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File: 291 KB, 592x709, leftist_coca_cola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17597979 No.17597979 [Reply] [Original]

will robin diangelo be remembered as the most influential writer of our time?

>> No.17597981


>> No.17597990

Why do leftoid Americans accept this? It's insane.

>> No.17598024

It’s neo puritanicalism, indulgence in guilt, repentance, self flagellation, etc. Look up zizeks videos on white liberals

>> No.17598090
File: 40 KB, 360x480, 99987292-72B3-46A7-B73B-C17BA5B99FF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people be cray cray

>> No.17598112

How does one become less of what one is?

>> No.17598206

Because every authority in their lives tells them that giving into this makes them a good person.

>> No.17598207

They have like 20 definitions of white that they jump between based on what's convenient. Sometimes it's being white. Sometimes it's participating in a white majority system. This allows them to say whatever they want. If you criticize it they can jump to the softest definition even though they know their audience interprets it with the harshest definition

>> No.17598234

>white people are socialized to feel they are superior because they are white
>research shows that by 3-4 Yo children understand that is it better to be white
These don't mean the same thing so I have to assume it's as bad faith as all intersectionalist projects are. Imagine telling everyone about white privilege all the time and twisting a belief in white privilege to mean a subscription to white supremacy.

>> No.17598240

Already forgotten by like August 2020

>> No.17598241
File: 50 KB, 708x404, m4qlid7vyy631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will see these people destroyed. I set my every atom against it.

>> No.17598247

These people spend all their time saying race is important and has significant impacts on your day to day life and then get surprised when people end up valuing race

>> No.17598251

Unfortunately, yes.

>> No.17598255

They want full on civil war because they think they’ll win.

>> No.17598265
File: 285 KB, 646x431, basedmelbasedvince.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll follow you brother

>> No.17598281

its also brown women trying to make white men feel bad so they'll fuck them

>> No.17598308

Based and truthpilled. These lunatics unironically have a fetish for being colonized

>> No.17598318

And post-walls trying to add meaning to their lonely lives

>> No.17598319

>tfw no attractive brown girl has ever tried to guilt me into sleeping with her
I guess I must be a failure.

>> No.17598324

What choice do they have? Their votes were not even counted lmao. They're under rogue communist occupation.

>> No.17598350

Reminder Bernie won in 2016 and got bought off with a lake house

>> No.17598358

She'll certainly be a parable of the horrors of academic echo chambers.

>> No.17598362

Bernie won in 2020 as well. Amazing that American leftists really believe that "Black folk don't know Bernie. Blacks are so scared of white supremacist Republicans that they have to vote for centrist dems or they'll be genocided" and haven't realized yet that they use black names when they're manufacturing fake votes. Imagine believing 66% of black women vote.