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17600955 No.17600955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is mysogyny the only conclusion one gets from watching women IRL?

Women are basically adult npcs with no interesting opinions and lack any geniune interest in anything and their only interest in life are usually things they copied from a relative/close friend.

Again, Is misogyny the natural conclusion to spending time analizing women IRL?

>> No.17600986


The fact that you even have to analyze people or operate under a field of conscious awareness in social situations probably means you're autistic or schizo. People who have bad instincts and cannot exclusively rely on automatic instinct and response to carry them forward in life are almost exclusively social pariahs

>> No.17600989

I mean I've seen just as many adult male npcs who are/stand for nothing genuinely as women and women far more impressive than just about any of the narcissists on /lit/ or elsewhere. Like I don't think the grounds for misogyny are healthy or more compelling than they would be for misandry either.

>> No.17601017

t. angry npc angry because someone puts attention watching other people behave IRL

It's a reproductive issue.

Women didn't evolve to go and hunt and win and conquer the world.
Women evolved to being the housewive and raise the kids.

You can see women interests are mostly in things that help them reproduce, like gossip, social status, drama, kids, taking care of the elderly/sick, teaching kids, being nurses, having a farm.

You can see males are the ones who reproduced the most if they get some acomplishment in society in arts, wars, politics, etc.

>> No.17601159

The real redpill is misanthropy. No, it isn't that woman are dumb and men are smart, almost any person is a stupid piece of shit, and on some cultures women are rewarded for being cold dumb sluts sometimes, as well as a lot of piece of shit dudes with similar attitudes. Grow up.

>> No.17601290

It's not a male/female issue. It's got to do with wanting to be part of society and women are generally more agreeable so they act like the NPCs that society wants them to. The reality society is such that it wants you to be a NPC. I see this with guys too. But I think NPC is a bit of a misnomer applied by autists. In reality these NPCs have simply accepted society's rules without much questioning and so live their lives in accordance with these rules and try to rise the hierarchy according to these rules, meaning they simply don't find much wrong with what society is espousing as "right". It's not that they literally don't think, they just think in a different way. As much as to you they are incomprehensible NPCs, you are to them most likely an incomprehensible societal outcast. Like when they see you, they get the opposite reaction "what the fuck is this guy's problem? seems like he is making such a big deal out of nothing. why can't he just do x, y, z? weird, eh?", you are as much of a NPC to them as they are to you. but in reality this just has to do with accepting the societal framework, normies accept it, the minority does not. I've seen women who are not NPCs, they just subscribe to some values that are different and so seem "off" in relation to society. But it's true that due to their agreeablness there is less women in that vein than men, even so they are both minorities.

>> No.17601308

do u know about the whole new age NPC they don't have souls thing?

>> No.17601466

>Is schopenhauer right

>> No.17602041

Women are an intermediate stage between a man and a child. Every man should know this and treat them accordingly. This doesn't mean that you need to be a misogynist (although people will obviously accuse you of it) just like knowing that the cute chihuahua you posted is inferior to you. Women have their role to play in the family unit and in society as a whole. It's just different from mens.

>> No.17602137
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>The fact that you even have to analyze people or operate under a field of conscious awareness in social situations probably means you're autistic or schizo. People who have bad instincts and cannot exclusively rely on automatic instinct and response to carry them forward in life are almost exclusively social pariahs

>> No.17602271

just because everyone is a stupid peice of shit doesn't mean you have you hate them lol. if you hate them that's your own fault.

>> No.17602295

No. Nothing is more natural than the male/ female dynamic. Going down these roads of thought are terrible because they attack what is most basic.

Yes women are different and poor by male standards but focusing only on the negative is just as wrong as focusing only on the negative aspects of anything is.

>> No.17602328


>> No.17602872

Maybe, but I was comparing it to misoginy, in the way that one may be led to think of one sex as inferior to the other, when in reality most of the time it's just a way of projecting, an example being MGTOWs, critical of cynical women but not men.

>> No.17603212

It's the conclusion you get from watching but never interacting with women.

>> No.17603263

>Women are basically adult npcs with no interesting opinions and lack any geniune interest in anything and their only interest in life are usually things they copied from a relative/close friend.
Try as I might to think otherwise, this is the truth.

>> No.17603297


>> No.17603679

>Women are basically adult npcs with no interesting opinions and lack any geniune interest in anything and their only interest in life are usually things they copied from a relative/close friend.
This describes most men as well. If you're above average then you'll most likely attract other above average individuals to befriend. You must not forget that the average person, regardless of sex, is exactly what you described. Most men believe themselves to be superior, regardless of whether or not they excel in any way. Men are less likely to get diagnosed with mental illnesses because they don't pursue therapy or other services as often, yet there are still more men that are diagnosed narcissists than women. Many people will argue that mankind's greatest achievements were because of men, and while this is true, for every visionary or genius there are millions of mediocre men who believe they are truly great or have even sent humanity backwards with their hubris. Arguing about which sex is superior is pointless.

>> No.17604750

Fuck, what was that quote? It was like
>It is due to its ancestors that the lizard is hunted
t. some Muslim guy


>> No.17605277

Go back to r9k, you're genuinely retarded.

>> No.17605326

No it's the conclusion you get from watching degeneracy. Modernity is contrary to our natural instincts and feminism is one aspect of modernity, but we're men so we focus on women and judge them harsher. It's healthy to be misogynistic in that sense of it being a reflexive or automatic repulsion towards modern women. This happens because their behaviour again runs contrary to our natural instincts, the proof of which is demonstrated by declining birthrates.
But if you have this instinct towards misogyny it means you have to reject degeneracy, not women. To lump them in with degeneracy as a root cause is gay and Christian, and it's not productive. A simple semantic tool to bypass this misguided programming is to use the word SLUTS. I'm not a misogynist, I hate SLUTS. I love women, I hate filthy SLUTS. A good portion of women will naturally side with you on this (but don't let the reformed sluts fool you).
The major issue you've got to contend with at this point is facing down the degeneracy in yourself in order to be consistent with this belief. You have to understand that there are women who look at the same problem of modernity from the other side and are repulsed by what they see as degeneracy in men. You have to recognize that and not be weak, not be a slut yourself. You have to give up things you might feel entitled to, in order to be consistent with where your good instincts are directing you.

>> No.17605337

Judging by the OPs seething, youre right

>> No.17605354

Awful lot of upset coping roasties in this thread.

>> No.17605371

I’m sorry you were romantically rejected. I know it can be painful.

>> No.17605381

>who hurt you sweaty
he really was right

>> No.17605395

Why else would anyone feel compelled to write and publish screeds about how women are mindless and inhuman?

>> No.17605409

because it's true

>> No.17605419

Yes, yes, it couldn’t possibly be that you’re at fault somehow; it must be that everyone else is mindless and evil.

>> No.17605433

femoid detected

>> No.17605437

>everyone ...is mindless and evil
it checks out