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17606765 No.17606765 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so much better than Joyce?

>> No.17606768

You have no idea how evil this bitch is.

>> No.17606772


>> No.17606783

Because joyce was more interested in stylistic masturbation in bloated books while woolf was more interested in making good books. Really. You could cut so much of ulysses. The waves, dalloway and lighthouse are much leaner and just better.

>> No.17606782


>> No.17606800 [DELETED] 

while i love her writing, i feel like she was probably incredibly smug & irritating as a person.

>> No.17606804

You could cut all of Ulysses into one word if you wanted to. Or even nothing. It's a statement that has precisely no meaning.

>> No.17606821

do you compare them because they use le StReAm Of CoNsCiOuSnEsS? they may both use this device but for different reasons.

>> No.17606839

would love to smell her farts

>> No.17606849

Stream of consciousness was a dead end gimmick, and nothing that used it is worth reading.

>> No.17606873

More so because she was constantly comparing herself to him yet produced better work

>> No.17606891

she's cute i would love her to be my granny if you catch me fucking drift

>> No.17606897

can I have something to chew on with this bait? any reasons WHY you suck her off like that?

>> No.17606916

Read her. She's unhinged
She had that typical modern feminist rage, somewhat concealed but ultimately it is too much to hide, and it shows. This was 100 years ago when feminism didn't exist in remotely the same capacity as it did today.
The OG of crazy feminist delusion.
People who like her usually share this characteristic too, watch it manifest in real life and you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
She was closer to dh lawrence than joyce anyways lol.
The main difference between lawrence and woolf was that lawrence was capable of love, and she was clearly not as seen through her works.
Also she tried to kill herself twice

>> No.17606917

just read literally any book ever written by her

>> No.17606929

She wrote more than stream of consciousness. Orlando is a great novel, felt like a precursor to magical realism.

>> No.17606942
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Her work is more accessible. Everything is on the page and on its own page. She never overloads the mind's eye which makes for a much smoother experience. Anyone can pick up any of her books and finish it, at worst, in a weekend. And there's never anything to discuss about them, so everyone is always simpatico—that is until the Joyceans come stomping in.

Unfortunately there isn't a single word you could remove.

This is why they get compared. No one was ever showed up as hard in English lit.

>> No.17606956

Why would someone waste so many words for such obvious dipshit bait?

>> No.17606963

Sounds just like you’re anti feminist which not surprising but it seems very dismissive to say she was incapable of love when her works do actually show glimmers of it and her difficulties accepting/understanding it

>> No.17606969

I have. I was underimpressed. any better arguments besides "just read her"?

>> No.17606972

Bruh. Have you read Joyce? There's zero comparison. One is garbage, one is the height of literature as art. This isn't an opinion.

>> No.17606983

read her again until it clicks.

>> No.17606996

I give up. Conversing with you has no merit.
Uhm, like, that's just your opinion, man.

>> No.17607001

Until what clicks? I've read and reread The Waves, To The Lighthouse and Mrs. Dalloway. The rereads just show how shallow her works are. My motivation is to discuss it intelligently with grandma. But it's so shallow... And I'm TRYING.

>> No.17607006

She made fun of T.S. Eliot for his religious conversion.

>> No.17607009

>I have. I was underimpressed.
Uhm, like, that's just your opinion, man

>> No.17607014

She has killer prose but everything else is rather milquetoast

>> No.17607023
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>female author

>> No.17607027

the burden of proof is on OP for making a thread with a statement

>> No.17607032

exactly this

>> No.17607033

It can't be proven.

>> No.17607035

> Virginia Woolf's letters and diaries make especially painful reading. Clever, perceptive, often scintillating, they are also unremittingly snobbish (her contempt for the middle classes was matched only by her disgust with the working classes), anti-Semitic, malicious, and even cruel (toward servants, most notably). Moreover, these traits spill over into her literary judgments, as in her comments on Joyce's Ulysses: “An illiterate, underbred book it seems to me; the book of a self-taught working man, and we all know how distressing they are, how egotistic, insistent, raw, striking, and ultimately nauseating.”

>> No.17607040

No, she doesn't. Post the best she has.

>> No.17607046

This. Read A Room Of One's Own and you see her core motivation for what it is — seething resentment. She lived a life of grotesque privilege (a misused word these days but here it's appropriate) and every line she wrote was pure poison. Fortunately it's such tedious poison her books will vanish in time as if they had never been; and it can't happen too soon.

Repeat after me:


>> No.17607047


>> No.17607049

look it up yourself, faggot. who the fuck you think you are?

>> No.17607050

I have bad news... her last name.,, uhmmm...

>> No.17607069

>Unfortunately there isn't a single word you could remove
KEK. I feel like we read different books. Ulysses is objectively bloated, see wandering rocks, penelope, circe. Come on son, you can like something despite its flaws

>> No.17607071

Self WREKT. The best kind.

>vanish in time
We are seeing it in real time. Her work compares unfavorably on aesthetic grounds to things as varied as Chaucer to Palahniuk. And underneath her shallow surface are stories that are as lame as studio apartments.

>> No.17607074

just admit you hate women bro it's allright

>> No.17607088

Nah. I get that most people won't bother with the annotations available for Ulysses, but there isn't a single word of bloat. Every single thing is there for a good reason.

It's worthwhile to fully engage Ulysses, by the way. It's sad to see such malformed and cringe stuff like your post. You simply look stupid. You'll only ever feel idiot hands on your shoulder regarding that opinion of yours =^)

I'd keep it under your hat.

>> No.17607089

Lol classic 4chan - bitch about a book you don't understand to make it seem like you have, and simultaneously make a complete ass of yourself to anybody who did actually read the book.
Lmao shakespeares sister? The literal title? Can u talk about either of those? Its easy to accuse her of resentment, but she is correct and i think its so justified and such facts that your accusation misses the point entirely.

>> No.17607097

it's ok to be black

>> No.17607099

Bro u got corncobbed

>> No.17607104

imagine being THIS mad that someone doesn' t like a silly fucking book l.m.a.o

>> No.17607108

For once I'm glad woke academia will kill something. She won't survive, her art isn't strong enough.

>> No.17607111

stronger than joyce :)

>> No.17607114


>> No.17607117

Kek this joycefag cope is like a shitcloud of pretention.
>if u think ulysses is bloated its because you dont understand it
Naw nigga, u think it isnt because u dont get it. Its a great book, but great books can have flaws its okay to be wrong

>> No.17607118

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.17607119

No. But also, hilariously, Eliot will survive.

>> No.17607122

Actually made me really curious. Where do I start?

>> No.17607123

Cut u deep huh

High art isn't for plebs. Woolf has her function.

>> No.17607128
File: 11 KB, 194x260, jimmyjoyce2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon are you an italian Joyce lover? Can we connect somehow? I love this lil niglet like you wouldn't believe

>> No.17607129

I love midwit copeposts.

>> No.17607130

Imagine being filtered by Virginia Woolf kek

>> No.17607139

>she is correct
She isn't. The basic argument of that essay is that women are being held back from artistic greatness because no-one is providing them with space and peace and quiet and leisure — as though Western women hadn't been provided with that far more than men for at least a hundred years at the point she wrote the essay. The passage where she whines about not being allowed into the library without a man is the real emotional core of the essay, and it shows *why* she said what she said.

>> No.17607141

No one has ever been filtered by Woolf or JK Rowling, m8.

>> No.17607150

Are you seeing the same posts here as I am?

>> No.17607161

>reading roastoids

>> No.17607181

It’s really ignorant to write your post regarding
> as though Western women hadn't been provided with that far more than men for at least a hundred years at the point she wrote the essay.
Women during that period weren’t provided for anywhere as near as men, obviously now that’s different but it speaks volumes,if you make such a claim, to your actual research

>> No.17607185

>>>/r9k/ you need to go back

>> No.17607209

People in this thread:

Which of the canon do you think will survive? Is Woolf not a part of the canon

>> No.17607261

you are literally obsessed with male penises

>> No.17607278

This was a poorly written explanation of a poorly considered idea. Aren't there websites where you can check grammar and punctuation for free?

>> No.17607290

Joycefags are the second worst people on this bord besides the sneedtzschefags.
They were fucking nazis and shouldnt get any respect.

>> No.17607335

Wtf, I love Joyce and Neetch now.

>> No.17607434

Ding dong the witch is dead. There's nothing I hate more than entitled whiny rich chicks like Woolf and Plath who basically got to do everything they ever wanted and whine incessantly about men with 0 recognition that the average man at that time couldn't do any of this artistic shit. The average man was busting his ass at the factory trying to make enough money to live off, raise a family and make something of himself. Men and women live in totally different worlds with women imagining men hoard all this supposed privilege to themselves which is a comically inaccurate fantasy. There's nothing more inherently worthless and less privileged than a man, societies have fought wars just to get rid of the excess men, shoved them onto years long merchant voyages just so they can eat and all other sorts of horrible fates that come with being disposable labor throughout history. Hell her whining about a room, peace and quiet are fucking horseshit to begin with. There's been plenty of men who have wrote war poems and stories when bombs are going off around them in the trenches, I did it when I was in a bunkroom with 60 other men during my shitty basic.

>> No.17607455

What was wrong with that statement? Seems like you’re trying to be critical because you haven’t actually done any sort of research of that period in which you speak.

>> No.17607459

Lmao imagine defending nazis and truly believing your in the right. Its sad, faggot cope.

>> No.17607494
File: 114 KB, 680x1147, Bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really aren't even trying with this one are you?

>> No.17607519

Cant hear you bih

>> No.17607591

Unironically, ulysses insists upon itself.

>> No.17607638

I love her so much bros. She's my /lit/fu

>> No.17607649

Faggorts edgelords have never opened a book. Woolf contains about zero whining, and is constantly recognising the value of man genius. She just sheds lights on the other side of life, the caring and nurturing of women, and how it is often what allows that man genius to flourish

>> No.17607722

I wish I could but /r9k/ has been sibverted by trannies and simps like (You).

>> No.17607734

that's because there is no place in the world for people like you anymore. might as well just end it.

>> No.17607744

Or I can post on other boards and make you seethe by my mere presence. If you’ve got a problem with that, maybe you shouldn’t have destroyed or subverted everywhere else we congregated. It really is kinda on you.

>> No.17607791

nah, you're better off dead

>> No.17607811

Dilate, tubby.

>> No.17607815

I love how angry simps get when you don’t respect their based wahmahn

>> No.17608035

Its no use responding to nazi faggots like you anymore.

>> No.17608101

I tend to avoid female writers because they’re almost uniformly disappointing. Haven’t read any Woolf since high school (“read”) —is she worth taking a chance on?

>> No.17608130

Honestly, straight writers are uniformly disappointing. Show me a straight writer who matched wilde, burroughs, or joyce.

>> No.17608452

I like Joyce but you are too far down his dick in your throat.

>> No.17609663


>> No.17609685

woolf > renoir
joyce > pollock

>> No.17609711


>> No.17611367

>The best female author in the English language

>> No.17611502

Have you read pound? cantos now and you'll see why Joyce is obligatory self-righteous once and done

>> No.17611558


>> No.17611628

>the caring and nurturing of women, and how it is often what allows that man genius to flourish

Imagine believing this AH HAHAHAHAHA