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17607658 No.17607658 [Reply] [Original]

What do I have to read before starting with Evola.

>> No.17607671
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>> No.17607684

White fragility

>> No.17607708 [DELETED] 

Habsexus Empiricus
Lossini Yor Virginitini
Go'oh Outsa'aid

>> No.17607714

Habsexus Incelius
Lossini Yor Virginitini
Go'oh Outsa'aid

>> No.17607748

Nothing. It would help a lot if you have knowledge of idealist philosophy and Catholic theology but most of his readers won’t. Just know that you can get a lot out of reading Evola but he’s actually a very complex author. So if you really want to understand the man and his writings completely not only will you have to dive into sources, citations, and inspirations but you’ll also have to try to learn a bit about the man, his life, his non-published writings, letters, etc.

>> No.17607752


>> No.17607823
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Also pic related

>> No.17607837


Tao Te Ching

>> No.17607901
File: 3.36 MB, 2392x3348, 1613855392082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah also read Kant and Guenon.
Understanding western esotericism and neo-platonism/gnosticism would also be great,lurk /x/.
Read The Kyballion and Corpus Hermeticum.
I think you should also read some Carl Jung before Evola.
Pic related also has some good stuff.
Anti-democratic lit in general


>> No.17608016

Unironically entry-level stuff like 1984 and Animal Farm, OP. Start by reading some of his articles which are available free online.

>> No.17608025

By God, don't try to read Kyballion and Corpos Hermeticum before you read Evola, you won't understand squat.

>> No.17608041
File: 2.72 MB, 5000x3827, Reading Guide Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to repost this, it's a good primer on Evola.

>> No.17608046

What a retarded chart. The chart maker never read Leviathan

>> No.17608057

I would not have put Leviathan and Republic in Tier 1, but none-the-less it's a good chart because it can set you started on a path of knowledge. At least it helped me, many years ago. You just need a kickstart on your reading journey.

>> No.17608067

Just start reading him. I think his books were intended to be accessible by laymen. I skimmed through Revolt a while back. It seemed self-contained.

Didn't Evola run a sex cult? If there ever was a Chad author, it's him.

>> No.17608072

Sart with Orientations

>> No.17608106

i recommend a moderate dose of 5-meo-dmt, you need to families yourself with the akashic records

>> No.17608270

What do 1984 and Animal Farm have to do with Julius Evola?

>> No.17608286


>> No.17608534

gib part 2 pls

>> No.17608555
File: 3.29 MB, 2248x3442, 1529208523958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha covered.

>> No.17608634
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>abandon all hope ye who enter here
I know the feeling

>> No.17608687

1000 years from now Perennialists will make an analogy between george floyd and socrates

>> No.17608690

>pill this, pill that

Just go outside ffs

>> No.17608696
File: 308 KB, 1200x800, 1583364854061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of ya

>> No.17608721


>> No.17609106
