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File: 21 KB, 300x400, neil-gaiman_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1759935 No.1759935 [Reply] [Original]

Neil Gaiman books I should read, /lit/?

So far I've read Coraline, Neverwhere, Stardust, American Gods, and Good Omens. Looking forward to Anansi Boys.

Beyond that, what's good by him?

>> No.1759942

haha u read kids books

>> No.1759941

get a pass to your local art school library on a rainy saturday and spend the whole day reading sandman

>> No.1759946

Whats good? Sandman.

Gaiman books are also goth girl magnets, OP. Wave one around near them and theyll follow you like bees.

>> No.1759948

I thought Gaiman was awful.

I read American Gods and Neverwhere.

>> No.1759951
File: 79 KB, 500x375, 333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's because he is awful.

>> No.1759967

Sandman is his best work.

His short story collections are also very fun.

>> No.1759970

handsome fella, nice guy, good imagination. shitting a brick over the idea that someone would enjoy the work of an extremely popular writer is a sure sign of deep-seated intellectual insecurity and/or being a 16-year-old who just read babby's first ap lit assigned book

>> No.1759979


>I dislike what you like! STOP LIKING THINGS I DON'T LIKE.

Please kindly stop shitting up my thread. While I'll be the first to admit that his characterization (at least of main characters) is somewhat lackluster, his world building is most certainly not.

Gaiman is formulaic: you have a mundane protagonist, who follows a character to a world beyond their imagining that was right next door to them all along. This world often changes the protagonist, who opts to become a permanent part of it. But what makes him able to do this, what makes it worth reading, is that he's able to build those magical worlds so genuinely well.

If you don't like him, that's fine, and you have two options to deal with it. Either don't post in the thread and find something you DO like, or post some criticism as to WHY you don't like him, something to get a conversation rolling.

Because, at the end of the day, nothing makes you look quite as retarded as butting into someone else's thread and saying, "LOL u fag, stop being fag."

>> No.1759983

What is the name of that Paul Simon song where he lists all these girls' names and rhymes something with each one?

>> No.1759989

This New Yorker profile made me like him: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/01/25/100125fa_fact_goodyear

gave me a new sympathy for people with rabid nerd fanbases, too

>> No.1759991

50 ways to leave your lover? but that's guys

maybe you're thinking of mambo no. 5

>> No.1759997


Shot broseph, '50 ways to leave your lover', that was it!

>> No.1760001


I'm not sure Gaiman's got it so bad. Anymore, anyway. When he first came out with Sandman he probably had to keep a blackjack around to beat back all the goth chicks.

Robert Pattinson has it the worst of any celebrity, dude is in a genuine self-hating depression over how creepy/retarded his fans are.

>> No.1760004


you are a rabid nerd

>> No.1760005

>free bumps from shit tier trolls


>> No.1760007
File: 11 KB, 320x238, robert pattinson 200905150955 Robert Pattinson Autograph Tattoo: Signature Dedication ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I don't know what you mean

believe me, I know!

>> No.1760116

SANDMAN. The special issue illustrated by Amano is fucking rad.

>> No.1760133

I was lucky enough in the 90s to have friends who were comic illustrators, inkers and writers, one of them got sent, after doing some artwork for the same publisher, every Sandman up to that point in graphic novel format. He didn't like Sandman so gave them all to me :)

Happy Days....sigh

>> No.1760224

>Looking forward to Anansi Boys.
You saved the best for last, in my opinion. It has all the best features of his writing while being uncharacteristically light and really fucking funny.

>> No.1760247

I agree with this, he's a good light read. His short stories are enjoyable as well. I'd recommend Bitter Grounds, short story about zombies and voodoo.