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17609788 No.17609788 [Reply] [Original]

i'm a big cat lover and i keep accidentally reading books that feature cats being killed
such as satantango, the sailor who fell out of grace with the sea, all my cats, rape: a love story
what are some other books that feature cats being killed so that i can avoid accidentally reading them in the future?

>> No.17609798
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its hard to believe this is a real thread

>> No.17609845

i feel the same way. to be fair i was aware of the cat controversy from the satantango movie (but wasn't prepared for the intensity of the scene in the book) and a little more research would have prepared me for the fact that hrabil's all my cats was far far darker than the cute cat lover's fancy that the cover and blurb would imply, but recently rape: a love story just hit me out of the blue with no warning with a completely unnecessary and gratuitous cat death i couldn't have prepared myself for

>> No.17610138

Infinite Jest

>> No.17610146

no fucking way, that's actually something i intend to read this year

>> No.17610289
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>> No.17610304

well i guess i'm glad i made this thread so i'm prepared but i think i will still read it, i'll just be braced for it. but goddamit why does this keep haunting me
i swear it's happened more than the four books i mentioned, they're just the first four that come to mind
why do authors keep murdering cats

>> No.17610918
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And then pajeets wonder why big cats still hunt them down for sport by the dozen each years.

>> No.17610953

>what are some other books that feature cats being killed so that i can avoid accidentally reading them in the future?

>> No.17611041

i don't understand why people take such exception to dogs and cats being murdered in fiction. you would be fine with the rape and murder of humans but pets are too far. i think there's even a website that you can check to see if a dog dies in a movie.

>> No.17611049

Because human beings are wretched, and it's a good thing that they die. There are few exceptions like people such as myself.

>> No.17611061

Is this just a thread asking for books where cats get killed because you want to read about that? You’re Just scared to ask? Absolute pussy

>> No.17611067
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Good puppers and comfy kots are higher beings than most humans.

>> No.17611186

Based, but why drown cats in a well and foul drinking water?

>> No.17611202

talk about coincidence OP I was literally thinking about this today. A lot of /lit/core has cat murder/torture, not including the ones you've already listed, I came across cat murder in Kafka on the Shore and Infinite Jest. Is this secretly the way to make your book appeal to the /lit/crowd?

>> No.17611228

art imitates life

>> No.17611240


>> No.17611279

horrible text

>> No.17611623

What is it with sun-humans enjoying the torture of animals?

>> No.17611728

Don't watch the following movies:
>The Boondock Saints
>Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
(Guessing the book by Patrick Susskind too).
>Drag Me to Hell
>Kynodontas (Dogtooth)
>The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
>The Grand Budapest Hotel
>The Shape of Water
>Space Dogs
>Stranger Things (the series).

>> No.17611742

R Scott bakker the warrior prophet when the little doll kills the cat

>> No.17612072

Killing cats is haram, even strays and ferals

>> No.17612354

This bitch doesn't know shit about what's she's talking about. And her comments about farmers protest proved she's dumb cunt.

>> No.17613522



>> No.17613840

This, I know someone who genuinely gets upset when a dog dies in a movie and has to turn it off. I'm a dog person but I've never understood this mindset. It affects me much more if I see an actual kid getting hurt or being abused.

>> No.17614336

This. It seems like cats can do no wrong.

>> No.17614551

Never got the obsession with animals. They’re an economic drain, filthy and provide measly «support». Some are almost humanized which is frankly disgusting.

>> No.17614561

indians are subhuman

>> No.17614660

It's for the same reason why people feel more pity for a child who was raped rather than an adult.

>> No.17614667

what is wrong with this bitch

>> No.17614668

Well, that cat is more attractive than many human girls, especially British

>> No.17614884

You’re kind of a pussy anon

>> No.17614889

Clearly it’s not only that, since people don’t care about pigs, cows, chickens and so on

>> No.17615002

A Canticle for Leibowitz
The story about the cat is disturbing but very well done and the message has really stuck with me

>> No.17615009

Wasn’t it a dog?

>> No.17615034


>> No.17615141

Kafka on the Shore has cat killing. You shouldn't read it anyway cos it's shit as fuck.

>> No.17615270

> As good neighbours in our rural shithole it's our duty to kill kittens
Why though? It isn't like barn cats are a bad thing, or expensive/time consuming to look after.
I mean, sure cats are a fairly OP species and will wipe large part of the ecosystem, which is why you fix them, not just murder them and soil the village's drinking water.
An old history teacher I had in college was for some reason absolutely obsessed with the torture methods of different civilizations, I remember a quip about how babylonians (iirc) would throw kittens in large pots that were on a fire, just to laugh at the kitten's cry as it slowly burns to death, and this was a sort of public amusement for the lower classes.

>> No.17615355

Feral cats are pests and people have learned to get rid of pests
On the other hand as far as pests go they are the cutest
We all can relate in remenbering some point in our childhood when someone just dropped a box of kittens somewhere and you wanted to save the kittens but no adult would want them, it was a bother to the entire neighborhood, cat people already have the cats they need
My wife adopted a female kitty some years ago and the kitty was castrated as soon as it was old enough to but 99% of the neighbors are always retards with no concept of actively doing things to prevent unwanted events in the future like a brand new box of kittens.

>> No.17616688

Barbaric, but no matter how much people love cats and how many mice they kill, at some point any village is bound to have too many damn cats
That's when the darkest parts of our psyche, cobbled together by evolution, become evident
Even the cats themselves, when their prey is too plentiful and their life too predictable, sometimes play games with live smaller animals and enjoy inflicting them pain for no other reason than their own amusement.

>> No.17616762

people dont really like rape in fiction either.

the reason seems to be that even though murder is "objectively" the worst thing you can do to a living creature, you can still rationalize it, e.g. self-defense, revenge, killing one to prevent deaths of another or more. hard to do that with rape or killing pets.