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File: 82 KB, 994x558, wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17616294 No.17616294 [Reply] [Original]

Behold, the king of Š Ö Ÿ

>> No.17616324

>yeah bro if we can´t talk to each other only through mathematical formulas than there´s no point in talking at all

Wittgenstein is the biggest bugman in all of philosophy

>> No.17616332

Wittgenstein will be forgotten in 100 years

>> No.17616346

What makes him söy?
He was awarded for bravery in combat and wrote about logic.
How many awards in combat and logic do you have?

Little minds poking the feet of a giant.

>> No.17616348

wittgenstein and pinker are bugmen.

>> No.17616358
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Holy shit! He got a medal! I take it back, Wittgenstein BASED???

>> No.17616367

Lol he got a medal? That makes him even more onions. Real war heroes are blood thirsty lunatics who slaughter people in such a grotesque way that it would be unthinkable to present them with a medal

>> No.17616369

He got a metal for FIGHTING IN A WAR.
A particularly nasty one at that.
Which wars have you fought in, tough guy?

>> No.17616381

Are you 12-years-old or something? lmao
No military is going to put up with some psycho acting crazy.

>> No.17616389

Woah... he fought in a war with 60 million other soldiers. That must've taken some guts

>> No.17616390

Exactly, the military is for "moral" ŚÖŸ boys like Wittgenstein

>> No.17616391

>What makes him söy?
Probably his crude appeal to logic.

>> No.17616393
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*blocks his path *

>> No.17616399

He was a competent logician who, whether awarely or not, devolved into sophism.

>> No.17616415

Imagine simping for bugmanstein


>> No.17616441

You're welcome.

>> No.17616444

And how many were awarded for bravery?
Which wars have you fought in?
lol, you would wash out in a week, cupcake
The Western philosophical tradition is based on logic. This is a problem for you? Maybe philosophy isn’t your thing. Maybe romantic comedy novellas are more your speed.

>> No.17616451
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Imagine not reading the Philosophical Investigations

>> No.17616455

It’s nothing close to sophism. You probably don’t even understand it.

>> No.17616458

>And how many were awarded for bravery?
All of them. Because fighting in a war, any war, constitutes a round of applause by you

>> No.17616460

>The Western philosophical tradition is based on logic. This is a problem for you?
Not for me. I was just trying to shed light on the OP. The /r9k/ kiddies hate logic and science.

>> No.17616462
File: 18 KB, 343x500, Read faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have more in common than you think. Atleast the Wittgenstein from the PI

>> No.17616485

It doesn’t. But if someone was awarded for bravery in combat, then I have a hard time believing they’re söy.

The reactionaries don’t like him because he was a gay Jew. But he was a legit genius and his influence is not any sort of conspiracy whatsoever. Philosophers of all stripes have been grappling with ideas for 100 years now.

>> No.17616523

>waah wah I can't make a distinction without language!

>> No.17616528

...I kneel.

>> No.17616543

Wittgenstein is centuries ahead of where my current reading is. Can I have a synopsis on him and names of his biggest influencers?

>> No.17616551

See >>17616441

>> No.17616553

Reddit the philosopher

>> No.17616702

I saw, that’s why I said what I said.
His ideas are profound. Stop being obsessed with him as a person for a minute.

>> No.17616728

Caducated gibberish pretending to be linguistics. It might stand the test of time as surrealist art tho.

>> No.17616743

Linguistics? You’re an idiot.

>> No.17616808

And you know nothing therefore you expatiate on nothing.

>> No.17616905

>tfw Wittgenstein refuted all tradcath philosophy without even trying and saved me from the philosophical dead end of being tradcath
based Ludwig

>> No.17616937

The seven propositions in Tractatus:
1.The world is everything that is the case.
2.What is the case (a fact) is the existence of states of affairs.
3.A logical picture of facts is a thought.
4.A thought is a proposition with a sense.
5.A proposition is a truth-function of elementary propositions. (An elementary proposition is a truth function of itself.)
6.The general form of a proposition is the general form of a truth function.
7.Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
So fucking profound. Sophistry + basic logic told with some fancy words.

>> No.17616939

Read Ray Monk's bio on him. It's very good.

>> No.17616954

schopenahuer (kant) tolstoy russell and frege. kierkegaard is hardly noticeable in his work imo. hes pretty good but if he werent an unculture swine he wouldve been better

>> No.17616967

Thanks for reiterating you don’t understand the thing you hate for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.17616975

he's def not based, but also def not onions
the dude beat children... idk what to say

>> No.17616980

Exactly, but they use him to promote transgenderism

>> No.17616995

Thanks for letting me know that you are a midwit who got carried away by some fancy words written by a fag. And now you don't want to admit this fag is a pseud because you already sunk in a lot of time to go through all of his work.

>> No.17616997

>the dude beat children
Sounds based to me

>> No.17616998

That's only a brief summary of like the first 2 chapters, if that. Glossing over a LOT.

>> No.17617002

>when Wittgenstein goes to Norway

>> No.17617008

Huh? Nah.

Kierkgaard isn’t relevant either.

>> No.17617014

you're an idiot =) please dont respond to the thread

>> No.17617015

You'd never catch him doing the soi mouth gesture let alone smile. Also he fought in WW1, soldiering is very unsoi

>> No.17617027

Wittgenstein literally viewed himself in conversation with Kierkgaard while in Norway, but okay

>> No.17617032

Who cares if he was a fag? You don’t even seem to understand what he said. You just quoted him and said it sucked with no elaboration or any indication you understood any of it.

>> No.17617054

... don't forget. He was a child-beater and pederast too. Yay !!!

>> No.17617059

He liked Kierkegaard quite a bit, but he didn’t really write about those topics in his own work. I’m not sure how that would prepare you for Wittgenstein’s own philosophy.

>> No.17617077

Oh I get it. You've sunk so much time into this fag's work that you don't want to admit the "knowledge" you gained is elementary logic told via sophistry and deliberately obscure language. No problem anon. Carry on. Sorry to bother.

>> No.17617117

So it’s both elementary logic and obscurantism?
I think the style is much clearer than you’re giving it credit for, being analytic and all.

If anyone wants to hear an actual discussion of the philosophy, check this out:

Not quite as simple as our tradcath friend is making it sound.

>> No.17617150

i cannot do a philosophical overdose rabbit hole tour again

>> No.17617162

Oh yes. A video promoting massive sophists: Russell and Wittgenstein. It is elementary logic told via obscurantist language. You couldn't even hold that argument in your brain. And I'm a tradcath now apparently. Just admit it: Wittgenstein is a fag, a child beater, a pederast and most importantly a massive pseud.

>> No.17617198

Philosophy isn’t finding answers but finding the right questions, rethinking the way we use language will get us questions with easy answers.

>> No.17617213

"Chomsky: I’d read Wittgenstein differently. I take him to be saying that we should not be misled by ordinary usage. It is fine for normal life, but science — our effort to understand the world — goes its own ways, which didn’t seem to interest him much. Of course there won’t be any theory of language in his sense, or “theory of functions of the human faculties,” just as there won’t be any theory of “the way we live.” There is no such thing as “the study of everything” in rational inquiry, including the sciences. Physics does not study everything that is going on in the world — or practically ANYTHING that is going on in the world (that’s why scientists do experiments, after all). The world is vastly too complex to study in a serious way. But I don’t see any particular insight in this; sounds to me like truism."

Most of what Wittgenstein expresses, besides his core competency of formal logic, are truisms that scientifically lead no where.

>> No.17617254
File: 200 KB, 962x642, 36800578-0-The_gunman_pictured_above_holding_two_guns_on_the_front_steps_of-a-36_1607933851770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this anon. Someone try and prove him wrong

>> No.17617262

wittgenstein was a mystic afterall

>> No.17617338

ITT: fags that only read the Tractatus ignore Wittgenstein's actual ideas as shown in the Philosophical Investigations

>> No.17617352

Source btw: https://chomsky.info/2000____-2/

>> No.17617426

Based on what? You won’t even engage with his ideas.

>> No.17617462

what are some of these ideas? I've heard of the beetle thing but that's about it

>> No.17617606
File: 269 KB, 850x400, 1614013457124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a medal for bravery, live in mountains of Norway for a long period of time, be skilled engineer, get accapted to Oxford and write the most oftenly cited book in humanities written in 20th century
>60 years later neet on mongolian basket-weaving forum calls you onions

>> No.17618332

Meanwhile chomsky thinks that a single mutation caused our capacity for language and that all languages must have the same underlying structure (universal grammar). Both these ideas are not credited that much anymore, so it looks like Wittgenstein and his strongly anti-dogmatic approach to language was actually ahead of chomsky.

>> No.17618673

>reading a man that openly stated he forgot what he meant in some of his own passages

>> No.17618763

It's literally the whole book. Everything else in the Tractatus is an elaboration on one of those statements.

>> No.17618800

>He who knows how to keep silent discovers an alphabet that has just as many letters as
the ordinary one

>> No.17618928

Badiou gets it, you clearly do not: versobooks. c o m /books/1181-wittgenstein-s-antiphilosophy

>> No.17619276
File: 296 KB, 500x375, 1446011912386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's based but only because he makes set theorists seethe.

>> No.17619327

>ITT plebs who only read Tractatus but avoided philosophical investigations and language games
you will never be a rural schoolchild severely punished by Lord Wittgenstein

>> No.17619339

>imagine thinking the tractatus has actual philosophical relevance apart from being used too attempt to justify the vienna circle's intuitions

>> No.17619402

>imagine not being able to read a simple sentence
dude that's my point lmao!

>> No.17619416

literally schizo-tier

>> No.17619485

>Most of what Wittgenstein expresses, besides his core competency of formal logic, are truisms that scientifically lead no where.
this totally consistent with his metaphilosophy

>> No.17619659

Deleuze on Wittgenstein: « Pour moi c’est une catastrophe philosophique […] c’est une régression massive de toute la philosophie […] S’ils l’emportent, alors là il y aura un assassinat de la philosophie s’ils l’emportent. C’est des assassins de la philosophie. Il faut une grande vigilance. »