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/lit/ - Literature

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17601263 No.17601263 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading /lit/?

>> No.17601282

120 days of sodom and im hurtin already. I can only read once a day now because of penisache.

>> No.17601286

Jane Eyre. Why do women love assholes so much?

>> No.17601297


>> No.17601322

Lots of porn books. Just finished Scholomance and I enjoyed it enough to start the second.

>> No.17601327

I must not look at...THE FEET

>> No.17601336

Im reading The Virgin Suicides. Pretty good so far, weird feeling of nostalgia and melancholy that I fuck with

>> No.17601339

About halfway through The Ego and its Own. Will start the Silmarillion on Monday

>> No.17601340

Bro read some sade.
The pregnant lady in 120 days of sodom was so hot

>> No.17601392

What book is she reading? Looks like a foreign version of Harry Potter but that doesn't look like JK Rowling's name

>> No.17601396

I plan on it, but I’m trying to write one so I’ve been focusing on stuff more... publishable. I’ve been going through slutwr1ter’s library too.

Also turn your name off, faggot.

>> No.17601410

The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It's really great, although I don't get why he doesn't use quotation marks or apostrophes for dialogue.

>> No.17601417


>> No.17601420
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One hundred percent it’s prisoner of Azkaban, yeah.

>> No.17601426

it's how 21st century authors try to stand out via gimmicks

>> No.17601620

Pretty sure the alphabet is Cyrillic, so it's probably Russian. Also consistent with the fact that she is a beautiful fair-haired young lady.

>> No.17601816

Anna Mukha from Belarus

>> No.17601828

great fucking link

>> No.17601840
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>> No.17602052
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Pretty fun so far

>> No.17602141
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>> No.17602345
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>> No.17602460

Clinical works of alfred adler
Erich fromm to have or to be

>> No.17602465

me too, anon

me too

>> No.17602496

Thanks boi

>> No.17602502
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>> No.17602538

Anna karenina, I just got the ending spoiled randomly :(
I know everyone knows the story but I didn't and I'm annoyed now. book is excellent so far though

>> No.17602568
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Common Sense by PAINE

>> No.17602602

Four chapters into Snow Crash and I've resolved for the second time to drop, but it feels like something I'll finish inevitably. Are Stephenson's other books better?

Now started Arrive at Easterwine which is much better.

>> No.17602618

Dude, same with me except for Madame Bovary. And also enjoying the writing.

>> No.17602625

Same here!

>> No.17602859

Man and Technics by Oswald Spengler
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (It's a re-read since a friend of mine wanted to read it, so I decided to re-read so we could discuss it)
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
The Way of The Superior Man - David Deida

I should probably explain why I have multiple books. I read several books at once because if I get a bit tired of one book I can switch to another one so I don't lose steam. Its worked so far, and I've been able to remember what I've read so far.

>> No.17602924
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Going to move on to the undiscovered self then man and his symbols

>> No.17602961

Do you fux with meditations? Im stoked to get to it

>> No.17603170

The geopolitics book from that series was good

>> No.17603192

I'm reading Siddartha and Notes from Underground at the same time. Guess which one I relate to the most haha....ha :(

>> No.17603195
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>> No.17603214
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finished other half no-no boy today, was okay-ish, cetainly not as bad as any of the japs like by yall normiefolk
had to work so didn't read or listen to anythign much,
downloaded 3 novels by a mister adam kay, first 2 pages of twas the blahblah seems okay enough to lose an hour over it before bed
tomorrow i'll go over all three, they don't seem to be too long, one's 1.5 other 5.8k lines; gonna shirk work mon, tue to catch up on reading

downloaded a bunch of wh40k books and audiobooks, i wanna see how many i get get thru, and if any are good

>> No.17603674
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>> No.17603782

Its a good read so far, I really enjoy it. I do try to go into it with an open mind, since I myself am not a stoic. I really recommend it though, its got a lot of good things to incorporate into your life philosophy

>> No.17603796

In Cold Blood - T, Capote

>> No.17603804
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Umberto Eco

>> No.17604078

what a coincidence! I just started reading this book today. Personally, my favourites by him are Baudolino & Pendulum.

>> No.17604323

Jane Eyre is the epitome of a "just okay" book

>> No.17604343

>a "just okay" book

>> No.17604497

H.P Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction. A lot of shitty stories, or stories that primarily consist of extremely bloated prose with little substance or content. Color Out of Space was great, though. The Nameless City is probably my least favorite so far, but the famous quote (That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die) and its meaning within context was great, though.

Read Song of Kali by Dan Simmons before that, and it was fucking garbage. It's marketed as a supernatural horror story about a Kali death cult in Kolkata, yet it mostly consists of repetitive descriptions of an Indian shithole and its dirty people, with the only supernatural elements being questionable at best. The actual horror comes out of the blue when the protagonist's one year old daughter is kidnapped, killed and used to smuggle contraband. It's basically just a vacation in Kolkata and nothing else. Protag attributes all the evil in the world to the "Song of Kali," based on a poem. Even the "episode" at the end of the book is implied to just be the protag's anger issues rather than any supernatural involvement. Complete waste of time, and likely his worst work. Can't believe it's from the same guy who wrote Hyperion.

>> No.17604565

I've gotten into philosophy and am starting with the Greeks. Should I go chronologically? Real copies or digital?

>> No.17604574

Also, should I read the texts themselves or should I look for some works that provide context?

>> No.17604579
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This book. I’m almost done with all of them at last.

>> No.17604596

An imagist poetry anthology
Not all the way through but my favs are Richard Aldington, TE Hulme, John Gould Fletcher (probably the most consistently quality balance between allusive and accessible), some Wallace Stevens poems are really good but im not done w him, Pound and HD have some of the highest highs but are really inconsistent.
Best poets in there so far are definitely aldington and fletcher. See evening and the poplar by aldington and rain in the desert and irradiations by fletcher.

>> No.17604629

Duns scotus, Metaphysician by alan b wolter
The end of an affair by graham greene
an introduction to foundational logic d q mcinerny

>> No.17604639

Just got done reading Ice by Anna Kavan. I found it flawed but overall pretty good (needed more lemurs). Next I want to read Wuthering Heights.

>> No.17604643
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This book. It is the origin of the Honkler, Lulzboat, and Roastie memes, among others.

>> No.17604661

That event actually occurs way before the end of the novel and isn't even really the end

>> No.17604736 [DELETED] 

Apparently goths REEEAAAALLY loved to say the n-word back then.

>> No.17604745
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Apparently goths REEAAAALLY loved to say the n-word back then.

>> No.17604755

A collection of Robert Graves stories. I enjoy his style and his knowledge of the ancient world really shows in his Roman stories but he does tend to reuse the same short story structures a lot.

>> No.17604769

I'm reading 1984. Wow..it's powerful. Just wow.

>> No.17604773
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I'm re-reading The Forever War for like the 5th time. I want to read whichever book comes after Dune but it's been like 12 years since I read Dune so idk

>> No.17604785

>Actually enjoying Tolstoy

Holy fucking pleb.

>> No.17604798
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Started reading it about 2 weeks ago then stopped since I got sick and can't enjoy anything feeling bad... just returned to it today.

>> No.17604835

Oliver Twist (was ok) and Carver's complete stories. Some were really good but I'm sure others went over my head, will read again in a few years.

Next is Piranesi by Suzanne Clarke since a friend lent it to me. Looks like a fantasy book so I'm sceptical, but we'll see.

>> No.17604858

Read 'WE' next
Yevgeny Zamyatin.

>> No.17604911
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>> No.17605201
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Just started Roadside Picnic
I’ve seen Stalker a million times but only recently got the book. Dialogue feels quite Americanised in this translation. Normally I wouldn’t mind but it’s weird imagining a Russian guy talking like Holden Caulfield.

>> No.17605206

I'd fuck those feet

>> No.17605246
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She's 10

>> No.17605253

just taliked to a guy reading jan eyre on omegle. something about car battery littering

>> No.17605281

Berserk VOL3. Better than most sword and sorcery.

>> No.17605297


>> No.17605302


>> No.17605307
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>The ego and its own - Max Stirner
I'm only at the start after reading an introduction and the first chapter. This has been enough to draw my interest. I think I need to backtrack and read some Hegel first, but then I'll start on Hegel and probably have to backtrack further. So instead I'm trying to get a brief enough summary on Hegel first from watching youtube and listening to podcasts before I continue. I want to read Nietzsche at some point, so I'm trying to understand some of his influences and forbearers first.

>> No.17605308

The Good Soldier Svejk, it's pretty great so far. Well, that's the thing I'm reading that I'm paying to most attention to, I'm reading a few other things as well.
Reading a book from this series on Statistics, it's a comfy series mostly.

>> No.17605478

i'd fuck those feet

>> No.17605518
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look at some adult feet instead, you degenerate

>> No.17605528

East of Eden.

It's pretty damn good.

>> No.17605534

Baptism of Fire. The journey has come to a close...

>> No.17605602
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>Roberto Calasso - La Folie Baudelaire
Liking it so far, although, as always, very scattered. I am going through his whole series but I keep being unsure whether he is a hack or the only italian writer who was on par with Eco in terms of cultural relevance. There is a weird metaphysical twist to these novel/essays he writes, where he connects vedantic theories of sacrifices with the imagery of certain writers (Baudelaire especially), painters, thinkers, etc. I don't know how much I buy into that, but it sure is an interesting literary experiment.

>> No.17605676

Just finished Lolita, getting ready to start on the Iliad. There's not much that can follow Lolita so I might as well do a classic. It was a little uncanny reading Nabokov's short essay following the conclusion though, in how closely my independently arrived conclusions on writing parallel those of Nabokov. For the most part, anyway. Nabokov was truly one of the greatest literary stylists who ever lived. It makes me sad that stylism seems to be mostly dead—settled science, even, if we take the legions of mass-produced MFAists at their word.

>> No.17605683

Don’t make fun of me but I’m reading that People Mover book

>> No.17605709
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Calde of the Long Sun

I hope Oreb doesn't die

>> No.17605713

Roadside Picnic is set in Canada

>> No.17606188

Where did you come from, Cotton Eye Jon?

Atomic Habits- James Clear
Tools of Titans- Tim Ferris
Way of the superior Man- David Deida

>> No.17606247

War and peace but I got too sleepy because I started reading at 6 am and now its 11 am

>> No.17606255

Pretty much all of the 19th century novels with that premise end in the same way

>> No.17606272
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Liu Cixin's Death's End
Pic related

>> No.17606307
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Immortality Key by Moreseku.