17620867
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Still no one in class.

>> No.17620943

In Schopenhauer's time, the only non-representational form of art was indeed music, which is why he rightly singled it out. Modernism striving to strip other art forms from their representational aspects is quite decently explainable in his system. Personally, I think, he wouldn't like though.

>> No.17621042

His onlyfans is hot.

>> No.17621392

Since Schopenhauer told Wagner to give up on music I wonder what he would have thought of his later stuff.

>> No.17622757

Ironic, considering Schopenhauer wasn't an academic, in actuality, he condemned professionalised philosophy heavily.

>> No.17622792

I've just read his Essays - Councils and Maxims.
If anyone is after some honest concise wisdom check it out.
I can see why Jung would say something like that, he really is of such a superior kind.

>> No.17622815


>> No.17623294

>all crypto-mystics
wow, such inspiration

Germans are retards outside of making machines.

>> No.17623297

He also isn’t the least bit relevant in the history of philosophy and nobody mentions him outside this shithole, unsurprisingly.

>> No.17623912

>All frauds, every one of them.
I doubt you have ever read any of these men. Its just wikipages all the way down.

>> No.17623923


>> No.17623928

He'd probably compare Joyce to Hegel, but I don't think he could deny the artistry either.

>> No.17623947

Based king

>> No.17625394

Nietzsche owes so much to Schopenhauer
Even if you hate his work this alone gives him a place in the history of philosophy.

>> No.17625418

academia told me they are all dangerous dead white men who should be avoided.

>> No.17625456

>C.G. Jung:
>One day people ... will build monuments to Schopenhauer!
pseud recognizing a fellow pseud

>> No.17626259

Get out of your basement once in a while

>> No.17626270

>C.G. Jung:
Just fuck off with this schizo subhuman

>> No.17626518

Schopenhauer is about the most nihilistic philosopher there is. Literally the essence of the whole universe is useless. Why is he accepted and Nietzsche is called mihilistic and discarded here.

>> No.17627064

He gives you the possibility of redemption, the temporary release with the arts, and encourages you to fill your life with compassion. With Nietzsche, you just have "just be yourself bro. it's all subjective bro. there is only power bro. the weak? the unfortunate? fuck them". Of course the philosopher of love and compassion is appreciated over that lunatic.

>> No.17627089

He saw the drama of humanity as undesirable and unnecessary.

>> No.17627307

How can you view nihilism through this lens? Schopenhauer is a life denialist par excellence. So you're right nihilism is a constituent to his philosophy, he's not trying to combat nihilism, he's embracing the ceaselessness of the striving Will, wholly devoid of direction nor meaning.

>> No.17627388

It's stupid to reduce either Schopenhauer or Nietzsche to nihilism.

>> No.17627700

Absolutely BTFO