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File: 2.31 MB, 1700x1700, Marcus_Aurelius_Glyptothek_München.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17593824 No.17593824 [Reply] [Original]

You realize this guy was a literal cuck? His wife was a whore. He named emperor a child that was not his; the father of that child was a gladiator (lmao).

Remember this the next time stoicucks tell you to read their copes.

>> No.17593844

>no source

>> No.17593848
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>> No.17593883
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Faustina the Younger (130–175) was a daughter of Emperor Antoninus Pius (ruled 138–161). She was also a cousin and wife of Pius’s successor, Emperor Marcus Aurelius (ruled 161–180).
The Roman gossipers claimed Faustina cheated on her husband all the time. Supposedly, she had affairs with senators, soldiers, sailors, and gladiators.
In Roman times, the gladiators were sex symbols. The Romans believed the sweat and blood of the gladiators were an aphrodisiac. The rich and influential Roman women hired the gladiators as their ‘bodyguards’. Of course, they desired for their bodies to be ‘closely guarded’ by these slave-warriors.
Faustina was so infatuated with the particular gladiator that she actually fell ill. She admitted the affair to her loving husband, Marcus Aurelius. Aurelius consulted soothsayers, who proposed the most unusual solution.
Aurelius summoned Faustina and the gladiator in his room and asked them to have sex. While they were having sex, Aurelius’s soldiers executed the poor guy. Faustina had to bathe in the gladiator’s blood. After the gladiator was dead, Aurelius and Faustina had sex.
The Romans believed the gladiator’s blood was a powerful aphrodisiac. By bathing in the gladiator’s blood, Faustina would renew her passion for Aurelius.

>> No.17593902

Still no source.

>> No.17593905

Epicureanism is better anyway

>> No.17593916

Bro, quit it. Twitter and some blogs from internet intelectuals have shown this. Fuck off you cuck.

>> No.17593925

(and his wife's son)

>> No.17593927

>philosophy so based that it can't be disproven
>literally every other philosophy is a massive coping mechanism
>the avarage stoic is 3 times stronger than any other philosophycuck

You cannot disprove this, and sadly you know it, every man capable of reading always found in stoic philosophy the answer to their worries, even fucking Leopardi thought stoicism was good

>> No.17593929


>> No.17593943

Bro, stoicism is THE cope, maybe beaten only by Buddhism.

>> No.17593947

nah but I hate this guy goes on and on about pfft material concerns but he's the fucking emperor of rome. it would mean a lot more coming from a peasant.

>> No.17593957

He got it from Epictetus who was a fucking slave, that low enough for you?

>> No.17593962


>> No.17593968

all philosophy in the modern world if for cucks, losers who can not fit in the society. All the questions have been answered, just go out there and live. pussy

>> No.17593985

Ralph Wiggum has fun eating his paste until Lisa breaks his fucking heart and he has no way to deal with it.

>> No.17593986

>The rich and influential Roman women hired the gladiators as their ‘bodyguards’. Of course, they desired for their bodies to be ‘closely guarded’ by these slave-warriors.
Wasn't Rome supposed to be a patriarchal society, how did rich women were able to keep bodyguards around as fucktoys. Things were more complex than I had imagined it seems.
>She admitted the affair to her loving husband, Marcus Aurelius. Aurelius consulted soothsayers, who proposed the most unusual solution. Aurelius summoned Faustina and the gladiator in his room and asked them to have sex. While they were having sex, Aurelius’s soldiers executed the poor guy. Faustina had to bathe in the gladiator’s blood. After the gladiator was dead, Aurelius and Faustina had sex.
^thanks for the sex tips, Marcus

>> No.17593992

Rofl suck my cock hylic

>> No.17593995

How to pronounce stoicucks?

>> No.17593998


>> No.17594004

yes, much better. I will read him instead

>> No.17594011

not really. you can't expect a poorfag to denounce the material except as a cope (i know because i'm a poorfag). it means much more from someone who has it all although aurelius didn't have any easy life anyway. granted, it's common (today) for richoids to pretend to not care for it while still enjoying it beyond the what the common man has.

>> No.17594019

so many bullshit assumptions in so few lines

you should, he's better, aurelius just has a journal.

>> No.17594060

A woman was a whore, next you'll be telling me the sky is blue.

>> No.17594066

you will never have sex with a women

>> No.17594186

the point is that all of aurelius material needs are provided for. it's very easy to be stoic when you live a life that is so unrealistic

>> No.17594233
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>have sex, bro
>sin, bro
>what are you a virgin loser??

>> No.17594278

What is even the purpose of stoicism? Pridefulness?
Who gives a shit about what others think about your reaction to suffering?

Unless they’re whining about something completely trivial, who cares about somebody’s reaction to something like that?

>> No.17594996


>> No.17595041


>> No.17595895


>> No.17596927

>Hates stoicism because he is too weak to pursue a better life for himself
>makes up inane arguments

The absolute state

>> No.17597023

Go back.

>> No.17597047
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>> No.17597078

He cannot be cucked because he owns nothing. He knew his wife’s actions were not his

>> No.17597250


>> No.17597253
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Stoicbros we are redeemed

>> No.17597280

>All the questions have been answered, just go out there and live. pussy
unironically this, but I only noticed after reading wittgenstein. stop trying to find abstract answers, go out and learn about the world

>> No.17597332

People who beat others over the head with half-true accounts of greek stoics don't actually know anything about philosophy or history. They're just neocons, libertardians and foreign bankers trying to build a narrative to keep inline the peasants whose backs support their disgusting fat asses.

>> No.17597848
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>> No.17598004

Stoicism fails in the same manner probably every other philosophy does.
It teaches you good things like discipline and virtue but, at the same time, it doesn't give you a good enough reason to actually implement these things in your life.
Being virtuous is good but kinda pointless if there is no elaborate metaphysical framework underneath.

>> No.17598027

When told the news, Aurelius reportedly did not weep, but said, "I knew my wife was a whore."

>> No.17598033

literally 0 reasonable source exists for commodus not being the son of Marcus Aurelius

>> No.17598050


>> No.17598061

Well no, it depends what he does after he finds out his wife cucked him. Did he leave her or what? That is what decides whether he is a cuck.

>> No.17598088

>Did he leave her
What do you think? lmao

>> No.17598128

srsly though is Meditations from him worth reading?

I'm thinking about ordering it along with Geneology of MOrality

>> No.17598156

Meditations is the best self help book ever written. A lot of the ideas in it are echoed in later philosophy as well. If you are into existentialism or will get into it later you’ll notice a lot of the stuff Aurelius talks about applies to that as well.

>> No.17598175

thanks. Just ordered it.

>> No.17598229

I have noticed that a lot of the Farnam Street types all extoll Stoicism for some odd reason. Fascinating.

>> No.17598375

you will never be a woman.

>> No.17598794

The argument for reason and virtue is the same argument Plato puts forward in Republic, it is the path that brings one the highest pleasure (or joy if you take issue with that word)

>> No.17599141
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>The Roman gossipers claimed

>> No.17599490

Ralph would be smart enough to not fall in love because he knows romantic relationships cause more pain than pleasure. He would be satisfied with his close friends with whom he can pursue knowledge together

>> No.17599530

then why Commodus looks like his clone?

>> No.17600026

>Has never read any virtue ethics.