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17597352 No.17597352 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stay focused on reading when there is too many distractions such as videogames, tv shows, youtube, podcasts, movies and other shit

>> No.17597359

Stop doing those other distractions altogether. Simple.

>> No.17597362

Read while you do those things. It isn't hard.

>> No.17597460

OP is a faggot for not responding

>> No.17597637

All of those things are so shit now that I have nothing to do but read.

>> No.17597747

but what if I like all of those things also

>> No.17597837
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I listen to audiobooks while working on my farm.

>> No.17597840

Do thing you like instead of doing thing you don't like

>> No.17598134

Then you like too many things. Life is improved with specialization, not with broad dopamine seeking.

>> No.17598145

I leave my phone and laptop in another room. I don’t care about video games, and I don’t impulsively watch tv or movies.

>> No.17598147

meditate and read engaging books

>> No.17598260

>Life is improved with specialization, not with broad dopamine seeking.
I'm exactly the opposite, I am extremely eclectic and just like you described, definitely like too many things

>> No.17598586

>dont care about video games

t-teach me master

>> No.17598595

i masturbate to asian threesome porn

>> No.17598636

Why do you guys want to read when you'd rather do other things? Why not just enjoy video games, tv shows, youtube, and so on?

>> No.17598637

>fell for the audio book meme
Imagine not enjoying a book at your own leisurely pace for excercising imagery.

>> No.17598649

No social media.
No television.
Youtube intermittently, but I try to keep it to somewhat intellectual topics, like history and political lectures.
Podcasts are generally unqualified brainlets pontificating on something that was more interesting to learn about through a wikipedia article.

>> No.17598674
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Im more compelled to read a book than watching TV and movies because books are genuinely more engaging and interesting to me. I've grown out of anime and only watch 2 episodes of morning cartoons everyday. Never played video games in my entire life an never plan to do so. The only things i use youtube for are binaural beats an tiger videos(michael jamison to be specific). I don't use electronics much except for my e-reader.

>> No.17598765
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You don't have to be that way.

I gave up video games last year, and TV shows this year. Not certain if I'll give up movies next, but some still warrant attention. Theres no trick to it, took me almost six years to get here, you just have to find something you value more and slowly you'll start to feel like gaming does nothing but waste the time you could be using for your other activities, eventually you won't even get the same dopamine hits.

It wasn't a matter of feeling like wanting to do something else, like play video games. It's that the dopamine reward for gaming was so high that I would gravitate towards it even though my soul burned to go outside or read or cook. Surely you've felt the same, like browsing this website reluctantly when you'd rather be doing anything else. (I'm at work so idgaf)

>Never played video games in my entire life
Rare, if not larping. Don't ever bother trying them, they don't add any beauty to life.

>> No.17598783

>never played videogames in my entire life


>> No.17598903

>You don't have to be that way.
so I should stop liking movies, podcasts and other things?

>> No.17598906

If you don't want to like those things, then yes.

>> No.17598926


>> No.17598931

Not him but I just don't have the hardware and am too lazy to bother getting it, thus I do other shit I enjoy, ie, reading.

>> No.17598939

>No social media.
What do you think 4chan is?

>> No.17598951


>> No.17598980

The french audiobook for the Three Body Problem trilogy i'm listening to is being read at maybe half my own reading speed, so i'm actually more immersed in the universe this way.

>> No.17599190

Alright, so I have ADHD and I'll tell you the way I keep from getting distracted is fairly simple. One you need to make any electronic devices such as computers, TVs, and gaming consoles harder to access. I've had issues with Internet addiction before and while I'm not completely cured of it, I have reduced the temptation to look at my phone or computer first thing in the morning by putting those items enough distance from my bed so they aren't as easy to grab.
Second make time for reading. One problem you might have is that you might be busy with a lot of things such as school or work so once leisure time comes it might feel more easy and instantly gratifying to fire up a TV show or Video Game. I would say be mindful of your schedule and think about when you could be reading. Not only that but I guarantee you that there are many times when you can you read but you haven't thought about doing it. For example a good time to read is if you are at a doctors office or you are a passenger in a car (I don't do this one because unfortunately I have motion sickness issues) or you are at the airport. Of course these aren't the only places you can do this but they are good opportunities.
Third I would say you might want to change up your environment. What I mean by this is if you have trouble reading because you get distracted easily simply go into another environment. This can mean going to a room of your house and/or apartment where there are less distractions. It can also mean going outside and reading. Me personally if there's a porch on a building I live in then I like reading there if the weather is good. I would honestly do so right now but I live in Maine and it's the middle of winter which means that the back porch which I would do so on during summer is snowed in.
Lastly I would say is make sure you are reading something that you want to read. This isn't to say that there is nothing valuable to occasionally stepping out of your comfort zone, and also keep in mind that a book might grow on you but I would say that if you read something you do not like you are less likely to consistently read it.
I would say the last rule is something you can bend a lot more because sometimes you might think that you absolutely hate a book and then find the exact opposite feeling after reading it for a while. For example I've been readin Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon and at first because of the prose I was a little off put about it and almost dismissed it as pretentious trash. However, after reading it a while the book started to grow on me and I began to like it a lot more. Point being read what you want to read but don't just stick to that because you might be missing out on something.
That said all of these are not hard and fast rules especially since everyone is different and I don't know you IRL but doing these things have helped me to become a better reader than I was. Enough so that I posted them so that others can help themselves begin reading.

>> No.17599246

The books are more interesting, anon

>> No.17599359

I learned the hard truth that singleplayer games are beyond garbage, usually, unless the plot is great. Thus, games are relegated to friend-time. TV and movies are literally retard tier right now. Exercise helps focus.

>> No.17600054


>> No.17600068

> TV and movies are literally retard tier right now
you probably know fuckall about good movies then

>> No.17600104

channel your autism, bro

>> No.17601116
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