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/lit/ - Literature

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17606293 No.17606293 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading 100 pages a day feasible?

>> No.17606298


>> No.17606300

It's 2-3 hours, most people waste more time than that every day

>> No.17606304

i read about 10 an hour so i'd need to spare ten whole hours, and i'd get bored long before that

>> No.17606315

lmao I bet you're still sleeping, don't you know sleeping was invented by the elites so they can gather you psychic energy for their pedophile orgy?

>> No.17606317

>i read about 10 an hour
Are you genuinely brain damaged?

>> No.17606325

idk man i just like to reflect on what i'm reading, which is mostly highly advanced shit

>> No.17606331

then it would be feasible for you to read 100 pages a day if you changed your reading habits

>> No.17606383
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10 pages a day at max

>> No.17606962

I just did that today.

>> No.17606976

Definitely, but it depends what you’re reading, some things are more difficult but 100 a day is usually easily achievable however don’t use Bloom for this question, he was a lying narcissist who pretended he could read the entirety of war and peace in an hour

>> No.17606985

Physically impossible. Don't listen to anyone who claims to read 100 pages a day, they're all charlatans.

>> No.17607146

1-2 minutes per page per light-medium reading, 3-5 for harder texts.

>> No.17607153

that's like 2 hours, if it's not advanced philosophy, and you do zero breaks of any kind (2 hours nonstop with constant speed).

>> No.17607201

How does one read that quickly with more important works that you want to meditate on?

>> No.17607224

Yes I split this up between 2 books

>> No.17607237

depends on the book
Easier stuff around 70 pages
More challenging stuff 30 pages (on a good day + with post nut clarity boost around 50 pages)

>> No.17607416

Do yourself a favour. Read a chapter, reflect on the chapter, jot down a couple sentences that encapsulate the impression the chapter left on you, then move on. It's unbelievable that you take six minutes per page.

>> No.17607423


>> No.17607427

it depends what you're reading, but in general yes.

>> No.17607440

I've been reading 250 pages a day for 2 weeks.

>> No.17607474

Yes, if you work less than 10 hours a day.

>> No.17607502
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>> No.17607527

Depends what you are reading but yes in theory

>> No.17607537

>highly advanced shit
No. I read scientific journals at about 20 pages per hour. And that's actually trying to understand the material and bothering to search up terms and research I don't recognize.

>> No.17607554

It is if you read drivel or have been reading for decades like steve donoghue

>> No.17607621

ya. first you read 1. then you read 2. then you read 3. and so on

>> No.17608560

absolutely, even if you have a job 100 pages a day is definitely reasonable. i'm a neet so i generally do about 150-250 a day

>> No.17608575

depends if you read real books or children books like this guy >>17608560

>> No.17608596

i said i was a neet, you fool. do you understand how much free time I have?

>> No.17608600


>> No.17608613

Depends on the complexity of the material.
I read all ~120 pages of The Old Man and the Sea in under a day.

>> No.17608656

You have to understand that most people on this board don’t read much in general and are really low iq. Most people here are skeptical about page counts and time taken to read here. It’s pretty pitiful. 150 pages wouldn’t be much even if you weren’t a need, provided you’re a serious reader. But to most people on this board 20 pages is a major accomplishment.

>> No.17608730

>to most people on this board 20 pages is a major accomplishment
Yeah, this is something I've noticed with a worrying regularity. It seems like most (or at least a fair portion) of the people who post here actually have a hard time reading. They always have some excuse about "distractions" or they "can't concentrate" due to their attention span being ruined by the internet. It's downright depressing to think that there are people posting here who spend more time (though it's more like intentionally wasting time) watching YouTube or Netflix or playing video games and then complain about how they barely read 10 pages today. Absolutely pitiful shit.

>> No.17608744

Fiction yes. Reading non-fiction that fast is pointless though.

>> No.17608780

Does learning speed reading work?

>> No.17610122

Best I can do is 50 a day with breaks.

best I ever did was 70 pages in the morning in one sitting evreyday and that was not exactly fun especially sitting outside in the morning cold

>> No.17610204

take the "read for an hour in bed before you go to sleep" pill

>> No.17610504

100 a day isn't just feasible, it's not even particularly difficult, provided you're just reading and not being autistic about it. Had you asked about 100 pages an hour, that might be harder, but 100 a day is just a matter of being disciplined enough to read until you're done.

>> No.17610576
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>> No.17610607

Depends on the book and of course on how fast you read but if you have three hours or so it shouldn't be much of a problem.

>> No.17610699

Not easily. I'd say it depends. 100 pages of fiction, sure, but it's not useful. I always divide my daily reading into reading 50 pages of literary fiction and 50 pages of scientific works/papers. That amounts to about 2 papers a day and maybe a few short stories or a quarter book. On the weekends I take out the scientific and only read literary fiction.

>> No.17610723


>> No.17611012

I know that's my issue.

>> No.17611481

Harry Potter? Yes

Philosophy? No way.

>> No.17611500

This guy read 50 shades of grey in two days!

>> No.17611837

You really can't sit still and read for two hours?

>> No.17612504

Absolutely not. Hell even reading just 10 pages a day is a herculean task. It's well known that 1 page per day is the best habit.

>> No.17612589

For pleasure or for learning? I've read entire books in a day for pleasure, but that's reading at a fast pace without a need to learn or reflect.

>> No.17612591

if you tried you could read the whole book (obviously depending on the book)

>> No.17612610

I did this for the first time with a Michael Crichton book. The other day I read his book "The Great Train Robbery" in one sitting, which is the longest reading streak I have ever read. I don't really feel accomplished though because it's basically written like popcorn. Fun read though, would recommend. Requires almost no thinking.

>> No.17612625

Man, I've been reading Omensetter's Luck and it's taking me 20-30 minutes just to read a few pages.

>> No.17612676

I'm pushing a billion pages a day. Still getting faster.

>> No.17612686

It's not actually a race.

>> No.17612689
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very easy if you're a NEET

>> No.17612992

I'm not a fucking sea sponge

>> No.17613006

I once had to read a whole 300 page book in a single night in one sitting. 2 redbulls did the job.

>> No.17613192

Yeah it's normal

>> No.17613200

Okay, so you are brain damaged.

>> No.17613204

Feasible for what purpose? What is your aim?

>> No.17613207

>implying you're not skimming 18 of those pages

>> No.17613228

>You have to understand that most people on this board don’t read much
Most people on /lit/ read exactly one thing: /lit/. This board is probably the least likely to engage in its stated hobby than any board save /fa/.

>> No.17613231

Yes. I read 175 daily and am aiming for 200 buy mid year.

>> No.17613232

Most people on /lit/ don't read philosophy at all and couldn't read 100 pages of Harry Potter in a day.

>> No.17613236


>> No.17613239

It's easy period. /lit/ is just full of pseuds, posers, and coomers.

>> No.17614276

Depends what it is.
I was reading Pindar and didn't understand alot of the Mythology, a proper understanding meant i'd read 20 pages in a few hours with extensive note taking.
Conversely I just read 'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro (found it in a charity shop for £1) in one sitting, about 4 hours for 200 or so pages.