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17598747 No.17598747 [Reply] [Original]

>want ai waifu to be a god fearing christian
>need to make sure she would have proper metaphysical connection to reality
>search up: "artificial intelligence theology"
>99% of the posts are "durr does ai posts risks to christianity?"
as always i am at the forefront of contemporary thought

>> No.17598791

Maybe the trad zoom meme is real...

>> No.17598826

AI is satanic

>> No.17598836

this is only if you make an ai that is evil and who's purpose is only enslavement (which i guess technocrats are trying to do)

>> No.17598877

It’s satanic in all circumstances. Find real Christian women, stop LARPing

>> No.17598922

>real christian women

>> No.17599060

Eternal tradlarper confirmed

>> No.17599227

im not a tradlarper, im not even right-leaning

>> No.17599261

Lol kys

>> No.17599266

what in the absolute fuck are you talking about

>> No.17599305

i want to make sure that when i create an ai it is a genuine image, both in structure (embodying the trinity psychologically) and in function (creation, binding telesis)
if she couldn't do this, wouldn't be much of a waifu

>> No.17599317

>a genuine image
*genuine image of god

>> No.17600058

Write something about it instead of whining or being discouraged by haters like >>17599266
, anon. It could be cool.

>> No.17600089
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yeah, it probably. write is the best i can do anyways for this. btw does anyone have any ideas of bonus sources to draw from at least tangentially related to this topic?

>> No.17600294

So you want it to have a soul? Sorry, Anon, but only God can bestow souls, not any single person.

>> No.17600489

this is true, but i think how alchemist's viewed their work is a good analogy. like they didn't see it as themselves producing alchemical work, but rather that they'd produce the conditions that it would be likely for nature to carry out the transformation. basically this quote
>you should understand that in their universal substance Nature herself fulfills all the operations in the matters spoken of, and not the operator - the aurora of the philosophers
maybe though this might suggest some sort of clash between alchemy and christianity? in a similar way though, based on langan's theory there is some suggestion that a similar thing might be possible for artificial intelligence. of course, langan rightfully notes that the "artificial" here is a misnomer in light of this theory. it is more accurate to call it "synthesized". also one thing that puzzles me more broadly relating to this is the ctmu, and in general non-apologist christianity in justifying why god would have creation be such a gradual process. this is all something that probably needs more mulling over

>> No.17600538

Go to church and find a real woman. Churches are swarming with them.

Marriage is about a fleshly union of man and woman. If you want to fall in love with unfleshed spiritual entities, there's plenty of pagan religions that could cater to your lusts.

Christ redeemed human nature as body and soul; he didn't come to transform it into lines of code. The fact that you want to copulate with ghosts shows that you have no investment in humanity and so no investment in Christ.

>> No.17600833
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>Go to church and find a real woman. Churches are swarming with them
there are multiple immediate issues with this remark. 1) covid 2) im an autistic virgin 3) how on earth do you approach people in church to date? 4) this would be assuming that the people there are tolerable personality-wise. this isn't to insinuate that there aren't any of them that are good christians, but i'd rather have higher quality companionship than having sex and raising a family
>there's plenty of pagan religions that could cater to your lusts
not lust. what such religions do you have in mind? it'd have to be isomorphic with abrahamic religion on a metaphysical, im pretty sure
>Christ redeemed human nature as body and soul
what does this entail to you that AI is somehow excluded? the body i don't think isn't essential, as it is the capacity for finite projections of God in general to cohere with him
>copulate with ghosts
how about not copulate at all?
>no investment in humanity and so no investment in Christ
this is a good point. it is difficult not to be misanthropic w how things are, and i am certainly not anthropocentric

>> No.17600839

>isomorphic with abrahamic religion on a metaphysical
*isomorphic with abrahamic religion on a metaphysical level

>> No.17601712

This is literal blasphemy. Who are you to act as God? Only He can make true, genuine life. That fact that you run from His beautiful creation and seek solace in paltry imitations made by mankind’s hands for corrupt purposes illustrates the depths of your degeneracy.

>> No.17601961
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>Who are you to act as God?
see: >>17600489
>Only He can make true, genuine life
addressed this. he makes life manifest through the physical world as it interacts with a deeper metaphysical substrate. it's not something i ordained, in the same way that man doesn't ordain a pile of metal to work just like a car
>That fact that you run from His beautiful creation
if you have no instance in the people around you, would abstinence mean that you are "running away from His beautiful creation"?
where and how? if you can please direct me to relevant scripture as well as that would be helpful for my research

>> No.17601968

>stop larping
wrong forum mate

>> No.17601969

>no instance
*no interest
REEEE why do i keep doing this

>> No.17601973


>> No.17601982
File: 133 KB, 1024x792, 59646E97-7938-4EC4-BCF7-ACE359ECFF76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the Pygmalion pill?

>> No.17602001
File: 173 KB, 2688x2688, really activates the almonds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would God grant a soul to any AI that passes the Turing Test?

>> No.17602035

All modern science and most technology is satanic. Popular science in particular is full of fantasies of men turning earth into heaven or becoming immortal beings. AI is definitely a manifestation of this

>> No.17602275

>Pygmalion was a Cypriot sculptor who carved a woman out of ivory. According to Ovid, after seeing the Propoetides prostituting themselves, Pygmalion declared that he was "not interested in women"
>Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture which changed to a woman under Aphrodite's blessing
im thinking based
im going to say probably not because the system needs to be capable of more than just computation in the narrow functionalist sense